JeongHye Yoon If you don't mind I would like to recommend Haruchika, Kuchibiru ni uta o, Hidamari no Kanojo, and I want to eat your pancreas. Maybe you've already watched it, but if you haven't I really recommend you to watch it. The stories are beautiful, full of emotions, and the backsounds make it a complete package.
Hope tvN can create an original soundtracks album of this drama, including the song that composed by ONE and all the instrumental songs/music that either played in the drama and its teasers. I beg you, tvN 😭
Whenever one being the main lead of romance drama everything become japanese feels 😂😂 just remember him in goodbye summer which had a film festival vibe but somehiw it's so japanese style
please can someone tell me where to find full episodes with English subs of this.. Been looking for it everywhere.. Any link please.. Thank you so much😭
@tvN DRAMA, *PLEASE TELL ME THE SONG TITLE ON* 00:09 PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE @TvN 드라마, 내게 노래 제목을 말해줘 00:49 주세요! 주세요~ 제발 제발 제발 제발 :(( I beg you
Honestly they could do another and explain his situation and show the his present because i know its a beautiful ending but my heart cabt handle ut i want to know how he end up in the future ...
Can we do a petition for ONE to be part of school 2019?? He’s soo freaking precious and pure i love him already 😍😍😍😍
Japanese vibes on korean dramaa love both of them
Aqila Nur Rahmalia kmu tau judulnya apa dramanya ini?
+kim berliana tvN drama Stage: Anthology
Aqila Nur Rahmalia do you mind recommending a Japanese drama/movie like this one?
JeongHye Yoon If you don't mind I would like to recommend Haruchika, Kuchibiru ni uta o, Hidamari no Kanojo, and I want to eat your pancreas. Maybe you've already watched it, but if you haven't I really recommend you to watch it. The stories are beautiful, full of emotions, and the backsounds make it a complete package.
JeongHye Yoon you can watch japanese drama called love in tokyo and it has 2 season.. Very romantic drama
This is look so Japanesse. And I love it.
A. ANS because somehow the boy looks like a japanese actor but i forgot his name
Wulan Andriyani he is Jaewon,, but we also call him ONE.. this is his intagram
He is YG's new Soloist❤️
Moon Wulan his name is "One"(원)
A. ANS do you mind recommending a Japanese drama/movie like this one?
I seriously thought this was a japanese drama until I realized the tvN mark on the corner 😂 it delivers the feels that japanese movies usually does.
2:05 the guy that threw the ball at her face is me 😂😂😂😂
리아나 I laugh so hard when he threw the ball 😂😂😂
Really 😄😄
Seriously ?
Dat was so funny 😂😂😂😂
리아나 hahahahaha
jaewon aaaaaaaahhhhhh~~~ ♥♥♥♥
can we appreciate the slow motion effect @1:29 it was so beautifully shot + the song really fits that part and it gave me CHILLS damn
please make a drama version of this with the same cast😭😭 im so in love with the story cant move on T.T ❤️
Hella handsome....ONE is like a mixture of Jihoon WANNA ONE park hae jin ( cheese in the trap)
I have to disagree, more like Winner's Jinwoo and Park Hae Jin
Myungsoop opinion differences accepted😊
What is dorama ?
for me he looks like the son of jinyoung and jihoon, jinwoo and lee jong suk (his smile)
I wish they can have a drama, their chemistry is so strong 😊 YG X JYP
Jiryll HLB I wish the same too! They act so naturally good 😍
Eunsoo is so cute here hahaha.
Hope tvN can create an original soundtracks album of this drama, including the song that composed by ONE and all the instrumental songs/music that either played in the drama and its teasers. I beg you, tvN 😭
Bella Vitiara whats the name of the drama
Myself it's Anthology
Bella Vitiara thanks a lot
tatapan si mas jaewon suka bikin melting
Keep watching this drama again and again.. Love the story and cast too.. Hope they can acting together again 😊
where did u watch this drama?
One is like the most handsome yg artist ever
Best stage drama ever and my favorite scene 💜
Sooo sweet ... Jaewon oppa please protect me too
Omg One's face was perfect. What did they do with his nose? They want to destroy his naturally beautiful face right?
this is so aesthetic.. hahahahaha
i really really have to say that the guy is very handsome
is the title drama stage?
Hi HaNa title is Anthology
The guy is ONE from yg and she is from jyp
yeah fortunately i'm right , at first i thought he's One but he looks a bit different
Hi HaNa but HE IS ONE! 😅
Hi HaNa watch him in hwayugi
tvN...please make a drama version of Anthology with the same cast 😭😭😭 the story is good... I just can't accept the ending.. 😭💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
Rara Rastine i hope that :(
How does it end ?
Still hope!!!!
One my boy is so cute
He's the grandson in hwayugi rite ??
potato seoul yup
potato seoul yassss
potato seoul i thought the same thing hahha
No wonder he looks familiar tho
Who is him name;?
Anyone know where u can find the instrumental? Its such a beautiful melody
Whenever one being the main lead of romance drama everything become japanese feels 😂😂 just remember him in goodbye summer which had a film festival vibe but somehiw it's so japanese style
This scene made my heart flutters every time I watch it 😍
When u think this was japenese and then u see the korean hand writing and go oh
Lee Eun-Saem so cute😫❤
*ONE is so handsome 😭😭😭😭*
Wish I could read korean right about now. Hope someone could tell me what is the title of this drama 🙏🏻
panda pon the title is "Anthology"
Where can we watch it with sub?
thinley dolma You can watch and download it here: 😊
Lee Rae Yoo god will bless you for the good deed you have just done 😇😇
That boy also act in the a korean odyseey drama. The grand son.
i love this drama, but the ending😭 i need more episode😭😭😭😭
That background music ❤️❤️❤️
omg what to do! evertime I see her remind me of bae jinyoung 😂😂
tvN ~ please give him his own drama. You will never disappoint. I swear
Oh emm geeh.. One is so good looking and I love him doing both rap and acting! so love the collab of JYP and YG actors❤
Как называется дорама???
Скажите пожалуйста!!!
Хоть и поздно😅 но называется Антология
shin eun soo jyp cantikdan berbakat jadi actris
langit senja tau nonton sub indonya dimana ga?
please can someone tell me where to find full episodes with English subs of this.. Been looking for it everywhere.. Any link please.. Thank you so much😭
I know I'm weird but for some reason the girl looks like Wanna One's Jinyoung
I think one is 😂😂😂 eventho i know one before baejin
I just comment the same thing in the other video hahahahahah
that's true!!! XDDDD
u are not the only one XD
We all need this beautiful background ost !!!
Why it's only now that i've seen this😯.. OM my ideal man is so handsome😂😍..
what is the background music name?? please tell me ❤️
the guy is ONE right?
Galaxychicken Alien YESSSS❤
Galaxychicken Alien I am in love with him♥
whats the name of this drama?
+amee Anthology is a move
+amee Anthology is a movie
원이 진짜 잘상겼당ㅇㅇ
One is in a lot of dramas lately. Love it💕💕💕.
And thr girl is savage😈😍
Hi name of this drama plss😗😗
@TvN 드라마, 내게 노래 제목을 말해줘 00:49 주세요!
주세요~ 제발 제발 제발 제발 :(( I beg you
Anita Aprianiвидео.html
這不是演花遊記紅孩兒的那個演員嗎?我記得他是歌手 而且長得也蠻帥的😃😃
Shin eunsoo so pretty 😍😍
Does anybody know the instrumental music playing in the background?
Whats the name of the drama plzzzzz😍😍😍
Hai jaewon
I miss you so bad
I’M LAUGHING SO HARD OMG 🤣🤣🤣 it’s cringey but lovely
허루ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㄹㅇ 심쿵!!!
Oh?! He's also in hwayugi!! 😁😍
Por que me siento tan identificada con la chica? 😂 yo solia jugar "blanqueados" asi como ella 😂 toda echa la valiente
Until now checking all the website for this tvn drama special there still no English subtitles?
Epic scene 😆😍
What name this drama please 😂😭
Sh*t, I almost forgot he is a rapper and full of swag
2:05 😂😂😂😂😂
I Love you 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 is so good as an actor and model aside from being an idol rapper...
Shin eunsoo!!!
Name of this drama plz ☺️
Whats the title of this drama? Can anyone tell me. Thanks
Omg! He's the guy in Hwayugi right?
How does it end?? Happy ending???
wah my bias one n only from yg were keep acting😊
He so very handsome😍
does anyone know the song? im dying to know ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
ONE ONE ONE I will not move on to other numbers I just want One
😂😃 avid fan here
Judulnya apa ini drama....? What name of this drama....?
저런 붕~~~~ ㅋㅌ
그나저나 찌르르~ 하네..ㅎㅎ
Cómo se llama está serie
Mirip jihoon skali lewat 😅😅
What drama name ?? Pls ♡♡♡
he is so handsome 😱
remind me the old monday couple 😟😭
Honestly they could do another and explain his situation and show the his present because i know its a beautiful ending but my heart cabt handle ut i want to know how he end up in the future ...
His nose is so high 😱💕
One ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Hola como se llama este dorama??
What is this drama name? Somebody can tell me please?
I'm Literally Screaming
I’m waiting for the other drama stage specials to be subbed
Does anyone know what’s the name of this drama plzzz
i hope this drama will be aired in tvn this year
can anyone tell me the bgm music.
Name drama
one is soooo handsome
This title is Anthology?!🙏
Esta escena es mi parte favorita 💙