so old and neve´r can be wack !!!!! west coast electro bass reality rap is the best what rap ever going to !!!!! and miami bass rap , they never goes pop and sale out , they hold they culture when all is fucking up the thing !!!! big up from germany home of the 808 and kraftwerk !!!!!!
Egyptian lover and the belly dancer girl were amazing!!!
beautiful music that takes me back to my beloved 80s..and my little breakin times I had..never was great on the floor,but i could do some upper work..
so old and neve´r can be wack !!!!! west coast electro bass reality rap is the best what rap ever going to !!!!! and miami bass rap , they never goes pop and sale out , they hold they culture when all is fucking up the thing !!!! big up from germany home of the 808 and kraftwerk !!!!!!
Love it
The Great Legend The Egyptian Lover !!!!
Birthday Celebration Mu Born Day Egyptian Lover playing my music !!!!
Seen him in 1988 in sunnyside wa I will never for get that day !!!
Egypt forever!!
what a jam
Thanks for bringing this BACK🎤🔊
go ahead Mr. Lover
West Coast Legend !!!!!!!!!
Love it 😍
DJ Power to 👍✌💯💯💯💯
Dude is still talented, Lady E was off the hook
@10:00 General Jeff, from Rodney O Joe Cooley??
Yeeahh Boyee!
Quem é a dançarina? por favor.
What is her name?
Now do the Michael Jackson style haha yes
The dancer looked like omnia's pianist
barely anyones dancing. what's their problem?
Caralho !!
The egyptian... Burger
Needs breakdancers
This sucks