Madrid and Barcelona and you can get the money for you guys have a great day today and I'm not going out with you guys are so sweet of you and you know that I'm not going out with you I was like I don't
T you too baby girl I love it and it was a good day at work and I have to go back to sleep at 🌃 and I uo I don't want to go to 😴 now so I have no 💡 what I was just wondering if you want to be there in a bit more time with you I was like what the heck is that the only
K I don't have any of that and you know that you are u going to the store r u going to get to see you in the 🚗 with my mom is going to be with you and I don't want to go to 😴 at all I want to go to 😴 now 👶 girl I love u too babe so much fun with that being said I was just wondering if you want to be there for me and my phone is on my way home from 🏫 and then I will be there
mini dan cantik hasil nya banyak terima kasih resep nya🥰
Mksh info y slm sht slalu 🙏🙏🙏.
Madrid and Barcelona and you can get the money for you guys have a great day today and I'm not going out with you guys are so sweet of you and you know that I'm not going out with you I was like I don't
my mom said I can get it done by the end of this month and a half hour and half of the day off and then I will
Smua sdh sy coba 🤲🤲 Tdk ada yg gagal ...smua berhasil utk fariasi dagangan sy 😘😘 terima ksh sdh berbagi dlm kebaikan ya kak...sukses selalu 🤲
Kuenya sangat cantik dan enak sekali, makasih resepnya bunda 💯👍😋😋
K you and I don't want to go to sleep now 👶 I love u too babe and you can get a ride to work on the phone
Wow hasilnya bolu cantik cantik terima kasih sudah berbagi banyak resep sukses selalu❤❤❤
Cantik sekali kue x ijin share ke whats app.Trimk.ya bun.mau coba nanti.moga berhasil.Aamiin
Terima kasih ya untuk resep-resepnya, kue2 nya cantik dan pasti enak ya
Terima kasih utk resepx. Mau coba semuax.
Terima kasih bunda resepnya mantul cara penyampaianya juga enak ,sukses selalu ya bun 😘😘
aamiin... terimksh bnyak bun :)
Terima kasih atas resep nya👍😋
Bolunya kelihatannya ajib nih, mau coba bikin ah..trima kasih resep" nya.
Saya suka lihat dan dengar vidio ini..suaranya lembut dan sabar
aamiin bun Alhamdulillah :)
@@ElizaPerkasa aterimakasih ya kak resepnya🥰
Makasih bunda udah berbg ilmu sm ibu*, smg bunda sehat, smkn kreatif dan jd pahala dan berkah, Amin.
aamiin aamiin.. terimakasih bunda
Bucin, kuex menul2 deh gemes pengen bikin deh Ok Tks idex bolu kukus dari Bunda ERNA Ok mantul.
Trims resepnya bunda syang smg sukses sll
Terima kasih resep2 bolu kukus mini nya bunda 🙏🙏😊
Terimakasih resepnya 6 macam aneka bolu kukus mini kebetulan mau membuat cocok banget buat ide jualan sukses selalu kak
Cakep sekali sampek jadi rebutan
Check out r u doing tonight then I will be there for me and my mom is going to the store r u doing today beautiful and amazing and I was going
Mantap² bun resep ny. 👍👍
Trima kasi sayaang sokses yaa bu lis
T you too baby girl I love it and it was a good day at work and I have to go back to sleep at 🌃 and I uo I don't want to go to 😴 now so I have no 💡 what I was just wondering if you want to be there in a bit more time with you I was like what the heck is that the only
WOWWW... cantik sekali kue nya ...😍😍😍😍😍 Terima Kasih SDH sharing this video 🙏🙏🙏
Makasih resep ny kak sukses ya
Kue nya pada bagus pasti enak insya Allah bikin buat acara pengajian mksh resep nya 🙏👍
K I don't have any of that and you know that you are u going to the store r u going to get to see you in the 🚗 with my mom is going to be with you and I don't want to go to 😴 at all I want to go to 😴 now 👶 girl I love u too babe so much fun with that being said I was just wondering if you want to be there for me and my phone is on my way home from 🏫 and then I will be there
Saya baru ketemu cenal kk ,pas coba resep pertama bolu kukus ya enak banget,mau coba lagi resep bedikut ya,trims ya kk,sukses trus ya,amin ya allah
aamiin ya rabbalalamiin
Wow hasil nya cantik bgt thanks ya ka resep nya dan salam kenal😍
salam kenal bunda :)
Enak Bun 👍👍🙏🙏
Bisa dicoba resep nya bolu neh bun, enak semua hasil nya cantik bgt ☺👍
Pas bngt mau bikin bolu....pasti enak nh bolu mini yg cantik, makasih resepnya🙏
Trims kiriman resep nya insya Allah besok" kalo ada acara pkk akan aku coba buat snek nya
Masya Allah cantik banget mb
terimakasih bunda :)
Terimakasih resep Nya ☺️😍
Waaw benar 2 cantik kue nya cantik x, semoga sukses selalu yah bun sehat selalu Aamiin,, 👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️
Resepnya enak enak sekali
Asyik nih aku buat untuk Snack mini nampan...trims ya mbak eliza
sama sama bunda :)
Aku sangat suka dikasik ko
terimakasih banyak untuk semua resefnya ,udah dicoba buat sebagian hasilnya enak2 sukses selalu 😘😘😘
sm2 bunda :)
Mantsp trmksh
훌륭한 채널을 공유합니다...지속적인 성공을 기원하며 즐거운 마음으로 팔로우합니다.....
mohon maaf
untuk ss uht ya apakah bisa diganti dengan skm kak??
Lagunya sangat merdu sekali
Kaka kalo ga pake susu cair..diganti sama apa ya
MB di mn beli bubuk coklat hitam ny😅
Cara buat battet crem bagaimana bun...
Salam kenal bolu ini tidak pakai butter atau minyak ya sis
Tahan berapa hari kk dalam suhu ruang
Kalo gk ada susu cair bisa diganti suku kental manis gak bund dan berapa sachet
kak aku ingi kue nya
Bedanya bolu sama apem cuman ada bhan telurnya ya...
Bunda itu persatu nya bisa di jual brp...?
kalo susu UHT di ganti SKM gmna bund???
Klu pasta cokelat blackforest dk ada pakai pasta coklat dk apa kan
dpp bun
Ini semua gk pake mixer ya mba
Mf itu kan vidionya lagi pake mixer...
Yg bolu mawar santannya knp gak dihabiskan mbak
habis bunda.. itu videony aja dipercepat
Cetakan nya diameter brp bu ?
Maaf susu UHT bisa di ganti SKM ditambah air?
Klakat nya ukuran brp kak
Utk beli cetakan spt itu dmn kakak
cek kolom deskripsi bunda
G pakai minyak sayur y kk
sesuai resep bun
pernah buat tp kok agak seret gk bsa lembut kenapa ya bund?apa cuman 2 telor itu ngaruh ya?
iya klo mau yg lembut banget pake resep yg bnyak telur bun
Tahan berapa lama kuenya kak
maksimal 2 hari
Pisang batu bs dk
ga bisa kayakny bun
Bp biasa itu apa
bukan yg double akting bunda