The problem is the love of the relationship mother and son, become a master and slave relationship, since the duty of a son become almost illegal as judge as unethical without any self asking the question of what is the duty as the son is the mother other than what is only expected by tradition.
今集好深入談Trauma的每個故事小節,非常清𥇦,非常有共鳴,由其是Mali嘅“唔三唔四”這個經歷,更令人明白愛也需要平𧗾,是多麼的重要,但往往就是被人忽視但又是好重要嘅一個微細環節❤ Stephen講絕對正確 : Survival mood 徬惶無助、鬱結嘅情緒全部都會Lock在海底輪,大多創傷都埋藏在人身體器官,當創傷被看見,解開心結後,才能活得自然輕鬆自在,過快樂人生❤ 好喜歡Eve嘅技巧去point out問題,簡單又清晰 ❤
察覺創傷, 達到心靈平安🙏
期待分享 貧窮創傷 🙏🏻🙏🏻
多謝分享,可以講下係家庭裡面, 兄弟姊妹嘅排列會有乜嘢嘅待遇唔同?
上一輩的確有好多貧窮、受辱的創傷及仍然處於生存模式生活,曾嘗試邀請他們做情緒清理,但是他們非常抗拒和觸發爆炸性保護模式,希望主持們可以搵集深入探討及provide possible suggestions 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
The problem is the love of the relationship mother and son, become a master and slave relationship, since the duty of a son become almost illegal as judge as unethical without any self asking the question of what is the duty as the son is the mother other than what is only expected by tradition.