Chris Todd Tackles the JFK Assassination

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • The Chris Todd investigation continues with a deep dive into the of President John F. Kennedy (JFK) which took place on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas, USA. President Kennedy was riding in a motorcade through Dealey Plaza when he was shot and killed. The official investigation, led by the Warren Commission, concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in shooting Kennedy from a sixth-floor window of the Texas School Book Depository.
    However, the assassination has been the subject of numerous conspiracy theories over the years, suggesting alternative explanations and multiple gunmen. Some theories propose involvement from organized crime, the CIA, or other government entities. Despite the various theories, no conclusive evidence has been found to dispute the Warren Commission's conclusion of Oswald as the lone gunman.
    The event had a profound impact on American history and culture, and the assassination remains a topic of fascination and debate. The release of classified documents related to the assassination has been an ongoing process, contributing to continued discussions and speculations surrounding this tragic event in U.S. history.
    About Chris Todd
    Chris Todd, an Investigative Producer & Journalist renowned for his guerilla-style investigative techniques, has successfully cracked cases involving some of America's most perplexing and enigmatic homicides. From delving into the JonBenét Ramsey case to unraveling the enigma of the Zodiac Killer, Todd's work has "unofficially" exposed the truths behind these unsolved mysteries.
    Apart from his investigative prowess, Todd is also an accomplished author, penning books such as "Ron's Revenge," "If We Did It," and "Forrest for the Trees." In a riveting segment, Todd delves into his theory, based on confidential confessions, that OJ Simpson was entangled in the cocaine trade with La Cosa Nostra, and these connections played influential roles in the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman.
    Beyond his past successes, Chris Todd remains dedicated to working on civilian cold cases and other high-profile investigations. He sees himself as an advocate, tirelessly striving to bring justice to the voiceless victims who have fallen prey to deranged predators.
    If you have an unsolved case that needs attention or questions seeking answers, feel free to reach out to Chris Todd in the respective manner that suits you.
    image- Acratopotes, CC BY-SA 4.0 creativecommon..., via Wikimedia Commons

Комментарии • 1,5 тыс.

  • @guymerritt4860
    @guymerritt4860 6 месяцев назад +89

    I had a Special Agent of the FBI go completely nuts, back in 1977, when I was at his home in Maryland and asked him what he really thought happened to JFK. The dude went on a rant - went crazy. Called JFK a "god damned communist" and a "f&^$king whoremonger" and said the JFK and RFK "got what they deserved". According to this guy's daughter, who was my boss, her dad was buddies with Hoover - she was always bragging about his relationship with Hoover. JFK was trying to end the cold war and had a direct line to Khrushchev so as to avoid nuclear was...or any war. The military industrial complex didn't want any part of that stuff and Kennedy had pissed off the mob, Texas oilmen, etc. JFK got hit from the front as every doctor at Parkland Hospital described. And young people nowadays think, "So what?" Well, the trillions we spend on war are part of the reason you have to pay for college, there's no health care, etc. Plus, incredibly evil and immoral people took over the country - hello? JFK was not a paragon of virtue when it came to his marriage, his sex life, etc. but the guy was not a murderer, a war monger, nor a psychopath - as was his replacement. We do NOT have any sort of real democracy. There was corruption before JFK and, in fact, the mob swinging Illinois for JFK is what put him in The White House. But things got infinitely worse after they took out JFK. And, at this point, enough people have talked that we all know what happened. We are living a societel lie in this country and it's not all. As far as who pulled the trigger from which building....I don't even think it matters. We know who was pulling the strings and who orchestrated the murder and the coverup - and it was elements of the US government. This country has been in decline ever since JFK's murder and especially since almost everyone realized the depravity of our government, the depth of their lying, the complicity of our "free press" in this titanic mess....etc. Thia party is about over, folks.

    • @cinemillstv
      @cinemillstv  6 месяцев назад +10

      Well said - your living in Rome end of days

    • @guymerritt4860
      @guymerritt4860 6 месяцев назад +5

      @@cinemillstv Oh, absolutely.

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад +1

      Swell, now what has all that got to do with the actual evidence in the case that prove Oswald did this?

    • @SrAJones-ns7sx
      @SrAJones-ns7sx 6 месяцев назад +5

      For me once I read "Means and Motive" I got my main answers on who orchestrated this, paid for it and why. Thank God the author lived long and strong anough to tell it....

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад

      @@SrAJones-ns7sx Did he explain how you safely approach scores of witnesses, police, FBI, Secret Service, military personnel, doctors, pathologists, ballistics experts, x-ray technicians, film experts, photographers, whole commissions, lawyers, senators, congressmen, journalists, the D.A., the Chief Justice, Oswald family members, etc., and persuade them all to obey illegal orders, assist a bloody coup and bend over backwards making themselves all eternally loyal accessories to murder and treason?

  • @regsmith7604
    @regsmith7604 6 месяцев назад +44

    I remember that day clearly. We got sent home from school. Teachers were crying. As I passed by the Catholic Church across the street from my house, I asked a white woman “why is everyone crying?” She answered “don’t you know?”. I responded “don’t I know what?” She went on to tell me that the President has been shot. I asked “what is a President?” She looked at me crazy. I looked back at her crazy. Then she asked “how old are you?” I said “seven”. She became very understanding and went on to explain to me that JFK was fighting for black peoples civil rights and bunch of more stuff that I didn’t have a clue as to what she was telling me. Eventually she went inside the church with the other people arriving crying. I didn’t even know we had a president, what civil rights were or that black peoples were being oppressed and discriminated against. All I knew is I loved my bike, and I loved it whenever my mother made spaghetti, chicken and dumplings and fried chicken.🤤 I still remember that day as if it happened two hours ago. I’m 67 now, it’s been 60 years.

    • @WilliamMedve
      @WilliamMedve 6 месяцев назад +2

      It's good to read a comment from someone my age I was let out of 1st grade when this happened I'm 66 now.

    • @commentsedited
      @commentsedited 6 месяцев назад +2

      Why was she a " WHITE woman and not just a woman???

    • @regsmith7604
      @regsmith7604 6 месяцев назад +4

      @@commentsedited That’s what she was. Remember, this was the early 60’s, no one was tripping on being called black or white. That’s how it was.🤷🏽‍♂️

    • @jamestroia4637
      @jamestroia4637 6 месяцев назад +1

      I was 3 years old and my father and mother cried that day.

    • @Mo0onShadoW
      @Mo0onShadoW 6 месяцев назад +1

      I was 5 years old at that time. I only had a half day of school at that age. I was sitting at home watching this on TV. I was very much aware of who JFK was and what civil rights were.
      I don't know why a 7 year old would have no idea who JFK was and not know what civil rights were.
      I don

  • @louisbertaux5193
    @louisbertaux5193 6 месяцев назад +35

    Real good.
    Don't forget, it was
    Jack Ruby who went to
    Cuba, to negotiate the
    release of Santos Trafficante
    from prison down there!
    How the helll could he have
    gotten that done?
    What did he offer Castro
    for such a high-profile
    Ruby had to have promised
    Castro that they needed
    Trafficante, to kill Kennedy!
    Also, don't forget-
    the supposed Oswald Carcano
    rifle they showed to the press,
    had the shoulder strap grommets
    mounted UNDERNEATH the
    wooden stock;
    Whereas, the supposed Oswald
    Carcano rifle seen in the
    "Backyard Photos" clearly
    shows the shoulder sling
    grommets mounted on the
    SIDE of the wooden stock

    • @mbod3239
      @mbod3239 6 месяцев назад +3

      You mean jack Rubinstein?

    • @louisbertaux5193
      @louisbertaux5193 6 месяцев назад +3

      Yup. Rubinstein!

    • @mbod3239
      @mbod3239 6 месяцев назад +3

      Also, Zapruder caught the footage, an Israeli. What was jfk defunding at that time in relation to our greatest ally?? And why did Rubinstein, also an Israeli, kill the supposed killer?

    • @markmordecai7051
      @markmordecai7051 6 месяцев назад +3

      In addition Ruby 'worked' on a young Senators staff in the late 1940's. That senator was Richard Nixon. Who recommended Ruby to Nixon? Answer LBJ.

    • @peterfraser9070
      @peterfraser9070 6 месяцев назад +3

      And why would an "M bod" with the numbers "3 squared is 9...3 - 9" and assassination happened on 11/22: 11 times 2 equald 22, and then 63, which is 22 times 3 minus 3!!

  • @RalphOnofrio
    @RalphOnofrio 6 месяцев назад +15

    I was in the 6th grade, and we were let out of school.....I was 11 years old and since then,I can't get enough...God bless Oliver Stone....Made us think again.....

    • @claymor8241
      @claymor8241 6 месяцев назад +1

      Made a movie with over 100 glaring inaccuracies, go Ollie.

  • @Jasona1976
    @Jasona1976 6 месяцев назад +20

    Whoever the conspirators were....they committed the perfect crime and got away with it.

    • @SrAJones-ns7sx
      @SrAJones-ns7sx 6 месяцев назад +1

      Mainly one guy, LBJs boss. He even paid off Marina...

    • @garyhamalainen1651
      @garyhamalainen1651 6 месяцев назад

      in a way, that's really the bottom line........... the only people who paid a price were the folks that voted JFK into office.

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад

      So perfect they safely approached scores and scores of witnesses, police, FBI, Secret Service, military personnel, doctors, pathologists, ballistics experts, photographers, x-ray technicians, Oswald family members, whole and multiple commissions, lawyers, counsels, congressmen, senators, the D.A., the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, journalists, etc., and persuaded them all to obey illegal orders, trust each other implicitly, assist a bloody coup, and bend over backwards making themselves all eternally loyal accessories to murder and treason...

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад

      @@SrAJones-ns7sx Rubbish, looking forward to you presenting your ironclad evidence.

    • @Jasona1976
      @Jasona1976 6 месяцев назад

      @@aaronz7056So perfect they get GOOBERS like you to swallow their lies whole.

  • @RonWinters-lh7eg
    @RonWinters-lh7eg 6 месяцев назад +4

    A lot of people think that when we say that the government/CIA/FBI/Military was involved, we mean the entire government. Not so, only takes key members to engage in the conspiracy. People with enough power to effectively cover their tracks. LBJ was key to entire operation, but he still has people scared to say anything.

  • @redawson001
    @redawson001 6 месяцев назад +26

    Could you imagine how nervous the government would get if they exhumed JFK

    • @garyhamalainen1651
      @garyhamalainen1651 6 месяцев назад +1

      unfortunately, it seems to me like they were still covered even if the body was exhumed. Kennedy's body was so altered during the Naval Academy autopsy that it did not resemble the dead body that left Dallas...... and they were not about to let the autopsy be done in Texas. But an exhumed body wouldn't show much. His brain isn't even there and the condition of his brain was far more damaged than it could ever be after just one bullet. The whole thing is a disgrace from top to bottom and why very few of us trust the government in any way.

    • @peterfraser9070
      @peterfraser9070 6 месяцев назад

      "Could you imagine how nervous the government would get if they exhumed JFK": Why? The autopsy photos and x-rays have been examined and re-examined; 2 shots from behind and to exits to the front of those 2 rear entries. The Zapruder Film has been examined tons of times and it's not 'doctored'; it actually does show the Single Bullet in action and it also proves the head shot was from behind. Haven't you even watched it?

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад +1

      Exhumed him for what? The autopsy showed the shots came from behind.

    • @drummerkev1627
      @drummerkev1627 6 месяцев назад +17

      @aaronz7056- you obviously don’t know much about the JFK assassination….. The autopsy was done by two military personnel that had never performed one autopsy in their lives! The shots came from both, the front and behind. The head shot that killed Kennedy came right from the grassy knoll. Watch frame 313. The Zapruder film shows you exactly where the head shot came from. Back and to the left….. Back and to the left……

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад

      @@drummerkev1627 First of all the direction a person's head goes is meaningless regarding what direction the bullet came from and the limo also sped up abruptly.
      Connally's said the shots came from behind.
      All bullets and fragments ever found were matched to Oswald's rifle.
      Autopsy shows the shots came reactions from behind.
      Parkland doctors had no particular problem with the autopsy photos.
      Witnesses directly under the sixth floor window firmly said the shots all came from directly overhead.
      Those witnesses had a clear view behind the knoll fence and would plainly have seen any gunman there.
      Zapruder's secretary was only yards away from the fence and saw and heard nobody there.
      Victims' reactions in Zapruder's film clearly demonstrate they are hit by the same bullet, and ergo, from behind.
      Kennedy is very clearly seen to suffer a massive exit wound exploding at the temple consistent only with a shot from behind.
      Witnesses in that echo chamber of a plaza thought the shots EITHER came from the knoll OR the building, but none said they came from both... and shots definitely came from the building.
      Kennedy had one cratered entrance wound on the back of the skull, a clear and direct shot from the window.
      It's obviously vastly implausible anybody would ever assume they would frame this on a lone shooter while firing from multiple directions.

  • @dexculpepper-py1jr
    @dexculpepper-py1jr 6 месяцев назад +8

    They CIA,FBI and military complex want let them release them

  • @Mach11976
    @Mach11976 6 месяцев назад +8

    I was 6 years old when JFK was shot. I remember everyone crying and being concerned about a missile attack. Between when he was shot and what happened during the 60s, it seems like we never knew who was going to get assassinated.

  • @winterhaydn
    @winterhaydn 6 месяцев назад +11

    "half his face came off" ... uh, no. It was a flap of scalp over his face.

  • @donaldperrotta8514
    @donaldperrotta8514 6 месяцев назад +9

    The Presidents secret service detail was totally piss-poor that day . Post assignation … SS leaders and supervisors said “we followed procedures” 😂😂😂 !
    What a total disgrace !!!!

    • @frankpaya690
      @frankpaya690 6 месяцев назад

      Clint Hill's performance that day definitely was NOT "piss" "poor" !

    • @donaldperrotta8514
      @donaldperrotta8514 6 месяцев назад

      @@frankpaya690 yea …. 1 … 1 single SS agent did his job . What did the rest do ??? Look around . When the attempt was made on President Regan a massive wall of agents jumped on him giving him cover .

  • @ronmarvicsin7709
    @ronmarvicsin7709 6 месяцев назад +8

    What about Mac Wallace? His finger print was found in School book

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 4 месяца назад

      Crackpot conspiracy rubbish, and not true. You know what else was never found by anybody in the Depository? Wallace!

  • @erinne46
    @erinne46 6 месяцев назад +9

    I have spent decades researching this event, and I agree with Chris’s conclusions on 90% of the details he presents. Awesome job!

    • @cinemillstv
      @cinemillstv  6 месяцев назад +1

      Glad you enjoyed it!

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад +1

      He literally gets everything demonstrably wrong.

    • @someoneunseen5168
      @someoneunseen5168 4 месяца назад

      ​@@aaronz7056or, more accurately, the warren commission, the thing you cling on to, is demonstrably false.

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 4 месяца назад

      @@someoneunseen5168 I repeat, he literally gets everything demonstrably wrong. No doubt you will now explain what actually happened that day, yes?

  • @davidbially
    @davidbially 6 месяцев назад +6

    Absolutely spot on! With all I've learned from many sources as well as the sinking feeling in my gut at my very first trip to Dealy Plaza - looking up at the sixth floor window are brought together in a sensible manner here. Thanks for having the guts to say it out loud in a public manner are to be applauded. The only thing I'd like to add is ; if you have ever been to a military funeral, how many shots did you hear? Actuality there were 21. This is why most eyewitness or eyewitness reports say 3 and report multiple directions. These are,in my opinion, multiple shooters taking 1 shot when the limo crosses into the kill zone which was marked by the painted curb. Take the shot, conceal into the crowd, walk away. Don't check to see if you hit the target. Cold and calculated- they were professional shooters trained to hit a target market not a person or personality, or ideology- simply a target. The greater conspiracy was and is the cover up by those that did know the person, the political ideology and for the millions of lives destroyed by the Vietnam war- yet sold their soul anyway by not only looking the other way and even downright perpetrated the true conspiracy!

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад

      Opinions are not evidence.

  • @regsmith7604
    @regsmith7604 6 месяцев назад +5

    I also remember when we used to have air raid drills in school and we would shelter in the basement. I was going to Dwyer Elementary School in Detroit on the North End. The “air raid” drills were because of the Cuban Missile Crisis. This all happened a year before the Kennedy assassination

    • @cinemillstv
      @cinemillstv  6 месяцев назад +2

      Those are moments in History not many people realize happened.

  • @drummerkev1627
    @drummerkev1627 6 месяцев назад +20

    If this guy is suggesting Zapruder knew JFK was going to be assassinated because he didn’t pull his camera back, he’s taking this whole conspiracy way too far!!!

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад +4

      I'm still waiting for this genius to explain why a conspirator would be out there filming the assassination AT ALL!

    • @chicagomike4587
      @chicagomike4587 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@aaronz7056 Yep - and in the JFK Oliver Stone film, Kevin Costner says "The Zapruder Film was the evidence they weren't counting on..." So we KNOW that can't be cause everything in that movie is true!!! LOL

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад

      @@chicagomike4587 Stone tells more than 80 demonstrable and highly relevant lies in that movie, lets Kennedy's murderer off the hook, and knowingly and falsely paints a lot of innocent people as conspirators and accessories in murder and treason. He's beneath contempt.

    • @SrAJones-ns7sx
      @SrAJones-ns7sx 6 месяцев назад

      @@aaronz7056 All time Souvenier for those Texas folk that orchestrated and paid for this to happen

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад +3

      @@SrAJones-ns7sx No, seriously, I'm still waiting for an explanation of why a conspirator would be out there filming the assassination at all.

  • @TheSpritz0
    @TheSpritz0 6 месяцев назад +14

    A LOT of people also said SOME of the shooters might have had silencers just to throw off witnesses to the amount of shots!!!

    • @davidrice3337
      @davidrice3337 6 месяцев назад +1

      They didn't need to do all that - This was the last thing people expected to happen - there were a lot of echos and people screaming - it was chaos and you would have a hard time counting shots even if you were warned to listen for them -

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад +2

      All bullets and fragments ever found were matched specifically to Oswald's rifle.
      Victims' reactions in Zapruder's film clearly demonstrate they are hit by the same bullet, and ergo, from behind.
      Kennedy is clearly seen to suffer an exit wound at the temple consistent only with a shot from behind.
      Autopsy shows the shots all came from behind and Parkland's doctors had no particular problem with the photos.

    • @TheSpritz0
      @TheSpritz0 6 месяцев назад

      @@aaronz7056 WOW the CIA is SHOOK, aren't you???

    • @garyhamalainen1651
      @garyhamalainen1651 6 месяцев назад

      on the other hand, that was the goal of the autopsy, to make certain that the wounds would prove 3 shots from behind. Instead of employing an experienced pathologist, they used two less experienced military doctors who knew how to follow orders.@@aaronz7056

    • @simonjames1604
      @simonjames1604 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@aaronz7056no fragments were linked to the carcano,, except ce399 which was found miles from the crime scene and you keep repeating this ballistics lie that is in fact a lie. kennedy isnt clearly seen having a temple injury nor do the reactions tell us anything about the directions of the shots. nonsense repeated endlessly is nonsense. and parkland doctors DId have problems with the autopsy all of them noted a huge defect in the occipital region consistent only with a frontal shot. not only did the doctors and nurses at parkland note this but the mortician who prepared the body for burial noted, the two fbi agents at bethesda noted it, the xray technician at bethesda noted it , the photographer of the body noted it and at his last appearance at the ARRB dr boswell who conducted the autopsy noted it. so you are wrong all over the place. you should crack a book not written by a nitwit every now and then.

  • @stevenb0612
    @stevenb0612 6 месяцев назад +13

    LBJ is the person responsible. Without him, this was impossible

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад

      We look forward to you calling a press conference and presenting your ironclad evidence.

    • @SrAJones-ns7sx
      @SrAJones-ns7sx 6 месяцев назад

      LBJ had a boss to answer to - the main orchestrator who started plans in '61

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад

      @@SrAJones-ns7sx That's right, it took 2-3 years to plan shooting Kennedy as he rode past in a car.

    • @christophergagliano2051
      @christophergagliano2051 6 месяцев назад +1

      That's not true at all, the military was out to do a coup with or without Johnson That's obvious, now LBJ might have helped but if you didn't help he probably would have been whacked too This was a military coup no doubt about that.

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад

      @@SrAJones-ns7sx In that case we look forward to YOU calling a press conference and presenting your ironclad evidence.

  • @michaelcarron3418
    @michaelcarron3418 6 месяцев назад +3

    Did they ever match the "Pristein Bullit" found in the Presidental Limo to the Carcano Rifle, did the Lans match the Bullit. The grooved twist of the inside of Carcano Barrel? If a bullet hit the grass, was there ever a search of the strip between Main Street and Elm Street that the Limo traveled? Was there any work done on this strip after the assassination?? There was a miss of one shot that hit the curb, then ricochet into a man's face in the overpass. Were there other misses?? If there was and it's still buried in that grassy strip it might show a different caliber or Lans that don't match the Carcano Rifle?

    • @cinemillstv
      @cinemillstv  6 месяцев назад

      Mike these are great questions. We will ask Chris Todd about that.

    • @MikeIsRight99
      @MikeIsRight99 6 месяцев назад

      @@cinemillstv Of course they matched the "pristine" bullet (that was bent like a banana and crushed at the bottom with lead extruding out but let the kooks call it "pristine" to make them happy) to Oswald's rifle. Just like every fragment found in limo, JFK's head, etc - they could have only been fired from Oswald's gun.
      NO - do NOT ask Chris Todd!!. After watching this babble, he probably doesn't even know they were ballistically matched. He doesn't know anything about this case except utter totally debunked shit he read in conspiracy books or saw in JFK film/vids.
      Chris was MUCH better on JonBenet case - he dialed this one in. If he knew the evidence, he'd know it was Oswald - 100%

    • @cinemillstv
      @cinemillstv  6 месяцев назад

      Mike a lot of people disagreed with him about JBR. JFK seems to be 50/50 at this point.

    • @DoBraveryFPS
      @DoBraveryFPS 6 месяцев назад

      The pristine bullet was actually flattened lengthwise. You can't tell that looking at the side. Likely after it slowed through kennedys body, then hit Connolly's rib and wristItsfragmented lead out the rear which matched the other fragments from the head shot. It matched the grooves. The bullets also matched to like 99% the bullet fragments found a Gen Edwin Walkers house--to which LHO is the prime suspect for attempted murder.

  • @tmn8547
    @tmn8547 6 месяцев назад +11

    Yesss! Been waiting for Chris to tackle this about JFK!

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад +1

      ... and he "tackles" it by getting every single thing wrong.

    • @MikeIsRight99
      @MikeIsRight99 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@aaronz7056 Yes - I was shocked - he even pulled out old crap from conspiracy books and then stepped over all of the hard evidence against Oswald to babble his way through this drivel.

  • @waynekoch2284
    @waynekoch2284 6 месяцев назад +6

    Certainly a lot consolidated avoiding visual redaction. Zapruder film virtually reversed thanks to Life magazine, magic bullet stop start trajectory to explain barrage of bullets and Tippets body used for the most famous cosmetic surgery, Teague hit in the cheek, shot through the windscreen, Carcano disguised multiple times, Mawser, Enfield, drunk and diminished secret service, Patsies everywhere. And plenty of rehearsals and other repeat plans in place, and not a multi motivated Conspiracy? All worked together rather than leave it to a non existent lone nut, ducks were lining up in Noah Ark’s proportions……

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад

      a) When Kennedy's body was landing at Washington D.C. Tippit's was still back in Dallas having slugs dug out of it.
      b) Only damage to the windshield is a crack caused by a bullet fragment that also damaged the chrome plating, from the inside.
      c) There were only 3 shots fired.
      d) "Magic" bullet makes perfect sense and is backed up by hard evidence.
      e) The only rifle ever found was the Carcano, to which every bullet ever found was matched.
      f) Nobody was trying to frame this on Oswald while standing in front of the car, firing through glass, and shooting Kennedy in the face.
      g) The idea somebody would leave multiple guns lying around the crime scene for an army of police to find is idiotic.

    • @SrAJones-ns7sx
      @SrAJones-ns7sx 6 месяцев назад +2

      @@aaronz7056 🤣 Magic bullet like in Kentucky Fried Movie or a Looney Tunes cartoon? Thats the only place bullets do that 💀... but carry in if you wish

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад

      @@SrAJones-ns7sx I'll carry on:
      a) Victim's reactions in Zapruder's film clearly demonstrate they are hit by the same bullet, 1-2 frames apart.
      b) Victims' wounds demonstrably line up on a trajectory and track straight back to the sixth floor window.
      c) Witnesses directly under that window firmly said the shots all came from directly overhead.
      d) View of the entry wound on Connally's back would demonstrably have been blocked by Kennedy's body, meaning the same bullet has to have gone through both of them.
      e) Bullet recovered from the stretcher is badly crushed at the nose and flattened down one side, a condition consistent with going through Kennedy without hitting bone, slowing and tumbling on leaving him, then broadsiding its way through Connally's ribs, as medical and forensic evidence clearly demonstrate.
      f) That bullet was matched to Oswald's rifle.
      g) Nobody planting a bogus bullet at the hospital within one hour of the shooting could possibly have known a bullet needed planting at all or that he wasn't simply planting one bullet too many into evidence and blowing the whole plot.

    • @SrAJones-ns7sx
      @SrAJones-ns7sx 6 месяцев назад


    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад

      @@SrAJones-ns7sx Well, your exhaustive, insightful and painstaking analysis and refutation of all that hard evidence brilliantly debunks every word of it, congrats.

  • @stefanhoge4930
    @stefanhoge4930 6 месяцев назад +4

    I read 50 books about this case. Loran Hall is by far the most suspicious man and had connections to Jack Ruby and Santa Trafficante. Allen Dulles was the mastermind of the plot. Read The Devil's Chessboard and all books of Larry Hancock .

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад

      Or you could read the actual evidence instead of crackpot paranoia written by grifters.

    • @SrAJones-ns7sx
      @SrAJones-ns7sx 6 месяцев назад

      Read Means and Motive; you'll see who pulled LBJ's strings and who he had to answer to... it was not Dulles, but I'm sure they appreciated his help and input

  • @MrLifesavers1
    @MrLifesavers1 6 месяцев назад +2

    Nice to see a JFK researcher who is not just an author / book seller. Went to see a JFK Convention and it was nothing but 10 people who spoke for about 45 minutes and then moved to a table to hawk their books.

  • @markscarborough7580
    @markscarborough7580 6 месяцев назад +5

    The car stopped!

    • @dab.
      @dab. 6 месяцев назад

      It didn't.

    • @MikeIsRight99
      @MikeIsRight99 6 месяцев назад +1

      The car never stopped. All the vids illustrate this fact

  • @gregsmith2807
    @gregsmith2807 6 месяцев назад +17

    A couple things that have always stood out to me is even if Oswald was the lone shooter that day how did he know and was able to get in position with a high powered rifle just in time to kill the president then after he is captured he clearly wanted to get a message out that he was "just a patsy"

    • @LeonGartshore
      @LeonGartshore 6 месяцев назад +5

      And with a garbage rifle with a defective scope and a faulty trigger.

    • @Autshot20
      @Autshot20 6 месяцев назад +1

      Agree. If he was trying to make a name for himself or make himself feel important, why take every opportunity to deny he did it? And, why run? Why try to escape after supposedly leaving a rifle behind that could be traced to him. Also, rely on public transportation for his escape?

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад

      Bother to watch the entire clip and you'll see Oswald only says he's a patsy in relation to being hassled by cops for having lived in Russia, and in fact he never attempted to blow any conspiracy to any cop, any member of his family, to the President of the Dallas Bar Association, or to a live TV audience of millions.

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@LeonGartshore Trigger was fine, scope got knocked out of alignment when Oswald dumped the gun in his flight, and every bullet and fragment ever found was matched to that rifle.

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад

      @@Autshot20 Oswald was, you know, hoping to get away, for crying out loud. What did you expect him to do, carry the rifle with him out into the street??? Oswald had no car, he HAD to rely on public transportation and the bus would have taken him very close to his rooming house. If he confessed, he was as good as executed. If he denied all he was as good as executed. If he denied all, he could hope to spin his sick fame out indefinitely.

  • @artsahobby123
    @artsahobby123 6 месяцев назад +3

    And why was Jolly West in Ruby's cell? And this is where Melvin Beli starts lying.

  • @RalphOnofrio
    @RalphOnofrio 6 месяцев назад +4

    Kennedy rode through East Haven to New Haven...They took down mailboxes...Phone booths....In a closed limo..VERY high security...For a 15 minute ride.

    • @garyhamalainen1651
      @garyhamalainen1651 6 месяцев назад +2

      yep, many layers of security were flimsy that day, not to mention the lack of security at Dallas Police headquarters two days later....... what a coincidence.......

    • @JohnJohnson-pq4qz
      @JohnJohnson-pq4qz 6 месяцев назад

      @@garyhamalainen1651An interesting aside out security. Watch the YT interview with the Singer Meat Loaf. He grew up in Texas and was living in Dallas the day of the shooting, he mentions the interesting little adventure he had ending up at Parkland hospital Just after JFK got there. The Interesting part is he mentions seeing there were Police snipers on the roof of Parkland . Where had they been before???

  • @gualbertogarcia305
    @gualbertogarcia305 6 месяцев назад +2

    The Kill Zone or Kill Zones Box was where the Umbrella Man, Who was wearing Black with a Black Umbrella, was standing. That Black Umbrella was the signal shooting area sign.

    • @sharonraizor2839
      @sharonraizor2839 6 месяцев назад

      Why would a sniper need a "shooting area" signal? If they did, why not use the sign? The umbrella man was protesting.

    • @gualbertogarcia305
      @gualbertogarcia305 6 месяцев назад +1

      Were The Umbrella Man and the Shooting Zone at the Same Spot a coincidence ? Come on, I don’t think so.

    • @sharonraizor2839
      @sharonraizor2839 6 месяцев назад

      @@gualbertogarcia305 Yes, a coincidence. The whole thing has been investigated to death.

    • @someoneunseen5168
      @someoneunseen5168 4 месяца назад

      Yellow painted lines on the curb on the DAY of the assassination. It left yellow paint on people's shoes.

  • @theolisaacs8443
    @theolisaacs8443 6 месяцев назад +9

    I mean everybody knows Oswald didn't do it no freaking way he was eating lunch with kidneys getting popped it was a 3 hit team two guys two buildings one guy on a grassy knoll

    • @niallghuis5430
      @niallghuis5430 6 месяцев назад

      Then why did he leave and kill tippet?

    • @janetphillips2875
      @janetphillips2875 6 месяцев назад

      ​@@niallghuis5430did he kill Tippet? I couldve been Ruby, it couldve been Westbrook and Croy

    • @jasonabraham8248
      @jasonabraham8248 6 месяцев назад

      I wasn't aware Oswald didn't

  • @johnfonseca6135
    @johnfonseca6135 6 месяцев назад +1

    James Files, who had the same CIA handler as Oswald, was the grassy knoll shooter. Charles Nicoletti shot from the dal-tec building.

  • @DanielL.Phillips
    @DanielL.Phillips 6 месяцев назад +13

    Chris your the first that really makes any sense. Its just listening to this stuff and listening to this stuff. People think people who study it are nuts. Its so weird. I think your right on the money.

    • @lennon1252
      @lennon1252 6 месяцев назад

      It's unimportant at this point to know who the actual shooters were. We need to know who was behind the assassinationWho was pulling the strings.
      Look to Allen Dulles who Kennedy fired, and the CIA, who Kennedy said he would dismantle if reelected. Look as well to The Military Industrial Complex who wanted the Vietnam War and Kennedy didn't.

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад +3

      He gets one thing after another demonstrably wrong.

  • @lenwelch2195
    @lenwelch2195 6 месяцев назад +3

    Best JFK to the point, I’ve read every book, deep deep dives for years. Leroy Blevins had a you to be sight that. Used nix films,Hugh’s. And located shooters from dal - Tex building , used entire zapruder film with sprocket holes where image of shooters from dal Tex building are visible. Only disagreement is Blevins blew up image of pagoda 3 just right and behind zapruder that contained two shooters . With zapruder looking at his wife called the bubuska lady with her camera with a red light going on precisely when limo reaches the kill spot which also has yellow paint marking kill zone for shooters to know when to shoot.that red light was a signal for shooters in shelter or pagoda number 3 to shoot. Zapruder saw this,Ishtar as well S his secretary. What she did was a give a away . The secretary placed her hands over zapruders ears just as light goes off by babuska lady knowing kill shot will happen any second places her hands over zapruders ears so he does jump when filming. He was to film the assignation as a trophy for the killing. Every film was confescated. of the assasination except the most obvious seen man filming - zapruder. The shelter shooters were 8 ft totheir right. On days news the secretary says bullets seem to come from book depository but also from her right . A family of husband and wife and two young boys hit the ground . The father said on news that day in an interview that the ulcers whizzed by his ear. That means from behind him almost. If there was a shooter by grassy knoll behind the fence then that’s another shooter but I’m not convinced . There were witnesses that said a man standing on top of his car used a gun , disassembled it handed it to another man in drivers seat while he ( shooter ) got in to passenger front seat.

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад

      There are so many lies in that post I don't know where to BEGIN...

  • @gmoney8585
    @gmoney8585 6 месяцев назад +1

    When someone gets arrested they say im innocent not im just a patsy

  • @knickyak7268
    @knickyak7268 6 месяцев назад +1

    Oswald came back in 59 , lots of people saw the smoke from behind the fence , and watch were everyone ran after the shots , up the grassy knoll including motorcycle cop who dumped his bike going up the knoll

  • @poisedforduty
    @poisedforduty 6 месяцев назад +5

    How does he not know about James Files?

    • @janetphillips2875
      @janetphillips2875 6 месяцев назад +2

      James Files was found to be a fraudYEARS AGO. The only people that mention Files, are Files and the handful of people that fell for his bs.

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад

      How do you not know NBC cancelled their planned TV show on this lying clown Files after they confronted him with evidence he had been in Chicago during the assassination and he tried to claim he was being confused with his own nonexistent twin brother?

    • @chicagomike4587
      @chicagomike4587 6 месяцев назад

      Files had to invent a twin brother (seriously) when he got painted into a corner for his lying. His wife never heard of this "twin".lol He was just a con man.

    • @garyhamalainen1651
      @garyhamalainen1651 6 месяцев назад

      Files tells an interesting tale but may not be credible.

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад

      @@garyhamalainen1651 May not be credible??? Phone records demonstrate he was in Chicago during the assassination and when confronted with this he tried to claim he was being confused with his own non-existent twin brother. NBC cancelled their planned TV show on this lying clown after taking a closer look at him.

  • @NickFromDetroit
    @NickFromDetroit 6 месяцев назад +11

    This guy has watched Oliver Stone’s fictional “JFK” movie too many times.
    If you stand right where Abraham Zapruder filmed the assassination, you can see right over the picket fence onto the parking lot. It’s only about 30 feet to the corner of the fence. There were several other witnesses who were closer to the fence than Zapruder and his secretary. NONE of them said they heard a shot from behind the fence. Ergo, no shooter from the Grassy Knoll.
    Two witnesses on Houston St. saw LHO in the window opening of the Sixth Floor of the TSBD with a rifle. Mr. Howard Brennan gave police a description of the man immediately after the shooting. That’s why the Dallas police were able to broadcast a close description of Oswald so quickly.

    • @angusquake
      @angusquake 6 месяцев назад +1

      The theory that there was a shooter located on the so-called South Knoll, rather than perched within the underpass, was first popularized by the late Sherry Fiester, who had a background in forensics. To see her presentation, look for "JFK The South Knoll Gunman (Full Video)". The parking lot of the US Post Office Terminal Annex building behind the South Knoll would have allowed an easier getaway, and possibly a sniper hidden in a vehicle. Meanwhile, witnesses noticed all the noise and gunsmoke over on the Grassy Knoll, so they flocked there. And this distraction was perhaps part of the scheme.видео.html

    • @NickFromDetroit
      @NickFromDetroit 6 месяцев назад +2

      @@angusquake, I spent 2 weeks in Dallas in March, ‘92. I walked every inch of Dealey Plaza, including the south knoll area, south pergola, the bridge over the triple underpass, and the tunnels of the underpass. James Tague would certainly have heard a rifle shot from his position on Commerce St. Zapruder would have captured smoke on his footage since he filmed until the corner of the fence comes into view. Oswald fired all 3 shots from the TSBD.
      Also, there are plenty of photographs of the presidential limo at Parkland Hospital clearly showing no bullet hole in the windshield. It was cracked on the inside from bullet fragments.

    • @janetphillips2875
      @janetphillips2875 6 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@NickFromDetroitbullet hole shown at Hess and Eisenhardt.

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад +2

      @@janetphillips2875 Only damage is a crack caused by a bullet fragment that also damaged the chrome plating from the inside. But, have it your way: somebody desperate to frame this on Oswald from a window behind the car did so by standing squarely in front of the limo, in direct line of sight of everybody in the motorcade, fired through glass (!!!), and past the ears of a carful of passengers as he shot Kennedy in the face with a different rifle and bullets...

    • @NickFromDetroit
      @NickFromDetroit 6 месяцев назад

      @@janetphillips2875, I searched for photos of JFK’s limo (SS-100-X ‘61 Lincoln) at Parkland Hospital, the WH garage, and at Hess & Eisenhardt. None showed a through-and-through bullet hole in the front windshield.
      Please, show me your evidence.

  • @mssimon1634
    @mssimon1634 6 месяцев назад +2

    Chris, why did you discount the Roscoe White story as told by his son Ricky? Some people consider ex-Marine and DPD officer Roscoe White, code-named Mandarin, to have been one of three shooters, along with Rene Dussaq, code-named Saul, and a third, name unknown, code-named Lebanon.

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад

      White's known movements that day alone make it highly unlikely he even had time to get to the plaza in time for the assassination and in any case all credible medical, ballistic, forensic, film and eyewitness evidence clearly demonstrate the shots all came from the sixth floor window and from Oswald's rifle.

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад

      "Some people consider..." lol
      All credible medical, forensic, ballistic, film and eyewitness evidence clearly demonstrate the shots all came from the sixth floor window, and from Oswald's rifle.
      White's known movements that day make it highly unlikely he even had time to get to the plaza for the assassination.

  • @knickyak7268
    @knickyak7268 6 месяцев назад +1

    Wrong length gun and gun strap was mounted to the side of the Grip different than longer barrel and strap mounted underneath in backyard picture of Oswald

  • @davidday8417
    @davidday8417 6 месяцев назад +1

    I don’t believe that Oswald did it but some of this is all true like Ruby shooting Tippett. The 1 thing that keeps ringing true is that eyewitnesses were medically removed by every thing imaginable !! To say Zapruder was in that spot for a a reason is false a would who worked for him said after leavening the business they said to him that he forgot his movie camera !! Also the shot didn’t peel his face off !! The bullet that killed JFK entered just in his hairline exiting the back of his skull causing a wound identify by several doctors at Parkland Hospital part of his brain was on the back of the limo which clearly indicates a shot from the right front !! Jackie climbed on the car to retrieve part of his brain !! We will never know the truth !!

  • @42CAINE
    @42CAINE 6 месяцев назад +1

    If shots came from the rear and from five stories above any bullets hitting JFK and the governor would be hitting down inside the vehicle. Where did they hit inside the car? Where did the projectiles end up?
    Not to mention a patsy being placed in a job along the parade route a month before November 22. Who knew a month in advance that the route would be changed to pass over by the grassy knoll?
    There were also two previous failed assassination plots one in Chicago and another in Miami.
    Edwin Walker was not a moving target yet Lee Oswald missed when there was much less pressure than in Dealy Plaza.

  • @presidentceresidence5663
    @presidentceresidence5663 6 месяцев назад +1

    Jack ruby said ...they will never let the true facts come above aboard to the world...😮😮😮

  • @markstandohar5977
    @markstandohar5977 6 месяцев назад +1

    It was our Country’s very own Military Industrial Complex - billions/trillions, even in 1960’s $$$ at stake to get rid of JFK, who had started hinting at his reluctance to get too involved in Vietnam, and instead get a War Hawk in LBJ to wage war in Vietnam

  • @bluesky6985
    @bluesky6985 6 месяцев назад +7

    Zapruder was not there by accident. He was a 33rd degree freemason.. The limo came to a complete stop for the head shot. G Gordon Liddy shot Tippet.

    • @harlemswingdancehotjazz1205
      @harlemswingdancehotjazz1205 6 месяцев назад +2

      Yup and pristine copies of the film exists with Texas Big Wigs descendants - who else had $ to set this up?

    • @bluesky6985
      @bluesky6985 6 месяцев назад

      @@harlemswingdancehotjazz1205 Go watch JFK to 911 everything is a rich man's trick.

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад

      Idiotic, paranoid, crackpot B.S.

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад

      Yes, even Abraham Zapruder was part of a conspiracy, just like everybody else in the case except for Oswald. lol
      Oswald was ID'd by nearly a dozen witnesses as shooting Tippit and fleeing, the shells were matched to the gun he owned and was in possession of, and he observed, "Well, they say it only takes a minute to die" after asking about the penalty for cop-killing after being caught red-handed trying to shoot a second cop minutes later with the same gun.

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад

      So now Zapruder himself was a conspirator. LOL No doubt you will explain why any conspiracy would want anybody there filming the assassination AT ALL. Oh, and Oswald was ID'd by nearly a dozen witnesses as shooting Tippit and fleeing, owned and was in possession of the gun the shells were matched to, was caught trying to shoot a second cop minutes later nearby, and observed, "Well, they say it only takes a minute to die" after asking about the penalty for cop-killing.

  • @marcmarinacci7378
    @marcmarinacci7378 4 месяца назад

    Please give us more Chris on the JFK assassination !! Perhaps a show every couple weeks would be great .........

    • @cinemillstv
      @cinemillstv  4 месяца назад

      Marc - are there some particular questions you have or just general details about this complex case?

    • @marcmarinacci7378
      @marcmarinacci7378 4 месяца назад

      @@cinemillstv general details are fine, but my interest is really who pulled the strings to kill JFK and effectively kill our democracy.
      the shooters are relevant only to lead back to the architects. My personal belief is that it is a vast collection of many aspects of the country.....military, the war industry....CIA for sure.....politicians with LBJ prime......oil barons.....all with. much help from the mafia......... Where the shots came from is really a sidelight although my belief is the deadly front shots came from the underpass as a real CSI the late Sherry Fiester detailed. LHO didn't kill anyone !! Thanks .....!!!

  • @alancartwright1172
    @alancartwright1172 5 месяцев назад

    Great work you do saw Chris and was blown away by his no nonsense truth

  • @johnraley2546
    @johnraley2546 6 месяцев назад +8

    Chris is right on

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад +1

      He literally doesn't get one single thing right.

  • @bradnobl
    @bradnobl 6 месяцев назад +1

    This man is summarizing everything he's read in the past 20yrs.

    • @markdelgado8963
      @markdelgado8963 6 месяцев назад +1

      He doesn't know anything, period.

  • @gmoney8585
    @gmoney8585 6 месяцев назад +1

    The black guy sitting next to umbrella man had a portable radio

  • @DannyBhoy88
    @DannyBhoy88 6 месяцев назад +1

    Never thought of it before, but unless oswald knew for a fact jfk would be in an open top car then why would he take a rifle to work, he wouldn't, because he couldn't have known.

    • @cinemillstv
      @cinemillstv  6 месяцев назад

      Danny that right there may be the most slept on concept in this whole tragedy.

  • @daveburton3289
    @daveburton3289 6 месяцев назад +4

    Connolly / LBJ arranged for the change in parade route.

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад

      That was the standard parade route through Dallas, it was accurately described in the newspapers from the beginning, and you couldn't drift between lanes in Dealey Plaza to get to the onramp for the Stemmons Freeway and get to the Trade Mart.

    • @gregtennessee8249
      @gregtennessee8249 6 месяцев назад

      Conspiracy theories...
      That's all that's left.
      LBJ was a tool not a master assassin
      Trumps January 6 deadly riot killed seven people. Why aren't you doing all you can to keep trump out of office and Held accountable for his many Felonies and crimes?

  • @daveburton3289
    @daveburton3289 6 месяцев назад +5

    Dude nails it!!

  • @maryedinger3721
    @maryedinger3721 6 месяцев назад +1

    Was Lyndon Johnson involved? I have always believed he was in on the plan.

  • @craigfinley2507
    @craigfinley2507 6 месяцев назад +1

    Plus the limo driver damm near stopped right at the grassy knoll so the shooter could get off a deadly shot for sure

  • @ronmarvicsin7709
    @ronmarvicsin7709 6 месяцев назад +1

    The rear right blown out

  • @CARSON441
    @CARSON441 6 месяцев назад +1

    If this is planned you would not count on a flaky person like Oswald to be flawless in his part you would have expert backup. Marksman, this plan can't be botched . Focus on LBJ. the great beneficiary.

  • @tylertkelley6779
    @tylertkelley6779 6 месяцев назад +2

    There is no JFK mystery. A classic Terrain-Trap Turkey shoot. Will say this though; in Texas in '63 it was 85% white, and the men looked like men, 6' tall 175 lbs+: 5'6" Cuban exiles would have stood out like 'Snoop-Dog' in a Winnipeg Manitoba Ice Curling Contest. Much more likely shooters sourced from European side of things. Probably used the same 'out' as James Earl Ray(w/ help) through Montreal to London etc.

  • @mezchr
    @mezchr 6 месяцев назад +1

    autopsy X ray photos of metal fragments "numerous in quantity and exceedingly small in size" (R Bernabei) lodged just inside the skull at the right temple, is sufficient evidence of more than one shooter and therefore a conspiracy

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад

      Do you ever get tired of telling bald faced lies?
      Autopsy shows the shots came from behind.
      All bullets and fragments ever found were matched to Oswald's rifle.
      Kennedy is very clearly seen to suffer one massive exit wound at the temple consistent only with a shot from behind.

  • @brianarbenz1329
    @brianarbenz1329 5 месяцев назад +1

    Zapruder jerked his camera when the shots were fired. It is a lie that he did not react to shots.

  • @scottysmith719
    @scottysmith719 6 месяцев назад +2

    I'm a jarhead. I assure you I also agree with you. Lee was a supervisor in that situation. Maybe even planted a weapon, I also participated in many 21 gun salutes for veterans who passed, 7 shots fired. You only hear one. It happens, just an example, just watch the silent drill team, no commands, precision!

    • @cinemillstv
      @cinemillstv  6 месяцев назад +1

      Scotty thank you for protecting us Americans - we couldn’t agree with you more

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад

      All bullets and fragments ever found were matched to Oswald's rifle.

    • @scottysmith719
      @scottysmith719 6 месяцев назад +1

      I overlook your ignorance in just determine your stupid​@@aaronz7056

    • @jetcat132
      @jetcat132 6 месяцев назад

      @@scottysmith719Okay, so the only weapon found was Oswald’s Carcano. Did he plant it to incriminate himself lol?

    • @scottysmith719
      @scottysmith719 6 месяцев назад

      He thought he was in charge of something dumbass don't mean he pulled the trigger

  • @dextersimpson007
    @dextersimpson007 6 месяцев назад +1

    My biggest question is when was it decided for the President to ride in a drop top limousine and who all knew about this decision beforehand. This couldn't have been decided the day of.

    • @cinemillstv
      @cinemillstv  6 месяцев назад +1

      Great question Dexter - as a civilian you can get your wig split in a drop top.

    • @dextersimpson007
      @dextersimpson007 6 месяцев назад

      @cinemillstv Definitely was not a smart decision. I watched a documentary on CNN have a few months ago with 3 of the secret service officers that were assigned to President and First Lady on that day. One of the agents stated he no longer trusted the government after the assassination, I found that comment very interesting.

    • @cinemillstv
      @cinemillstv  6 месяцев назад

      Dex that is some heavy perspective. The bottom line is if you bump the apple cart you're going off planet. These people aren't playing.

  • @gmoney8585
    @gmoney8585 6 месяцев назад +1

    Lbj/hoover/mob/warmongering generals/Alan Dulles he had no way out

  • @b.w.barbee2269
    @b.w.barbee2269 6 месяцев назад

    Chris did a Great job!........I think he is spot on, with a huge part of his story...

  • @jkrein82
    @jkrein82 6 месяцев назад +1

    Proof please

  • @calvinnewborn8452
    @calvinnewborn8452 6 месяцев назад

    He was shot from behind up close, the throat. They had barely made the turn. This caused them to slow down. His wife was holding him up and then the kill shot came. front side down and up, like from a storm drain. His wife was on the trunk, picking up pieces of his head and putting them in her purse. Was there a secret service guy behind him?

  • @markcraciun1022
    @markcraciun1022 6 месяцев назад

    American Untold Stories and the New JFK Show are both great places to get more info. The new JFK show has over 250 episodes and its all great info. I cant believe anybody still thinks Oswald did it. They had a Patsy already in Chicago and Florida, but the execution never happened.

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад

      America's Untold Stories:
      - cranks out videos giving the middle finger to J.D. Tippit's family as they opine away without evidence the man was a conspirator so long as it suits their crackpot "theories"
      - does the same to Ruth Paine as though unfamiliar with the term "slander"
      - hawks books written by unspeakable monster Alex Jones....
      There is a mountain of evidence for Oswald's guilt.

  • @presidentceresidence5663
    @presidentceresidence5663 6 месяцев назад +1

    David Sanchez morales.....and david Phillips forgot these cia guys involved.

  • @dreams1319
    @dreams1319 6 месяцев назад +1

    Hey Chris the mafia admitted to supplying the shooters James files also Sam giancana

    • @dreams1319
      @dreams1319 6 месяцев назад

      Was involved

    • @jetcat132
      @jetcat132 6 месяцев назад

      You’re repeating nonsense and lies.

  • @TomMayrand-bz5ve
    @TomMayrand-bz5ve 6 месяцев назад +1

    LBJ and the CIA

  • @richardkeyes9610
    @richardkeyes9610 6 месяцев назад +1

    What about LBJ's personal hitman, Malcom Wallace? Aka: Mac Wallace.check him out.

  • @vlanzerada
    @vlanzerada 4 месяца назад

    i,m a expert on this ,,,JD Tippet was used as a body double ..the driver looked back seen aJFK wasn't dead stoped the car in front of the storm drain ..thats the killl shot .the shooter was in the storm drain !. the unbrella man was a signal to all the shooters that he was not dead if the umbrella was open ... the driver of the limo was involved as were the secret service.....muli agency involvement CIA kkk FBI police ect......and JFK jr had a magazine named GEORGE.. and knew the CIA killed his dad and George Bush sr was involved...........aka george'''thats a basic sweep of it they killed oswell on purpose so the case would close , 1 shooter and he is dead case closed .... typical Sicilian Italian mob stuff........
    and the oj version is not up to date or correct ....the real story is oj was there had hired people to do it ...was 4 guys not just charlie

  • @philporter2811
    @philporter2811 6 месяцев назад +1

    Really good interview. Didn’t think I would learn anything new on JFK but I certainly did today.

    • @cinemillstv
      @cinemillstv  6 месяцев назад

      Phil - Chris Todd does some very deep investigative work. Thank you for your compliment.

  • @johnnowlan9963
    @johnnowlan9963 6 месяцев назад +1

    Which Oswald Harvey or Lee 🤔

    @NOC1TIME 6 месяцев назад +1

    Both Dave Powers and Kenney O'Donale Both Kennedy aids in the follow up car. Told RFK and Tip O' Nille that they ":Rode onto and ambush. Several shots.

  • @dreams1319
    @dreams1319 6 месяцев назад +1

    Ruby was involved for sure

    • @garyhamalainen1651
      @garyhamalainen1651 6 месяцев назад

      Ruby was involved alright......... you COULD say he was the first to solve the crime,.as in........ hey, how did this joker know to execute Oswald?

  • @knickyak7268
    @knickyak7268 6 месяцев назад

    Bullets were made during ww2 20 year old ammunition is why some bullets hardly went in him the one in the back and one in his neck both fell out wasn’t found in him in Parkland hospital

  • @SrAJones-ns7sx
    @SrAJones-ns7sx 6 месяцев назад +1

    Great to finally hear Chris on this matter. I'm surprised he didn't mention Mac Wallace on the 6th floor - his fingerprints were there. Ruby was at the Murcheson Party the night before so that says a lot - Watch the Madeline Brown interview and she tells you who was there. The Orchestrator and Financier of all of this? Why LBJs Boss of course - and he started VERY early in the game. Chris is right: Over a year. LBJs Boss started 2 years prior😉

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад

      I'm surprised one interview subject could literally get everything demonstrably wrong.

    • @SrAJones-ns7sx
      @SrAJones-ns7sx 6 месяцев назад

      @@aaronz7056 🤣 I hope you get good change for spreading misinformation - carry on 😆💀

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад

      @@SrAJones-ns7sx I don't, I just see value in alerting people when they are being misled by lying crackpots like you - a man who just lectured me elsewhere Abraham Zapruder was a conspirator who filmed the assassination to create a "souvenir" for his co-conspirators - so stupid and paranoid they assume anybody not on board for this conspiracy idiocy must be getting paid by some conspiracy...

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад

      @@SrAJones-ns7sx I don't, I just see value in alerting people when they are being misled by lying crackpots like yourself (a man who just lectured me Abraham Zapruder was a conspirator filming the assassination as a "souvenir") so stupid and paranoid they assume anybody not on board for this conspiracy idiocy must be getting paid by some conspiracy.

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад

      I don't, I just see value in alerting people when they are being misled by lying crackpots like you (a man who just lectured me Abraham Zapruder was a conspirator filming the assassination for a "souvenir") so stupid and paranoid they assume anybody not on board for this conspiracy idiocy must be getting paid by a conspiracy. Oh, and the Wallace fingerprint story is long debunked rubbish.

  • @charlesschrader2988
    @charlesschrader2988 6 месяцев назад +2

    Shooter grassy knoll, James Files check it out.

    • @jetcat132
      @jetcat132 6 месяцев назад

      I wouldn’t waste my time.
      Files is a liar.

  • @devildawgpryde4764
    @devildawgpryde4764 6 месяцев назад +1

    Real shooters name, or one in which he went by I should say, is Robert Goeman.

  • @kennethcurtis1856
    @kennethcurtis1856 6 месяцев назад

    Watch the Dino Brugioni interview (1910ish) on the chain of custody of the Zapruder film before using it as a piece ot inrefuteable evidence.
    Mr. Brugioni was the top photo interpreter in 1963 and was intimately involved with analyzing the film and making a set for crime scene boards.

  • @CJK-bt4ll
    @CJK-bt4ll 6 месяцев назад

    I can buy that Oswald may have been walking to Jack Ruby's place. But the idea that Ruby killed Officer Tippett is a stretch. They confirmed where he was during that hour. Plus, there were 6 witnesses to the crime. 5 picked Oswald out.

    • @knickyak7268
      @knickyak7268 6 месяцев назад

      Read up on Tippet again the old woman 30 feet away said two men shot him 1 was short and fat Ruby ? Look up Mark Lane lecture at USC in 1964 he interviewed everyone

    • @CJK-bt4ll
      @CJK-bt4ll 6 месяцев назад

      @@knickyak7268 I will go back and check my sources on Tippitt. Regarding Mark Lane, his theories have begun to unravel over the past 20 years. I believe even the funding of his books/research has come under fire. I think it's important to reread the testimony of the dispatch at the DPD about Tippitt's movements just prior to his shooting and the instructions he got those last 10 minutes. Thx.

  • @zz424
    @zz424 6 месяцев назад

    Genius can explain the shell casings and ballistic match nit surprised

  • @richardsnowden3869
    @richardsnowden3869 6 месяцев назад +1

    You lied. 200 in Dealey Plaza at the most!

    • @gabrielszarose5640
      @gabrielszarose5640 6 месяцев назад

      That's roughly 6 school classrooms that would take up a quarter space of area in a small gym with everyone sitting side by side.

  • @presidentceresidence5663
    @presidentceresidence5663 6 месяцев назад +1

    And 13,shots

  • @Main_Jail_Yard
    @Main_Jail_Yard 6 месяцев назад

    Was this reuploaded? I swear I saw this yesterday

    • @cinemillstv
      @cinemillstv  6 месяцев назад +2

      We had to upload a clean version

    • @PetesGuide
      @PetesGuide 6 месяцев назад

      @@cinemillstvanything missing? RUclips censorship?

    • @cinemillstv
      @cinemillstv  6 месяцев назад +1

      Pete in the uncensored version we show the instance JFK got shot - RUclips obviously found that too extreme for a general audience. It is hard to look at.

    • @PetesGuide
      @PetesGuide 6 месяцев назад

      @@cinemillstv and you put a blurry square over the gun in Ruby’s hand. Noticed that after I posted. Didn’t even look like he’d pulled the trigger yet.

  • @RogerColes-ki7xh
    @RogerColes-ki7xh 6 месяцев назад

    I was in kindergarden an my mom picked me up. She was crying. I said did the dog die again.

  • @stevenramsey1430
    @stevenramsey1430 6 месяцев назад +1

    He must believe the James E files story

  • @TampicoBo
    @TampicoBo 6 месяцев назад

    The CIA had a file on Oswald due to his behavior in marines and he was Intelligence as a false defector in Russia. Once they decided on the location they(cia) looked in their files and found the perfect patsy.

    • @cinemillstv
      @cinemillstv  6 месяцев назад

      found? You mean groomed since and early adult.

  • @aaronz7056
    @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад

    Open challenge to Mr. Todd.
    Explain how, if "Ruby and Craford" framed Oswald for killing Tippit, they could possibly have known ALL of the following things:
    - Oswald would leave the TSBD immediately after the assassination
    - he would successfully escape Dealey Plaza
    - there is any point in attacking a cop on a public street since Oswald is already being sought anyway
    - there is any logic in attacking a cop since if anything goes wrong here they will just end up confirming a conspiracy exists
    - Oswald owns a revolver at all
    - the revolver is at the rooming house
    - Oswald will obtain the revolver
    - Oswald will retain the revolver
    - he would decide at the last minute to put a jacket on
    - he would discard his jacket in the streets before his arrest
    - they have an imposter in place who looks so much like Oswald he is guaranteed to fool the nearly dozen witnesses who ID Oswald (including the one he exchanged words with)
    - a cop is guaranteed to be driving at 10th and Patton at exactly the right moment to plausibly place Oswald at the crime scene
    - the imposter, as he attacks the cop, can be certain Oswald is still at liberty
    - the imposter can be certain Oswald has no alibi
    - the imposter can be certain Oswald has come to that general neighbourhood
    - Officer Tippit will not simply outdraw and capture the imposter, blowing the whole plot then and there
    - no other cop will capture the imposter
    - Oswald himself will be plainly seen trying to hide in the store front from passing police
    - a shoe store clerk will be suspicious enough of Oswald to follow him
    - Oswald will be plainly see ducking into a theater to dodge more passing police
    - he will be caught red-handed trying to shoot a second cop
    - he will fight police so violently 3 of them will be injured just disarming him
    - he will observe, "Well, they say it only takes a minute to die" after asking about the penalty for cop-killing
    - the Dallas PD is guaranteed to be fully on board for the successful escape from justice of the "real killers" of a brother officer with a wife and 3 children...

    • @CWYMAN77
      @CWYMAN77 6 месяцев назад +1

      You’re a moron.

    • @JohnJohnson-pq4qz
      @JohnJohnson-pq4qz 6 месяцев назад

      Challenge!?!?!? This is the same coma man we have been asking to take Barry Krusch JFK challenge for years....LMFAO...but he has ducked it every time.....LOL. #25 time ..again to lying coma man....IF YOU ARE SUCH AN EXPERT, WHEN ARE YOU TAKING BARRY KRUSCH'S JFK CHALLANGE AND GET YOUR EASY MILLION BUCKS?????????

  • @mattsweeny3957
    @mattsweeny3957 6 месяцев назад +1

    CIA helped Carlos Marcello

  • @craigfinley2507
    @craigfinley2507 6 месяцев назад

    Why did ruby shoot oswald then

  • @dianef2961
    @dianef2961 4 месяца назад

    What is Chris Todd’s email?

    • @cinemillstv
      @cinemillstv  4 месяца назад

  • @ghmonroe9872
    @ghmonroe9872 6 месяцев назад +1

    I disagree a bit. I believe that Jean Rene Souetre was the grassy knoll shooter.

    • @garyhamalainen1651
      @garyhamalainen1651 6 месяцев назад

      Yeah, he is a definite possibility........ we'll prolly never know who fired which shots but there are now many credible suspects who are proven to have been in Dallas that day and as far as I know none are still living. The most guilty are those who hired them, imo.

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад

      Beliefs are not evidence.

  • @daviddowns7552
    @daviddowns7552 6 месяцев назад

    A tragedy.everyone knows who it was yet no one knows

  • @josephdovi1565
    @josephdovi1565 6 месяцев назад +1

    CIA LBJ Mafia

  • @mjford6152
    @mjford6152 6 месяцев назад

    Murder Most Foul

  • @randyharris3175
    @randyharris3175 6 месяцев назад

    The they is Oswald. This guy can't actually believe this he's too smart.

  • @furbabydaddy814
    @furbabydaddy814 6 месяцев назад +2

    Having been there,the place is claustrophobic almost.

    • @DanC-go9lc
      @DanC-go9lc 6 месяцев назад +1

      Dealey Plaza is small. Anyone seriously interested should visit it someday. Also Elm Street is sloped much more than you would imagine from videos.

    • @SrAJones-ns7sx
      @SrAJones-ns7sx 6 месяцев назад +1

      Its scary'd have to be blind to miss JFK in the Kill Zone if you were street level...

    • @frankpaya690
      @frankpaya690 6 месяцев назад

      ​@@DanC-go9lcI guess after more than 60 years, dealy plaza hasn't changed since 63?

    • @furbabydaddy814
      @furbabydaddy814 6 месяцев назад

      @@SrAJones-ns7sx that’s exactly what I thought,but the same could be said for Oswald.

    • @DanC-go9lc
      @DanC-go9lc 6 месяцев назад

      @@frankpaya690 The size of Dealey Plaza and slope of Elm Street has not changed 1 inch or 1 degree. Have you been there yourself ?

  • @DaddyDepression
    @DaddyDepression 6 месяцев назад +1

    LBJ’s man Mac Wallace print was found at the sniper’s nest.

    • @dab.
      @dab. 6 месяцев назад

      No, it wasn't.

  • @winterhaydn
    @winterhaydn 6 месяцев назад +12

    Zapruder was still filming before he realized what happened. It's not suspicious.

    • @MICHAEL_MAY_8
      @MICHAEL_MAY_8 6 месяцев назад

      Its VERY suspicious. A 33d freemason is filming in the PERFECT position? In front of a MASONIC TEMPLE?? AND the film is edited? Dude he was placed there for a reason.

  • @cryan4041
    @cryan4041 6 месяцев назад +18

    Thank you for posting this video. I confess (and apologize); I have no idea who this man is. Having said that, he really makes an amazing case. I am very impressed. I am only student of the assassination, and I've been trying to do my due diligence for the past seven years via studying the research of the masters like Harold Weisberg and Walt Brown. I started by reading the Warren Report (888 pages), then the 26 volumes (which took me almost 2 years). Since then I've studied 52 books, all but four of which were written by researchers of impeccable credibility. (The four that turned out to be garbage were a result of my wanting to give people a chance, but I learned the hard way that there are those who are in this strictly for notoriety and profit - not truth.) This presentation is no nonsense truth. Personally, I think it's folly to speculate who the shooters might have been (but the speaker is honest about that, and makes very well-informed speculations, and I've always thought Larry Crafard was a prime suspect for having shot Tippit. The jacket Westbrook supposedly found under the '54 Oldsmobile looks just like his, and Crafard fled the state right after). To me, all that matters is the following: 1) Was there more than one shooter? 2) Was Oswald one of them? I guess I'm simply fed up, and this video struck what I believe is a collective nerve - I'm sick and tired of our government and our main stream media lying to us about this. It's infuriating, not to mention insulting to basic human decency and intelligence.

    • @AminalBob
      @AminalBob 6 месяцев назад

      Not just lying to us about this. Lying to us about so much over the years. Seems once they got away with it, they went into overdrive on dirty deeds and lying.

    • @gilleslauzon
      @gilleslauzon 6 месяцев назад +1

      Cryan, to learn more about the JFK assassination, check out my comment, a few comments above.

    • @peterfraser9070
      @peterfraser9070 6 месяцев назад

      Ironically, it is our fellow citizens - right from the beginning - like the Mark Lanes and the Jim Marrs - who have been preying on the public's collective nerve about distrusting the gov't (which is often deserved) and lying to us in their conspiracy books and creating mystery and confusion about this murder. I'm no fan of the gov't, but not everything we hear is always bullsh*t.
      Non-governmental people - journalists, etc, have researched this over the decades and the unexciting news is that Oswald did it with no sign whatsoever of any other involvement.
      Which do you care more about - the truth or an exciting conspiracy and murder mystery? I prefer to keep reality distinct from fictional stories.

    • @DanC-go9lc
      @DanC-go9lc 6 месяцев назад

      @cryan4041 I assume that those on your list of "researchers of impeccable credibility" include Mark Lane, Jim Garrison and Robert Grodin ? At least many early critics such as Weisberg, Penn Jones Jr., Josiah Thompson and Mary Ferrell were honest about their work.
      Since you read all the Warren Commission Report --- who was it that went to Washington DC in January 1961, visited the State Dept. claiming then (over 2 years before the assassination) that Lee Harvey Oswald was working as an US agent of some kind ?

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 6 месяцев назад +2

      He doesn't make an amazing case, he gets everything demonstrably wrong.
      Oswald was ID'd by nearly a dozen witnesses as shooting Tippit and fleeing. What the heck is the point in attacking a cop on a public street anyway? Anything goes wrong, such as Tippit simply outdrawing and capturing his attacker, and they just end up confirming a conspiracy exists.
      How the hell does anybody know Oswald will decide at the last minute to put a jacket on at all, much less will discard it before his arrest?
      All credible medial, forensic, ballistic, film and eyewitness evidence clearly demonstrates the shots all came from the sixth floor window, and from Oswald's rifle.