Surprise-surprise Gag Denis Levasseur (Mario Bélanger)

  • Опубликовано: 2 фев 2025

Комментарии • 37

  • @gags
    @gags 10 лет назад +38

    Lookin' good, Denis! #TBT

  • @khwamrak8880
    @khwamrak8880 3 года назад +2

    Un des meilleurs pièges. Ma maman n'arrêtait pas de rire à l'époque.

  • @louisecroccel8026
    @louisecroccel8026 10 лет назад +2

    Trop bien réussi !!! bravo à tte l'équipe de surprise -surprise !!!

  • @kosieCoco
    @kosieCoco 10 лет назад +4

    Brilliant you should see Dennis's face absolutely

  • @Xaw13
    @Xaw13 12 лет назад +6

    The first guy (Mario) was talking to himself (or at least "God") and Denis and his friend (Ginette I think) were saying that this guy was completely crazy and hearing voices.
    After that, "God" talks to Denis by saying "Denis, Denis! Your life will change for the better, I chose you to guide Mario, the guy next to you needs you.
    Touch him, he needs you.
    I will make a sign. Today, I welcome you, like the others, to Surprise sur prise"

  • @francinejean1430
    @francinejean1430 8 лет назад +1

    Rire comme ça ça se peut pas ! !Bravo et Rip Marcel Beliveau ! !

  • @stephlechat
    @stephlechat 14 лет назад +1

    Je l'avais oublié celle-là. Génial! MDR

  • @whywhyman
    @whywhyman 6 лет назад +6

    this is why he is pranking everyone... his revenge! :D lol

  • @yingARTA
    @yingARTA 12 лет назад +3

    [ecoute bien!] listening well!
    [T'entends-tu?] You heard it?
    [- Je n'entends rien, Denis] - I heard nothing, Denis
    [Je n'entends absolument rien] I couldn't hear anything
    [Tu n'entends pas?] You can’t hear?
    [Arrete de me niaiser] Stop fooling me
    [-C'est toi qui me niaise] It is you playing fool on me
    [J'ai entendu: "Ta vie va changer"] I heard, "Your life will change"
    [- C'est la musique qui joue] - This is the music being played

  • @sergiomexia
    @sergiomexia 12 лет назад +6

    Yes, that's a Levasseur smile

  • @canyoubelievethis220
    @canyoubelievethis220 12 лет назад +1

    Thank you, thank you ... oops, I mean "Merci, Merci." LOL! This is funny in ANY language. Thanks for your translation.

  • @ZouhairBouzid
    @ZouhairBouzid 12 лет назад

    vraiment trés fort je vous remercie et je remerci mon meilleur ami DENIS

  • @turockandar
    @turockandar 11 лет назад +10

    The person next to him pretends to be crazy and speaking to himself...then they simulate God's voice and it tells the first person to hold the other one's hand and his wife and all the erst pretend that they can't hear anything...he keeps asking...'God's voice says "Your life is going to change".."This is a message for you", "I have chosen you to guide Mario.." "Take his hand..he needs you" "You will shown a sign...I have come here just for you..for the show surprise surprise"

  • @МашаЛядя
    @МашаЛядя 9 месяцев назад

    A very nice comedian, like Dennis very greatly.

  • @dcr100
    @dcr100 12 лет назад +7

    Didnt understand, but how funny to see Denis Levasseur as victim.

  • @zidane59
    @zidane59 14 лет назад

    yé fénomenalllllllll
    magnifik vrai rien a dir !! looolllllllllllll

  • @Doucemelody
    @Doucemelody 11 лет назад +2


  • @claireesposito2254
    @claireesposito2254 5 месяцев назад

    C'est rigolo le feuilleton de surprise surprise

  • @yingARTA
    @yingARTA 12 лет назад +3

    [mais avant, c'etait: "Ta vie va changer"] but before it was, "Your life will change"
    [Tu n'as pas entendu: "En temps et lieu"] You haven’t heard: "In time"
    [C'est grave, depuis tantot j'entends des voix] This is serious, since sometimes I can hear voices
    [c'est un message qui s'adresse a moi!] it is a message that speaks to me!
    ["Je t'ai choisi pour guider Mario"] "I chose to guide Mario"
    [T'appelles-tu Mario] You called Mario

  • @yingARTA
    @yingARTA 12 лет назад +2

    [on s'en va ] it goes
    [S'il sort son gun, moi je pars a courir ] If he leaves his gun, I'm going to run
    [ll est sur un interurbain] It is a long distance
    [-ll parle tout seul] It speaks for itself-
    [moi, j'ai peur] me, I'm afraid
    [As-tu compris quelque chose?] Do you understand something?
    [-qu'est - ce que le pretre a dit?] -what - what did the priest say?
    [-j' ai rien entendu] -I haven’t heard anything
    [entends-tu une autre voix dans le micro?] You heard another voice from the microphone?

  • @kellerman8187
    @kellerman8187 10 лет назад +1

    ecco perché Denis adesso fa gli scherzi alla gente "PER VENDICARSI" XD

  • @yingARTA
    @yingARTA 12 лет назад +2

    [-pas du tout!] Not at all!
    [il y'a une dame qui a la grippe la-bas] there there's a lady who has the flu out there
    [Ah! Ca doit etre ca...] Ah! It must be ca ...
    [Entends-tu?] Can you hear?
    [-Je n'entends pas] - I heard nothing
    [-Tu hallucines!] -You’ve hallucinations!
    [C'est quoi ca?] What is this?
    [-Quoi?] -What?
    [- Je n'entends rien, moi] - I heard nothing, I
    [arrete donc!] stop it!
    [entends-tu quelque chose au micro?] Can you hear something from the microphone?

  • @yingARTA
    @yingARTA 12 лет назад +1

    Since I dun understand French, in fact English is also my second language..
    But after I read MacroX13's little summary, when I watched this again, I decided to input the transcript on the screen into the google translator while I was watching it on the way.. so here's the copy from it..some of them sounds a bit funny due to the google' accuracy.. but still here's for anyone who feel curious about the content of the conservations..

  • @zandersonic
    @zandersonic 11 лет назад +1

    Trop drole!! avez-vous d'autres épisodes de cette émission? des bons souvenirs d'enfance!

  • @ianbrownuk
    @ianbrownuk 10 лет назад +3

    Would love to see this translated into English.

  • @RealArtVandelay
    @RealArtVandelay 6 лет назад +1

    wow c'est lui qui fait les gag maintenant non??

  • @yingARTA
    @yingARTA 12 лет назад +1

    @MacroX13! Now I got the full story of this!!! LOL ahahah so cute Denis is!

  • @Simpliband
    @Simpliband 13 лет назад +1

    je l'aime en maudit denis levasseur :)

  • @jheartaquarious1722
    @jheartaquarious1722 10 лет назад

    Lol ahaha..cute pranks:)

  • @maximelefebvre9900
    @maximelefebvre9900 8 лет назад

    Remarquez que Denis ( la victime) est le comédien qui joue dans les gags juste pou rire.
    Denis( the victim who is earing God) his the guy from just for laught.the gags.

  • @wilsonjrleon
    @wilsonjrleon 11 лет назад +2

    Lol. Prankster gets pranked

  • @daggett588525
    @daggett588525 10 лет назад +2

    It was KIND OF funny to me, but not knowing French, meh! Maybe some English subtitles???

  • @amportugalify
    @amportugalify 12 лет назад +1


  • @alain0323
    @alain0323 4 года назад

    On voit qui commencait a perdre ses cheveux a un jeune age

  • @lilo4569
    @lilo4569 7 лет назад +1

    bizarrement on fait ca a d'autres on aurait la licra