Hi Bike人日常. . . Thank you for the video. Now I understand why bicycle mechanic will tell us why V Brake frame is not able to convert to Disc Brake vice versa. I have 2 qns which I hope you can help with. 1) Based on your own experience, how long do you think a folding bicycle can last? 2) Can you recommend bicycle handphone holder and bottle holder?
1. In terms of frame durability, for Bromptons, they can last 2 to 3 decades at least, even a lifetime if taken care of properly. So they're not expensive at all for how long they can last. For some mid range Dahons, 4 years and more under heavy use. TrinX, Fnhon, Mint, Rifle, etc... Depends on how you use and your luck...Some brands I don't recommend for prolonged usage such as Solar, Galaxy...Birdy are quite sturdy too thanks to the full suspension. 2. Haha I'm a minimalist and I never use phone mount and bottle holder. The only bottle holder you saw on the TrinX z5 frame is from a friend. It should be the high end model from Decathlon. The water bottle too from Decathlon. They seem to be of very high quality. Zefal is also a famous French brand, but they don't come cheap. The Decathlon bottle and holder work great and it's easy to drink without leakage. Maybe when budget allows, I will get some affordable yet quality phone mounts to test and review.
Almost forgot TERN. If you don't mind spending a bit more like 6000+ HKD, and you want a practical foldie that lasts at least 1-2 decades, mid range Tern models are the way to go. Link d8 is good. Don't get the 7 speed. And they look good. The verge d9 even better looking with amazing curves and moulding. And they ride great, just like a normal non-folding bike .
左右調轉,可以嘅,我試過ok㗎, 只要唔介意
1. 換油嘅時候調返轉佢。
2. Logo 要向下, 買了超級名牌的人就秀不到牌子。
3. 螺絲鬆脫,完全睇唔到,可能會直接掉落地下漏油。
調轉可以嘅,我試過ok㗎, 只要唔介意1. 換油嘅時候調返轉佢。 2. Logo 要向下, 買了超級名牌的人就秀不到牌子。
1st comment 😆
一如以往 高質教學
Hi Bike人日常. . . Thank you for the video. Now I understand why bicycle mechanic will tell us why V Brake frame is not able to convert to Disc Brake vice versa. I have 2 qns which I hope you can help with. 1) Based on your own experience, how long do you think a folding bicycle can last? 2) Can you recommend bicycle handphone holder and bottle holder?
1. In terms of frame durability, for Bromptons, they can last 2 to 3 decades at least, even a lifetime if taken care of properly. So they're not expensive at all for how long they can last. For some mid range Dahons, 4 years and more under heavy use. TrinX, Fnhon, Mint, Rifle, etc... Depends on how you use and your luck...Some brands I don't recommend for prolonged usage such as Solar, Galaxy...Birdy are quite sturdy too thanks to the full suspension.
2. Haha I'm a minimalist and I never use phone mount and bottle holder. The only bottle holder you saw on the TrinX z5 frame is from a friend. It should be the high end model from Decathlon. The water bottle too from Decathlon. They seem to be of very high quality. Zefal is also a famous French brand, but they don't come cheap. The Decathlon bottle and holder work great and it's easy to drink without leakage.
Maybe when budget allows, I will get some affordable yet quality phone mounts to test and review.
Almost forgot TERN. If you don't mind spending a bit more like 6000+ HKD, and you want a practical foldie that lasts at least 1-2 decades, mid range Tern models are the way to go. Link d8 is good. Don't get the 7 speed.
And they look good. The verge d9 even better looking with amazing curves and moulding.
And they ride great, just like a normal non-folding bike .
我部特長車架, 裝咗落去都比較鬆動, 我相信一般20吋以下嘅摺車都可以。
補充一下 個油剎可以變更為左前右後 用板手擰開油管對調就得 今日搞掂左 開心使用中
係呀,如果你有注油工具嘅話,因為嗰陣時知識工具技術未到😅。 日後呢個影片會重拍,成為內線。 以及重新入油。
請問你用呢款細細個torque wrench可以係邊買?
太子,野牛單車,最好問下,有冇貨,我唔記得咗Topeak呢舊嘢叫咩名 。。。
好似係$2xx定$3xx...有5功能3-5mm hex, 2支Torx星匙
係Topeak Nano TorqbarX
改全油你買一set返黎,無論咩牌子,就算隻碟唔一樣大細,照片中嘅原理,基本上都改到㗎喎。我暫時唔會拍油碟住, 或者第日再拍下啲特殊車種嘅油碟,例如彎把
Hi 想請教下
如摺車(Birdy 經常摺)用液壓碟剎
其實只要嘅油管長度夠,一般都唔會有事嘅, 車主話冇事,而且網上都有好多話改咗油剎嘅車,都摺到。
我見過有啲打橫嘅摺車如java fit,都摺到。
仲有就係要慢慢摺, 避免有大過90度嘅屈曲
我係超長車架,好長, 同我公路車一樣長。 目測有夠嘅空間畀彎曲, 兜一個八cm嘅圈冇問題。但我戴返個頭盔:我未試過裝落摺車度。 有啲dahon k3plus都冇問題。
@@bikeguyhk 係囉收到我都暈左,佢係手制一件,夾器同線一件,無入油
【淘宝】m.tb.cn/h.U5gQndq?tk=TyAgdbZ2Cvz CZ3457 「ZTTO 山地车CNC高端四活塞油刹 自行车散热油压碟刹器 油碟刹车」
点击链接直接打开 或者 淘宝搜索直接打开
我買左呢款呀,望落摸上手係幾高級咁,但係原來呢d 係沒預先注油既
【淘宝】m.tb.cn/h.UfpsSTJ?tk=shkwdb0Dwet CZ3457 「碳客TANKE山地自行车四活塞油刹碟刹CNC双边制动夹器散热来令片」
点击链接直接打开 或者 淘宝搜索直接打开
@@Mland98 zitto tanke佢哋應該係同一間廠呀,只不過印唔同牌子. 我諗應該係你個賣家,發緊夢。
你好 想知道怎分辯 掂到碟
因為睇左你條片 調教左 但肉眼睇又好似掂到少少 但測落去又好似無事
第一,確保碟直。( 有時以為直,其實就唔直, 最近我捉到個車友,佢話直, 我一睇彎曬)
第二,真係用眼去睇, 半鬆半緊最容易set。
淘寶有間隙工具輔助, 幫你設定空隙, 但係我咁耐都冇需要用到。
@@bikeguyhk 多謝晒你 教識左好多野 幫到我呢d新手好多
@@tatlamli727 係會停, 我用手,整咗三分鐘,就整好了,佢油碟。java摺車。 另外多謝你收睇👊🏻
Hi. 想請問下佢有隻4活塞, 你覺得會唔會再好用d? 定你呢隻你用咁耐都覺得好好用? 安裝起來係唔係差唔多?呢2日有活動, 想同佢個bb 一起買。 謝謝。
四活塞係高檔,一定會好用啲。 但我呢隻用到今時今日,一啲問題都冇, 油都未換。 成個車頭跌咗落地,油箱hi花咗都冇事。
@@bikeguyhk 謝謝, 另外聽你講好似換左碳纖維座管, 幾時出片呀😎
我都心思思想換, 但我78kg, 又怕怕地太重, 又聽好多人講會下滑。
@@garyching628 99嘻好然这学有那子们个他的, m.tb.cn/h.fuQiLWF
有平有貴,換塑膠管套,抹乾淨管壁同埋管身, 可以加少量牙膏。
「LITEPRO碳纤维座杆折叠自行车33.9*580MM坐管大行k3plus 33.9坐管」
冇事啦我條 窮人碳纖維,到而家都冇爛。
@@bikeguyhk 呢3條, 你會推薦邊條?
有冇油壓碟剎調教(hi 碟)
@@bikeguyhk 我隻碟彎
@@mr.on9 咁真係要,扭開兩粒固定螺絲,手工調節鮑魚的位置。鬆開之後,拿住剎車不放,同時再上返實兩粒固定螺絲。
剎車檢查下隻碟有冇移動, 再微調。 我都係咁做㗎咋, 無需要買額外工具。
@@bikeguyhk ig chat
@@mr.on9 有一個情況就係, 個轆受到碰撞或移位 ,快拆或者固定螺絲母, 鬆咗, 所以磨碟。呢個情況 係一定要重新安裝一次車輪, 然之後再調整煞車碟皮。 由於 隔空難診斷,希望體諒。
正喎, 可幫我架MTB換油煞了 :P
@@bikeguyhk 不過要換埋波撥先得😫
如果識放油, 再剪短, 再磨返平佢, 再裝返,注油, 就可以。 淘寶有入油工具。
@@bikeguyhk 20吋摺車,後油剎1400mm 夠唔夠長,因為我現在條威也,係1600mm
@@kamchiung4963 片中部車超長車架甚至長過某啲公路車都絕對夠長
@@kamchiung4963 補充,使用半年,非常滿意,一點問題也沒有
@@bikeguyhk 多謝賜教
1:45 所以?
換油要插漏斗,向上。 買咗超級名牌個logo又要向下。 你可以大工程將兩條管換咗佢嘅。
@@bikeguyhk 玩原有再將兩邊調返轉咪得囉
@@mr.on9 而且佢會頂住下面個指撥,如果你係用指撥。 結果出嚟嘅角度就係非常之奇怪極之難用, 你有冇試過先?
@@bikeguyhk 你放心我單速
@@mr.on9 咁你架車結構唔同,我冇辦法照顧曬全部用家, 隨機應變,鍾意點玩就點玩,就係玩單車嘅樂趣。 我堅持油箱蓋向上,係因為安全起見。 如果螺絲有乜嘢鬆動,可以即時睇到, 而且地心吸力會令到佢更穩陣。