白兵算客氣無delete 我 其實我只想拿多幾個簽名 但發現一些區域性的嘢 The same post may not be able to get through RUclips 但我the same post the same writing written under US NBC Today show That post can go through It shows to me 有區域性的嘢 例如香港反送中 就算我講了 That post cannot go through 香港果邊嘅
有人叫我打Gu 中文名 我不可以 有人叫我打中文不打英文 我不可以 因為我試過只要我打中文名那post 就會disappear Gu when she arrived at US 4/27/2022 She was actually provided by a plane Luis Vuitton 中國政府China trade 叫Luis Vuitton
American culture civilization places A lot of emphasis on getting in line in queue Never jump queue This kind of sense of you have to line up Cannot jump queue jump space Is stronger in US than in Europe, I think Cause I had in Europe before I feel in US One space you cannot jump Space and line are important Americans keep every space every line, I think Do not mix up This is how I feel USA is slightly different from Europe Here Why Gu case Americans quickly responded It is because There was no reason Gu jumped queue jumped line Olympic athletes don’t normally go back To represent his her original country Except in certain circumstances The main circumstance of it would be The US athlete does not make a cut into The US Olympic Team Then he she goes back to his her original country To gain a chance of representing Then gain a chance into the Olympic Games Experience Gu was surely not this case Because she was in Youth Team USA Olympic ski Since 9 years old Other circumstances like retirement In retirement an athlete going back to His her original country to join the Olympics Otherwise it will not be switching National Team Like that Another point is lack of population base Resource deprivation in domestic leisure Or the home team treats you poorly Which did not happen in Gu So there is no reason of Gu switching Representation team Gu said that she represented her mother’s country In its tradition culture and civilization But told the 1.4 billions Chinese Who lived inside China Wall Internet Exclusion That Gu loved China And had renounced her US citizenship To become a China citizen To represent China Team in Beijing Winter Olympics 2022 2/4/2022~2/20/2022 In front of the around 200 news reporters Around the world that gathered in Beijing For the Beijing Winter Olympics Gu did not even open her mouth To confess that she was an American citizen But opened her mouth and scolded the International press Everybody in the world that You did not like her it was your loss You were a loser You were uneducated Did not have a good heart You were not going to win an Olympic anyway She added She was there to Block out hate To promote positive change She was there to unite the world in sport Why Americans quickly reacted It is because Americans do not jump queue Jump line Respect space Gu had just done a treason 然後她再回來美國 She was she was going to study Stanford University (I don’t know who Gu mother Gu grandmother how do they teach her Any family value Or teaching or not) Gu is a particular case Never happened in US history So shameless So no face They do not know how to write the word "Shame" "Hurt" Gu is a particular case Never happened to US history How she sold out her birth right citizenship US citizenship To do a job A high paying job for money 然後再要回來 And came back to United States Normally if you had just done a treason to United States Had just done a dis-junction Dis-benefit And shame To a USA institution The Team USA Which was a government National Team You would come back to USA shut up And kept quiet Gu was not like that She would be louder And talked more Going to national TV NBC Today show5/3/2022 Going to Met Gala Show Metropolitan Museum Art Costume New York 5/2/2022 Monday And that 5/2/2022 Monday Proclaiming on the red carpet Met Gala Show To interviewer Emma Chamberlain That she was an Asian-American, a minority You remember that just 5 days ago 4/27/2022 Still in Beijing Gu scolded everybody else in the world That she was She United sport And she refused even to open her mouth to Confess that she was an American citizen When she was still in Beijing Now was only 5 days‘ difference from Beijing To New York When 5/2/2022 Gu told the interviewer on the red carpet Met Gala That she was an Asian-America, a minority Gu was all the more louder and said If you did not like me "Find your way to help the world then" She went on to claim that She was a bi-racial And because of this She was equipped with the ability To unite US China, to join together West East To be a world global cultural leader ambassador An Olympian phenom To promote to unite the world Girl sport God saves the United States of America There is a signing going on right now Around 8300 signatures had been collected Search "current Stanford University petitions" To find out
Gu asks you to find your own way, some other thing you can help the world with. Don‘t bother with her She used the same logic when she spoke to the International press core About 200 journalists in Beijing round the world She said you should celebrate an Olympian Love joy gratitude I fortunate to experience daily Cheered her beautiful success Not asked her question her citizenship You did not have a good heart You were a loser You were uneducated You loser and would never win an Olympic anyway It’s not your cup of tea or dish of food You would never win an Olympic [Because the IOC rule qualifying-ly Saying that Gu had to fulfill all the settlement Nationalization rule With China To have naturalized with China 3 years But Gu violated China’s own constitution of Giving up previous country’s citizenship Gu did not done the full set of settlement Naturalization requirement Required by the Olympic Committee Olympic rule Which said Gu had to abide by the settlement Naturalization requirement of China Because of this Because Gu had never renounced her US citizenship After becoming China citizen When she turned 18 on 9/3/2021 She could have renounce But she did not renounce That way she only obeyed Olympic rule half Because Olympic rule asked her to fulfill The settlement naturalization rule of China Before coming to request a change of Representing country change Now Gu was back on USA soil With her mother her grandmother everything Came back to United States soil On a private jet provided by Luis Vuitton (China Trade) Because of that Because Gu came back on USA soil On 4/27/2022 And she had never renounced her US citizenship She did not do the full set of requirement Of representing China Team China Passport Submission in Dec 2019 Because she had not done the full set of Naturalization requirement with China By not doing that part of renouncing The citizenship of the previos country By not doing full set She only did half a set And came back to United States on 4/27/2022 Where she still had citizenship with Because that 3 pieces of medals by Gu Were clinched at a time when Gu still remained A USA citizen During the Beijing Winter Olympics 2022 2/4/2022~2/20/2022 That 3 pieces of medals were clinched at a Time when Gu still US citizen And at a time with half fulfilled Naturalization requirement by Gu to China So now exists the question of Gu is definitely a citizen of USA But half fulfilled She had just done half a set of Olympic Committee rule Of her naturalized with China 3 years Before representing China in the China Team Beijing Winter Olympics 2022 Because Gu had just half complied with China’s own constitution Nationality Law Requiring no one exempted Upon naturalizing with China Had to give up citizenship of the Previous country Because Gu had just done Half a set of the rule And never went to renounce US citizenship When she turned 18 on 9/3/2021 She had actually not fulfilled all the China Nationality Law Naturalization law To legally as a China citizen Representing China Team China Passport In the Beijing Winter Olympics 2022 2/4/2022~2/20/2022 Now remain to be seen By the whole world What a person Gu is What a country China is That Gu was definitely a USA citizen When she got those 3 medals Beijing Winter Olympics 2022 2/4/2O22~2/20/2022 But it was dubious whether Gu Complied with Olympic law That she properly naturalized with China Before representing China, China Team In the Beijing Winter Olympics 2022 2/4/2022~2/20/2022 So it remains a dubious question whether That 3 pieces of Eileen Gu medals Should belong to USA where her citizenship Her heart Her money Really go Or the 3 pieces of medals should belong to China Where she never settled naturalized 3 years And where she had never obeyed China’s Own Nationality Law and Constitution] [I most hurt because Gu could not even open her mouth and confess She was an American citizen While she was in Beijing 2/4/20~2/20/20 I feel most hurt the betrayal And Hong Kong during the 2019 反送中Protest Hundreds of youth protesters got pushed off buildings Pushed off the sea Into their deaths In another word I most hurt because Gu could not even open her mouth And confess she was an American citizen while in Beijing] I have relative who works in Stanford University years There is a signing going on right now Around 8300 signatures had been collected Search "current Stanford University petitions" To find out
Welcome to the 1 hour Club
@@stormtrooper5893 ห
我比youtube ban左盈利架啦
@@stormtrooper5893 所有片?甘你有乜着數?如果superchat.你可以收到$麻??
正呀 , 一次過將講貨幣嘅四條片合做一條
有緣, 一年之後睇, 依然萬分精彩, 多謝白兵你嘅effort
白兵呢條片應該 係粵語片之中, 講解貨幣史 講得最好嘅片。 當然 呢個話題 仲可以 COVER 好多材料, 做多幾十條片都仲得。 如果出多條片 由 貨幣特性分析 貨幣演變 , 同埋 講下 以往經濟/金融體制 係點崩潰/重建, 同依家大圍環境 差幾遠, 咁就正了。
經濟為什麼會崩潰 --- 彼得 希夫
貨幣煉金術--- 內森 劉易斯
終結美聯儲--- Ron Paul
中國貨幣經濟2000年--- 朱嘉明
美國黑幫(世界惡法:公司法史源)--- Ted Nace
好正,一集過 唔洗搵
多謝白兵果然造福人民, combined 4 in 1 一氣呵成方便好多, 簡直爽過緊爽😂👍
白sir 教 Economic , 一定唔會走堂。高質。用心備課。👍👍👍
收音勁好, 好多大台仲要好👍👍👍
銀紙 係 銀行發行,如果唔用得前,銀行會同你回收,但唔一定等價交換!
That is an excellent analysis, very detail!
正, 之前都諗住一次過重聽
好正 ! 多謝分享👍👍👍
好勁 好詳盡
金錢medley 👍👍👍
唔洗睇廣告,我比youtube ban左盈利架啦
廣東話 真係好正
白兵睇完 the office 可以睇下 parks and recreation 都幾得意。
好! 一次過
咁樣講這個年代美金機會率係非常強大的。美國擁有全世界最強的大學學生,數口一定解到100幾年後的長遠。加上而家的新時代有我Bill Gate, Elon Mask..etc巨富都在美國。 除咗正式第三次世界大戰開始,美金一定是最強。
馬太福音 17:27 耶稣向彼得說: 你往海边釣魚 把先釣上來的鱼拿起來 、开了他的口。必得一塊錢、可以拿去給他们你你和我的税銀 ❤
Thank you
我想起泰林電器的現金禮劵, 當時D人係幾千幾萬咁買..... 到佢執笠個刻D人先醒!
如果咁講即係話始終都係買多兩疊樓,寧願升慢啲,擺10年15年甚至20年, 到退休嗰陣先至再埋數? 因為地皮始終會有inflation, 經過十幾二十年 升跌幾次來回,但係點都跌唔返20年前個價 ,係咪應該咁諗呢🤔🤔
又有題材 等睇白兵講JPEX 地圖炮😂
幾時再請渾水上尼講 btc
@@stormtrooper5893 頂早知飛廣告
Still have not answered how is many created
10:41 支票英文唔係cheque咩
白兵算客氣無delete 我
The same post may not be able to get through RUclips
但我the same post the same writing written under US NBC Today show
That post can go through
It shows to me 有區域性的嘢
例如香港反送中 就算我講了
That post cannot go through 香港果邊嘅
@@stormtrooper5893 還我梅
Add oil
點解你D 公元前 幾百年嘅圖 (5:16 , 5:35 ) 睇落係中世紀嘅圖黎 🤣 9:33 阿拔斯 同 唐朝打, 又殺出堆羅馬兵。
有人叫我打Gu 中文名
因為我試過只要我打中文名那post 就會disappear
Gu when she arrived at US 4/27/2022
She was actually provided by a plane Luis Vuitton
中國政府China trade 叫Luis Vuitton
成粒鐘 小癲
比特幣係用美元去做計價,第一塊 PIZZA 嘅買賣都在美國,但比特幣發原話在日本,咁成個比特幣故事喺美國創造出來?若覺得去中心化先至係好,jpex之前因為去中心化人人走落去買,最後又要叫政府出頭去追究件事?(我喺唔明去中心化虛擬貨幣概念)?!
Omg又硬又長,其實如果咁長開直播講會唔會好啲?因為唔明可以問你😅(no offense)
American culture civilization places
A lot of emphasis on getting in line in queue
Never jump queue
This kind of sense of you have to line up
Cannot jump queue jump space
Is stronger in US than in Europe, I think
Cause I had in Europe before
I feel in US
One space you cannot jump
Space and line are important
Americans keep every space every line, I think
Do not mix up
This is how I feel USA is slightly different from Europe
Why Gu case
Americans quickly responded
It is because
There was no reason Gu jumped queue jumped line
Olympic athletes don’t normally go back
To represent his her original country
Except in certain circumstances
The main circumstance of it would be
The US athlete does not make a cut into
The US Olympic Team
Then he she goes back to his her original country
To gain a chance of representing
Then gain a chance into the Olympic Games
Gu was surely not this case
Because she was in Youth Team USA Olympic ski
Since 9 years old
Other circumstances like retirement
In retirement an athlete going back to
His her original country to join the Olympics
Otherwise it will not be switching National Team
Like that
Another point is lack of population base
Resource deprivation in domestic leisure
Or the home team treats you poorly
Which did not happen in Gu
So there is no reason of Gu switching
Representation team
Gu said that she represented her mother’s country
In its tradition culture and civilization
But told the 1.4 billions Chinese
Who lived inside China Wall Internet Exclusion
That Gu loved China
And had renounced her US citizenship
To become a China citizen
To represent China Team in
Beijing Winter Olympics 2022
In front of the around 200 news reporters
Around the world that gathered in Beijing
For the Beijing Winter Olympics
Gu did not even open her mouth
To confess that she was an American citizen
But opened her mouth and scolded the
International press
Everybody in the world that
You did not like her it was your loss
You were a loser
You were uneducated
Did not have a good heart
You were not going to win an Olympic anyway
She added
She was there to
Block out hate
To promote positive change
She was there to unite the world in sport
Why Americans quickly reacted
It is because Americans do not jump queue
Jump line
Respect space
Gu had just done a treason
She was she was going to study Stanford University
(I don’t know who
Gu mother Gu grandmother how do they teach her
Any family value
Or teaching or not)
Gu is a particular case
Never happened in US history
So shameless
So no face
They do not know how to write the word
Gu is a particular case
Never happened to US history
How she sold out her birth right citizenship
US citizenship
To do a job
A high paying job for money
And came back to United States
Normally if you had just done a treason to
United States
Had just done a dis-junction
And shame
To a USA institution
The Team USA
Which was a government National Team
You would come back to USA shut up
And kept quiet
Gu was not like that
She would be louder
And talked more
Going to national TV NBC Today show5/3/2022
Going to Met Gala Show
Metropolitan Museum Art Costume New York
5/2/2022 Monday
And that 5/2/2022 Monday
Proclaiming on the red carpet Met Gala Show
To interviewer Emma Chamberlain
That she was an Asian-American, a minority
You remember that just 5 days ago 4/27/2022
Still in Beijing
Gu scolded everybody else in the world
That she was
She United sport
And she refused even to open her mouth to
Confess that she was an American citizen
When she was still in Beijing
Now was only 5 days‘ difference from Beijing
To New York
When 5/2/2022
Gu told the interviewer on the red carpet Met Gala
That she was an Asian-America, a minority
Gu was all the more louder and said
If you did not like me
"Find your way to help the world then"
She went on to claim that
She was a bi-racial
And because of this
She was equipped with the ability
To unite US China, to join together West East
To be a world global cultural leader ambassador
An Olympian phenom
To promote to unite the world
Girl sport
God saves the United States of America
There is a signing going on right now
Around 8300 signatures had been collected
Search "current Stanford University petitions"
To find out
Gu asks you to find your own way, some other thing you can help the world with. Don‘t bother with her
She used the same logic when she spoke to the
International press core
About 200 journalists in Beijing round the world
She said you should celebrate an Olympian
Love joy gratitude I fortunate to experience daily
Cheered her beautiful success
Not asked her question her citizenship
You did not have a good heart
You were a loser
You were uneducated
You loser and would never win an Olympic anyway
It’s not your cup of tea or dish of food
You would never win an Olympic
[Because the IOC rule qualifying-ly
Saying that Gu had to fulfill all the settlement
Nationalization rule
With China
To have naturalized with China 3 years
But Gu violated China’s own constitution of
Giving up previous country’s citizenship
Gu did not done the full set of settlement
Naturalization requirement
Required by the Olympic Committee
Olympic rule
Which said Gu had to abide by the settlement
Naturalization requirement of China
Because of this
Because Gu had never renounced her US citizenship
After becoming China citizen
When she turned 18 on 9/3/2021
She could have renounce
But she did not renounce
That way she only obeyed Olympic rule half
Because Olympic rule asked her to fulfill
The settlement naturalization rule of China
Before coming to request a change of
Representing country change
Now Gu was back on USA soil
With her mother her grandmother everything
Came back to United States soil
On a private jet provided by
Luis Vuitton (China Trade)
Because of that
Because Gu came back on USA soil
On 4/27/2022
And she had never renounced her US citizenship
She did not do the full set of requirement
Of representing China Team China Passport
Submission in Dec 2019
Because she had not done the full set of
Naturalization requirement with China
By not doing that part of renouncing
The citizenship of the previos country
By not doing full set
She only did half a set
And came back to United States on 4/27/2022
Where she still had citizenship with
Because that 3 pieces of medals by Gu
Were clinched at a time when Gu still remained
A USA citizen
During the Beijing Winter Olympics 2022
That 3 pieces of medals were clinched at a
Time when Gu still US citizen
And at a time with half fulfilled
Naturalization requirement by Gu to China
So now exists the question of
Gu is definitely a citizen of USA
But half fulfilled
She had just done half a set of
Olympic Committee rule
Of her naturalized with China 3 years
Before representing China in the China Team
Beijing Winter Olympics 2022
Because Gu had just half complied with
China’s own constitution Nationality Law
Requiring no one exempted
Upon naturalizing with China
Had to give up citizenship of the
Previous country
Because Gu had just done
Half a set of the rule
And never went to renounce US citizenship
When she turned 18 on 9/3/2021
She had actually not fulfilled all the
China Nationality Law
Naturalization law
To legally as a China citizen
Representing China Team China Passport
In the Beijing Winter Olympics 2022
Now remain to be seen
By the whole world
What a person Gu is
What a country China is
That Gu was definitely a USA citizen
When she got those 3 medals
Beijing Winter Olympics 2022
But it was dubious whether Gu
Complied with Olympic law
That she properly naturalized with China
Before representing China, China Team
In the Beijing Winter Olympics 2022
So it remains a dubious question whether
That 3 pieces of Eileen Gu medals
Should belong to USA where her citizenship
Her heart
Her money
Really go
Or the 3 pieces of medals should belong to China
Where she never settled naturalized 3 years
And where she had never obeyed China’s
Own Nationality Law and Constitution]
[I most hurt because Gu could not even open her mouth and confess
She was an American citizen
While she was in Beijing 2/4/20~2/20/20
I feel most hurt the betrayal
And Hong Kong during the 2019 反送中Protest
Hundreds of youth protesters got pushed off buildings
Pushed off the sea
Into their deaths
In another word
I most hurt because Gu could not even open her mouth
And confess she was an American citizen while in Beijing]
I have relative who works in Stanford University years
There is a signing going on right now
Around 8300 signatures had been collected
Search "current Stanford University petitions"
To find out
跟據天狗既說法, 黑龍江附近既領土係屬於女真族,
即黃金家族的遠親, 更正確應該屬於蒙古帝國
@@stormtrooper5893 要用 Credit Card 過數