Juan Gabriel era muy generoso e Isabel Pantoja es una maravilla. Aquí se ve la unión del mundo hispano, lo que fuimos y lo que podriamos seguir siendo.
Y lo que algún día volveremos a Ser TODOS. Estamos destinados, aunque ya lo hayamos olvidado. Cuando Dios nos de la señal terminaremos aquello que Él nos mandó a hacer en este mundo. Por eso es que todo este movimiento está volviendo a resurgir después de que pareciera que estaba apunto de morir, porque ya se va acercando dicho momento y nos está empezando a despertar. Saludos.
She’s from southern Spain that’s why she sings and dance that way . Juan Gabriel composed this song just for her and it was a big hit in Spain in the late 80’s . She’s actually on tour now and of course this song is one of the highlights
Isabel Pantoja y Juan Gabriel fueron muy amigos. Él compuso muchas canciones para ella. Isabel es una de las grandes de la canción que tenemos en España, es verdad que tiene una muy buena voz pero sobre todo su arte se valora por su dramatismo y su forma de moverse encima del escenario.
These reaction videos only work if the person reacting actually has something to say and knows how to express and describe feelings precisely and poetically. You are one of the very few that can actually elevate a video by reacting to it, so kudos to you, man; you make me remember why I love the things I love and you introduce me to new things through your special kind of sensibility; it takes a poet to describe a poet, and you do so with ease; hats off!
My best Lebamexican friend welcome back, you’ve been missed!! Isabel and Juan Gabriel’s love story is the loudest secret in the Mexican entertainment world (RUclips has several interviews with her after his passing, where she confirms their relationship) He wrote this song for her!! and several others I’ve read. Once again you’ve done an AMAZING job reacting to this performance, you are the best! Blessings from an old Mexican woman in the States🙏
It was a familial, sibling love between them, according to her. Still so magical and beyond meaningful! Thank you for these reactions, your sensibility and observations are beautiful to witness and I feel like I'm watching with a friend!
❤❤❤❤ Simply thank you for making known the greatness of Juan Gabriel, in every sense both in person and as a great Musician. He gave the opportunity to many Artists who with his songs became known.
I thought that I was the only one who feel this admiration, respect and love x Juan Gabriel music, performance, generosity and soul Ty x feel and share it 💜
Que hermosas palabras has dicho de mi Juanga 💚 y tienes toda la razón, el se sentía orgulloso, honrado y lo que más disfrutaba era demostrar el talento de con quien compartía el escenario. Mi Juanga era un ser maravilloso 🥰🥰 Saludos enormes para ti 💚
This performance never fails to send chills down my spine every time. I love those trupet solos followed by the sax and then the whole band joining back. Absolutely priceless.
Uno de mis más grandes sueños era ver a Juan Gabriel en viví y nunca pude hacerlos, por eso disfruto seguir viendo y escuchando su música. Gracias por apreciar nuestra cultura
isabel Pantoja is one of Spains greatest voices evr. She was married to one of Spains most famous bullfighters. when he was gored to death in early 1980's, her tribute songs were beautiful and heartbteaking. Listen to Marinero de Luces. Sailor of Lights. Tgis is a reference to the attire worn by bullfighters. It is heartbreakingly beautiful.
Arab Man Reacts, is amazing what you do, I love it. You need to watch this performance again with close caption or have someone translate it…it will make you cry and love this even more.
I really love your reaction to this beautiful performance , you really knows what are u talking about , nobody can’t judge this performance because it’s perfect , and you did perfect too !! Thank you so much !!
Your reactions validate why I love Mexican/Latin music so much, especially any songs Juan Gabriel wrote for himself and others. I LOVE your reactions! If you knew the words, you’d love the songs even more than you already love them. Lyrics in Spanish are at a different level, especially Juan Gabriel’s! Thanks for reacting to Mexican/Latin music! ❤
Me encanta este chico haciendo reacciones porque lo vive de una manera personal que emociona el verle casi me gusta más verle reaccionando a la canción que la propia artista o canción en ese momento ya veo que le gustan mucho las rancheras eres estupenda me gustas mucho❤🇪🇦👍
My friend, I don’t know how you do it. But you always seem to be able to express with words everything that I feel about our great Juan Gabriel- that I can never seem to explain to my friends who don’t understand my obsession with him. You’re a treasure. Keep going! ❤
I just started watching and thanks for appreciating our Mexican culture. I feel like you should listen to Celia Cruz, she’s Cuban and her voice is truly unique and another voice I grew up hearing all the time.
To these days, the music of this song is a theme for any special action, event, finical representation, etc, in the MEXICAN CULTURE ,in honor of THE GREAT MASTER JUAN GABRIEL. 😊❤
My dearest Boudy, it’s great to see you back fine and reacting to this magnificent performance with Isabel Pantoja. As always you manage to make me feel even more in love and proud fan of my adorable JG. I miss you and I hope everything is going well with your affairs. Love you all ♥️♥️
Saludos. Gracias x reaccionar a estas leyendas. Y un gusto verte disfrutar de su música como lo hicimos, lo hacemos y lo seguiremos haciendo muchos de nosotros.👍
Boudy, it’s Mary Ramirez Greene! It such a great feeling when I am opening my ipad up for the day and I notice you have posted one of your awesome reactions and it gets only better when I realize it’s one of my requests you have reacted to! Ever since I retired and had to get a new email I feel like I have been lost among your 100K subscribers. I am still having difficulty logging in to many of my subscriptions but today the stars aligned perfectly in order for me to view this post. Hope you and your loved ones are with good health, especially your new baby girl. I knew this video would cause you to have goosebumps all over! Thank you for this reaction! Your friend, Mary Ramirez Greene
Amo como en redes sociales el tramo final de esta presentacion donde solo suenan los vientos, es tomado para ambientar momentos muy importantes para la historia, le da un sentido de epicidad y nostalgia a algo que se seguramente fue muy dificil de conseguir
You are back! I’m so happy to see you. I do not follow performer but, I am joyfully entertained by your passion and understanding of music and performance. Only by listening to you do I understand the reverence that is given the music, musicians and the performances, in this culture. Thank you 🙏 again.
Well, I came for the Emma Kok reaction and stayed for much more. Thank you for introducing me to some music that is new to me, and for sharing your soulful enjoyment of it! A book given to me years ago about someone’s near death experience said they were surprised at how loud Heaven is, with so much angelic and saintly singing and music. It makes sense that’s how it would be.
Hey where have You been? So glad You are back. I've seriously missed AMR. I've especially missed Your Angelina Monday. I don't follow this artist but I listened because this is the first notification I've had from You in ages. Love Your reactions. jm
@@ArabManReacts That's ok, You're forgiven....... (As long as You and Your Family are all good that's all that's important). Can't wait to see some of the work You've been doing and so glad that You're back. jm
Hola , In the German culture in relation to technology the mindset is that a product such as a vehicles design to reach perfection. In Germany 'good enough" is never good enough. Such is the case in Mexico in relation to the arts regardless of which field. I am Mexican American and here in the states it is the opposite as I have noticed in your comments of today's music industry. Thanks for tour inciteful comments😊
This song was written about her. Juanga also proposed marriage to her and paid her legal problems in spain. He loved her and this song was written about her.
Well, i, don’t really know because i wasn’t in his circle and only relying on documentaries that i have seen. It said that he was a bisexual having kids with different women. So yes , i don’t know and i believe neither do you.
Juan Gabriel played a major role in Pantoja's (PAN-TOE-HAW) life when probably the worst experience of her life had caused her incarceration for money laundering. Pantoja was arrested in April 2013 by the Spanish police. She was allegedly an accomplice for her ex-boyfriend, Julián Muñoz, who had been accused of money laundering and bribery (among other criminal activities) while he was mayor of Marbella. Pantoja was found guilty and sentenced to a 24-month prison term. It is not widely known but it is believed that Juanga paid her legal fines and ensured she was released after 15 months. Isabel was his muse and part of his standing on that stage was that he was introducing her to his audience and providing support after that most difficult legal situation that had caused some to attack her physically in front of the international press. It was a most unfortunate time for her. But Juanga's loyalty to Pantoja never faltered. He was an amazing friend!
I love your heartfelt reactions. Isabel Pantoja has lived through tragedy of her own. She was married to a bull fighter, who was, sadly, killed while...look it up. BTW...LL in Spanish is pronounced like a J. The J is pronounced like an H 😊😊. Have you listened to JOSE JOSE?
0:23 Oh! Her last name, Pantoja (the 'j' in Spanish sounds like the 'H' in the word Hollywood), is not pronounced correctly, and she would care about that. She hadn't acted in many years, and that was one of her first performances after a romantic breakup that was very globally controversial. At that time, she was being heavily pursued by journalists, and the great Juan Gabriel welcomed her into his home so she could move forward. They were very close friends. ❤ Me suscribo y like 👍
If you ever get a chance listen to Rocio Durcal perform some of Juan Gabriel's music. I think she was somewhat of a muse for him. She had a beautiful voice and did his songs justice. She has a track called Gata Bajo la Luna that is a must listen.
You can listen in Isabel Pantoja the Arab influence in the way she sings. Remember, Spain was conquered by the Moros and a lot of words in Spanish come from the Arabian lenguaje and flamenco singing has a lot to do with that too
Hola amigo! Me encanta ver tus reacciones de Juan Gabriel y artistas invitados. Hoy es la primera ocasión que comento en tu canal , quiero pedirte por favor que reacciones a Juan Gabriel y Natalia Lafourcade en una canción que se llama yo no vivo por vivir. Sé que te va a encantar por favor reacciona a yo no vivo por vivir de Juan Gabriel y Natalia Lafourcade no te arrepentirás .
Juan Gabriel era muy generoso e Isabel Pantoja es una maravilla. Aquí se ve la unión del mundo hispano, lo que fuimos y lo que podriamos seguir siendo.
Y lo que algún día volveremos a Ser TODOS.
Estamos destinados, aunque ya lo hayamos olvidado. Cuando Dios nos de la señal terminaremos aquello que Él nos mandó a hacer en este mundo.
Por eso es que todo este movimiento está volviendo a resurgir después de que pareciera que estaba apunto de morir, porque ya se va acercando dicho momento y nos está empezando a despertar.
Cuando se juntan dos grandes artistas este es el resultado, un concierto majestuoso e inolvidable!!
Gracias..Isabel Pantoja..Inmensa bella es un Icono de España para el.mundo❤
She’s from southern Spain that’s why she sings and dance that way . Juan Gabriel composed this song just for her and it was a big hit in Spain in the late 80’s . She’s actually on tour now and of course this song is one of the highlights
Isabel Pantoja y Juan Gabriel fueron muy amigos. Él compuso muchas canciones para ella.
Isabel es una de las grandes de la canción que tenemos en España, es verdad que tiene una muy buena voz pero sobre todo su arte se valora por su dramatismo y su forma de moverse encima del escenario.
Never seen this performance before 😮 it’s a work of art from beginning to end but also it’s much much more than that
Espectacular Isabel Pantoja, como siempre, y no se diga Juan Gabriel!!!!
Es una obra de arte!! 🙌✨ envidio sanamente a la gente que pudo disfrutar de esa pedazo de actuación en vivo y en directo 👏👏👏
These reaction videos only work if the person reacting actually has something to say and knows how to express and describe feelings precisely and poetically. You are one of the very few that can actually elevate a video by reacting to it, so kudos to you, man; you make me remember why I love the things I love and you introduce me to new things through your special kind of sensibility; it takes a poet to describe a poet, and you do so with ease; hats off!
Dudeeeee thank you thank you thank you!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Very well said he is indeed the best I have seen in reacting to arm
Dios mio! Ya habia escuchado ésta versión pero tu reacción me hizo sentir emocionada, muchas gracias, me dejaste con piel de gallina, un abrazo
My best Lebamexican friend welcome back, you’ve been missed!! Isabel and Juan Gabriel’s love story is the loudest secret in the Mexican entertainment world (RUclips has several interviews with her after his passing, where she confirms their relationship) He wrote this song for her!! and several others I’ve read. Once again you’ve done an AMAZING job reacting to this performance, you are the best! Blessings from an old Mexican woman in the States🙏
I love that! Thank you thank you thank you, I’ll do some hunting to find those interviews ❤️❤️❤️
@@ArabManReacts Ever heard of Rocío Jurado? (Not Durcal).
OMG Rocio Jurado❤❤❤❤
Please react to Isabel Pantoja's live performance at Viña del Mar to the song "era mi vida el"r... she had everyone crying. It was an amazing show!
It was a familial, sibling love between them, according to her. Still so magical and beyond meaningful! Thank you for these reactions, your sensibility and observations are beautiful to witness and I feel like I'm watching with a friend!
Increíble!! Grandes la letra y la música de Juan Gabriel y con esas voces como la de la Española Isabel Pantoja ¡increíble!
Your comments and observations are always very precise and hit the nail right on the head, brother.. you're quite insightful
I have watched all your reaction videos for Juan Gabriel. It's so great getting to see you enjoy his music. His music makes you get in your feels 😅.
I agree. Arab Man has made me fall in love with Juanga all over again.
Yo también
❤❤❤❤ Simply thank you for making known the greatness of Juan Gabriel, in every sense both in person and as a great Musician. He gave the opportunity to many Artists who with his songs became known.
It is so nice to see you enjoying and loving our music and artists. Thank you! And bless you!
Muchas muchas gracias!!! Amo tus descripciones y sentimientos, gracias por ver lo bello de México.
I thought that I was the only one who feel this admiration, respect and love x Juan Gabriel music, performance, generosity and soul Ty x feel and share it 💜
❤️🇲🇽🌎❤️. Mariachi, another gift from 🇲🇽 to humanity! The king of world class music, specially for us, espanish speakers!
Gran actuación de Isabel Pantoja con Juan Gabriel.Una española y sevillana.
Gracia,s un abrazo.🇪🇦💃🙅
i consider her the greatest Spanish vocalist of all time.
Ufff tienes que escuchar más artistas españolas,hay muchas voces mejores que la Pantoja.
Always love Juan's music.
Que hermosas palabras has dicho de mi Juanga 💚 y tienes toda la razón, el se sentía orgulloso, honrado y lo que más disfrutaba era demostrar el talento de con quien compartía el escenario. Mi Juanga era un ser maravilloso 🥰🥰 Saludos enormes para ti 💚
This performance never fails to send chills down my spine every time. I love those trupet solos followed by the sax and then the whole band joining back. Absolutely priceless.
Uno de mis más grandes sueños era ver a Juan Gabriel en viví y nunca pude hacerlos, por eso disfruto seguir viendo y escuchando su música. Gracias por apreciar nuestra cultura
isabel Pantoja is one of Spains greatest voices evr. She was married to one of Spains most famous bullfighters. when he was gored to death in early 1980's, her tribute songs were beautiful and heartbteaking. Listen to Marinero de Luces. Sailor of Lights. Tgis is a reference to the attire worn by bullfighters. It is heartbreakingly beautiful.
what a fantastic performance
I ❤ Isabel Pantoja and Juan Gabriel ❤
Arab Man Reacts, is amazing what you do, I love it. You need to watch this performance again with close caption or have someone translate it…it will make you cry and love this even more.
Welcome back! Even had to watch a for me new artist just to see you again, you have been missed! Looking forward to more AJ soon 😊
As of this coming Monday promise ❤️
Be safe out there❤ you introduce us to the world… And your eyes are wonderful. Your passion is like no other! 😇🌺
This is pure love and support from Juan. This is what we all want in life. Beautiful performance.
This was an amazing performance. Incredible!
I've always said this performance is the most iconic of La Pantoja 👑
هي من الاندلس لذلك تغني وترقص هكذا وقد لحن لها هذه الاغنية خصيصا
I really love your reaction to this beautiful performance , you really knows what are u talking about , nobody can’t judge this performance because it’s perfect , and you did perfect too !! Thank you so much !!
Your reactions validate why I love Mexican/Latin music so much, especially any songs Juan Gabriel wrote for himself and others. I LOVE your reactions! If you knew the words, you’d love the songs even more than you already love them. Lyrics in Spanish are at a different level, especially Juan Gabriel’s! Thanks for reacting to Mexican/Latin music! ❤
Me encanta este chico haciendo reacciones porque lo vive de una manera personal que emociona el verle casi me gusta más verle reaccionando a la canción que la propia artista o canción en ese momento ya veo que le gustan mucho las rancheras eres estupenda me gustas mucho❤🇪🇦👍
My friend, I don’t know how you do it. But you always seem to be able to express with words everything that I feel about our great Juan Gabriel- that I can never seem to explain to my friends who don’t understand my obsession with him. You’re a treasure. Keep going! ❤
I just started watching and thanks for appreciating our Mexican culture. I feel like you should listen to Celia Cruz, she’s Cuban and her voice is truly unique and another voice I grew up hearing all the time.
Jajajaja that is exactly what we feel when you pause… lol! 😂 this song, this version… wow !
I agree with you!! He loved everyone he asked to performed with him on his concert.
Isabel pantoja y Juan Gabriel eran muy amigos
To these days, the music of this song is a theme for any special action, event, finical representation, etc, in the MEXICAN CULTURE ,in honor of THE GREAT MASTER JUAN GABRIEL. 😊❤
My dearest Boudy, it’s great to see you back fine and reacting to this magnificent performance with Isabel Pantoja. As always you manage to make me feel even more in love and proud fan of my adorable JG. I miss you and I hope everything is going well with your affairs. Love you all ♥️♥️
Saludos. Gracias x reaccionar a estas leyendas. Y un gusto verte disfrutar de su música como lo hicimos, lo hacemos y lo seguiremos haciendo muchos de nosotros.👍
hear that trumpet cry 13:00
My friend I just love the way you analyze and explain things to us, it makes it even better
Good to see you!! From Texas!! 🎉
Boudy, it’s Mary Ramirez Greene! It such a great feeling when I am opening my ipad up for the day and I notice you have posted one of your awesome reactions and it gets only better when I realize it’s one of my requests you have reacted to! Ever since I retired and had to get a new email I feel like I have been lost among your 100K subscribers. I am still having difficulty logging in to many of my subscriptions but today the stars aligned perfectly in order for me to view this post. Hope you and your loved ones are with good health, especially your new baby girl. I knew this video would cause you to have goosebumps all over! Thank you for this reaction! Your friend, Mary Ramirez Greene
❤❤️ Isabel Pantoja ❤❤
She was the love of his life. He even proposed to her. She said tnat was the biggest regret of her life to say no to him.
Bienvenido Hermano Ya Eres Mexicano
Amo como en redes sociales el tramo final de esta presentacion donde solo suenan los vientos, es tomado para ambientar momentos muy importantes para la historia, le da un sentido de epicidad y nostalgia a algo que se seguramente fue muy dificil de conseguir
I am sure enjoying your hair style timeline😊 I really love it! You are cute! ❤
Another masterpiece wrote by Juan Gabriel
Artists from a time long gone ❤
For me, the best at doing Coplas is Antonio Molina, one of the best voices in the history of Spain.
I recommend his song "Una paloma blanca"
You are back! I’m so happy to see you. I do not follow performer but, I am joyfully entertained by your passion and understanding of music and performance. Only by listening to you do I understand the reverence that is given the music, musicians and the performances, in this culture. Thank you 🙏 again.
jojo! Thank you thank you thank you! I took a short break. I recorded a lot of content through and I can't wait to publish them all!
@@ArabManReacts awesome 👏 keep going
I"m glad you're back!!!!! Please react to El Principio de Juan Gabriel and read what it said. Thanks!!!!!
She had a lot of legal problems in Spain and No one will give her a chance and then Juan Gabriel show the support invite in her to perform with him ❤😊
Pure magic!
He was always in love with her.
The solo of the trumpets and the saxophone at the end es epic
Well, I came for the Emma Kok reaction and stayed for much more. Thank you for introducing me to some music that is new to me, and for sharing your soulful enjoyment of it! A book given to me years ago about someone’s near death experience said they were surprised at how loud Heaven is, with so much angelic and saintly singing and music. It makes sense that’s how it would be.
Deberias escuchar la canción "Mexxico es todo" de Juan Gabriel , es sin duda la mejor!!❤
Hey where have You been? So glad You are back. I've seriously missed AMR. I've especially missed Your Angelina Monday. I don't follow this artist but I listened because this is the first notification I've had from You in ages. Love Your reactions. jm
Hey! Back at it. took a small 2 week break. Recorded A LOT of videos and I can't wait to share them all with you
@@ArabManReacts That's ok, You're forgiven....... (As long as You and Your Family are all good that's all that's important). Can't wait to see some of the work You've been doing and so glad that You're back. jm
❤ beautiful
He wrote (Juan Gabriel) that song for her (Isabel Pantoja, pronounced: pan to ha)❤🇲🇽🇺🇸🏳️🌈
Hola , In the German culture in relation to technology the mindset is that a product such as a vehicles design to reach perfection. In Germany 'good enough" is never good enough. Such is the case in Mexico in relation to the arts regardless of which field. I am Mexican American and here in the states it is the opposite as I have noticed in your comments of today's music industry. Thanks for tour inciteful comments😊
Well said!
That was the greatest performance I've ever seen, wow my God
You’re back!❤ I was beginning to worry. So good to see you again.😊
Yessss. I’ll DM you tomorrow ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Did you know that Juan Gabriel wrote this song because he proposed to her and she said no, her heart beloved to someone else.
This song was written about her. Juanga also proposed marriage to her and paid her legal problems in spain. He loved her and this song was written about her.
Marriage? Sorry but it is not true, the real “friend” of Juan Gabriel was Isabel’s brother. You need more research about the history.
Well, i, don’t really know because i wasn’t in his circle and only relying on documentaries that i have seen. It said that he was a bisexual having kids with different women. So yes , i don’t know and i believe neither do you.
@@flt76 In Spain is vox populi
I was waiting for this video ❤❤❤. Thanks
My Favorite and your awesomest reaction, Thank you Habibi
Juan Gabriel played a major role in Pantoja's (PAN-TOE-HAW) life when probably the worst experience of her life had caused her incarceration for money laundering. Pantoja was arrested in April 2013 by the Spanish police. She was allegedly an accomplice for her ex-boyfriend, Julián Muñoz, who had been accused of money laundering and bribery (among other criminal activities) while he was mayor of Marbella. Pantoja was found guilty and sentenced to a 24-month prison term. It is not widely known but it is believed that Juanga paid her legal fines and ensured she was released after 15 months. Isabel was his muse and part of his standing on that stage was that he was introducing her to his audience and providing support after that most difficult legal situation that had caused some to attack her physically in front of the international press. It was a most unfortunate time for her. But Juanga's loyalty to Pantoja never faltered. He was an amazing friend!
Te recomiendo DE MI ENAMORATE (en vivo desde el Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes)
I love your reactions ❤🇲🇽🇺🇸🏳️🌈
Welcome back!
Thank you!
@@ArabManReacts It was a bit quiet w/o you. Check my latest vid...
I love your heartfelt reactions. Isabel Pantoja has lived through tragedy of her own. She was married to a bull fighter, who was, sadly, killed while...look it up. BTW...LL in Spanish is pronounced like a J. The J is pronounced like an H 😊😊. Have you listened to JOSE JOSE?
Welcome back! We missed you.
0:23 Oh! Her last name, Pantoja (the 'j' in Spanish sounds like the 'H' in the word Hollywood), is not pronounced correctly, and she would care about that. She hadn't acted in many years, and that was one of her first performances after a romantic breakup that was very globally controversial. At that time, she was being heavily pursued by journalists, and the great Juan Gabriel welcomed her into his home so she could move forward. They were very close friends. ❤ Me suscribo y like 👍
If you ever get a chance listen to Rocio Durcal perform some of Juan Gabriel's music. I think she was somewhat of a muse for him. She had a beautiful voice and did his songs justice. She has a track called Gata Bajo la Luna that is a must listen.
I do feel you, so beautiful, and powerful.
Truly great!!
Isabel Pantoja es preciosa y femenina
Saludos de una Colombiana desde Berlin ❤️. Me encantan tus reacciones a Juan Gabriel. Besos
Hey Arab Man it’s been two weeks now and I need my Angelina Jordan Monday.
As of next Monday promise! ❤️
Thank you😊
wooow pense que la version con rocio dulcan era muy buena pero ahora no se que decir
You can listen in Isabel Pantoja the Arab influence in the way she sings. Remember, Spain was conquered by the Moros and a lot of words in Spanish come from the Arabian lenguaje and flamenco singing has a lot to do with that too
And that's about 30 years (bu that time 2014) since that song first came up.
Я в восторге от тебя дружище,тонко чувствующий эстет,потрясающий реакционер.Всех благ этого мира тебе душевный,потрясающий человек.
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ thank you! Blessings to you tooo ❤️❤️❤️
Greetings from México City 🥑🌽🌵🌶.
Hola amigo! Me encanta ver tus reacciones de Juan Gabriel y artistas invitados.
Hoy es la primera ocasión que comento en tu canal , quiero pedirte por favor que reacciones a Juan Gabriel y Natalia Lafourcade en una canción que se llama yo no vivo por vivir.
Sé que te va a encantar por favor reacciona a yo no vivo por vivir de Juan Gabriel y Natalia Lafourcade no te arrepentirás .
He sido performed with another Mexican great, Marco Antonio Solis, and they had the Los Angeles Philaharmonic as their orchestra
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ love it
Arab man; I got emotional when you got emotional😭😭😭😭😢😢😢
You should react la Malaguena with Esto es mexico😮
He asked her to marry him. But she refused. After his death she stated that was one of her biggest regrets not marrying him.