any suggestion for the odo perk? and im hunting havoc in elyssian for the healing cyclone and gonna try perforate as the 3rd perk downloaded your vid so i can go back to it ^_^
@@darwinb718 I took accelerating barrage since I mostly use barrage for mobility and everything else seemed pretty weak - not sure if there's a better option but it works! Havoc looks good. 🙂
hey, i've watched some of your solo m3s and its really astonishing how you make it look so easy despite most players can't even do it in a group. keep it up
Thanks! Not having to coordinate with other people definitely makes it easier in a lot of ways, especially with some of the curses not doing anything when I'm solo. 😅
Thank you as a new player even though this is far above my level or even understanding, I was still able to start to grasp some of how gear and weapons work together.
Not sure if you have tried out the new world aeternum but was curious if you would change anything from your build given the changes in the talent tree arrangements?
I've only played it for a bit but haven't changed anything yet - honestly if I come back I might try a different weapon, the spear stamina nerfs feel bad :I
Hope you like it! I'm usually running some combo of accelerated barrage, refreshing, and enchanted ward on my flail/shield - none of the flail-specific perks do much for the way I play so I don't bother min-maxing, for now at least!
Due you happen to have a written version of this build for easy reference? Also do you have any other solo builds? Honestly been trying to find solo builds since coming back and like I said this is the best solo build video I’ve seen yet, definitely keep up the good work!
I don't have a written version unfortunately, but I started adding build details in the last minute or two of my recent solo videos like Ennead/Forge/Glacial. I should probably do a recap like that at the end of my next update video, but in the meantime, the ends of those videos might be the quickest/easiest reference! I don't play any other solo builds since spear has access to so much utility, but it sounds like they could be nerfing it pretty soon... they haven't given us specific numbers yet but I'm a little worried. 😅
I know this video is a bit old but I have a question. If you went with Venom for a build, would you put Lifestealing (drought of viscous Azoth) or leeching cyclone (orichalcum spear charm). I know you can put cyclone on an armor and not lifesteal but it’s not as effective. Just curious on your thoughts! Thanks for the video!
The most I've tried since the nerfs was M1, though I'm not really playing NW until they put out more content. It can work but definitely not as well as it used to - lots more reliance on fortify, weaken, and health regen. Dodging in general just feels worse because of the spear stam nerfs, very little room for error in harder content compared to before.
Interesting build. I recently got into tanking and I like trying non SnS tanking. I mainly use GS tanking. I have to ask. Lots of people prefer the frigid dawn set for both Ele aversion and E.ward. Is Ele aversion really that important in PvE??
I normally don't run any Ele aversion so I'm not sure, but what I've read is it's more for PVP. In expeditions so much of the damage is physical, I just can't imagine it making a huge difference even with a full set, I'd have to be fighting a LOT of casters and even then they're usually not the problem. I wonder if E. aversion affects attacks by the half-elemental attacks in mutations though... sorry I'm not more help! 😅
@lunolarks9792 yeah that's what I'm wondering. I assumed it was for ranged attacks only, but they actually word it like: "Receive less dmg from RANGED , ELEMENTAL attacks." That comma confuses me
Could I know your reasoning behind the 100 Str 300 dex and 100 con? Would going 300 dex 300 con for the light atk grit not be optimal since it's a "take damage and lifesteal" build? Most of my deaths seem to be from getting loop stunned as I try and light attack.
I just run the str for extra damage and the con for enough HP to survive when I really mess up. I think 300dex/300con could work, but whenever I've tried playing 300 con the lifestealing just feels so much lower - might be worth revisiting after the upcoming spear nerfs though... maybe it's just the new combat code + desync but I feel like I'm getting loop staggered all the time now...
I'm sorry I know you briefly go over it in the video but I'm not too familiar with the gem mechanic in this game. Do you change all of your gems out for each mutation? I won't be doing mutations yet so I slotted some jasper in my weapon and diamonds in my gear. It seems like the best ones are runeglass but those are too expensive for me. Which gems are you typically using? Thank you for this guide I really needed help with a solo build.
Yep, aside from amulet it's generally all the same gear, though I do have a second set with almost all the same perks, so I can keep +5% ice res/+1% physical damage (runeglass of punishing aquamarine) in there for ice mutations/glacial tarn bosses/the season 5 raid trial that's coming up! The amulet is definitely the most expensive part since it's tough finding ones for frost/void/fire/nature that hopefully also have stamina recovery. There are a few that I got as drops or crafted using materia from the season pass (soul shroud amulet, grovelight, empty hearth, to name a few). I don't know about fresh start servers but on mine, a full set of cut pristines costs less than 1000 total, so it does add up, but ever since I started running the acid pool chests again every day, selling scarabs makes up for it easily! Runeglass, though, is definitely too expensive to be switching all the time (at least for me). For entering expeditions, you just need a group of at least 3 (including you) and then you can open the expedition - they don't even have to click enter - then once you're inside they can leave the group if they want. 🙂
Gotta get 2 other people to join your group, then you can click enter - they don't even have to enter with you, they just need to be in the group for you to be able to go in 🙂
You need 2 other people + yourself before you can click enter (they just have to be in group, they don't have to enter with you), and most of the group puzzles can be done solo with things like ice pylon or traps to hold down the pressure plates, that sort of thing. 🙂
im gonna try this and you explain things so well. thanks!
Thanks! Hope you like it. :D
any suggestion for the odo perk? and im hunting havoc in elyssian for the healing cyclone and gonna try perforate as the 3rd perk
downloaded your vid so i can go back to it ^_^
@@darwinb718 I took accelerating barrage since I mostly use barrage for mobility and everything else seemed pretty weak - not sure if there's a better option but it works! Havoc looks good. 🙂
hey, i've watched some of your solo m3s and its really astonishing how you make it look so easy despite most players can't even do it in a group.
keep it up
Thanks! Not having to coordinate with other people definitely makes it easier in a lot of ways, especially with some of the curses not doing anything when I'm solo. 😅
Thank you as a new player even though this is far above my level or even understanding, I was still able to start to grasp some of how gear and weapons work together.
one of the best new world build guides ive seen
Not sure if you have tried out the new world aeternum but was curious if you would change anything from your build given the changes in the talent tree arrangements?
I've only played it for a bit but haven't changed anything yet - honestly if I come back I might try a different weapon, the spear stamina nerfs feel bad :I
ty bro very nice with pictures. i havent good english but i understood
Thanks for this❤
Thanks for the build. Going to try this out. What perks do you look for in the shield and flail?
Hope you like it! I'm usually running some combo of accelerated barrage, refreshing, and enchanted ward on my flail/shield - none of the flail-specific perks do much for the way I play so I don't bother min-maxing, for now at least!
Due you happen to have a written version of this build for easy reference?
Also do you have any other solo builds? Honestly been trying to find solo builds since coming back and like I said this is the best solo build video I’ve seen yet, definitely keep up the good work!
I don't have a written version unfortunately, but I started adding build details in the last minute or two of my recent solo videos like Ennead/Forge/Glacial. I should probably do a recap like that at the end of my next update video, but in the meantime, the ends of those videos might be the quickest/easiest reference! I don't play any other solo builds since spear has access to so much utility, but it sounds like they could be nerfing it pretty soon... they haven't given us specific numbers yet but I'm a little worried. 😅
@@lunolarks9792 interesting, I didn’t know that. But awesome work on the videos again!
I know this video is a bit old but I have a question. If you went with Venom for a build, would you put Lifestealing (drought of viscous Azoth) or leeching cyclone (orichalcum spear charm). I know you can put cyclone on an armor and not lifesteal but it’s not as effective. Just curious on your thoughts! Thanks for the video!
Between those two I'd say Leeching Cyclone! I still run Fortifying Perforate on mine but after the nerfs it's only really good for heavy.
you mention a bit down in reply. that there was a stamina nerf on spear.
so does it still work in aeternum?
The most I've tried since the nerfs was M1, though I'm not really playing NW until they put out more content. It can work but definitely not as well as it used to - lots more reliance on fortify, weaken, and health regen. Dodging in general just feels worse because of the spear stam nerfs, very little room for error in harder content compared to before.
@@lunolarks9792 m1 would be fine for me.
so that sounds good. thx for reply.
Interesting build. I recently got into tanking and I like trying non SnS tanking. I mainly use GS tanking.
I have to ask. Lots of people prefer the frigid dawn set for both Ele aversion and E.ward.
Is Ele aversion really that important in PvE??
I normally don't run any Ele aversion so I'm not sure, but what I've read is it's more for PVP. In expeditions so much of the damage is physical, I just can't imagine it making a huge difference even with a full set, I'd have to be fighting a LOT of casters and even then they're usually not the problem. I wonder if E. aversion affects attacks by the half-elemental attacks in mutations though... sorry I'm not more help! 😅
@lunolarks9792 yeah that's what I'm wondering. I assumed it was for ranged attacks only, but they actually word it like: "Receive less dmg from RANGED , ELEMENTAL attacks."
That comma confuses me
Could I know your reasoning behind the 100 Str 300 dex and 100 con? Would going 300 dex 300 con for the light atk grit not be optimal since it's a "take damage and lifesteal" build? Most of my deaths seem to be from getting loop stunned as I try and light attack.
I just run the str for extra damage and the con for enough HP to survive when I really mess up. I think 300dex/300con could work, but whenever I've tried playing 300 con the lifestealing just feels so much lower - might be worth revisiting after the upcoming spear nerfs though... maybe it's just the new combat code + desync but I feel like I'm getting loop staggered all the time now...
I'm sorry I know you briefly go over it in the video but I'm not too familiar with the gem mechanic in this game. Do you change all of your gems out for each mutation? I won't be doing mutations yet so I slotted some jasper in my weapon and diamonds in my gear. It seems like the best ones are runeglass but those are too expensive for me. Which gems are you typically using?
Thank you for this guide I really needed help with a solo build.
Yep, aside from amulet it's generally all the same gear, though I do have a second set with almost all the same perks, so I can keep +5% ice res/+1% physical damage (runeglass of punishing aquamarine) in there for ice mutations/glacial tarn bosses/the season 5 raid trial that's coming up! The amulet is definitely the most expensive part since it's tough finding ones for frost/void/fire/nature that hopefully also have stamina recovery. There are a few that I got as drops or crafted using materia from the season pass (soul shroud amulet, grovelight, empty hearth, to name a few). I don't know about fresh start servers but on mine, a full set of cut pristines costs less than 1000 total, so it does add up, but ever since I started running the acid pool chests again every day, selling scarabs makes up for it easily! Runeglass, though, is definitely too expensive to be switching all the time (at least for me).
For entering expeditions, you just need a group of at least 3 (including you) and then you can open the expedition - they don't even have to click enter - then once you're inside they can leave the group if they want. 🙂
@@lunolarks9792 thank you!
How do you join a expetition solo
you just need to be in a group with 2 other people then you can click enter, they don't have to go inside with you
can u use this build for expeditions with a group, or its only for solo?
I've used it for groups and it works fine, I don't pug anything past M2 though!
How do you enter expedition solo?
All you need is 2 other people + yourself before you can click enter (they just have to be in group, they don't have to enter with you).
how do you queue up as a solo?
Gotta get 2 other people to join your group, then you can click enter - they don't even have to enter with you, they just need to be in the group for you to be able to go in 🙂
how can you solo a dungeon ?
You need 2 other people + yourself before you can click enter (they just have to be in group, they don't have to enter with you), and most of the group puzzles can be done solo with things like ice pylon or traps to hold down the pressure plates, that sort of thing. 🙂
@@lunolarks9792 ahhh okay
hi there! do you have any email that i could reach for partnership and collaboration? thanks!