Pharisees: who were they and what does this word really mean?

  • Опубликовано: 26 сен 2024
  • P'rushim usually is explained to come from "parush" - separated (from anything that can lead to a prohibition). However R. Reuven Margolius (Nitzutzei Ohr, Berachot 2a) suggests that the etymology of this word comes from the root "perush" - explanations. The sages were constantly explaining the Torah and were thus called Perushim.
    The word Pharisee (φαρισαίος in Green) was used by Josephus to translate "Perushi." In early Christianity the word acquired a different meaning: "hypocrite."
    The truth is that both Talmuds and other Rabbinical sources also talk about the hypocrites who pretend to be P'rushim.
    Here is a passage from Tractate Sotah 22b: Our Sages taught: There are seven "Perushim" (pseudo-righteous people who erode the world): The righteous of Shechem, the self-flagellating righteous, the bloodletting righteous, the pestle-like righteous, the righteous who say: Tell me what my obligation is and I will perform it, those who are righteous due to love, and those who are righteous due to fear.
    The Talmud goes on to explain each one, for instance "the bloodletting righteous" is the one banging his head against the walls because he walks with his eyes shut, ostensibly out of modesty. The pestle-like righteous walks bent over like the pestle of a mortar.

Комментарии • 9

  • @gybx4094
    @gybx4094 4 месяца назад

    Jesus only rebuked some of the Pharisee leaders. He had Pharisee followers. In fact, his tomb was provided by a Pharisee. Some Christians have been far too severe by generalizing. Our New Testament has been mistranslated when referring to "the Jews" rather than "some local Jews". That has caused some terrible anti-Semitism in Church history. For that we should be ashamed and apologize. Shalom.

  • @ansamgroshong
    @ansamgroshong 5 месяцев назад

    I wasn't aware that the word came to mean hypocrites.
    I'm Christian, and I'm originally from Iraq. I was taught they were a a certain religious group that were known for being strict and following the laws to the letter. and in the parts were Jesus criticized them, it was understood he was talking to some people at that time and the message was understood that there are always some religious hypocrites or extremists.
    Later I understood there were different Jewish groups at the time of the Christ and their responses to him varied.
    Thank you for the explaining.
    P.s, also I"m sorry for how Christianity and Christians have treated Jews (in past and for some today).

    • @chaimsunitsky6403
      @chaimsunitsky6403  5 месяцев назад +2

      Thank you for your kind words. I think today too people like yourself who have positive view of the Jewish people can do a lot to change the generally biased view of the world. A little bit of light can take away lot of darkness. Right now the Internet is full of comments and fake news accusing Israel that is fighting for survival against genocidal Hamas regime who are far worse than Nazis. Yet it's Israel that is accused of all kinds of crimes. Any person who can spread the truth and protect our people can help make the world a better place.

    • @ansamgroshong
      @ansamgroshong 5 месяцев назад

      Dear friend/brother
      I’m sorry I wanted to write back sooner but I couldn’t.
      Re what you said above, I learned the truth about Israel just a year ago.
      I grew up in Iraq during Saddam’s government and we all were taught Israel is an occupation that needed to end. In 2004 I came to the US and heard here about the two state solution so I thought this was the reasonable solution but I continued to think Israel was the problem and I never really looked into it. I didn’t understand how anyone supported Israel and thought those who did either had some morality problem or they just didn’t know what was going on. Only a year ago I came across a channel by an Israeli tour guide, and he talked about the conflict. Almost from the first video I thought hey this is very different from what I had thought or expected, and there is another story out there.
      This whole last year has been a leaning experience and even an eye opening, re Israel and Palestine, the Jewish experience and anti-semitism.
      Re what you said about light and darkness, it’s a nice analogy, but I don’t know. When I was younger I used to think most people are good and only a few are bad, but now - after some personal experiences, I see most people are bad and only few as good. Most people prefer to keep their eyes closed so they could hold on their believes, instead of choosing to see and hear the other person.
      Re, Jews and Judaism, I never held any negative views and I kind of always wanted to have some Jewish friends (after you hear about some people you like to meet and know them in person), though now I hold new admiration for and see them/you differently after all I’ve learned.
      I have been trying to share things on social media, but I don’t think I've been able to get anyone to listen or change their minds. However I don’t have many followers myself and I can’t write much or spend too much time online (I struggle with chronic illness /disability, and my online accounts used to be limited to awareness and medical info for certain health problems).
      On the plus side (trying to give a hopeful message here), I have found and been following many accounts of people - not just Jews and Arab Israelis, but also Palestinians, other Arabs, Middle Easterners, and some people from other Muslim countries, and I think most or almost all of them are like me, grew up with wrong story and then found out what’s really going on, and are now active online trying to disperse the lies and tell the truths. I've seen some who have been getting threats, and some even say their families and or friends have left them or stopped talking to them because of this but they're still continuing because they believe what they're doing is right.
      I’m really sorry you have gone and are still going through all this. it’s disheartening and angering to see all this hate.
      I used to have the same very negative view of Israel, but I didn't wish death or suffering for anyone there and I only hoped for peaceful solutions.
      I hope you at least realize some of those against Israel are good, well intentioned people who have just been given the wrong story and don't know what's happening, and if they learn the facts they'll change their views too. Though I don’t understand how people here in the US or the rest of the Western world could have gotten it this wrong (esp those who are active online or in protests etc, where they must have been confronted with some facts from the other side).
      P.s, sorry I wanted to write nicer but I've been feeling very distracted and unable to concentrate well today. Sometimes I struggle with getting thoughts organized in writing (you might have noticed that above). I thought I’d wait and write later but I didn’t want you think I ignored what you wrote. I hope you get the heartfelt message (despite it not turning out like what I wanted).
      Happy passover (to you and your family and loved ones).
      I saw this on twitter today, and I thought it’s beautiful and wanted you to see it (this lady is one of the people I follow online, and I’m also including the link to the tweet).
      Dalia Ziada - داليا زيادة
      The Passover is one of my most favorite holidays in all religions. It is very linked to Egypt, and thus, my Jewish friends and I (an Egyptian) used to use it as an excuse to make jokes about our friendship.
      A close friend, every time I told him “Happy Passover,” he responded “Sorry we left you behind (meaning in Egypt).”
      This year, it is not a joke anymore. My friend, alongside other great humans, had to intervene a few months ago to get me out of my very own Egypt, a few hours before I was doomed to be killed or imprisoned in reprisal for my political opinion in support of Israel’s war on Hamas’ terrorism. Daring to condemn the October 7 attacks on Israeli civilians stirred credible death threats and state-sponsored persecution against me.
      On my way out of Egypt, I walked over the footsteps of pain and agony that were previously felt by the Jews who accompanied Moses across the Red Sea and the Jews who were forced later in the 1950s-60s to leave their homelands in Egypt and other Arab countries.
      Like them, I did not want to leave my homeland, which is now being occupied by extremists and Jew-haters. Like them, I had to suffer the bitter loss of my house, my work, my friends, and my family in a matter of few hours. Like them, I did not choose to leave Egypt, but I was forced to leave, not only out of fear of persecution but also in pursuit of freedom. Like them, I know I may never see Egypt again in my whole life, but my fond memories there will always remain in my heart and mind.
      Like the Jews who were forced to leave Egypt on different occasions in history, I know that I will soon recover from the pain of loss and thrive in life. I know that those who targeted me because of my stance in support of the truth will be defeated and humiliated. Like the Jews, I believe in the value of life, and I know I can make our world a better place.

    • @chaimsunitsky6403
      @chaimsunitsky6403  4 месяца назад +1

      Dear friend,
      Thank you for your wonderful letter. I am sorry I am responding so late. Your words are very true and very inspiring. While we cannot change most of the world, we can definitely do something. Even if your words did not have any affect on the listeners right away, they may have an affect later. Maybe when they hear this from different people, it will have a cumulative effect and they will eventually reexamine what they were taught. Running water after a while sharpens even stones.
      May you be blessed!

  • @AndrewS174
    @AndrewS174 5 месяцев назад

    Matthew 23:14-16, Jesus calls them hypocrites.

    • @ansamgroshong
      @ansamgroshong 5 месяцев назад +1

      ok, and he praised some tax collectors. do you think he meant any and every tax collector in the entire world and entire history?

    • @tuttutteddy8889
      @tuttutteddy8889 5 месяцев назад

      @@ansamgroshongthat’s a zinger!!

    • @peterc.4143
      @peterc.4143 5 месяцев назад

      Jesus himself was a Pharisee. That’s why he was criticizing them in the first place.