World Pie Month - School Challenge -

  • Опубликовано: 28 дек 2024

Комментарии • 11

  • @suedi22
    @suedi22 10 лет назад +2

    This movement is just amazing!

  • @worldpiemonth7681
    @worldpiemonth7681 10 лет назад +1

    Now this is really what #worldpiemonth is all about! Wow, what a great thing to do!

  • @viralmissionary1246
    @viralmissionary1246 10 лет назад

    This is inspiring! Way to spread love and hope. #worldpiemonth

  • @CurtisBean
    @CurtisBean 10 лет назад

    Awesome video! I'm stoked to help others for #worldpiemonth !!!

  • @davidstauffer4534
    @davidstauffer4534 10 лет назад

    She said "Texas", screen shows "Texas A&M"....*face palm*....but seriously, this is awesome. I'm proud to be an LDSBC alum! Go Lions!

  • @chelsealewis613
    @chelsealewis613 10 лет назад

    I love this

  • @bethanychristensen7462
    @bethanychristensen7462 10 лет назад

    The challenge is on!

  • @jimmyjoebob1010
    @jimmyjoebob1010 10 лет назад

    As someone who cleaned this building for two years, this was a terrible thing to do. The amount of time, effort, money and frustration that came from this was not worth it.

  • @Gabelite
    @Gabelite 10 лет назад

    i don't get it

    • @SpencerTaggart
      @SpencerTaggart  10 лет назад

      Yah, this was a campaign we did for a class project in March. We were able to reach millions through Facebook all in the name of our crazy idea. World Pie Month. This was the first of many videos we did. Most of them are on the FB page.

  • @jimmyjoebob1010
    @jimmyjoebob1010 10 лет назад

    As someone who cleaned this building for two years, this was a terrible thing to do. The amount of time, effort, money and frustration that came from this was not worth it.