Lost my nephew 2016 to gun violence. My sister in 2021 to the c/shot. My aunt last night to cancer.. Im devastated 😭😭😭😭 & my other aunt is dying from cancer too right now.. I cant breathe! 😭
Sending you love and light. Compacted grief like that is no joke. I hope you're able to create some space to nurture and support yourself (therapy, grief counseling, self care and kindness) 🙏🏾❤
This was almost my situation 2 years ago…at the time my wife was pregnant at the age of 38 and was considered a high risk pregnancy…about 2 weeks leading up to his birth he stopped breathing because the fluid in my wife’s placenta was low and basically he was suffocating…he was supposed to be due mid February but if we woulda waited he wouldn’t have made it…so the week of Jan 16th she had to be admitted to be induced, and while she was giving birth she did die but was brought back….so I was faced with a hard reality where the outcome was I was we gonna be without my son or I was gonna be without my wife….but God saved them both and now my son just celebrated his 2nd birthday 2 weeks ago😊
Man😢😢😢, 2021 will forever be the worst year of my life, my son who was 19 years old at the time committed suicide, I pray that God please take this pain away a year later I almost lost my vision and I'm still going through with that and couple of months after I almost lost my vision I had a heart attack due to grieving I now have to wear a defibrillator to keep me alive after dying 3 times and the doctor almost giving up on me. But my Father said different, he had plans for me and he wasn't ready for me not quite yet. April 30, is the day that it happened. And the crazy thing is that we celebrated 4 of his birthdays and he only been decreased for 3 years finna be in April
I was 6months pregnant with my first child. And got involved in an car accident.I lost her 2 week later. I WAS NUMB..I remember getting in the car and this song was playing..I just melted...it was over in hours with no baby. Me and hubby were crushed. 25 years later this song gives me the same feeling..But today I was grateful she came thru me..to allow her brother and sister to pass without complications. I cry and smile for you kaleema Alexis...thanks babe..ps..her bday is in 2 weeks happy 25th babygirl
My husband and I almost made it to 25 years but my husband received his wings last year 3 weeks before our anniversary. April 16th will always be a special day for me💖 I miss you baby so much
My wife became pregnant in 2020. During this time I had been hearing so many stories of pregnant women dying during pregnancy or during giving birth. I was so nervous that I had removed this song from my play list and just prayed. Today I want to say that we had a beautiful baby boy and he will be 1 years old this month.
Aaron Hall's first son had died shortly after child birth. And his mother died in a hit and run car accident that he witnessed on Christmas Day. This song was dedicated to them. After knowing this and hearing this song it makes me even more sympathetic to his situation. In an interview I watched when this song first came out he said that the actress playing his wife also knew the family and they both kept crying during the video shoot. Aaron Hall wrote a beautiful song that's timeless.
@@daniellesmith5673 I’m sorry my dear, but I think people have to demand respect. If you ever tolerated disrespect, then shame on you. Trust me my dear, there is someone out there who desperately wants to treat you like a queen, but only if you want to be treated as a queen, and if you haven’t found that special someone yet, please do not compromise, but please keep on looking for a king to treat you as a queen, and never settle for anything less than to act like and to be looked as a queen. Much love to you on finding real love.
@@daniellesmith5673 You ever heard of Cythia G and the rest of her growing number of Divested followers? Should they get the LOYAL and ROYAL treatment or should they simply be ignored in masses?
I feel sorry for this generation, In 20 yrs. All they will have, music calling them b**%$%s and whores(h#@%s). Their music is jacked up, when a song talks about "when we f@#$k)" it's SAD. I LOVE our youth LOVE SONGS, ....NEVER BE ANOTHER LIKE IT!!
Yeah but its 30yrs not 20 big homie but dis is when music was so great solid when people actually had talent & really sung about real shit instead of all dis weirdo pill popping twerking bullshit
My sister, my brother and my ex's 😢 God just pluck us off the earth with no warnings, puff, were gone 😢 The older I get I see people I know passing on and I wonder when, how and where I'll be at his time. I hate it! 😢😭😭
Micheal, you my little brother even though you're was 35 when you left us,I'm going to miss you like crazy,GONE BUT NOT EVER FORGOTTEN,LOVE YOU FOR INFINITI. March 18,1988 August 11,2023
Did i miss something in the script here? It seemed to me that @FitGamerKing was speaking hypothetically and you replied with a left handed (unwarranted) irrelevant statement...why? BTW how would you know what he needs?
It's been 18 days since I lost my husband. I've never felt so alone in my life. 22 years straight! Never parted until 18 days ago. I guess cancer finally won. I miss you so much baby. I can't do this without you. I'm so lost. I love you and I miss you so much baby. R.I.P. sweetie.
I also lost my mom to cancer in 2015, but I think she beat the ass of cancer, it never won. The pains and grief of her death haunts me to this day, endless dreaming about her, missing her hugs, her pecks, ultimately her love. Miss her forever!
The song causes me to appreciate women even more for what they go through bringing children into this world... To all of you beautiful queens out there I RESPECT AND APPRECIATE YOU!!
Facts I'm crying now my mother passed away from my family when I was 30 a day before my son Birthday November 26 been three years hurting 💔😢never be the same a hold pice of my heart is gone and can't be replaced 💔😔😢😞
You know, this was one of my late wife's favorite songs. I can picture her singing it while cleaning up now. It's been 3 years, I miss her more everyday.
@@realrocktv9193 I was born in 1989 and even I know that they were saying R. Kelly's style was biting Aaron Hall's. Which makes sense, since Aaron Hall was an established before R. Kelly even got his professional start in music and garnered the relevancy that molded his legacy through his pretty consistent catalog. His musical output speaks for himself. But don't sleep on a New Jack Swing pioneer like Aaron Hall. Even Teddy Riley would tell you that.
Who else is crying their eyes out listening to this song? Whether it's for a lost love.. Parent..child..grandparent.sibling or close friend..still hits the heart the same.. Babe if you ever read this.. I miss you!!
I lost my daughter 3 years ago and it’s not easy but this song is what I sing to help me be at ease. When it’s time for god to bring his children home, it’s hard to part from them and their memories.
I lost My Mom on Mothers Day. 2019 and I can't seem to feel normal again. I have Sons and two beautiful Grandsons and My Wonderful Husband Daughter in law And Family but forgive me without My Mommy My like sucks.i survive everyday because I have know choice. My life my every being will never be the same. I would walk on Hot 🔥 saliva to have her back. Nothing hurts more than loosing your precious Mother. I Hate Mothers Day and I am a Mother. I know it is unfair to My Sons who love and cherish me but it is cruel to have your Mom die and especially on Mothers Day. I dread seeing Mothers Day come every year.
Please champ Lounge culb McDonald Gas music Jacksonville NC Happy Brithday Day want will have champ Lounge night could poeple see night now know what go out $10 free women 12:00 nice Lady luck men $ 10
The power behind the lyrics of this song 🎵 are unmatched. They do NOT WRITE songs like this anymore 😢even as a little girl I adored this song. I still do…
That Aaron Hall is nothing to play with!!! He is a "vocal beast" on everything he sings. I liked him in "New Jack City" singing with "Guy" in the nightclub scene.
Lost my father in 2007. It's been extremely tough. My hero friend confidant. My oldest sister in 2014. ❤️ heart hurts so much for both of them. Love your family while they are here because it's a void that can't be filled ever except your faith in God and his see son Jesus Christ
Sorry for your loss. I kinda know how you feel. I lost my mom and sister in 2015. My mom in Jan. and my sister exactly 9 months later. Both outta the blue. Hold on to your loved ones while you can and make sure that you let them know you love them. Cause they can be gone in the blink of an eye literally. Mine were. And I miss them and Love them to this day!
Watched this video on September 9th and had my baby September 10th. I prayed so hard to make it through that c-section 😢. Prayers to all the moms who never got to hold their babies
My wife birthed healthy Twin Boys for me last November. Her and the babies are fine, I know that we are so blessed. I'm 41 and I remember this video like it was yesterday. Love to all reading this.
No bullshit my lady had a abortion cause I wasn't ready then when I was ready she had a still born saddest day but GOD seen us lose 2 n blessed us with twins 2 girls healthy n active so godbless u and your twins n family this song do make u emotional but it's still a classic
😥 I cry on the inside bc as a teenager I really didn't understand this video. But ONLY by the grace of God I survived a hemorrhage after the birth of my third child. Blessings and love to all who are journeying through life healing from the loss of loved ones.
This song will break even the toughest person down. Aaron Hall is a beautiful soul. He deserves all recognition and I hope that he come back to the music scene again and produce more good music like this again. He is truly missed
I have cried so many tears listening to this song. I remember exactly where I was when I heard this song for the first time. It was mothers day weekend, I was sitting at the shampoo bowl waiting to get my hair washed. I had recently loss my mother and I could not stop crying. love the song but everytime I hear it, it feels like yesterday I was sitting in the salon. RIP mom... love and miss you!
Yes it's now 2023 and I still love all my music we did that the best I don't even listen to the radio been stop when my children got grown and I am 43,so yes I feel you.
Damn 😢😢💔. I remember this came on THE BOX. I'm currently 34 weeks pregnant with my 2nd son (wife & mother of 4) and this shit got me damn near crying as she's at the counter in so much pain. This is based off a true story where Hall's son's mother actually died during or after giving birth. MEN you will NEVER EVER understand what us women go thru while carrying your babies... TREAT HER RIGHT, GO ALL OUT, PAMPER HER, TAKE CARE OF HER & YOUR CHILDREN etc. Ladies, take care of yourselves, rest, eat healthy, attend those appointments, love those babies and trust in God. I just want to say that I LOVE my husband so much. HE found ME and the most high saw fit to allow ME to carry his very 1st son. 🙌🏽💖
His mom died in a car accident not during or after giving birth but you are correct. But I am glad you successfully carried and delivered 4 children. You're amazing!
The box was the shit back then. God I wish it was still 1993 Or at least June 30 2014. Maybe I could keep my almost-2 yr old daughter and only child, Kenzie, from passing away tragically from a car accident the next day, July 1. Been 6 years, 1 month and 19 days and I miss her as much today as I ever have. 😔😥
This isn’t true he has one one son by a video vixen/porn star he met being one of Uncle Luke freaks. Her name is Gloria Velez and she is still alive til this day.
My heart and my soul died in 1991.This song always makes me think of him. I have been crying over him since he went away. Yes, all these year. True love never dies. Rest well Angel in Heaven. Butch Toby Hobbs
Your post really touched me. Rip to the people who recently lost someone but your loss from 1991 really hit me deep. I'm always worried that when I pass and as time go by I will be forgotten, like I was never here. I appreciate your post because it shows some people never forget us. Thank you very much.
@@millardthomas9059 The people who truly loves you will never forget that you were here on this earth. In today world it's much easier to capture special memories that will last forever. No so much back then unfortunately. So for me whenever I speak on it, I make sure to include the time period.
This song makes me miss MY Mother soo much. There's not a day that goes by that I don't miss my mother, they say time heals. I lost my mother when I was 19 I am 50. Nothing like a mother's love. I miss and Love you Rose Marie Victor Johnson.
Damn I'm thirty two and 24 years ago I loved this song, but I could never feel it like I can now. I remembered this video being disturbing in some way. Having watched it just now, I'm crying.
Ladies, if you believe in love, and it’s what you want to find. Make sure he loves this kinda of music, and find out how he treats his mom. Trust me. I’ve been with the same girl since I was 18. I’m 41 now. 😎🤭😉
My third son passed after I gave birth to him tragically at 26 weeks . I feel so failed and defeated everyday wondering what if and why . His first birthday in heaven is December 4,2024 . I miss you so much Naheim Messiah-Rashied 🥺
@@Spiritarlc No problem sis :) But come to learn that there is no life without death in some shape or fashion :) Anyways learn methods to keep you calm or tranquil and unstressed :) Hope you have a productive, rich life full of happiness, prosperity, and peace :)
I used to CRYYYYY to this video every time it would come on! I was a little girl; maybe 8 or 9 years old. This is an absolute all time favorite song of mine!!
Lost my nephew 2016 to gun violence. My sister in 2021 to the c/shot. My aunt last night to cancer.. Im devastated 😭😭😭😭 & my other aunt is dying from cancer too right now.. I cant breathe! 😭
God will see you through. My prayers are with you and your family during this trying time.
Praying for your strength and healing may the angels of God send comfort!. God Bless ❤
I am sorry you going through all of this but keep trusting in God.
Sending you love and light. Compacted grief like that is no joke. I hope you're able to create some space to nurture and support yourself (therapy, grief counseling, self care and kindness) 🙏🏾❤
This was almost my situation 2 years ago…at the time my wife was pregnant at the age of 38 and was considered a high risk pregnancy…about 2 weeks leading up to his birth he stopped breathing because the fluid in my wife’s placenta was low and basically he was suffocating…he was supposed to be due mid February but if we woulda waited he wouldn’t have made it…so the week of Jan 16th she had to be admitted to be induced, and while she was giving birth she did die but was brought back….so I was faced with a hard reality where the outcome was I was we gonna be without my son or I was gonna be without my wife….but God saved them both and now my son just celebrated his 2nd birthday 2 weeks ago😊
Praise God!
OMG that’s horrible but I’m so glad that they BOTH made it.
To God be the glory!! What a testimony.
God bless you all ❤!
I loss my dad, husband and cousin/sister in 2022!!! It just hit me a week ago that my dad is gone and last night I finally grieved my husband 😢
I'm a grown ass man literally crying as I read your post-especially while hearing this song. My heart genuinely goes out to you, my dear.
Hang in there and keep your head up
Carla Linton.Mam I'm sorry for your loss. I'm gonna keep you in my prayers and thougt
My Goodness. Bless your heart.
This is "2024" and this song still has lots of meaning to those of us who has lost loved ones.
Its a CLASSIC no doubt. I came to reference the love interest and gained more respect and love for my FOREVER favorite 🥰
Man😢😢😢, 2021 will forever be the worst year of my life, my son who was 19 years old at the time committed suicide, I pray that God please take this pain away a year later I almost lost my vision and I'm still going through with that and couple of months after I almost lost my vision I had a heart attack due to grieving I now have to wear a defibrillator to keep me alive after dying 3 times and the doctor almost giving up on me. But my Father said different, he had plans for me and he wasn't ready for me not quite yet. April 30, is the day that it happened. And the crazy thing is that we celebrated 4 of his birthdays and he only been decreased for 3 years finna be in April
Im still Listen 2024
Here listening in 2024.
Lyrics not about a loss loved one by death. Hence verse 2
No matter how old this is this video makes me cry
@frank M. Nbv
As I'm crying missing her!
This is crazy I follow you on RUclips lol
Inr i was little as hell and it was so sad it sadder now. Cuz i understand it more im tearing up now
Keeping it 100 Experiences same here. 😢
I lost my wife 30 years ago. I was devastated. But God bless and pulled me through in Jesus name
Timothy Hampton ....AMEN
Praise Him
Kidding me he is the best singer ever❤❤❤❤😍🤴
Amen. I'm so sorry for your loss.
I am sorry, no one should have to go through such pain
I was 6months pregnant with my first child. And got involved in an car accident.I lost her 2 week later. I WAS NUMB..I remember getting in the car and this song was playing..I just melted...it was over in hours with no baby. Me and hubby were crushed. 25 years later this song gives me the same feeling..But today I was grateful she came thru me..to allow her brother and sister to pass without complications. I cry and smile for you kaleema Alexis...thanks babe..ps..her bday is in 2 weeks happy 25th babygirl
😭😭😭😭 your such a strong mom MAY GOD CONTINUE TO HELP U THROUGH
I can't imaging your pain but your comment shows so much strength.. be strong sister.. may you and your family continue to be blessed..
Sorry to hear that 🙏🏾
Stay blessed beautiful❤🙌🏽❤🌹
This song is to my dad who passed away last year I am crying now he was my rock rip dad xx
My condolences to you 🌺💗
R.I.P to my Mommy who passed away due to breast cancer on Christmas morning 1995 when I was 14 (freshmen in high school)
I love you
blackcobra1981 I'm sorry for your loss. God bless you
Lookingoodat38 Thank you
I'm so sorry. May sweet memories always be with you.
My husband and I almost made it to 25 years but my husband received his wings last year 3 weeks before our anniversary. April 16th will always be a special day for me💖 I miss you baby so much
Sorry, love! Blessings to you!
Rest in peace my brother.
I'm so sorry..... Please read this, I pray this brings peace and of course, hope : www.jw.org/en/library/books/dead-live-again-tract/dead-live-again/
Sorry for your loss hun
Blessings to you Mrs. Corbett..
Lost my mother to cancer 3 weeks ago. She was low key my best friend. Rest in peace Ma!
I’m sorry for your loss. 😢
Sorry about that
Carla Linton. You have my condolences and my prayers.
Back in the 90’s when music videos told a story…so sad 😔
people had feelings back then.
Im 44. You are absolutely right. Story tellers were the foundation of music.
hold on to the one you love because tomorrow is not promise.
So True
I now that s the truth
That's real
My wife became pregnant in 2020. During this time I had been hearing so many stories of pregnant women dying during pregnancy or during giving birth. I was so nervous that I had removed this song from my play list and just prayed. Today I want to say that we had a beautiful baby boy and he will be 1 years old this month.
blessings king ... i was worried about this too just had my daughter three weeks ago and my fiance is healthy #blessings
Amen to that!!!
Praise God! Congrats❤
Congratulations 🙏
lost my wife and child during child birth. this song hits home even though it been 16 years
Sorry to hear that bro
JESUS!! 🙏🏽 I couldn't fathom what it was like!! I'm sorry for your lost! In know they looking from above!! I know they are!!
+Windell Williams Stay strong
+Windell Williams im really sorry may GOD BE WITH YOU .....
Much love and respect❤️
This video was on The BOX constantly. Had me in my feels at 14 and still to this day!!!
Aaron Hall's first son had died shortly after child birth. And his mother died in a hit and run car accident that he witnessed on Christmas Day. This song was dedicated to them. After knowing this and hearing this song it makes me even more sympathetic to his situation. In an interview I watched when this song first came out he said that the actress playing his wife also knew the family and they both kept crying during the video shoot. Aaron Hall wrote a beautiful song that's timeless.
Thank you for sharing that info I was told that but not about his child. The person who told me I didn't think they knew what they were talking about
Much love to you and your family during the holiday season
Beautiful Info
This song still makes me cry after over 20 years.
Please men take care of our dear black women❤️
They never will they treat us like trash but treat other race like royalty
@@daniellesmith5673 I’m sorry my dear, but I think people have to demand respect.
If you ever tolerated disrespect, then shame on you.
Trust me my dear, there is someone out there who desperately wants to treat you like a queen, but only if you want to be treated as a queen, and if you haven’t found that special someone yet, please do not compromise, but please keep on looking for a king to treat you as a queen, and never settle for anything less than to act like and to be looked as a queen.
Much love to you on finding real love.
Yes,Thx Bro.c'est incroyable que ce son traverse les generations,toujours avec le meme tempo,respect aux femmes.
@@daniellesmith5673 You ever heard of Cythia G and the rest of her growing number of Divested followers? Should they get the LOYAL and ROYAL treatment or should they simply be ignored in masses?
when a song can still hit you after 20 something years , now that's what you call music. facts
jay ceo you ain’t never lied. Music today will never have the same impact it did 20+ years ago
I feel sorry for this generation, In 20 yrs. All they will have, music calling them b**%$%s and whores(h#@%s). Their music is jacked up, when a song talks about "when we f@#$k)" it's SAD. I LOVE our youth LOVE SONGS, ....NEVER BE ANOTHER LIKE IT!!
Yeah but its 30yrs not 20 big homie but dis is when music was so great solid when people actually had talent & really sung about real shit instead of all dis weirdo pill popping twerking bullshit
@@dwightwashington391 I thought I said 20 something since it's only 28 years ago .
My husband, you went home to GOD 2-20-21 and I miss you so much.
I dedicate this song to my mother who died in 1987,and I think of her every day.R.I.P. Carman Black.
RIP god bless you brotha
My condolences on the loss of your Dear Mother..May you find peace in the memories that can NEVER be erased..💕💕
Carla Linton. David Black. You have my condolences. My Brother in Christ Jesus.
Sending this to my fiance in heaven I lost to covid August 7th 2021 with tears flowing. Love you Tonya Rena Harvey 💜❤️💜
So sorry for your lost 🙏🏾
Sorry to hear that R.I.P.
So sorry for your loss ❤
Sorry for your loss 🙏🙏🤍
Prayers for you and yours🙏
I miss men making songs with voices like this . It's just feels so refreshing to listen to.
Fast tail lil guh
@@Iknowyoumadnow how ?
Unique and strong with emotions
lol, aaron is a great singer but a nasty human being.
@@bassreeves2410 how
2023 and this song is still a hit! My prayers go out to everyone dealing with a lost of a loved one.
My sister, my brother and my ex's 😢 God just pluck us off the earth with no warnings, puff, were gone 😢 The older I get I see people I know passing on and I wonder when, how and where I'll be at his time. I hate it! 😢😭😭
Thanks for your prayers.
GOD bless. Stay strong.
Micheal, you my little brother even though you're was 35 when you left us,I'm going to miss you like crazy,GONE BUT NOT EVER FORGOTTEN,LOVE YOU FOR INFINITI.
March 18,1988
August 11,2023
Bruh.....I would not know how to function without my wife of 10 years. This song got me in all types of feels. Never letting her go!
Not trying to be cold but you gotta figure something out, you don't need a woman
Did i miss something in the script here? It seemed to me that @FitGamerKing was speaking hypothetically and you replied with a left handed (unwarranted) irrelevant statement...why? BTW how would you know what he needs?
@@distanceman8147 you did miss something..I'm talking to u BAbyYYY!!🎶🔊
Don't ever
@@jerzeesneed I don't know what you meant. It sounds cold to me. Maybe it didn't come out the way you meant it to.
I heard this as a kid,but now I'm grown and it hit different 🥺😔
When he sings "I miss you from the bottom of heart, to the depth of my soul baby" Woooo chile! I feel that pain. Every.Single. Time.
MY Brown he gave it his all and with emotion in his body😔
video did not match the lyrics but still I am his biggest fan so I gave him a pass. lol
Hearing that line made me break down again!
Same here! Lord have mercy 🥺
Happy 60th Birthday Aaron Robin Hall!(Born August 10, 1964)😃🥳🎂🎉🎊🎈🎁🍾🥂👍🏾👏🏾🙌🏾
Same age as my dad.
He sang this song! With his heart and soul!
Yeah he was in his 🎒baggggggggggg
Yes he did
He really did! 🗣🎶💯
It's been 18 days since I lost my husband. I've never felt so alone in my life. 22 years straight! Never parted until 18 days ago. I guess cancer finally won. I miss you so much baby. I can't do this without you. I'm so lost. I love you and I miss you so much baby. R.I.P. sweetie.
Find God and you find hope..
So sorry my prayers are with you
I am so sorry, my heart goes out to you and my prayers are with you. Hugs
I also lost my mom to cancer in 2015, but I think she beat the ass of cancer, it never won. The pains and grief of her death haunts me to this day, endless dreaming about her, missing her hugs, her pecks, ultimately her love. Miss her forever!
The song causes me to appreciate women even more for what they go through bringing children into this world... To all of you beautiful queens out there I RESPECT AND APPRECIATE YOU!!
Thank you.
Thank you🤗
Thank you🙏🏽
@mvp Whole Aaron was talking about his then 16 year old son mother who left him
Respect,where’s guy @ today n miss this era of real music
If you don't already know then don't watch any interviews He's done because it's extremely disappointing to see toxic & crazy he really is
@ Respect,definitely didn’t know n don’t wanna hear bad news about great musician
@@babybobbiejeansmomI’m at the point now where I seperate the art from the artists.
This is probably THE saddest song/video combo of the 90s
+mslowe88 yeah, this and crossroads by bone thugs
I realy miss the 90's!!
most definitely, this video made me extremely sad as a kid
In tears every time I hear the song Amazing!! Aaron Hall and Guy best band ever!!!
mslowe88 facts
"When he says" I'd give anything in the world to see you back again"...a mother's love remains unmatched. Miss you mma❤
Hello beautiful how are you doing today?
So very true
Unmatched Ceazer' She's always watching over you and still by you 🙏
Facts I'm crying now my mother passed away from my family when I was 30 a day before my son Birthday November 26 been three years hurting 💔😢never be the same a hold pice of my heart is gone and can't be replaced 💔😔😢😞
I know what you mean......I know that pain 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
I agree
No this is what you call a pedophile
You know, this was one of my late wife's favorite songs. I can picture her singing it while cleaning up now. It's been 3 years, I miss her more everyday.
Who the hell would dislike this song?? One of the best r&b hits ever!! I still cry after all these years!!
I bet who disliked this song was born in 99 lol
Those 2000s babies
Similar to r Kelly style
@@realrocktv9193 I was born in 1989 and even I know that they were saying R. Kelly's style was biting Aaron Hall's. Which makes sense, since Aaron Hall was an established before R. Kelly even got his professional start in music and garnered the relevancy that molded his legacy through his pretty consistent catalog. His musical output speaks for himself. But don't sleep on a New Jack Swing pioneer like Aaron Hall. Even Teddy Riley would tell you that.
Ok so r Kelly stole his style. He did it better though
Who else is crying their eyes out listening to this song? Whether it's for a lost love.. Parent..child..grandparent.sibling or close friend..still hits the heart the same.. Babe if you ever read this.. I miss you!!
I lost my daughter 3 years ago and it’s not easy but this song is what I sing to help me be at ease. When it’s time for god to bring his children home, it’s hard to part from them and their memories.
Me I lost my mom in 2019 and this is her favorite song
It gets me every time! Now, even more since I've lost close loved ones ( big sis, mom and big brother)
I lost My Mom on Mothers Day. 2019 and I can't seem to feel normal again. I have Sons and two beautiful Grandsons and My Wonderful Husband Daughter in law And Family but forgive me without My Mommy My like sucks.i survive everyday because I have know choice. My life my every being will never be the same. I would walk on Hot 🔥 saliva to have her back. Nothing hurts more than loosing your precious Mother. I Hate Mothers Day and I am a Mother. I know it is unfair to My Sons who love and cherish me but it is cruel to have your Mom die and especially on Mothers Day. I dread seeing Mothers Day come every year.
These Comments & This Song Got Me Crying....Prayers Too Everybody That Lost Someone.......2017😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇💪🏾
I lost my mom and my brother and it.s only me know i miss them
Rip mommy 11/28/17 💔
Be bless♥️♥️♥️♥️god love
Please champ Lounge culb McDonald Gas music Jacksonville NC Happy Brithday Day want will have champ Lounge night could poeple see night now know what go out $10 free women 12:00 nice Lady luck men $ 10
Nkllo😉Noll on
This was my son favorite song which I lost him at age 40 its been 4 years 😢
I swear 90's R&B music just brings a calm over you no matter how hard things may be going for you.
So true!
Facts 💯 🤝
You are so right about that! I love that there’s still others out there who believe that ! 👏🏽👏🏽
2019 still on it Aaron. Appreciate it!
Amen 🙏 Nov 30 2019
Rip mama, missing you. Mama left me Feb. 14, 2018. I love you to the moon and back, YOUR BABY.
Much love and grace to you I love never ends
So sorry for your lost keep ya head ☝ and let GOD handle it from there.
Happy birthday mommy Doris delorosis perry many more to come 86 years young today
The power behind the lyrics of this song 🎵 are unmatched. They do NOT WRITE songs like this anymore 😢even as a little girl I adored this song. I still do…
As a little girl I use to cry every time the video came on. Wishing for a different result, but the ending never changed.
That Aaron Hall is nothing to play with!!! He is a "vocal beast" on everything he sings. I liked him in "New Jack City" singing with "Guy" in the nightclub scene.
This song still MELTS my heart.
Losing somebody so close to you is a hard pill to forever swallow!!!
Ive learned you get one shot. That person is like a comet moving through your life.
I know how yoi feel. I lost my mom last year......still heartborken
I wish I could go back to the 90z. They'll never make good music like this.
That is very very true
+Azim Mojo The Golden Years of music
+Azim Mojo ikr
Missing my Father who passed from Cancer. Missing you everyday Dad. I so wish you was here. I would give anything to see your mischievous smile again.
Sorry for your lost😧
My dad died in 2012. He was my everything. My hero.
Lost my father in 2007. It's been extremely tough. My hero friend confidant. My oldest sister in 2014. ❤️ heart hurts so much for both of them. Love your family while they are here because it's a void that can't be filled ever except your faith in God and his see son Jesus Christ
Sandra Singleton I’m sorry about ur father be strong cus Gods need him stay blessed
Sorry for your loss. I kinda know how you feel. I lost my mom and sister in 2015. My mom in Jan. and my sister exactly 9 months later. Both outta the blue. Hold on to your loved ones while you can and make sure that you let them know you love them. Cause they can be gone in the blink of an eye literally. Mine were. And I miss them and Love them to this day!
Watched this video on September 9th and had my baby September 10th. I prayed so hard to make it through that c-section 😢. Prayers to all the moms who never got to hold their babies
My BEAUTIFUL niece passed away at 2 weeks old from SIDS . You will be missed. Fly High you are now with the rest of the Angel's.
Sorry for your loss
Aaron !! You got people crying twenty years later. You put all your emotions in this 💔
CrowLife Cynn i a.
Like fr! His music got people crying in 2018
Aaron Hall Will Forever Be One Of The Greatest Vocalists Of All Time
@J Dolo no wtf is you talking about 🤔
His voice ain't all that. Its more "talk singing" than real singing.
@@kingdre23 right 😒
Still decent not on singer joe all the things your man won’t do levels tho 😂
Better than Stevie Wonder or George Michael? 🤔
My wife birthed healthy Twin Boys for me last November. Her and the babies are fine, I know that we are so blessed. I'm 41 and I remember this video like it was yesterday. Love to all reading this.
No bullshit my lady had a abortion cause I wasn't ready then when I was ready she had a still born saddest day but GOD seen us lose 2 n blessed us with twins 2 girls healthy n active so godbless u and your twins n family this song do make u emotional but it's still a classic
God bless 🙏🏿
😥 I cry on the inside bc as a teenager I really didn't understand this video. But ONLY by the grace of God I survived a hemorrhage after the birth of my third child. Blessings and love to all who are journeying through life healing from the loss of loved ones.
I feel you on that. I barely survived after having my 2nd daughter. This video gets me everytime!!!
Bless you♥️
@@caelabrinks2250 and do the best 👌💪🏿😔
omg this song has been making me cry for over 20yrs...
You may cry on my shoulder
Same here! I'm watching the video like, dammit don't cry!
thank you
Carolyn Montoya dis song is really the jam ya it really do
Carolyn Montoya Right!
People don't really know what they miss until it's gone or taken from your life
I know that's how I feel
Carla Linton.I agree with you.Big Money Beanz 100%.
I agree
Even as a grown man now this song still makes me shed tears just like it did when I was 14yrs old when it first came out 😢
Actually this came out 1994
I give this song to my daughter I haven't seen in 11 years now she's 13 ...I miss you little baby...Daddy loves you
I hope u see her soon
+ilove pups Thanks,me too
+Michelle Hardge I hope so too.. I miss her dearly
You should see her. im sure that she misses you
+Jessica Blount I just saw last week up in Austin... I was in tears she's grown so much...We had a wonderful weekend
I’m still here in 2021 ❤️This song makes me cry still .
It makes me cry to every time I hear it to
Me too
Carla Linton. Me too. Still here in 2021.
Who still listening in 2020????😊😊
Im here listening with you. Music has fallen off.
Every time i lay at night all i do is cry "I MISS YOU" -A. HALL 😢
I am here in Brazil love It 😍🥰😘
Can't stop won't stop
One time kane
This song hits differently. I lost my mom 3 months ago and I am still hurting. She loved her some Aaron Hall. Rest peacefully Mommy 😢
Sending my ❤ and prayers to u and your family...
I’m so so sorry
Condolences 💐
🙏 for you
Prayers and condolences
This song is personal to me. My mother died young carrying my sister....I miss both of them.
Who is still listening in 2019?
@@karenlaw1437 ✋
Still here 8/10/2019
Me ❤️
One of the best videos of my generation
THE most emotional song ever written. love this depressingly sad song.
The bridge hits me EVERY TIME
Still crying. Still listening in 2019
Me too
I have this song on repeat in 2019🔥🔥🔥🔥
Right Here With You
Right, this really really hits spots
Yes me too
One of the most underrated r n b singers
Lost my fiancé 3 weeks ago and this is all I can listen to 😢😢😢
🙌🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙌🏾 I'm so sorry for your loss
Sorry for ur loss I cant imagine the pain my heart goes out to you bro
Im sorry 4 ur lost
This song will break even the toughest person down. Aaron Hall is a beautiful soul. He deserves all recognition and I hope that he come back to the music scene again and produce more good music like this again. He is truly missed
Everytime I listen to it I think of her r.i.p. Jackie 😢
No he isn't...
@@Najia-cs2fe he just sang decent he was Puffy Daddy's right hand man
I have cried so many tears listening to this song. I remember exactly where I was when I heard this song for the first time. It was mothers day weekend, I was sitting at the shampoo bowl waiting to get my hair washed. I had recently loss my mother and I could not stop crying. love the song but everytime I hear it, it feels like yesterday I was sitting in the salon. RIP mom... love and miss you!
Hello beautiful how are you doing today?
You’ll see her again. She’s watching over you
I'd love to know more about you if you don't mind?
It's 2022 and I'm bawling my eyes out still over this video. A masterpiece. 🦋💗
Yes it's now 2023 and I still love all my music we did that the best I don't even listen to the radio been stop when my children got grown and I am 43,so yes I feel you.
Lord this video has me in tears every time I watch it.
Me too Tiffany. I cry every time I watch this video.
me too 😢😢
me 2
I thought I was one of the few people that this song did like that ....
back when music was real
I lost my son in 2020 and this song right here gets my every time. I miss him so much and nobody understands
Sorry for your lost 😢pray u find peace 🙏🏽 brother
RIP Kim Porter 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽😢❤️
This was about her
That was not Kim porter 🙄
@@brianwilliams983 no it wasnt.. this song came out way before all of that
Permanent scar for life, when a man loses his family , there is nothing left no matter.
Factuals 💯
Tribute to black maternal mortality, still an issue in 2019. Salute to all the fathers raising babies that lost their mothers👑
@Miss Gonzalez Most of the time its negligence and rest of the time it is #FATE
All facts!!! Infant Mortality still occurring all these years later!
@Miss Gonzalez yes having birth can always have the chance of the mother dying
I so sooooo love this all day
Miss Gonzalez over the past several years it’s been realized it was due to racist treatment in hospitals, neglect, and no support during postpartum
This song gets to me every time i listen to it i can only imagine what a man can go through such tragedy
Damn 😢😢💔. I remember this came on THE BOX. I'm currently 34 weeks pregnant with my 2nd son (wife & mother of 4) and this shit got me damn near crying as she's at the counter in so much pain. This is based off a true story where Hall's son's mother actually died during or after giving birth. MEN you will NEVER EVER understand what us women go thru while carrying your babies... TREAT HER RIGHT, GO ALL OUT, PAMPER HER, TAKE CARE OF HER & YOUR CHILDREN etc. Ladies, take care of yourselves, rest, eat healthy, attend those appointments, love those babies and trust in God. I just want to say that I LOVE my husband so much. HE found ME and the most high saw fit to allow ME to carry his very 1st son. 🙌🏽💖
His mom died in a car accident not during or after giving birth but you are correct. But I am glad you successfully carried and delivered 4 children. You're amazing!
The box was the shit back then. God I wish it was still 1993
Or at least June 30 2014. Maybe I could keep my almost-2 yr old daughter and only child, Kenzie, from passing away tragically from a car accident the next day, July 1. Been 6 years, 1 month and 19 days and I miss her as much today as I ever have. 😔😥
This isn’t true he has one one son by a video vixen/porn star he met being one of Uncle Luke freaks. Her name is Gloria Velez and she is still alive til this day.
If she would’ve lived she would bright nothing but pain and trouble to the kid life and Aron life
I miss my Mom. She left on February 27,2018. My best friend is gone. My life was not been the same since then!!
Oh what happened
My condolences
My heart and my soul died in 1991.This song always makes me think of him. I have been crying over him since he went away. Yes, all these year. True love never dies. Rest well Angel in Heaven. Butch Toby Hobbs
Your post really touched me. Rip to the people who recently lost someone but your loss from 1991 really hit me deep. I'm always worried that when I pass and as time go by I will be forgotten, like I was never here. I appreciate your post because it shows some people never forget us. Thank you very much.
@@millardthomas9059 The people who truly loves you will never forget that you were here on this earth. In today world it's much easier to capture special memories that will last forever. No so much back then unfortunately. So for me whenever I speak on it, I make sure to include the time period.
This song makes me miss MY Mother soo much. There's not a day that goes by that I don't miss my mother, they say time heals. I lost my mother when I was 19 I am 50. Nothing like a mother's love. I miss and Love you Rose Marie Victor Johnson.
Please come back mommy
I feel you my mom has been gone for 7 years now and i miss her e😢very day 😢😢😢😢
Damn this video still can make me cry.
I know right! The video gives the song a totally different meaning than just hearing it on the radio
I still cry for 20 something years
RIP Ashley "Ms. Minnie" Ross. You'll be missed girl. ❤
This man deserves an Oscar for this video
i now right
You mean grammy?
He changed the game. R. Kelly who copies all his work copied this concept so did Toni Braxton, Jaheim and several more artists.
Very much so.
Why am I tearing up watching this?
Damn I'm thirty two and 24 years ago I loved this song, but I could never feel it like I can now. I remembered this video being disturbing in some way. Having watched it just now, I'm crying.
Still one of the best R&B songs ever!!! This video will bring tears to your eyes!!
Ladies, if you believe in love, and it’s what you want to find. Make sure he loves this kinda of music, and find out how he treats his mom. Trust me. I’ve been with the same girl since I was 18. I’m 41 now. 😎🤭😉
That’s beautiful!
@@ScorpioBeauty 🤙🏻
Thanks for this
My third son passed after I gave birth to him tragically at 26 weeks . I feel so failed and defeated everyday wondering what if and why . His first birthday in heaven is December 4,2024 . I miss you so much Naheim Messiah-Rashied 🥺
Sending positive energy your way 🫂
@@pandorasbox6607thank you so much it’s been a hard year I swear
😢praying u find peace 🙏🏽
I Lost My First Love And My First Born R.I.P. Beautiful King ,My Lil Prince Yes I Still Listen To This Song 2019
Phyllis Butler me to 💙
Sending uplifting strengthening and healing prayers of condolences to you and both families involved...God bless
wow my heart goes out to you, love an prayers your way
My condolences too you stay strong.
Missing my cousin Chrissy, she would play this song over and over again when we were youngins, so hearing it now, 💔 hits differently
Damn that hurt.
@@Mr.Sance- thanks for the kind words, she used to call me sis, I truly appreciate your message 😇 sorry my response is so late 😊
@@Spiritarlc No problem sis :) But come to learn that there is no life without death in some shape or fashion :) Anyways learn methods to keep you calm or tranquil and unstressed :) Hope you have a productive, rich life full of happiness, prosperity, and peace :)
Missing my father passed 2-3-2018 from an massive heart attack and my mother from homicide 1-13-15
I am so sorry for your loss.💓
Hope all is well with you
Shamanda Moncrief I hope you are doing well to this day!❤️❤️
Stay strong baby
Still missing you, Julie.... we lost you on 8/5/2010 to cancer at only 34... you were the best younger sister 💔❤ I miss you so bad
I used to CRYYYYY to this video every time it would come on! I was a little girl; maybe 8 or 9 years old. This is an absolute all time favorite song of mine!!
I lost my wife and best friend to covid she was a nurse and I miss her every day
that woman meant a lot to Aaron. what a heart felt song.
This video always brings tears to my eyes
Missing my daughter, i have no living children.. Miss you Angel Hailey Jones 12/27/06...Still hurts...💜💜😔😭
My son was stillborn and my momma died shortly after. This song is heart felt...
I'm so sorry God bless fam
I CRY EVERYTIME !!!!! I HATE THIS VIDEO!!!! But I love too!!! Dammit emotions everywhere!!!!
Shut yo ass up
Thirty years later fans tell Aaron Hall and all other great Nineties' great R&B artists "I Miss You"! A super inspirational song and video.
This is My Summer jam and 94