How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin. -Ronald Reagan
I read the communist manifesto and understood it thoroughly. I have take four doctoral level course in economics. I rejected communism not for emotional reason but because it has been proven wrong by modern economics/finance.
first of all, I'm cuban, lived in Cuba, and experienced it for myself. The long lines made for days just to buy 1 pound of meat, the food served in schools of all levels that look worse than gerbers baby food. People who even show a slight disagreement towards the government are arrested, and many are denied refuge. The people earn at least $20 a month, yet thats not enough to even buy a decent meal that lasts a few days. The unemployment rate is overwhealming.
@america_again We, the people, must redeem The land, the mines, the plants, the rivers. The mountains and the endless plain ... And make America again! - Langston Hughes
PART 3: The scores never increased as bickering, blame, name calling, & fights all resulted in hard feelings. No one wanted to study for anyone else. To their great surprise all failed. The professor showed them that socialism ultimately fails because the harder people try to succeed, the greater their reward (capitalism), but when a government takes all the reward away(socialism) no one will try or succeed.
Wow, the brilliance of your arguement overwhelms me. You may turn me into a Red yet. I'd almost forgotten how wonderful the DDR was. A place where the workers would pretend to work, the government would pretend to pay them and the Stasi would tuck them in at night. Too bad Honecker didn't meet the same fate as Ceaucescu.
@kuhj278 Thank you for your kind words. I have tried to approach ideas from multiple points of view but when I ponder the idea that you embrace, I find it unable to sustain itself without taking everything that a man can possess. Can you imagine living in a society where you haven't a choice? A society where you are forced to think, live, function along a single path, a path chosen by someone other than you? It dosn't matter if the path is the right path or the good path,..., it's not my path.
PART 1: Some economics students thought socialism was a good idea because there would be no rich and no poor, a great equalizer. As an experiment, the professor said all grades would be averaged and everyone would receive the same grade so no one will fail and no one will receive an A. After the first test the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who had studied hard were upset, while the students who had studied very little were happy.
look, if it was up to me i would have chosen to live in Europe, maybe France, Italy, or Netherlands, but I was small, and me and my mom moved here. Since then, we have gone back two times, and the last time my mother bursted into tears watching how ruined her once beautiful Havana was.
USA is the best example of capitalism, though not even close to perfect. That system has produced the most prosperous society in man's history. Less poverty, less pollution, more innovation, more opportunity and more FREEDOM than any place on earth. People have BEATEN DOWN THE DOORS TO GET IN since its founding. Funny how people have DIED trying to ESCAPE from Communist countries. Even China and India became more prosperous than EVER once they started adopting some capitalist principles.
I AM a Cuban (y muy orgulloso de serlo) thank you very much, and I have internet connection because I live in a country where information is NOT something to be feared. And I dont care what other cubans have told you, I'm talking from my own experiences. Seriously, have you people EVER set foot on the Island? Have you walked the streets of Havana? Have you seen the living conditions of these people? MY people? my family, friends, neighbores, country! you are all clueless!
thieves who built themselves large estates because of that, and more than 50% of the people already agree that Ceausescu's regime was better than what we live nowadays, and this is the situation of much other eastern European countries, not just Romania. The only problem with stalinism was the dictatorial form of government and the lack of freedoms, and this is why it needed to be overthrown, but true communism, how Marx imagined it, is a democratic ideology, and is evolution!
PART 2: But, on the second test, the students who had studied little studied even less, and the ones who had studied hard decided since they couldn't make an A, they also studied less. The second Test average was a D. No one was happy. The average grade on the 3rd test was F.
Also many Japanese officials still WANTED to fight even after we dropped BOTH bombs. But the Emporer had enough and demanded that his officers admit defeat. (or something along the lines of that)
Profit comes from delivering a good or service to another willing party. If both parties dont benefit, then THEY DONT TRADE. Nobody was exploited today by my profit, but the profit did create quite a few good-paying jobs. Each of those people can choose to spend their pay on whatever they desire. If you take risk and it works, you can get rich. If you hate a service or product you can MAKE A BETTER ONE and if you are right, you GET exploitation...only when others are served.
Of course! Because using a song written for one of the largest monopolistic corporations in world history as a tribute to a philosophy that opposed everything that company represents makes PERFECT sense.
Last thing. We don't have any capitalistic propaganda nor anti-communist slogans in our media in Poland. We simply don't need it as we can see on our own that it's way better now when we're democratic country than it was during communism. Poland was really poor at late 80' and before, now we're getting better and better, People are more happy, life isn't that gray and sad at it was. We don't have to fear that someone will put us to jail because we think in another way than commies. take care
I agree that 3rd world countries are poor because of some european countries, mainly Great Britain and colonialism. But nowadays, the main thing that stops for example African markets is EU's socialist subsidy politics. Farmers from 3rd world countries simply can't sell their grain because it's way more expensive than european! And it's not because of capitalism, it's about socialism in EU that is destroying free market.
Hey, if you wanted to do a tribute to communism, you should have showed photographs of mass graves. The Orwell image of a boot stomping on a human face forever would also work.
@Maxsarkar "Unemployment, infletion are two major evlls of Capitalism where in socialism we never saw unemployment and infletion." Yeah thats right, because every country that has tried socialism has resulted in poverty.
@ssmaxx "People in communist states generally worked far less than you SLAVES in capitalism" - I live in Germany and yes, we've tried socialism, or "Realsozialismus" as it was called. People were surveilled by a police state, imprisoned and often killed for political motives. You tried to cross the border and you were shot dead. The all-powerful state not only felt impelled to determine your ideological orientation, but also your professional career and private life. I prefer this system now to
@VIPMorales Firstly, I'm not American, I'm Chinese. And secondly, I was actually supporting your side by saying that everybody disagreeing with communism doesn't actually know what it is...
Ideological communism is to be admired i admire communism ideological with term of: Classles society Religion is opium Everything equaly split and shared
Indeed it does. Social Anarchism FTW. Also, I don't believe humanity has an inherently competitive nature. I think it just goes with the flow, to be honest.
It is not a question of how many, it is a question of what percentage. There are dozens of prosperous capitalist nations. I cannot say the same for Communist nations.
@MedusaFrauVenus I have seen your profile: How can you be anti-communist and anti-capitalism? Are you so proud of your Arian legacy? Well, know this, you are a very little group, those people not welcome to your channel are much more bigger than the Arians, they do nothing against you so show more respect to them.
@MedusaFrauVenus Countries where children died by hungry: In my country -Argentina- 24 per day; in the whole Africa; in the Middle East; in India. But lets's talk about my country: Children not only died by hungry, but for old diseases such as Rubella, Measles, Cholera, Salmonella. Why you may think? Simple, because in the most poor parts of my country you can find 17 years old children who wheights 40 Kg.
@gulbirk Whenever you have millions of people with different ethnic backgrounds, cultures, lifestyles, and religions etc, you are bound to experience some kind of competition and it is almost impossible to expect people to behave altruistically. Communism will never worked throughout the world because everyone is different and wants to keep what they've earned. Communism can ONLY work where the demand for competition is gone and everyone is the same, but we know thats not true.
@davedavedaveannoy1 I can see what you are saying, I really do. I haven't been a communist all my life but whenever I decide I'm interested in something I look into it and research it. I know that communism isn't an easy course but it is one that would benefit humanity and the world. It is the final level of our civilization if we ever choose to fully realize it. It will be a hard and dangerous road but I do believe that something can be worked out. Capitalism teaches us to care for noone but...
@eclecticdufus It's not communist to oppress and murder. Communism is LOVE and solidarity. Hate and murder is something that belongs to the right-wing and capitalism that alone killed AT LEAST because it was an investment... and it made the investors A LOT of money FOR THEMSELVES... so so sad.
I've lived all my live among the people who lived in Soviet times, so I get info I need. Yes, millions died. Life has never been an easy thing. There is no Communism on Cuba, only Socialism. Nice idea on moving, though.
@DimitriMolotov The only real communist societies that have existed were those of the various Native Indian tribes, crops of corn, fish, and other products were evenly rationed to the various people in any given tribe or clan, nothing of any animal hunted & killed was wasted and was used. However; the only reason why it worked for the indians was because their communities only comprised of a few hundred people, but when you try the same thing in countries of millions of people it is a problem.
The term ''socialism'' has been used so much it's got no meaning anymore. Very few people today understand the concept of a social democracy and traditional socialism. Actions that strengthen society should not be grouped by ideology, because that limits their ability to be accepted by society. Soviet Russia was as far from a socialist country as you can get because Socialism wants production to be controlled by the working class. Not like in Russia
the Communist Manifesto said it to me. False accusations count as defamation. I'm not a communist i just like to sudy politics and i thank that right should be right.
Well I'm not talking about Poland only. Theres same situation in whole Eastern Europe (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Latvia, Litwa, Estonia, East Germany, Romania, Bulgaria etc.). Communism failed because it's just impossible to manage it well. Directed economy just fails BADLY. And it's not capitalism that makes ppl lazy, socialism does. If you don't need to work hard to earn money for food coz your country provides it to everyone you don't have any motivation to work at all
thakns to the creator of this video, is very good i give to you 5 stars. im spaniar sorry about my english. long live to comunism! fidel che stalin lenin!
Why I have disavowed Marxism/communism It's a shame that communism doesn't and can't live up to it's professed dogma. Marx's statement concerning religion is one of the most misinterpreted and deliberately misunderstood of his statements. I believe it's in 'The German Ideology' where he states something to the effect that the thesis of religion is positive in that it expresses the hopes and dreams (the notion of what 'freedom' looks like) of human groups. However, the antithesis is that when religion is in the hands of those who are in control those hopes and dreams are transferred to an 'afterlife' which is attained through abiding by the standards of society. Ideally a responsive elite would, in the present, be responsive to the aspirations of all of us and thus create a viable synthesis. Currently, as it stands, with the 'vanguard of the proletariat' et. al. it is nothing more than a re-invention of a plutocracy, best enforced by the Papacy for about 1000 years of dark ages. In short it's just another form of (neo) feudalism, enslavement of the majority of real flesh and blood human beings in the name of some abstract concept of 'the people' and projecting the utopian dream onto some indefinable future. And in practice it was and is hardly any different than the banker controlled corporate controlled 'capitalism' we currently endure. Someone I respect said something to the effect 'you will know them not by their words but by the outcome of their efforts.' I'm very aware of the slaughter in the name of corporate capitalism. But does that excuse what Stalin did in the Ukraine, or the gulags, 40 - 60 million deaths is not merely a statistic. What about 'the great leap forward' or 'cultural revolution.' While the CIA states that about 65 million human beings perished in the name of the greater good the Chinese Communist Party, to this day proudly claims that the death toll was 80 - 85 million - 25% MORE than the CIA's estimate. And there's Pol Pot, Kim Jung Il and on and on - cult of the personality doing a stand in for 'god' and enacting the final judgment - give me a f'n break! I'm a lot like a S.African friend of mine who came to Canada as a political refugee (she was ANC and her husband and mother had been necklaced by Zulu). She returned to S. Africa before Apartheid was lifted. Her reason? In her own words 'In S. Africa I at least know who my enemy is.'
well the comment I replied to said no Empires came from Africa, and I just mentioned 3 that I would like to see him disprove. I could be wrong, what defines an empire? :D
i have talket with Cubans and they say it´s "Kinda" okej in Cuba, but it would be soooo much better if the USA would remove the tradeembargo, they say thats thr reason to the low economik in the caountry! And i belive more in a Cuban i have met i IRL then one i have met on youtube. btw how can you be a Cuban when they dont even have Internet on Cuba?
Which communist utopia past or present do you most admire that was/is noted for compassion toward it's people? How can communists hold on to this dream when there is no shining example of success? The only examples presented to the world are responsible for well over 100 million deaths. Well like Lenin said "if you want to make an omlet you have to break a few eggs"
@7bbl >>> lo que pasa es que ha sido malentendido, podras cortar las flores pero jamas detener la primavera. "el hombre del siglo xxi vivira en el comunismo" lo que pasa es que para ello se requiere dejar de ser burro.
Of ocurse I read it; it was like some bad guy saying "I am a good man and want to these and those things". Basically I don't care about what someone says or writes at all; I take conclusions from history and experience. For example, you haev to take many experiments to say "V=IR" or "F=ma" but you cannot do the other way around. Talking about communism based on what communists said about their thinkings is like believing in a cult.
@excelinfernn123: Do you read something else excepting capitalist propaganda? THERE WAS NO FAMINE AT ALL in the Warsaw pact, and in the USSR for example the minimum wage was higher than in the USA at the time (tough the maximum wage was much lower), and all the stalinist governments provided housing for their whole population, unemployment rate smaller than 0.5%, and sent all the funds generated by the work of the people to wages, industry, or research, not the pockets of some profiteer
Look at the mass poverty, look at the gangsters, look at the pointless misery that capitalism brings. Look at the fantastic and spectacular failure of the capitalist system on a worldwide scale. Yep, capitalism is the best. ( ! )
H. H. BEAMISH, N.Y. speech, 1937 "Communism is Judaism. The Jewish Revolution in Russia was in 1918." HILARY COTTER, author of The Truth About His Real "Crime," page 6 "Communism and Judaism are one and the same." VLADIMIR, LENIN, Founder of Bolshevik Communist (From an article in Northern Pravda, October-December 1913, in Lenin on the Jewish Question, pg 10 'Jewish Marxists are continuing the best traditions of Jewry."
@NordicSocialist LoL what.... the average long run rate of unemployment in the US is 4-5%. America has very high class mobility. Companies have no power... consumers have the power.
How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.
-Ronald Reagan
fight racism , fight imperialism , SMASH capitalism
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." -Goethe
I read the communist manifesto and understood it thoroughly. I have take four doctoral level course in economics. I rejected communism not for emotional reason but because it has been proven wrong by modern economics/finance.
For some reason I never thought I would see something with a Phil Collins song promoting communism lol!
first of all, I'm cuban, lived in Cuba, and experienced it for myself. The long lines made for days just to buy 1 pound of meat, the food served in schools of all levels that look worse than gerbers baby food. People who even show a slight disagreement towards the government are arrested, and many are denied refuge. The people earn at least $20 a month, yet thats not enough to even buy a decent meal that lasts a few days. The unemployment rate is overwhealming.
We, the people, must redeem The land, the mines, the plants, the rivers. The mountains and the endless plain ... And make America again! - Langston Hughes
When I think of communism I also, always think of Phil Collins
The scores never increased as bickering, blame, name calling, & fights all resulted
in hard feelings. No one wanted to study for anyone else.
To their great surprise all failed. The professor showed them that socialism ultimately fails because the harder people try to succeed, the greater their reward (capitalism), but when a government takes all the reward away(socialism) no one will try or succeed.
Wow, the brilliance of your arguement overwhelms me. You may turn me into a Red yet. I'd almost forgotten how wonderful the DDR was. A place where the workers would pretend to work, the government would pretend to pay them and the Stasi would tuck them in at night. Too bad Honecker didn't meet the same fate as Ceaucescu.
Damn right, comrade!
soon one day we can all live so equal feel belonged be happy and get out of this hell capitalism
@kuhj278 Thank you for your kind words. I have tried to approach ideas from multiple points of view but when I ponder the idea that you embrace, I find it unable to sustain itself without taking everything that a man can possess. Can you imagine living in a society where you haven't a choice? A society where you are forced to think, live, function along a single path, a path chosen by someone other than you? It dosn't matter if the path is the right path or the good path,..., it's not my path.
PART 1: Some economics students thought socialism was a good idea because there would be no rich and no poor, a great equalizer. As an experiment, the professor said all grades would be averaged and everyone would receive the same grade so no one will fail and no one will receive an A.
After the first test the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The
students who had studied hard were upset, while the students who had studied very little were happy.
look, if it was up to me i would have chosen to live in Europe, maybe France, Italy, or Netherlands, but I was small, and me and my mom moved here. Since then, we have gone back two times, and the last time my mother bursted into tears watching how ruined her once beautiful Havana was.
I used to be a communist. A knowledge of economics sure cleared up my delusion
USA is the best example of capitalism, though not even close to perfect. That system has produced the most prosperous society in man's history. Less poverty, less pollution, more innovation, more opportunity and more FREEDOM than any place on earth. People have BEATEN DOWN THE DOORS TO GET IN since its founding. Funny how people have DIED trying to ESCAPE from Communist countries.
Even China and India became more prosperous than EVER once they started adopting some capitalist principles.
I AM a Cuban (y muy orgulloso de serlo) thank you very much, and I have internet connection because I live in a country where information is NOT something to be feared. And I dont care what other cubans have told you, I'm talking from my own experiences. Seriously, have you people EVER set foot on the Island? Have you walked the streets of Havana? Have you seen the living conditions of these people? MY people? my family, friends, neighbores, country! you are all clueless!
thieves who built themselves large estates because of that, and more than 50% of the people already agree that Ceausescu's regime was better than what we live nowadays, and this is the situation of much other eastern European countries, not just Romania. The only problem with stalinism was the dictatorial form of government and the lack of freedoms, and this is why it needed to be overthrown, but true communism, how Marx imagined it, is a democratic ideology, and is evolution!
The song doesn't match the video. But great work comrade!
I don't need the mercy of something non-existent.
But, on the second test, the students who had studied little studied even less, and the ones who had studied hard decided since they couldn't make an A, they also studied less.
The second Test average was a D.
No one was happy. The average grade on the 3rd test was F.
Solidarity, brotherhood!
Also many Japanese officials still WANTED to fight even after we dropped BOTH bombs. But the Emporer had enough and demanded that his officers admit defeat. (or something along the lines of that)
I didn't know Phil Collins was a "Communist".
Profit comes from delivering a good or service to another willing party. If both parties dont benefit, then THEY DONT TRADE. Nobody was exploited today by my profit, but the profit did create quite a few good-paying jobs. Each of those people can choose to spend their pay on whatever they desire. If you take risk and it works, you can get rich. If you hate a service or product you can MAKE A BETTER ONE and if you are right, you GET exploitation...only when others are served.
why do some people hate something that brilliant communism for our future.
Of course! Because using a song written for one of the largest monopolistic corporations in world history as a tribute to a philosophy that opposed everything that company represents makes PERFECT sense.
you're the one to decide this?
power to the CPUSA!
Basically, it is the same as some maker of bad products saying "our company is good".
Last thing. We don't have any capitalistic propaganda nor anti-communist slogans in our media in Poland. We simply don't need it as we can see on our own that it's way better now when we're democratic country than it was during communism. Poland was really poor at late 80' and before, now we're getting better and better, People are more happy, life isn't that gray and sad at it was. We don't have to fear that someone will put us to jail because we think in another way than commies. take care
I agree that 3rd world countries are poor because of some european countries, mainly Great Britain and colonialism. But nowadays, the main thing that stops for example African markets is EU's socialist subsidy politics. Farmers from 3rd world countries simply can't sell their grain because it's way more expensive than european! And it's not because of capitalism, it's about socialism in EU that is destroying free market.
Hey, if you wanted to do a tribute to communism, you should have showed photographs of mass graves. The Orwell image of a boot stomping on a human face forever would also work.
@Maxsarkar "Unemployment, infletion are two major evlls of Capitalism where in socialism we never saw unemployment and infletion."
Yeah thats right, because every country that has tried socialism has resulted in poverty.
Human life is our most important value, thats why it has to be constantly under control!
@ssmaxx "People in communist states generally worked far less than you SLAVES in capitalism" - I live in Germany and yes, we've tried socialism, or "Realsozialismus" as it was called. People were surveilled by a police state, imprisoned and often killed for political motives. You tried to cross the border and you were shot dead. The all-powerful state not only felt impelled to determine your ideological orientation, but also your professional career and private life. I prefer this system now to
With the arms of all workers of the world working united, the imperialism will be defeated
Heh heh, pictures and music fit really well...
@VIPMorales Firstly, I'm not American, I'm Chinese. And secondly, I was actually supporting your side by saying that everybody disagreeing with communism doesn't actually know what it is...
Ideological communism is to be admired i admire communism ideological with term of:
Classles society
Religion is opium
Everything equaly split and shared
Indeed it does. Social Anarchism FTW. Also, I don't believe humanity has an inherently competitive nature. I think it just goes with the flow, to be honest.
oh and the Carthaginians.
It is not a question of how many, it is a question of what percentage. There are dozens of prosperous capitalist nations. I cannot say the same for Communist nations.
Yes, but in another way, with democracy and Freedom
@wertyty12 China has restored capitalism to a considerable degree
@MedusaFrauVenus I have seen your profile: How can you be anti-communist and anti-capitalism? Are you so proud of your Arian legacy? Well, know this, you are a very little group, those people not welcome to your channel are much more bigger than the Arians, they do nothing against you so show more respect to them.
is the first image from Rise of Nations????
I agree ,capitalism is the best, look at the fastfood and tv it is amezing, much better then russian bread and North-Korean tv.
@MedusaFrauVenus Countries where children died by hungry: In my country -Argentina- 24 per day; in the whole Africa; in the Middle East; in India. But lets's talk about my country: Children not only died by hungry, but for old diseases such as Rubella, Measles, Cholera, Salmonella. Why you may think? Simple, because in the most poor parts of my country you can find 17 years old children who wheights 40 Kg.
without getting shot, exiled or arrested. :D
@NordicSocialist In a capitalist society the poorest is the looser, in a socialist one, everyone.
@Seantheminiman which country might that be?
@gulbirk Whenever you have millions of people with different ethnic backgrounds, cultures, lifestyles, and religions etc, you are bound to experience some kind of competition and it is almost impossible to expect people to behave altruistically. Communism will never worked throughout the world because everyone is different and wants to keep what they've earned. Communism can ONLY work where the demand for competition is gone and everyone is the same, but we know thats not true.
Hasta la victoria siempre!
Oh, excuse me. It should've been "these states" instead of "this states"! Good day to you!
@H3Vtux Thats true.
Capitalism is the fairest system and the only system that leads to the efficient usage of scarce resources.
Marxism is marxism. Slobodan Milosevic was marxist;so was Stalin;so is Kim Jong Il. This is what we have seen throughout existing history.
Long live the Socialist revolution, Join the SPUSA today and vote socialist. The only party for the people.
Communism + Phil Collins = Fail
@ManilaCoolCat They did make the AK47, To bad the guy who invented it lives in near poverty.Other than that, communists have been a malignancy.
up with communism down with Fascism!
Workers of the world,unite!!!
@davedavedaveannoy1 I can see what you are saying, I really do. I haven't been a communist all my life but whenever I decide I'm interested in something I look into it and research it. I know that communism isn't an easy course but it is one that would benefit humanity and the world. It is the final level of our civilization if we ever choose to fully realize it. It will be a hard and dangerous road but I do believe that something can be worked out. Capitalism teaches us to care for noone but...
@eclecticdufus It's not communist to oppress and murder. Communism is LOVE and solidarity. Hate and murder is something that belongs to the right-wing and capitalism that alone killed AT LEAST because it was an investment... and it made the investors A LOT of money FOR THEMSELVES... so so sad.
@kwanicov I've read all there is to know, and as ManilaCoolCat has illustrated, it's YOU that has no idea what you're talking about.
It's ok. I would love to hear your opinion on why i am misguided though.
@im4everskilled so true.
I've lived all my live among the people who lived in Soviet times, so I get info I need.
Yes, millions died. Life has never been an easy thing.
There is no Communism on Cuba, only Socialism. Nice idea on moving, though.
@DimitriMolotov The only real communist societies that have existed were those of the various Native Indian tribes, crops of corn, fish, and other products were evenly rationed to the various people in any given tribe or clan, nothing of any animal hunted & killed was wasted and was used.
However; the only reason why it worked for the indians was because their communities only comprised of a few hundred people, but when you try the same thing in countries of millions of people it is a problem.
I rather there be classes than everyone being poor and on the verge of starvation.
The term ''socialism'' has been used so much it's got no meaning anymore. Very few people today understand the concept of a social democracy and traditional socialism. Actions that strengthen society should not be grouped by ideology, because that limits their ability to be accepted by society. Soviet Russia was as far from a socialist country as you can get because Socialism wants production to be controlled by the working class. Not like in Russia
the Communist Manifesto said it to me.
False accusations count as defamation.
I'm not a communist i just like to sudy politics and i thank that right should be right.
you've never been to Cuba before have you?
Hey video maker, and what about Leb Trotsky?
Well I'm not talking about Poland only. Theres same situation in whole Eastern Europe (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Latvia, Litwa, Estonia, East Germany, Romania, Bulgaria etc.). Communism failed because it's just impossible to manage it well. Directed economy just fails BADLY. And it's not capitalism that makes ppl lazy, socialism does. If you don't need to work hard to earn money for food coz your country provides it to everyone you don't have any motivation to work at all
thakns to the creator of this video, is very good i give to you 5 stars. im spaniar sorry about my english.
long live to comunism! fidel che stalin lenin!
O dear. i rest my case.
This is Tarzan soundtrack isnt it?! hahaah comunism with DIsney music xD.
sorry the only new stuff I found was more guns (they were chinese this time). which one was it?
I still agree with president reagen :P
I'm a Marxist and I'm offended by this complete & utter gayness.
Why I have disavowed Marxism/communism
It's a shame that communism doesn't and can't live up to it's professed dogma.
Marx's statement concerning religion is one of the most misinterpreted and deliberately misunderstood of his statements. I believe it's in 'The German Ideology' where he states something to the effect that the thesis of religion is positive in that it expresses the hopes and dreams (the notion of what 'freedom' looks like) of human groups. However, the antithesis is that when religion is in the hands of those who are in control those hopes and dreams are transferred to an 'afterlife' which is attained through abiding by the standards of society. Ideally a responsive elite would, in the present, be responsive to the aspirations of all of us and thus create a viable synthesis.
Currently, as it stands, with the 'vanguard of the proletariat' et. al. it is nothing more than a re-invention of a plutocracy, best enforced by the Papacy for about 1000 years of dark ages. In short it's just another form of (neo) feudalism, enslavement of the majority of real flesh and blood human beings in the name of some abstract concept of 'the people' and projecting the utopian dream onto some indefinable future. And in practice it was and is hardly any different than the banker controlled corporate controlled 'capitalism' we currently endure.
Someone I respect said something to the effect 'you will know them not by their words but by the outcome of their efforts.' I'm very aware of the slaughter in the name of corporate capitalism. But does that excuse what Stalin did in the Ukraine, or the gulags, 40 - 60 million deaths is not merely a statistic. What about 'the great leap forward' or 'cultural revolution.' While the CIA states that about 65 million human beings perished in the name of the greater good the Chinese Communist Party, to this day proudly claims that the death toll was 80 - 85 million - 25% MORE than the CIA's estimate. And there's Pol Pot, Kim Jung Il and on and on - cult of the personality doing a stand in for 'god' and enacting the final judgment - give me a f'n break!
I'm a lot like a S.African friend of mine who came to Canada as a political refugee (she was ANC and her husband and mother had been necklaced by Zulu). She returned to S. Africa before Apartheid was lifted. Her reason? In her own words 'In S. Africa I at least know who my enemy is.'
Well correct me if I am wrong but almost every communist nation had either mass poverty, purges, or both.
well the comment I replied to said no Empires came from Africa, and I just mentioned 3 that I would like to see him disprove. I could be wrong, what defines an empire? :D
i have talket with Cubans and they say it´s "Kinda" okej in Cuba, but it would be soooo much better if the USA would remove the tradeembargo, they say thats thr reason to the low economik in the caountry!
And i belive more in a Cuban i have met i IRL then one i have met on youtube. btw how can you be a Cuban when they dont even have Internet on Cuba?
Which communist utopia past or present do you most admire that was/is noted for compassion toward it's people? How can communists hold on to this dream when there is no shining example of success? The only examples presented to the world are responsible for well over 100 million deaths. Well like Lenin said "if you want to make an omlet you have to break a few eggs"
the best answer i had read +1
@7bbl >>> lo que pasa es que ha sido malentendido, podras cortar las flores pero jamas detener la primavera. "el hombre del siglo xxi vivira en el comunismo" lo que pasa es que para ello se requiere dejar de ser burro.
Of ocurse I read it; it was like some bad guy saying "I am a good man and want to these and those things". Basically I don't care about what someone says or writes at all; I take conclusions from history and experience. For example, you haev to take many experiments to say "V=IR" or "F=ma" but you cannot do the other way around. Talking about communism based on what communists said about their thinkings is like believing in a cult.
Do you have any idea about the incredible amount of suffering the people in your film have caused?
Am I hearing Disney lol?
@UberDeathTurtle WHAT ABOUT CUBA?
@excelinfernn123: Do you read something else excepting capitalist propaganda? THERE WAS NO FAMINE AT ALL in the Warsaw pact, and in the USSR for example the minimum wage was higher than in the USA at the time (tough the maximum wage was much lower), and all the stalinist governments provided housing for their whole population, unemployment rate smaller than 0.5%, and sent all the funds generated by the work of the people to wages, industry, or research, not the pockets of some profiteer
@MedusaFrauVenus But they kill people offroad. Are they less valuable?
Look at the mass poverty, look at the gangsters, look at the pointless misery that capitalism brings. Look at the fantastic and spectacular failure of the capitalist system on a worldwide scale. Yep, capitalism is the best. ( ! )
H. H. BEAMISH, N.Y. speech, 1937
"Communism is Judaism. The Jewish Revolution in Russia was in 1918."
HILARY COTTER, author of The Truth About His Real "Crime," page 6
"Communism and Judaism are one and the same."
VLADIMIR, LENIN, Founder of Bolshevik Communist (From an article in Northern Pravda, October-December 1913, in Lenin on the Jewish Question, pg 10
'Jewish Marxists are continuing the best traditions of Jewry."
whats the name of this wonderfull song?
@NordicSocialist LoL what.... the average long run rate of unemployment in the US is 4-5%. America has very high class mobility. Companies have no power... consumers have the power.
Yeah you got a point..