ATTACKED while skiing at Mountain Creek

  • Опубликовано: 5 мар 2024
  • I never thought that this would happen, but these snowboarders make me never want to go back to Mountain Creek for Skiing ever again. Let me know your thoughts on this down below in the comments.

Комментарии • 71

  • @stolenoriginals
    @stolenoriginals 4 месяца назад +15

    He shouldn’t have pushed you off the trail, but you’re clearly young and need more wisdom when it comes to park and trail etiquette. Standing on the jump was a bad move. After you got pushed off trail, you put your skis back on and walked uphill, almost causing more accidents where people had to dodge you, another bad move, and pretty unnecessary. You didn’t have to do that little rail jump and you barely made it over. Just move on to the next feature down the trail. It’s clear you need to become a more confident skier and I hope you learned something. That guy shouldn’t have pushed you, but you did kinda cut him off. He’s an asshole, but you need to get a clue. I know you’re a minor, as you said many times, but that can only be your explanation for so long.

    • @FullsendTravels
      @FullsendTravels  4 месяца назад +1

      thanks, I know you mean no hate, and it really means a lot and believe me, this really helps. I have to admit in this footage I seem like a damn 5 year old I have to admit. I do seem clueless. Maybe it's only on this run. I will have more footage later and I already have a lot of other stuff on my channel. But I really didn't feel like I cut him off especially on how slow I merged and since I was overtaking him and going faster. I guess I'll see this as an opportunity to learn. I'm going to Bellayre this weekend so I'll keep these things in mind. I guess it's really on the location because last year in Gore Mountain I was speeding through all the good stuff like a champ. I'll keep in mind next time. Thank you again.

    • @stolenoriginals
      @stolenoriginals 4 месяца назад +2

      The fact that you are reflecting on this and taking ownership says a lot! Keep it up and stay safe out there.

    • @FullsendTravels
      @FullsendTravels  4 месяца назад +2

      @@stolenoriginals yeah I try to see always where I can be at fault. I even put that stuff in the video. I did it mostly so I don't get hate comments but it also allows me to reflect on what I'm doing especially since I'm getting my learners permit withing the next year so maybe I can correlate some of these things with busy highways when I need to.

  • @idk-cool
    @idk-cool 4 месяца назад +15

    He shouldn't have reacted that way but, u should learn more about park etiquette u stood in front of the jump.

    • @FullsendTravels
      @FullsendTravels  4 месяца назад +1

      Makes sense, as I was editing I realized that too. I guess I should have gone off quicker.

    • @idk-cool
      @idk-cool 4 месяца назад

      ur good just wanted to help out@@FullsendTravels

    • @natedogg0y
      @natedogg0y 4 месяца назад +2

      not quicker, immediately, you stood around like it was somewhere to hangout endangering everyone coming after you, never stand around a landing. also you were walking up the trail towards oncoming traffic after being pushed off, that was outrageous, get a clue. @@FullsendTravels

    • @FullsendTravels
      @FullsendTravels  4 месяца назад +3

      @@natedogg0y I understand, I didn't move immediatley. That was an asshole move on my end and I'll admit to my mistake.

    • @Dluiogbre
      @Dluiogbre Месяц назад

      @@natedogg0yeven worse, once he gets up he slowly goes over to the tube and rolls over the side so slow, causing another person to fall who was trying to hit the feature. Then goes off and starts immediately calling the other person an asshole. Endangered like 5 people in the video and was clueless about it all.
      Skier buddy @FullsendTravels … just so you know… it’s okay to pass up features if you aren’t going to hit them. Also, please look uphill when entering a run and call your drops because I don’t think it’s smart for someone at your skill level to just try cruising through the park. I think you should focus on learning to hit the features individually first. It’ll help you avoid these situations.

  • @Rudy1129
    @Rudy1129 4 месяца назад +2

    Standing in the landing zone at a busy park like this one is an easy way to hurt yourself or others. Learn to use the park safely before putting yourself and others in danger

  • @snow_rider3133
    @snow_rider3133 3 месяца назад

    1. 0:35 The snowboarder in front of you clearly on his path to take off that jump, you could have waited instead of cutting him off from his behind. (it was a close call there).
    2. 0:45. Not cool standing in the middle of landing area, risk to yourself and others. (I think that guy almost run into you on that jump. (another close call)
    3. 2:56. There is plenty of open space on your left, unnecessary for you to overpass right next to that guy and then cut into his way. When you overpassing someone, it is better to leave amount of safe space around the person in front in case he/she make turns.
    4. 5:24. Walk up hill in the park and block the run on the right of jump. Not cool.
    5. That guy shouldn't have pushed you, He couldnv handled the situation better.

    • @FullsendTravels
      @FullsendTravels  3 месяца назад

      yeah I will admit I was kinda the bigger idiot here. I'm really not used to crowded trails.

  • @TurboTrout
    @TurboTrout 4 месяца назад +4

    I agree he shouldn't have pushed you (that's an asshole move), but you were in the wrong not once but twice. You were standing right at the knuckle of a jump. Not only that, you always give other riders space - you deliberately cut him off at the end there. No disrespect but I'm surprised to see you have that many skiing videos uploaded but supposedly are not aware of these trail manners.

    • @FullsendTravels
      @FullsendTravels  4 месяца назад

      I didn't seem to cut him off, maybe I did, but I won't deny it. Cameras never give full justice. But maybe that was my wrong. But at the Jump I 100% agree that was an asshole move on my end.

    • @SkyndSand
      @SkyndSand 4 месяца назад

      @@FullsendTravels "Maybe that was my wrong" Yeah, this is going to happen over and over again. People like you are the reason why the slopes have gotten so dangerous. Maybe your parents should've taught you better before unleashing your dumb ass onto this world.

  • @nocog
    @nocog 4 месяца назад +6

    "using the word buddy meant that he clearly knew I was a kid" WHAT? People say buddy to grown adults all the time.
    You stood in front of a jump, caused him to crash.
    Then you rode in front of him between him and another jump.
    You got what you deserved. If anyone was acting like they "think they owned the place", it was YOU.

    • @Shaggyhatchet
      @Shaggyhatchet 4 месяца назад

      agreed poster is playing victim when they clearly cut them off on purpose.... that being said... grow up. why ypu pushin kids on a slope control your emotions

    • @FullsendTravels
      @FullsendTravels  4 месяца назад

      Yeah you're a snowboarder. Aside that on the jump landing I can understand that was my fault. I can admit to that. Now what is it illegal to even pass snowboarders under any circumstance? What are they, cops? I could pass freely and it doesn't give him the right to attack me. Besides, use of the word "buddy" you can be right on that, but dude. I don't look 20, I look 12. And I'm not 12. He knew what he was doing. Plus it wasn't clear that he was going on the jump, because if he was, he would position himself to the left. This isn't a two way street.

    • @FullsendTravels
      @FullsendTravels  4 месяца назад

      @@Shaggyhatchet I absolutely love your comment because it shows both sides of the story. I understand that theres two sides to everything and I could be at fault too.

    • @nocog
      @nocog 4 месяца назад

      ​@@FullsendTravels "Yeah you're a snowboarder". No, actually I'm not. You didn't pass him, you cut him off. Just like the other comment says you did.
      Also, if you look 12, you should try not also ACTING like you're 12. The kid who shoved you is probably also a minor. You don't get to pretend to be the victim just because you look like a kid. That tells me that you think because you look so young that you can get away with whatever you want. Also you're all over these comments bashing snowboarders. I'm not a snowboarder. I'll bet the other people you accused of being snowboarders aren't either. Dumbass. Maybe if you didn't have some superiority complex you'd have known not to cut people off.

    • @FullsendTravels
      @FullsendTravels  3 месяца назад

      @@nocog like it matters. I see a lot of crazy snowboarders at mountain creek. And the guy who pushed me was clearly in his 20s, so stop making assumptions on thins where you weren't there. And someones skill on a motherfucking ski slope has nothing to do with their personality outside of it. Ok here you see I'm a noob but what does this say about who I really am? Nothing. You don't even know me. Do you see me judging you? I didn't until now, so I will. Dumbass.
      Another thing that I can't seem to understand is that you're judging a persons entire personality off of one six-minute video. How about you watch every other skiing video I ever posted? Then you can judge me. If that's a waste of time, then don't judge me at all.
      And you say you read some of the other comments, but how about you read the replies I posted where I *admitted fault to where I was in the wrong.* and you call me entitled with a superiority complex. I get it. Standing in front of that jump was a stupid ass mistake of mine, and that is no one's fault but mine. And maybe i did cut the snowboarder off? (I moved back to the left but that's irrelevant as for now). I took some time to reflect on that and how I could be in the wrong. Plus, if you want "assholes" like me to become good people, maybe give them advice on how to reflect instead of calling them out? In fact, I take back calling you a dumbass. Because I'm better than that. I'm not the guy who judges a person by a six minute video so I also won't judge someone based off of a few comments. Maybe you're the one who can't control their emotions and immediatley calls people out immediatley? Maybe you're the one who really can't be nice to people and accept the truth? Think about if for a second as I did.

  • @prestonwilliams5244
    @prestonwilliams5244 4 месяца назад

    Both of yall seemed to be at the wrong place and time. Your fault for slowing down on jumps his fault for not timing the rest of the run without your group…

    • @FullsendTravels
      @FullsendTravels  4 месяца назад

      Yeah I see both sides. It could be at both. I shouldn't have stopped on the jump and the other guy shouldnt have pushed me.

  • @danb.709
    @danb.709 3 месяца назад

    His reaction was very poor, even criminal and warrants a lift pass revoke, and as a novice you should maybe get a little talking to. So here goes in the nicest way: you really need to learn that you were repeatedly in the way of the better riders, and not just when you stopped on the landing of the jump. You aren't going nearly fast enough to properly do those features for one, that causes everyone to wait, and slowly wears down and damages the jumps, and it could also potentially hurt you. You were also stopping right below them where you risk getting hit by someone because they often can't see the landing from the takeoff, really big no no, #1 rule of the park. Second, to much faster riders, you aren't moving much as they ski up to you and past you, relatively. While it is their responsibility to give you the right of way until they pass, erratic left or right moves are difficult to predict and many will see it as being cut off, they often forget that that is just how beginners like to ski sometimes. Regardless of how either sees it, it is a necessary safety practice to look uphill when when merging onto a trail or going horizontally across the hill, whereas you can go any speed you want in a straight line down the hill and no one will care, unless you run into them when they swerve unexpectedly. My advise; get some practice in when the hill is less busy, learn the times and places you need to look over your shoulder, and have someone help you with the proper speed and technique for the jumps. Soon enough you could get good enough they will be the ones way behind you without any chance of catching up. This type of nonsense doesn't occur amongst the real rippers.

    • @FullsendTravels
      @FullsendTravels  3 месяца назад

      thanks, actually. It's a lot to read, but I read all of it and this is indeed really good advice. Went skiing at Bellayre recently with slopes so not crowded that it actually felt post apocalyptic. I had some good practice there. Hopefully I improved. But I have to really thank you for at least giving me constructive criticism and actually helping me and wanting me to improve, instead of some other people that just called me a dumbass and went on their way. are they wrong? not really. But they weren't being helpful. At least you were and I seriously have to thank you for it. This world needs more people like you.

  • @Dluiogbre
    @Dluiogbre Месяц назад

    There were horrible reactions by them, but I can see why they reacted that way.
    If you fall on a jump, get out of the way immediately. You stayed at the landing and could have SERIOUSLY hurt the dude. So they’ll he sprayed you a few times. Cool. End it. You then decided to cut him off. What did you expect?
    Look at it from his view. He’s riding down, doing a trick off a jump, and wipes out because someone who probably shouldn’t be there is standing in the landing. You’re lucky he didn’t get seriously hurt. Anyway, he then sprays you to get back at you. But now the person who almost injured him now cuts him off in the run and slows down enough that he was able to catch back up with you and push you.
    Sorry bro.. you’re in the wrong. It’s a classic case of play stupid games with stupid people, win stupid prizes.

    • @FullsendTravels
      @FullsendTravels  15 дней назад

      I get it myself being an asshole on some parts... Retaliation's just illegal. Plus I actually gave him space, didn't just cut him right off. He didn't try to go around or even do anything. Plenty of reaction time.

    • @Dluiogbre
      @Dluiogbre 15 дней назад

      @@FullsendTravels legality doesn’t matter. You did something dumb. Just because you follow laws doesn’t mean others do. It’s how fights happen.
      I’m not trying to be an ass either, just looking out. Just be careful next time and respect the park and the “unwritten rules” of it when you are there because there ARE bad eggs there who may not care about fighting someone. Again… just be careful and smart when you are in a place above your skill level.
      If you want there are good videos talking about those unwritten rules. Look up “Casey Willax park rules” or “Tommie Bennet park rules”.

    • @FullsendTravels
      @FullsendTravels  14 дней назад +1

      @@Dluiogbre I understand. I mean I really appreciate you man for not immediatley being an ass like some of the other comments on this video... at least you make sense... I went to bellayre after that and you can watch those videos. there you can see I learned a lot more.

    • @Dluiogbre
      @Dluiogbre 14 дней назад

      @@FullsendTravels nice… I love Belleayre. Always a really chill good vibe with good people. MC can sometimes get a little rowdy so I got a pass to both this year and mostly hit up Belleayre.

    • @FullsendTravels
      @FullsendTravels  12 дней назад

      @@Dluiogbre Yeah I'm never going to Mountain Creek again, unless maybe one day for Mountainbiking. The people though are just terrible. In general even putting this guy aside, everybody there is horrible. Bellayre for me is 100x better in almost every way. Sometimes I even go to Gore Mountain in the Adirondacks where it really is the real deal. Both Bellayre and Gore just have better lifts, trails, and people.

  • @steveyv963
    @steveyv963 4 месяца назад +1

    Nice way to go through all these jumps and keep after it. Those are some very crowded slopes. My anxiety would be quite high there. I think when you passed the bully on his blind side that probably surprised him a bit. He probably felt he had a right to that space on his blind side. Snowboarders claim the blind side doesn't cause problems on the mountain. It is a big problem, and experience has taught me to be aware of the blindside deficiency of the snowboarders. They pretend it doesn't exist. Really it is the bully's problem that he (1) pushed you and (2) chose a deficient sport to practice. I went to Blue Mountain in the Poconos the other day, and I was surprised by how crowded it was. I read in one of your other comments that you plan to go to Belleayre. Yeah. I like Belleayre. It has a chill vibe. The slopes aren't super crowded like this most of the time. Those crowded slopes in this video are scary. I like how you kept on skiing and doing jumps. Stay away from crazy slopes like this. Ski in the woods and bumps and on trails that require two planks to competently maneuver through.

    • @FullsendTravels
      @FullsendTravels  4 месяца назад +1

      Oh I love glades. I go to gore mountain a bit which is the Glade Capital of the East Coast. Sadly I went at the worst time and all of the glades and the good trails were closed. I like Blue Mountain too, I remember it being fairly fun, but there isn't really anything exclusive. Just like here. Just nothing too much, and the crowded trails like this do make me anxious. Gore doesn't have it's trails crowded at all near the top, but on the greens and blues near the bottom it gets crowded. I went to Bellayre many years back but I was young so I didn't remember much. I can't wait.

    • @steveyv963
      @steveyv963 4 месяца назад

      @@FullsendTravels Thats cool. I would like to check out Gore sometime.

    • @FullsendTravels
      @FullsendTravels  4 месяца назад +1

      @@steveyv963 it's up In the Adirondacks. I used to live on Long Island but I would usually get somewhere. Now I'm out of the city so it's easier to go everywhere more. I plan on revisiting Windham, Mt. Snow, and Gore next year. I haven't been at Mt. Snow and Windham for a couple of years either so I would love to crack those down again.

    • @steveyv963
      @steveyv963 4 месяца назад

      @@FullsendTravels Thats cool. For the smaller crowds and friendly atmosphere, I go to Magic Mountain and Mad River Glen when I can get to Vermont. I like Belleayre. I guess I have to check out Gore up in the Adirondacks. It stinks that the snow is so low now.

    • @FullsendTravels
      @FullsendTravels  4 месяца назад +1

      @@steveyv963 recently in January it was awesome but for new years it sucked.

  • @JimCorrigan777
    @JimCorrigan777 4 месяца назад +1


    • @FullsendTravels
      @FullsendTravels  4 месяца назад


    • @ryshellso526
      @ryshellso526 3 месяца назад

      Based. Zoomer ski kiddo blocking the slopes and ruining everyone else's time. You learned a valuable lesson. 😂😂😂

    • @FullsendOffroad
      @FullsendOffroad 3 месяца назад

      @@ryshellso526 to be honest both parties in this case were kinda stupid...

  • @LyleGriffith-be2xm
    @LyleGriffith-be2xm 4 месяца назад +1

    If you cut in front of him with in his arms reach, you cut him off and earned being pushed. You invaded his personal space and got removed. Learn some respect and you won't get treated like that.

    • @FullsendTravels
      @FullsendTravels  4 месяца назад

      There was a long period of time before I "cut him off" and when he pushed me. Count the time. And I didn't cut directly in front. Plus I overtook him so since I was going faster there would be no reason for this. He had plenty of time to slow down and go around and make decisions but clearly he will always be that one guy who can't make decisions for himself. Watch his shadow. He didn't even do anything to stop this. And if you look more closely, I even moved back to the left where I came from to give him space. And even after all on that it doesn't give him any right to attack me and push me off the trail. I wasn't provoking him with any danger. That was a crime that he could go to jail for and you're saying that it's ok in this context? If I'll be honest, I think You're a snowboarder too.

    • @SkyndSand
      @SkyndSand 4 месяца назад

      @@FullsendTravelsAsks for opinions on youtube and then argues literally every single comment, all saying the same. You're shit, learn from it kid.

    • @LyleGriffith-be2xm
      @LyleGriffith-be2xm 4 месяца назад

      He couldn't have pushed you if you weren't in his space. You clearly started this situation, primarily by acting like you're the only one on the slope and standing in front of the ramp. Second, you invaded his space so therefore earned the push. You created the situation and you ate flake for doing it. Use this to learn how to be a little better of a human being and drop the victim act

    • @FullsendTravels
      @FullsendTravels  4 месяца назад

      @@LyleGriffith-be2xm well you can look at some of the other comments and clearly didn't read my reply fully. There was plenty of time to react. You're pepbably just a snowboarder woth the reaction time of a sloth.

    • @LyleGriffith-be2xm
      @LyleGriffith-be2xm 4 месяца назад

      @@FullsendTravels no, I'm 285 pounds, I'd have sent you to the hospital when I hammered you coming off the jump instead of taking a dive like that dude did. Your statement and video shows you don't have any understanding of respect for others. Your disrespectful attitude will cost you in life. You should start thinking about how you affect others with your actions or you'll continue to get face planted in the snow through out life

    @oDIRECTORo 3 месяца назад +1

    All of this is 100% your fault.

    • @FullsendTravels
      @FullsendTravels  3 месяца назад

      Ok. I'd like to hear more.

    • @ryshellso526
      @ryshellso526 3 месяца назад

      ​@@FullsendTravels maybe once your balls drop you can actually wax your skis and get some air... otherwise your just a hazard on the slopes.

    • @FullsendOffroad
      @FullsendOffroad 3 месяца назад

      @@ryshellso526 yeah I think getting skis waxed could probably help a lot... it seems like a skill issue.

    • @FullsendTravels
      @FullsendTravels  3 месяца назад

      @@ryshellso526 ok check out me getting a bit more air at Bellayre videos are out watch my latest one.