
  • Опубликовано: 3 авг 2024
  • 臺中榮民總醫院簡介
    Introduction to Taichung Veterans Hospital
    臺中榮民總醫院在陳適安院長帶領下,全力發展智慧醫療、尖端醫療、精準醫療,營造優質醫療環境,造福病人、員工,打造幸福、暖心醫療圈。秉持「Never Stop Growing」的精神,致力臨床與研究創新,立足全台灣、放眼全世界,成為國際一流的醫學中心。
    Under the leadership of our superintendant Prof. Shih-An Chen, Taichung Veterans General Hospital strives to achieve the most intelligent, cutting-edge and precise medical care, to build an excellent medical care environment, to benefit our patients and employees, and to create wellbeing and compassion.
    To embody the spirit of “never stop growing”, through clinical and research innovation, Taichung Veterans General Hospital has established itself throughout Taiwan and in the world, as a world-class medical center.
    The medical features of Taichung Veterans General Hospital
    1. 精準放射治療(電腦刀) Cyberknife
    2. 腦動脈機械取栓手術 Intracranial Mechanical Thrombectomy
    3. 腦中風中心Stroke Center
    4. 兒童呼吸矯正中心Center for Pediatric Sleep Disorder Breathing
    5. 4D全方位頸動脈治療中心 4D Comprehensive Carotid Artery Treatment Center
    6. 創新介入性心導管技術修補心臟破洞 Innovative Cardiac Catheterization to Repair the Heart Defect
    7. 心房顫動冷凍消融手術 Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation
    8. 經皮式主動脈瓣膜置換術(TAVI) Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation
    9. 房室同步型無導線心律調節器植入手術 AV Synchronous Leadless Pacemaker Implantation
    10. 肺癌精準醫療中心Lung Cancer Precision Medical Center
    11. 雷納生機械手臂微創脊椎手術Minimal Invasive Robotic Spine Surgery
    12. 經口達文西機械手術 Trans-oral Robotic Laryngectomy
    13. 介入性內視鏡超音波Endoscopic Ultrasound
    14. 發炎性腸道疾病中心 Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center
    15. 功能性食道疾病診治中心 Functional Esophageal Disorders Center
    16. 糖尿病照護卓越中心 IDF Center of Excellence in Diabetes Care
    17. 釔90體內放射治療 Yttrium-90 Selective Internal Radiation Therapy
    18. 分枝桿菌中心 Mycobacterial Center of Excellence
    19. W35高齡整合智慧病房 Integrated Smart Care for the Elderly in Ward 35
    20. 智慧防跌系統 Smart Fall Prevention System
    21. 腎臟病照護中心 Kidney Care Center
    22. 重症醫學中心 Department of Critical Care Medicine
    23. 智慧化手術管理 Smart Operations Management
    24. 智能抽血站 Smart Blood Draw Station
    25. 智慧藥櫃Automatic Dispensing Cabinet
    26. 進階顯微手術課程 Advanced Training in Microvascular Anastomosis
    27. 腹腔鏡手術進階研習營 Advanced Training in Laparoscopic Surgery
    28. AR/VR互動式教學 Interactive Collaborative Learning in AR and VR
    29. 精準醫學中心 Precision Medicine Center
    30. 高光譜醫學創新技術 Hyperspectral Medical Innovation Technology
    31. 3D列印研究 3D Printing Research and Development
    32. 國際醫療 International Medical Services

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