Does Kim Kardashian Regret ‘Jam (Turn It Up)’? | WWHL

  • Опубликовано: 28 дек 2024

Комментарии • 491

  • @brittanyandria5614
    @brittanyandria5614 6 лет назад +2381

    Khloe was going to be shady but then Kourt was nice so she stuck with it.

    • @AutumnHarvest1
      @AutumnHarvest1 6 лет назад +126

      Brittany Andria Khloe tries to act like she's hilarious, but she just enjoys being mean to everyone.

    • @RubyMusica-zd2fb
      @RubyMusica-zd2fb 6 лет назад +37

      violet goodman Excatly! She can’t stop touching her extensions always posing and overdone

    • @Dreamskater100
      @Dreamskater100 6 лет назад +28

      @@RubyMusica-zd2fb Yes, I noticed that, she has a problem, she touches and fiddles with her a lot in those reality pgms they do. She pouts a lot too. She's deluded.

    • @nimanixo
      @nimanixo 5 лет назад +8

      Brittany Andria bro they’re sisters

    • @JarlinCastro
      @JarlinCastro 5 лет назад +3

      Violet Rain what’s wrong with that 😅🤣😭 a whole vibe

  • @kparker905
    @kparker905 6 лет назад +1465

    Lol, you saw how Kourtney did that older sister move and completely talked over Khloe in the beginning. Because she knew that this was something Kim was sensitive about, and Kim would have taken it if they both said 3 or something, but the fact that they gave it a high rating just randomly made her day, and you could tell that she almost needed it. Like, even if the entire public thinks it's a terrible song, the fact that her sisters like it means so much to her, even if they are lying. It's similar to when there's something so small that you're working on and you tried sooo hard on it, and someone you cherish and respect comments and says that they think it's fantastic, it can literally brighten your week or somethinggg

    • @falcosmusic
      @falcosmusic 5 лет назад +53

      this is so cute

    • @babis6919
      @babis6919 5 лет назад +49

      Agree.Well actually it wasn't even that bad.I have heard worse songs

    • @sakksarkissian9693
      @sakksarkissian9693 5 лет назад +34

      I totally agree. That was so sweet of Kourtney.

    • @Roxy.ffoxyy
      @Roxy.ffoxyy 5 лет назад +4

      K Parker seriously 💖

    • @VG-qu3vb
      @VG-qu3vb 4 года назад +3

      So wholesome ❤️

  • @migifn
    @migifn 6 лет назад +2386

    Khloe: “i don’t think she was trying to be mariah carey”
    Kim: *yaaaAaaAhhhh*

    • @goldenyonis8287
      @goldenyonis8287 6 лет назад +15

      The shade 😂

    • @goldenyonis8287
      @goldenyonis8287 6 лет назад +46

      I can't believe Khloe compared Kim to Mariah Carey 🙄

    • @Beaneabean
      @Beaneabean 6 лет назад +102

      Golden Yonis thats not what she did. Are you daft? The comment meant that Kim wasn’t taking the song seriously. She knew she couldnt sing but it was just something to do.

    • @orca68
      @orca68 6 лет назад +10

      @@Beaneabean people are just stupid

    • @Diegosanchez-lw8ij
      @Diegosanchez-lw8ij 6 лет назад +10

      Hahahhaha Mariah still an icon 💕

  • @niklas7495
    @niklas7495 3 года назад +454

    I literally paid money for that song on itunes lmao

    • @puneeth4458
      @puneeth4458 3 года назад +1

      Hahahaha 😂

    • @tomii4
      @tomii4 3 года назад


    • @Ninineonangel77
      @Ninineonangel77 3 года назад +9

      @@tomii4 cause he likes the song

    • @tomii4
      @tomii4 3 года назад

      @@Ninineonangel77 but why

    • @Ninineonangel77
      @Ninineonangel77 3 года назад +9

      @@tomii4 why do you gotta ask "why" like a 2 year old! Because we like the fuckn song that should be a good explaination

  • @alottatroubs
    @alottatroubs 6 лет назад +300

    Jam Turn It Up is such a guilty pleasure of mine. I actually don’t even feel that guilty for loving it 😅

  • @KirstieRoche
    @KirstieRoche 6 лет назад +323

    Haha I feel like Khloe was going to be a little more harsh 🤭😂

    • @arianacollymore7091
      @arianacollymore7091 4 года назад +27

      I feel like Kourt knew that too and that's why she rushed to answer before her😂

  • @liljay216
    @liljay216 6 лет назад +886

    Kourtney is the only one who looks the same as she does on Instagram...

    • @deletedleaf2688
      @deletedleaf2688 6 лет назад +28

      Lil Jay I think she’s the best one of them all. She doesn’t really give af

    • @charlottemichelle6500
      @charlottemichelle6500 6 лет назад +4


    • @crystala7x182
      @crystala7x182 6 лет назад +19

      She’s also the one who looks the least plastic 👏

    • @charlottemichelle6500
      @charlottemichelle6500 6 лет назад +11

      I appreciate her having more values. I believe that her dad and mother being a healthy part of her childhood helped her. And Kim and Khloe kinda felt instead of turning to God for piece of mind, they turned to worldly "carnal" view and plastic surgeons. But there's always hope....(mercy, grace love...ect. still waiting for them when they decide on there own FREE WILL)

    • @JarlinCastro
      @JarlinCastro 5 лет назад

      Crystal we love a goodly shaped plastic also what’s wrong with looking different on IG?😂🤣😭😅 we love a good facetune moment

  • @deliamurasaki6526
    @deliamurasaki6526 6 лет назад +1190

    She was trying to be like Paris Hilton, who had that catchy song back in the 2000s

    • @Missmagazinebura
      @Missmagazinebura 6 лет назад +52

      Delia Murasaki stars are blind ?

    • @roenaskates3879
      @roenaskates3879 6 лет назад +14

      Always Trying to be Some Damm Body! 😣😣😣😣

    • @lowkeysavage1538
      @lowkeysavage1538 6 лет назад +7

      You must be dumb or ignorant she just said it’s for a cancer organization

    • @poisonarrow658
      @poisonarrow658 6 лет назад +7

      Thats the t right there, if Kim isnt trynna be Kourtney she wants to be Paris. Who can blame her tho?

    • @buttcheeksguy
      @buttcheeksguy 6 лет назад +37

      paris's music was really alright to be honest

  • @XO-uu8kc
    @XO-uu8kc 6 лет назад +1817

    I think she really tried to enter the music industry and then it got horrible reviews and then she just said it was charity LMAO

    • @Lyon05
      @Lyon05 6 лет назад +35


    • @kitteekittee4010
      @kitteekittee4010 6 лет назад +8


    • @RedaGirl55
      @RedaGirl55 6 лет назад +186

      No, that scene was explained on their show YEARS ago & you couldn't be further from the truth.🙅🏾👎🏾👎🏾 She was terrified to even do it, as she knew she couldn't sing. At least know what you're talking about when speaking... Or writing/typing!! 👌🏾

    • @ivriahoni6784
      @ivriahoni6784 6 лет назад +7

      @@RedaGirl55 yasss mama

    • @liferenz
      @liferenz 6 лет назад


  • @darcyd4290
    @darcyd4290 6 лет назад +25

    “He was like” she was like, he was like, I was like. She was like. Everyone was like. Like like like like like like like .

    • @LeoMaraschino
      @LeoMaraschino 4 года назад +3

      Darcy D i had to give this a like

  • @beamerbenz546
    @beamerbenz546 6 лет назад +151

    Kourtney looks fiyaaaaaa🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @alexanderespinal276
    @alexanderespinal276 6 лет назад +757

    Kim's going back to her Jafar look.

    • @damien1781
      @damien1781 6 лет назад +81

      She looks good af

    • @idkmyuser1
      @idkmyuser1 6 лет назад +35

      she is jafar

    • @idkmyuser1
      @idkmyuser1 6 лет назад +54

      jk shes just obsessed with looking like cher but shes so tan that it reads jafar

    • @bendover3653
      @bendover3653 6 лет назад +17

      Yall exited for the new Alladin?

    • @AkaMagenta
      @AkaMagenta 6 лет назад +1

      Alexander Espinal 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 True!

  • @byakuya786
    @byakuya786 6 лет назад +83

    It's amazing how when people think of great singers Mariah Carey is one of the first to pop up

    • @cr3413
      @cr3413 5 лет назад +24

      How is that amazing? It’s obvious.

    • @danielpeters2501
      @danielpeters2501 4 года назад +14

      It's Mariah 🙄🙄🙄

    • @joykimtouthang4347
      @joykimtouthang4347 4 года назад +8

      @@danielpeters2501 yes mariah dahhling

    • @chokedonthedust
      @chokedonthedust 4 года назад +6

      Um cuz she is an amazing singer

    • @jmaldo92
      @jmaldo92 3 года назад +5

      Not really amazing, more like expected. She's only the greatest of all time lol

  • @jasmineskyy4964
    @jasmineskyy4964 6 лет назад +13

    Kim's forehead when she laughed lol

  • @thelonelyghosts9004
    @thelonelyghosts9004 3 года назад +6

    I actually paid $1.99 (or whatever it was) back in the day to have it! Me and the boys used to pregame and put our makeup on and then head out to the club (practically every night it was open lol) and we would have a bit of “Jam” sprinkled throughout the night. Then, literally every gay club in America was pumping it and so there were LOTS of FUN nights back in the day where I felt like Kim was TOTALLY part of our night!
    I think that’s what the song was intended for you. And I think we all know that.
    Now Kim is a Queen beyond words and working on her law degree.
    it’s amazing where life takes you…

  • @henrytherobot
    @henrytherobot 6 лет назад +1165

    I can't wait for the day when nobody cares about them anymore 🙄

    • @howled0
      @howled0 6 лет назад +27

      LOOOL. The most Savage thing said by a RUclipsr for kids

    • @carloscoti8059
      @carloscoti8059 6 лет назад +3

      #5 in trending! 😁🔥

    • @Elizabeth-Eb
      @Elizabeth-Eb 6 лет назад

      HENRY THE RC CAR as soon as kourtney said she liked it I hated it

    • @AkafiAli
      @AkafiAli 6 лет назад +36

      It's NOT going to happen anytime SOON haha! dream on I guess!!

    • @angelararara6350
      @angelararara6350 6 лет назад +12

      You need to avoid clicking on that Henry!

  • @winniepooh8814
    @winniepooh8814 3 года назад +21

    I love Kourtney. She is my favorite out of all of them.😍❤️

  • @heatherlynsey3092
    @heatherlynsey3092 3 года назад +4

    Kourt telling the DJ to play Kim’s song is hilarious 🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭😭

  • @cazb3729
    @cazb3729 4 года назад +9

    I wish Khloe would have been able to finish what she really wanted to say 😂😂 love these girls they crack me up 😅

  • @ProTreeVideos
    @ProTreeVideos 6 лет назад +70

    Hey random person scrolling down the comments..
    Have a wonderful day

  • @bellajoy5851
    @bellajoy5851 4 года назад +15

    Kim nailed it! if u want to hold and sing in microphone, u have freedom to do it.

  • @s072733
    @s072733 4 года назад +2

    Kourts is actually so cute and supportive

  • @geokins1
    @geokins1 6 лет назад +13

    The song was so good lol

  • @camacamacameleon3091
    @camacamacameleon3091 5 лет назад +24

    The song's not that bad though, gives you that club vibe

  • @chadblakeson3010
    @chadblakeson3010 3 года назад +1

    Listen that song is Iconic😭

  • @wideyedchick
    @wideyedchick 6 лет назад +6

    I loved the song so much I put it as my ringtone 😂😂

  • @paulguarino9893
    @paulguarino9893 6 лет назад +7

    Mariah is and always will be the benchmark when talking about a talented singer.

  • @crystal8579
    @crystal8579 5 лет назад +2

    that song was a bop back when i was like 8 lol

  • @mrs.stewart6833
    @mrs.stewart6833 6 лет назад +122

    Kardashian are losing ratings so now they are on watch what happens live together and of course not spilling much tea.

    • @kallang53
      @kallang53 6 лет назад +13

      still relavant... but not u sis... booboo precious

    • @cw6244
      @cw6244 6 лет назад +10

      no... they are just on wwhl because they are getting paid to

    • @intothemystic5223
      @intothemystic5223 6 лет назад +2

      Yes, I'm sure they're really hurting for views 🙄

    • @jkmars9868
      @jkmars9868 6 лет назад

      They come on here all the time

  • @NanoxBeauty
    @NanoxBeauty 6 лет назад +3

    I remember listening to it on my iPod lol

  • @Eddiezus
    @Eddiezus 3 года назад +4

    Jam was a bop honestly 😂👌🏼

  • @Rollinjoint
    @Rollinjoint 6 лет назад +47

    She is secretly promoting Lion King

    • @Deviant69
      @Deviant69 6 лет назад +3

      you mean Aladdin? lol

  • @mirandasummerset
    @mirandasummerset 6 лет назад +25

    Kim & her spray tans 😒 girl

  • @jayceebaguio
    @jayceebaguio 2 года назад +4

    Mariah is the GOAT and her songwriting ability is just impeccable. ❤

  • @hiranyaa
    @hiranyaa 6 лет назад +179

    Kim Kardashian dated Mariah Carey’s ex husband Nick Canon too ☕️👀

    • @EST1990
      @EST1990 6 лет назад +19

      Old news.

    • @hiranyaa
      @hiranyaa 6 лет назад +5

      @@EST1990 basic reply.

    • @aaronbynum8968
      @aaronbynum8968 6 лет назад +8

      Kim had him first

    •  6 лет назад +5

      Hiranya Ranasinghe she split her legs for everyone and anything

    • @KittyJacque_
      @KittyJacque_ 6 лет назад

      what does that have to do with anything ?

  • @ky7300
    @ky7300 6 лет назад +10

    If Kim did a remix and vocally prepared herself it would turn into a major hit!

  • @Sarah-pd8tn
    @Sarah-pd8tn 6 лет назад +1

    Did we all just leave and went to google the song 😂😂

  • @AutumnHarvest1
    @AutumnHarvest1 6 лет назад +32

    Khloe looks weird with platinum hair.

  • @koaafaith8635
    @koaafaith8635 5 лет назад +6

    I honestly love the song personally 💗💗💗

  • @loggedout8572
    @loggedout8572 3 года назад +3

    Jam is for pretty rich girls PERIOD 🤷‍♀️

  • @mosbyperry
    @mosbyperry 6 лет назад +2

    We need the full music video though

  • @luvlife8277
    @luvlife8277 6 лет назад +1

    I didn’t even know she did a song and now I know why

  • @mawwalersh7893
    @mawwalersh7893 3 года назад +1

    Khloe was trying for dear life not to roast or giggle at Kim 😂😂😂

  • @lizziegray3349
    @lizziegray3349 6 лет назад +8

    The real question is, does she regret kissing Pete Wentz?

  • @momsspaghetti6195
    @momsspaghetti6195 3 года назад +1


  • @SetoKaiba342
    @SetoKaiba342 Год назад +1


  • @opulentbitch8045
    @opulentbitch8045 6 лет назад +10

    I'm giving it a 9 too I think I found it a couple of years ago and it is still on my playlist and it was my ringtone at some point

  • @strawberries5151
    @strawberries5151 6 лет назад +10

    I bought it, I love it & I have no regrets. I'd buy it again 💜

    • @someone7481
      @someone7481 6 лет назад

      Your the reason this talentless bunch keep going.

    • @strawberries5151
      @strawberries5151 6 лет назад

      @@someone7481 uh oh... Someone doesn't have a life 😮

  • @wendybobrow9819
    @wendybobrow9819 3 года назад

    Ty Andy

  • @reenaasmr8451
    @reenaasmr8451 6 лет назад +5

    am I the only one who thinks these women are so sweet??

  • @samk7625
    @samk7625 6 лет назад +1

    they will never die when one dies two more grow in it's place god has abandoned us and it is through our own folly and sin ezikiel 3:57

  • @TheTimothy8136
    @TheTimothy8136 5 лет назад +2

    Great song & it would be great if she sang more songs!!

  • @DougCanney1
    @DougCanney1 3 года назад +2

    Khloe “I don’t have the balls to do it”, whilst looking like one of Rupaul’s show contestants.

    • @harasmuji3585
      @harasmuji3585 3 года назад +1

      This comment actually cracked me up 😂😂😂

  • @shrox
    @shrox 4 года назад +1

    if the Kourt says 9/10 then for sure its like 101/10

  • @pennyj4267
    @pennyj4267 3 года назад

    It would be nice if they did it again and continued donating the proceeds.

  • @vishalpanwar9914
    @vishalpanwar9914 6 лет назад +1

    Family members with nudity & conspiracy & people went crazy 😂😂
    A big role of media

  • @thekim10029
    @thekim10029 6 лет назад +2

    They Gunna make her song spike cus I ain’t ever heard it and ima hear it now 😂😂

  • @xxdjayy721xx
    @xxdjayy721xx 6 лет назад

    Did Khloe refer to the VIDEO?! We never got the video!!

  • @markhughes02
    @markhughes02 2 года назад

    khloé looks so glamorous

  • @Arman-ch5vi
    @Arman-ch5vi 6 лет назад

    *whatever troubles your facing WILL definitely end and your life is gonna be good*
    *jus be patient for that lil bit longer and when you make it to the end your gonna be so happy you made it and your future was worth all the pain even if right now you dont think so*
    *I guarantee once you keep being patient you will be happy after the pain think of like the harder an arrow is pulled back the further it will travel to reach its target*
    *many millionaires started off suicidal who got bullied and tried to end it many times but the pain made them stronger and when it seemed hopeless they made it*
    Like even for a pencil to work it has to be sharpened, good things will come after hardships but in the end it will be worth it
    *the darkest of nights is when the stars shine brightest* - imam Ali. R. A.
    If you need advice your brother in humanity. Im here to reply

  • @zara5236
    @zara5236 6 лет назад +3

    I didn’t even know Kim had a song!???

  • @JeffBryannn
    @JeffBryannn 6 лет назад +1

    I knew it! Khloe loves mariah❤️

  • @ezrarayzz
    @ezrarayzz 6 лет назад +2

    wait she has a song?

  • @Hayarosehart
    @Hayarosehart 6 лет назад


  • @Kerbyintheshadows
    @Kerbyintheshadows 6 лет назад

    Why is there so much hate in the comments? Like it was a video about the Kardashians just doing their thing and not being offensive or anything of the sorts. If you don’t like them why waste your time watching the videos and commenting on it? Do y’all not remember “if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all”?There’s too much unnecessary hate and negativity in the world, no need to add to it. Unless it’s in the name of comedy and your comment is funny enough 🤷🏼‍♀️

  • @laura-xj9tq
    @laura-xj9tq 5 лет назад +2

    Ok but why break this 1hr interview into 50 videos😒

  • @stephenheart1916
    @stephenheart1916 5 лет назад

    Awe I love how supportive her sisters were because I was expecting a bloodbath. lol

  • @eniolafolorunso1095
    @eniolafolorunso1095 6 лет назад +1

    Kim: That's like the one thing I'm like I can't believe I did that
    Really Kim? You really can't think of any other thing? Really?

  • @aakzy
    @aakzy 6 лет назад +1

    Did I make a mistake?
    -dont look at my name-

  • @Ninineonangel77
    @Ninineonangel77 3 года назад

    I love Jam its a good song imma listen to it now

  • @jamesduvall6237
    @jamesduvall6237 5 лет назад +1

    Tbh Jam was a banger!

  • @Trading212Undervalued
    @Trading212Undervalued 6 лет назад +1

    At first I thought I'm watching a tik tok ad

  • @harleyatter5955
    @harleyatter5955 6 лет назад +24

    Why is this on trending

  • @babyface17
    @babyface17 5 лет назад

    I love the song and Kanye was involved it was Totally a Vibe!!

  • @charlieroberts6480
    @charlieroberts6480 6 лет назад

    She probably doesn't regret the song half as much as she regrets the "Short Film" she did. Plus didn't the song feature Ray Jay or am I confusing the two?

  • @bpore
    @bpore 6 лет назад

    How have I never heard "Turn it up" lol

  • @golddustwoman1253
    @golddustwoman1253 6 лет назад

    I love jam, it is my daily bopper

  • @caiocesarof
    @caiocesarof 3 года назад

    bro i love kourtney so much

  • @beverlyboo9075
    @beverlyboo9075 6 лет назад +3

    She needed a lot more energy in the song and video... sounded dead. Lyrics and beat were cool.

  • @jamesduvall6237
    @jamesduvall6237 5 лет назад +1

    Jam was honestly a banger sorry don’t kill me

  • @StevenTyler94
    @StevenTyler94 5 лет назад

    The song is a bop

  • @omgtt8374
    @omgtt8374 5 лет назад

    I love that song

  • @Theoriginaldollbritney
    @Theoriginaldollbritney 5 лет назад

    She should of done the music video at least.. she would of been a perfect pop star and her and Paris could collaborate

  • @aaccrr78
    @aaccrr78 4 года назад +2

    That song was so cringey I still can’t get
    Through it. Especially if I have to watch the music video along with it.

  • @rian4960
    @rian4960 Год назад

    i loveeee this song lol

  • @Laura-yy8nm
    @Laura-yy8nm 6 лет назад


  • @track13byMM
    @track13byMM 6 лет назад +5

    I remember i bought that song on iTunes lmFAO

    • @rukhsanazaidi629
      @rukhsanazaidi629 6 лет назад +1

      Lmaooo wtf I’m done!!!!🤣🤣🤣

    • @track13byMM
      @track13byMM 6 лет назад

      Rukhsana Zaidi I was young lmfao pLEASE

  • @zlamelie
    @zlamelie 6 лет назад

    From 0:23 she says LIKE ay least twice in a sentence 🙄🙄

  • @Rodrinaizer24
    @Rodrinaizer24 3 года назад

    This is the one thing that Kim never won to Paris Hilton, Stars are Blind is a good pop song. Top 20 on the Billboard Hot 100

  • @snaketooth0943
    @snaketooth0943 6 лет назад

    I just wanted to comment on a trending video that I really, really hate my mother. She naggs me about school a lot. I know that's a small issue-particularly compared to the abuse some kids have to go through-but it really annoys and upsets me.

  • @mattblanco178
    @mattblanco178 6 лет назад

    I wanna speak to the manager attitude

  • @TheRedScareIsAlive
    @TheRedScareIsAlive 6 лет назад

    I'm just here for Andy's shade...while still pretending to be completely into them

  • @ramonee2211
    @ramonee2211 6 лет назад

    The teaaaaa

  • @zakkxx1
    @zakkxx1 6 лет назад

    she was clearing NOT channeling mariah xtina or bey here LOL

  • @raeesaahmad5524
    @raeesaahmad5524 6 лет назад

    Loving kourtney's shoes, don't care about what they're saying but LOVE the shoes 😍😍

  • @Kat1kafka
    @Kat1kafka 6 лет назад +13

    so sick of these kardashians

  • @filipe_acb
    @filipe_acb 6 лет назад

    Kim: That's the one thing, i was like, i can't believe i did it. Ok....

    • @pika2031
      @pika2031 5 лет назад

      Filipe Bernardo well look what she has become

  • @jennylavoz
    @jennylavoz 2 года назад

    Look I don't know why y'all lieing to her.. I don't care how famous she is stop trying to do everything, if you don't got talent to sing, be honest with her.. I honestly as a female underground artist, this is a slap in our face, when we put time, real time and effort to get lyrics and a hook, just being real stuck to doing shit that you do not pertaining to music. Just being very honest. I don't care if you like my comment or not. 💯

  • @junemp3
    @junemp3 5 лет назад

    i love this song

  • @lilysymons3803
    @lilysymons3803 3 года назад