I for one particularly enjoy the aspect of "the house of cards" where eager starlets show off their considerable assets au naturel before the camera. The risquéness of the show goes a long way in explaining the show's popularity. Time for the Chinese counterparts to answer the challenge and hopefully up the ante.
美国人有钱了,富有了,谁当家谁做主都行,美国人也不会在乎或者计较太多,但是像中国这种半拉子国家,哪有时间天天上演政治斗争,中国还没到吃饱了撑着没事干的地步,相反事情依然很多。 除了美国,其他民主国家这种上升到国家高层政治生活的题材的电影恐怕也没有吧?以中国人的含蓄,借古讽今为题材的古装剧也不再少数,中美国人的表达方式不一样,不代表中国的就没有
I for one particularly enjoy the aspect of "the house of cards" where eager starlets show off their considerable assets au naturel before the camera. The risquéness of the show goes a long way in explaining the show's popularity. Time for the Chinese counterparts to answer the challenge and hopefully up the ante.
+zqx2b 你真是个2b。不是创新的问题,是有没有言论自由的问题。