I really like the look of this. I'd be tempted to call it something like the 'Merlin Mk V'. It also makes me think that it could be an earlier mark of Hawk - maybe a mark II or III. It might even be a shuttlecraft from Earth to the orbital station, seen, and destroyed in 'Breakaway'. That's the joy of Space: 1999 - there's so much you don't see, but which could exist.
You can't send a can, but you can empty a can into a bottle and send that. Or, you can stroll on down to a B&Q, get the RGB code for it and send that. Mixing paint is not one of those difficult jobs.
I really like this one. Space 1999 vehicles seem to have no end of versions that can be designed then kit bashed. A testament to the original design.
I really like the look of this. I'd be tempted to call it something like the 'Merlin Mk V'. It also makes me think that it could be an earlier mark of Hawk - maybe a mark II or III. It might even be a shuttlecraft from Earth to the orbital station, seen, and destroyed in 'Breakaway'.
That's the joy of Space: 1999 - there's so much you don't see, but which could exist.
Beautiful job. Thanks for sharing 👍
Spectacular! You have made the world a better place.
Amazing job, totally blown away.
Awesome work brother
You can't send a can, but you can empty a can into a bottle and send that.
Or, you can stroll on down to a B&Q, get the RGB code for it and send that.
Mixing paint is not one of those difficult jobs.
Interesting. It looks like an evolution of the SHADO (from the UFO series) Lunar Transport.
I think Fast Forward models must kaput because I can not find a website.