I admire and respect Mr. Mark Sanford for his honesty and truthfulness in which he has lead his political career as US Representative for South Carolina and as Governor in the same State from 2003 to 2011. I want to read his book. Speaking the truth is the best way to go when you want people to remember you with love and respect, as his family and many people already feel towards him. Thank you for speaking the Truth Mr. Sanford.
I’m from England and I didn’t know who this man was until I googled him. How refreshing to hear a voice of reason after all this time of listening to the lunatic fringe of the Republican party.
I would except it;s only one sided. Not a single video about Biden. Worn out about Trump. We all know about who he is. How about our current president? You know, the one that counts the most?
Sanford genuinely learned from his mistakes. Sadly enough had enough Republicans initially stuck together against Trump, our country would not be in this turmoil.
Thank you Mr. Sandford for standing firm for honesty and our checks and balances. We are all shaking our heads and wondering what happen to integrity. I still scratch my head. You speak what I believe about our democracy and that is what makes this country great. If we hang onto our democracy we will survive it is time for both parties to really make a commitment to the country and not a political party or to power or their own idea of what this country should be. We are not free if we bow to a king or a dictatorship.
I'm a political liberal, and Adam Kinzinger and I, were we to meet, would have a lot of disagreement between us, but he's a genuine hero in my book, as well as Liz Cheney, for standing up against Trump and his sycophants in the Republican party.
Thank you PBS for yet another great Frontline. Every single American needs to tune in to these interviews. Especially the MAGA crowd. Every interview hits the nail on the head regarding the horrors of the prior administration. We can not let DJT anywhere near the WH again!!
Tell me something - do you believe every narrative that the US Mainstream Media tells you? Tell me a couple of narratives the MSM has told you in past 10 years that you didnt believe if you can....
He’s not a fool…he’s got integrity and ultimately did not sell his soul to the devil. I have much respect for Sanford. If only the rest of the party would follow his example.
It's so refreshing to hear a question being asked to a republican and he answers the question without filibustering and falling into right wing conspiracy talking points This interview with a republican is a rare type. My blood pressure isn't rising listening to this guy.
For me it's like a confirmation. I believe this guy. There's not many Republicans I believe anymore. He said there can be no debate when there is no objective truth and reality to debate. So I guess we're gonna have a civil war if Trump sticks around.
Wow! Another great Frontline interview I knew little of Mark Sanford prior to this interview, but I am duly impressed with his eloquence and perspective Frontline has created several series of interviews on trump, democracy, Putin, and more. All of them are and will remain as priceless historical treasures. Hearing key figures speak, in their own words, emphasis, expressions and intonations, unedited, provides far more context than any textual transcription could possibly offer.
I'm from SC. I was a Republucan until 2016. I had voted for Nark Sanford. I watched his fall from grace with disappointment and pain. I had followed Trump's escapades in business and family. I knew I couldn't support him as a candidate for president. Later I saw so many GOP politicians fall in line with Trump. It was then I became an Independent. Mark did something wrong but asked forgiveness and tried to rebuild. I respect his decision to stand up for the truth against Trump. He us one of the few GOP politicians who hasn't sold his soul to remain in power. It cost him dearly politically but he didn't lose his soul. I admire him for that.
Mark Sanford turned his back on integrity, his family & honor while SC gov; paid fines for blatant ethics violations, committed public adultery & infidelity; believes in open marriages for males... He's among the last to discuss ethics, talking about GOD, belief systems... church & morality, integrity in gov, "everyone has their own morality... "
@@DancingQueenie Ahh wasn't Mark Sanford who paid hush money to a stripper through his lawyer, it was the other guy, the twice impeached loser. So yes, Sanford IS an "honorable guy" in comparison!
Expecting honesty and clarity is a normal and healthy expectation, and the root of creating a healthy mind. I think Mr. Sanford has demonstrated a healthy mind by staying honest and clear.
If republican voters were tired of stagnant wages, they needed to look back to their hero Ronald Reagan. It was Reagan and his group of republicans who went around busting workers unions, creating the Right to Work laws that gave employers the right to fire without cause and workers had no union to speak for them there or in Congress. The failed economic policy of trickle down where the government provided huge tax breaks to the wealthy who just kept it and hoarded it, grew their own wealth while the workers saw benefits taken away and salaries not move for decades and the cost of maintaining a middle-class standard of living simply died away. Republican philosophy is that the country is better when the wealthy run things and the worker just serves the wealthy. The Democratic philosophy is that the country is better when the middle-class flourishes and the government serves all of the people including taking care of the poor, elderly, veterans and invests in education and the health of the entire population.
Absolutely. I disagree with everything the Republicans love. They lied to their voters from Reagan unto this day. Now they have NO PARTY PLATFORM at all, which actually feels like poetic justice. Trump came as the mature fruit of Republican policies and lies. After the mature fruit ripens, if it’s good fruit it could bring nourishment - but the fruit is bad and rotten because the tree (GOP) became a poisonous tree. The GOP has become a death ☠️ cult.
UK is the same, but the Royal layer is so ingrained in the people it won't change the Royal part. From beyond the grave it's reached down the Centuries, still does.
uhhhhh, you left out SO much of the horror that Reagan enacted/enabled! (I'm kinda being facetious... for "levity") but I see everything you stated as objective truth, except for your take on 'democratic philosophy', unless you are referring to 'democracy' as opposed to the 'DNC'... [I post this comment with respect and appreciation for yours... Ronald Reagan, et al, was........ doubleplusungood]
Thank you so much, Mark!! This interview is what I needed to hear!! All of the pain watching Trump do what he's done and then you so eloquently describe how I felt!! Thank you!
I knew nothing about Mr. Sanford before I saw this. He seems like a very decent man and father. It leaves me wondering why he would have ever gone into politics. Then I remind myself that one should be wary of anyone who seeks the power of a senator or a president. To last as long as he did shows he is a savy and shrewed politician. He seems to be honest. I am glad he holds his relationship with his family above all else now.
I have respect for this man, in spite of his affair with the woman who lives in South America, he knows about the lies "djt" told repeatedly through out his lifetime!
In a different interview in this series, a journalist explains that he was trying to blow up his career, he was suffering somehow (hypocrisy? Corruption?) and no longer wanted to be President. I think it was Tim Alberta.
@@lizh4933”as a politician”. That hike in Argentina was him thinking from down below. It was wrong but these days it barely registers as disqualifying for a politician. Not to make excuses for him because he was married, but in politics as in rock stardom there are ample temptations along the way. Like Henry Kissinger said, power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.
I was disgusted by a Mark Sanford's actions re: the Appalachian Trail. That aside, I respect him so much for openly acknowledging the lack of integrity and decency in conservative politics and his willingness to bow out for his personal convictions and indicate that there is a line he is not willing to cross. And, I make this statement as a progressive on far left.
I’m, for the most part, a Democrat, but I would vote for Mark Sanford for president… without hesitation. Honesty, ethics, truth, justice , self-respect, protection of our democracy, concern for citizens, ….these are the qualities we need in a leader. The opposite is what we got from trump. Please, people, help rid this country of any politicians like trump. Vote !
Hind sight. Wages for most Americans went up under Clinton and down with GOP Bush Jr. and deadlock with Obama in dealing with recovery from bad policy from Bush Jr.'s time. Sanford has to own that and recognize the GOP hand in stifling that ability to create real change in economic terms.
I know! He keeps saying Americans were just in this massive depression or something?? The economy was fine once, once again, a Democrat had to fix it. Trump was calling it "his economy" less than fourty days in office.
He tells THE TRUTH!!! Plain and simple. People in this country can't see who they gave the keys to the castle willingly! What idiots! And they STILL CANT SEE?!?! God help us all. Great interview! Wonderful Senator. Just amazing - his insight. Brilliant man! I salute you!
Agree. My head wasn't buried. I saw every bit of this DAY 1 and lived in fear 4 years. People for some crazy reason enjoyed the drama and it continues.
True! Unless someone is cruel to him, and how he defines that is subjective and in his own sick mind. Cruelty to him could be a cold Big Mac. But being a *loser* has been the biggest and most cruel experience he's ever had and is why he wants to get even, and at any cost. He's dangerous.
His favorite thing to say is, “I was treated very badly.” I think he should be behind bars but this second choice is delightful imagining what he’ll he must be going through with nearly a soul standing with him.
You are categorically right, but it's nothing new on his part... He fraudulent got into UPenn, look into it... Who got him through? What were his grades? Who cares, but he says he's the most stable genius... This is all available for competent searches...
I love how he interjects to clarify that his endorsement of Ted Cruz was just him choosing the better of two bad options. Everyone hates Ted Cruz, lol 😂
Politics is like Snake Pit, but if Mark Sanford wanted to be President, I will vote for him. He is a smart person and most of all, he likes and tells the truth. There is nothing like the truth.
Everyone should listen to this man's experience in the Trump Whitehouse. Thank you. There's an old saying..."The truth will set you free". So inspiring to hear.
MR MARK is in my opinion one heck of a knowledgeable STATSMAN. His political responses are very enlightening, I learned much from his points of view. I t saddens me that he didn't win this year. I applaud him and I PRAY he will run again, I would vote for him👍👍👍👍👍😍
Yes, he's paid the price and comes across as honest and moral, however, he regrets to his core that he was off vacationing (on the government's dime) rather than campaigning and putting in the small effort he needed to win his primary in 2018. He is lost without being in politics.
Loved watching wow I’m sorry he had to step down from his job in order to stay true to his Constitutions that’s wonderful he had his family that support and loved him obviously but good for you and thank you one day maybe one day soon there may be justice ☝️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
After nazi Germany all countries said it can't happen here. It can happen anywhere. In America it happened with the typical over the top garishness that the country is well known for. Everything is supposed to be bigger and better in USA. But there are autocratic leaders all over the world. The German people were not an anomaly.
Paul Ryan’s tax bill is soaking this middle class American today. Last year, for the first time in 46 years, I had to write a check to the IRS. This year, I barely escaped the same. After decades of getting $3000-$4500 refunds. Don’t forget these people are soaking us while borrowing money to stuff in their own pockets and their rich friends’ pockets. And the debt has grown exponentially while we’re paying through the nose. I don’t mind paying taxes-but everyone should pay and according to ability.
Wow, great interviews, Kinzinger I watched earlier. Eye opening to say the least. Two guys with integrity. I would say the same about Cheney as well. Interesting about McCarthy & Ryan. I believe this man is telling the truth. It all sounds like High School without the money. If you aren’t with the popular group, forget it!
I thoroughly enjoyed this interview, and I too have a new respect for Mark Sandors, wow, he holds my kind of values, pity that most of those repugs don't hold his values, they will sell their souls to hold onto power, quiet sad really isn't it, and dangerous, good for you Mark, from a grateful Australian
Frontline we need more like this. In this lies politics and democracy. You got the truth out of them. They all told of their fear and disbelief of DT. The best witnesses of our horror of yet to come. Thier go along to get a long ride to power. This is why they use the " GOD FACTOR " because in thier minds it gives them a get out jail free card. They have learned to use a bible. A very self severing way to control people. By using magic and invisible people. a pay now and reward later plan. Rewritten and twisted uncounted times for someone to ride to power. In thier onward marching not as to but to war. People being pointed to one person's wim. DT. With the wisdom of Frontline we can face the trial we are in. DT. Like human gas. This to shall pass.
Whatever his personal foibles (and his politics), Sanford comes across as surprisingly down-to-earth and personable in this interview. He is damn right about people being sold what they want to hear, and their instinct to flock towards the "King of the Hill" when they are in dire straits. This is what is plaguing modern political discourse. The sad thing is that people didn't see it earlier. It isn't as if there wasn't ample warning.
There was plenty of warning. Trump made it clear before ever being elected that he wanted to be KING! This sociopath has never in his entire life admitted failure, loss, or lies. I never would have believed almost half of this country could fall under his spell. We definitely have an "education" problem in this Nation.
Confession: I bypassed this interview on at least a few occasions precisely because of what Mr. Sanford characterized as his "little white lie" in 2009 -- the year in which he abandoned his office as governor, and his wife, to sneak off with his mistress! For those who don't recall or are unaware of the origin of the meme "just tell them I'm hiking the Appalachian trail," that was a result of Sanford's lie about where he had literally disappeared to. Further, as far as I can recall, that incident was the first I'd ever even heard of Mark Sanford, so I was unaware he'd been a member of congress prior to that insane development during his governorship. Then I was appalled that, AFTER all that, the people of South Carolina voted him into congress - me unaware it was BACK into congress, due to their religious nonsense of forgiving the man. Well, you can forgive him, but do you then REWARD him with more time in government? All that said, today I decided to watch this interview (I'd seen a couple others in this series that were excellent -- Mr. Kinzinger being one), but yet i thoroughly expected Sanders to be an obsequious halfwit. My OWN prejudice, held from that 2009 debacle, which ended with him leaving the governorship, was steering me clear of this interview! I was also unaware that Mr. Sanford was Trump's first casualty in his bid for reelection due to Sanford maintaining his reservations about Trump! If I had known that, I might have been somewhat less reluctant to watch this interview! But, I'm SO GLAD I decided to watch in spite of that, because I learned how wrong I was, at least in part! I wrote more notes and quotes from this interview than the others so far, including that of Adam Kinzinger, who I admire greatly, even though I'm sure politically we have very little in common. WHAT AN EYE OPENER this interview was. Not only is Sanford NOT a halfwit or obsequious, he's highly articulate, intelligent, with a firm grasp on our history, the history of tyrants, and a deep respect and understanding of our founding and our Constitution! Though he did soft-pedal in a couple of places, he was honest and clear in his answers and his analysis. In fact, I believe he gave THE BEST analysis at of any one at any time of what happened with HRC during 2016, her FAILURE, and that of the Democratic party and the DNC in being COMPLETELY tone deaf to the pain and desires of the American people! She was a terrible candidate, not only for tone deafness, but because her attitude in campaigning wasn't one of projecting a desire to EARN people's votes, but was an attitude of ENTITLEMENT, all the while not taking Trump seriously. True, she still won the popular vote, but, unfortunately, until we manage to change it, the Electoral Vote is the one that counts! And for anyone who hasn't noticed, it's RARE that the Republican presidential nominee actually WINS the POPULAR vote (for obvious reasons, as far as I'm concerned). I imagine this interview was so much more informative, in a general sense, not only because of his honesty, but because Mr. Sanford served two different stints in the House, with a governorship sandwiched in between, so he had a much longer perspective from which to draw than say Kinzinger! Whatever the reason, his answers were surprising and FAR MORE educational than I could have ever expected! Bravo, Mr. Sanders, AND, of course, Frontline and PBS! This is an interview that should be widely shared!
I really appreciate it when people are open to having their minds changed. I think it's a mature way to accept personal growth l. I'm not a Republican but I can respect his point of view. Have a great day ☺️
Sanford was one of the best darn governors that SC ever had! That's why he was elected to Congress. Yes, he had an affair. I don't support that, but many male & female are guilty of it. To me, as an SC voter, it was between him and his wife. Felt the same way about Bill Clinton's flings. Sanford effectively led SC. He took care of the state. We haven't had a good one since!
@@mindyrosin me too. Let us not overlook Sanford’s choice to turn the blind eye on his truth, intuition, and conscious mind. Thus, the years it’s going to take to rectify the trap we’re in.
Someone make a comment about how great Ronald Reagan was… This is what’s wrong with the American voting system. Ronald did many things against the working class. He Benefited from a very small media. He did know how to smile and make us feel good. But behind the seen was working hard to make the rich richer and lower the wages of working people.
Joe Walsh, Bill Weld, Mark Sanford. The 3 Republican candidates that tried to challenge Donald J Trump in the 2020 presidential election and ultimately they were defeated in the Republican primary election. As for me, I became a representative of one of the Republican candidates. Joe Walsh. I sincerely hoped that he would win the primary election and defeat Donald J Trump and I financially supported Joe Walsh but he didn’t have a fighting chance of winning the election. And neither did Bill Weld or Mark Sanford. My question is, will they come back for the 2024 presidential election? And even if they do, I hope to get another chance to represent Joe Walsh and vote for him and future running mate. As for Trump, there's no way I'm voting for him and his running mate. So I hope Trump will be defeated in the future Republican primary election. And never seen again.
What a lovely man- whether Republican/Democrat or anything else, such a man would get my vote and I'd be happy to be represented by him, secure in the knowledge, that he would do what it takes to look after my interests without harming the interests of others
This presentation makes me think that career politicians are mostly looking out for their careers, but they should be the gate keepers to the Republic. This needs to get fixed!
Watch the full documentary “Lies, Politics and Democracy” here:видео.html
Sorry I misspelt his surname
@@limoreperetzwoloshin8860 ylawi
Librada Bencosme camacho RED 🍒♥️🍒
@@limoreperetzwoloshin8860 good luck with educating zombies.
Thank you Mr Sanford, I respect you, thx for telling the truth.
its refreshing to hear someone talk politics with detached frankness.
I might not agree with his policies but I do see a man who learnt a lesson the hard way and became a better man.
Which lesson was that? Do tell !
I admire and respect Mr. Mark Sanford for his honesty and truthfulness in which he has lead his political career as US Representative for South Carolina and as Governor in the same State from 2003 to 2011. I want to read his book. Speaking the truth is the best way to go when you want people to remember you with love and respect, as his family and many people already feel towards him. Thank you for speaking the Truth Mr. Sanford.
I’m from England and I didn’t know who this man was until I googled him. How refreshing to hear a voice of reason after all this time of listening to the lunatic fringe of the Republican party.
Communism is a great drug!
@@victorblock3421lol. Okay, Victor.
well, i think the problem is these representative take no accountability with their activities at all when represent a huge a mount of people.
i am not sure if there is an option for the people to remove them at all.
Victorblockhead is the "thinking" wing of the MAGA party he passes for an intellectual there!
These full-length interviews are fantastic. Every single adult American should listen to them and reflect deeply.
I agree!!! I just happened to stumble upon them, YES YES every single adult American SHOULD listen!!!
The key word is adult. These two adults on both sides of the parties conversed and testified without a disparaging word.
I would except it;s only one sided. Not a single video about Biden. Worn out about Trump. We all know about who he is. How about our current president? You know, the one that counts the most?
Totally agree! High schoolers are receiving VERY INCOMPLETE history educations!
@@breadfan9 Biden didn’t start an insurrection.
Thank you, Mr. Sanford. You gave America a gift by being open.
Mark Sanford is spot on with every answer he shares. Shame so many public servants are self serving.
Just like Trump trained them to be.
He'd probably still be in there if he didn't get run out. But it is odd, an intelligent repugnicon
Sanford genuinely learned from his mistakes. Sadly enough had enough Republicans initially stuck together against Trump, our country would not be in this turmoil.
Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.
@Joseph Moceri, Thanks for the laugh and reference to Janice Joplin 😉
I have a new respect for Mark Sanford. Eloquently spoken views. Thumbs up. I'm sure his family is proud of him because I sure am.
Unfortunately he is alone in the GOP.
Sandy ...
After Donald J Trump; listening to Mark Sandford is like a " day in the doldrums ".
sad that there are not more conservative republicans like Sanford and Cheney
Sad that Republican America has said..."screw your so called integrity, I'll take the dictator"....
Did you ask his ex-wife? Little white lie?
Thank you Mr. Sandford for standing firm for honesty and our checks and balances. We are all shaking our heads and wondering what happen to integrity. I still scratch my head. You speak what I believe about our democracy and that is what makes this country great. If we hang onto our democracy we will survive it is time for both parties to really make a commitment to the country and not a political party or to power or their own idea of what this country should be. We are not free if we bow to a king or a dictatorship.
I'm a political liberal, and Adam Kinzinger and I, were we to meet, would have a lot of disagreement between us, but he's a genuine hero in my book, as well as Liz Cheney, for standing up against Trump and his sycophants in the Republican party.
Thank you PBS for yet another great Frontline. Every single American needs to tune in to these interviews. Especially the MAGA crowd. Every interview hits the nail on the head regarding the horrors of the prior administration. We can not let DJT anywhere near the WH again!!
Tell me something - do you believe every narrative that the US Mainstream Media tells you? Tell me a couple of narratives the MSM has told you in past 10 years that you didnt believe if you can....
Quit crying.
He’s not a fool…he’s got integrity and ultimately did not sell his soul to the devil. I have much respect for Sanford. If only the rest of the party would follow his example.
He still went along time to save face with frontline interview so all can see I’m not one of them remember he went along
Thank you Frontline, great reporting and you are not afraid of controversy and always push the question of what is truth?
I feel the same way. Frontline always has high quality content.
Bots lol
@@limmwisc2728 troll off, limpwrist.
@@weston.weston high quality fake new pumped by socialists(communists, nazi, democrats)
@@victorblock3421 I don't mind you having an opinion very differently from me.
It's so refreshing to hear a question being asked to a republican and he answers the question without filibustering and falling into right wing conspiracy talking points This interview with a republican is a rare type. My blood pressure isn't rising listening to this guy.
For me it's like a confirmation. I believe this guy. There's not many Republicans I believe anymore.
He said there can be no debate when there is no objective truth and reality to debate. So I guess we're gonna have a civil war if Trump sticks around.
As an Independent, I respect a representative like him from the Republican Party.
@@moja247 absolutely. These days they are few and far between from what it looks like to me.
He still is dodging speaking what he truly feels about Trump. I can't respect that
He was an awesome governor in South Carolina!!! He was better than our previous two….combined!!!
Excellent interview.
Wow! Another great Frontline interview I knew little of Mark Sanford prior to this interview, but I am duly impressed with his eloquence and perspective
Frontline has created several series of interviews on trump, democracy, Putin, and more. All of them are and will remain as priceless historical treasures. Hearing key figures speak, in their own words, emphasis, expressions and intonations, unedited, provides far more context than any textual transcription could possibly offer.
Superb interview… Much respect for Mr. Sanford!
I'm from SC. I was a Republucan until 2016. I had voted for Nark Sanford. I watched his fall from grace with disappointment and pain. I had followed Trump's escapades in business and family. I knew I couldn't support him as a candidate for president. Later I saw so many GOP politicians fall in line with Trump. It was then I became an Independent. Mark did something wrong but asked forgiveness and tried to rebuild. I respect his decision to stand up for the truth against Trump. He us one of the few GOP politicians who hasn't sold his soul to remain in power. It cost him dearly politically but he didn't lose his soul. I admire him for that.
I switched to Independent as well from the Democratic Establishment
He didn’t sleep with Stormy Daniels, I am also independent. Would vote for Liz Cheney in a heartbeat
You are so right. In any sides of the aisle, true moral values must always prevail on lust for power.
@@margaretwebb389 You would vote for her. From a corrupt family of pigs who got rich on the taxpayer's backs.
I love this guy!!
Great respect for Mr Sanford thank you for your integrity and standing up for what’s right and not going along to get along
Except when he runs off with his mistress and implodes his marriage.
Mark Sanford turned his back on integrity, his family & honor while SC gov; paid fines for blatant ethics violations, committed public adultery & infidelity; believes in open marriages for males... He's among the last to discuss ethics, talking about GOD, belief systems... church & morality, integrity in gov, "everyone has their own morality... "
Credit to Mark for standing up for truth and honour.
Such an honorable guy while he was off hiking the Appalachian trail.
Which he didn't do in his marriage.
@@DancingQueenie Ahh wasn't Mark Sanford who paid hush money to a stripper through his lawyer, it was the other guy, the twice impeached loser. So yes, Sanford IS an "honorable guy" in comparison!
@@orane3549 I don’t think of “honor” as relative to how totally dishonorable someone else is. Neither of them can claim truth or honor.
A little late!
This is why we need term limits. No one should be a lifetime member.
An honorable man, MUCH respect from this American US Veteran.
Thank you for your service, your comment, and your standing for truth
he's just trying to shake off the stench he himself created!
@@judithmura495 "The enemy of my enemy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,is my friend" amazing how so many like this phony turd.
@@judithmura495 He owned every bit of his past mistakes. That takes an honorable man.
Clearly explained. Thank you Mr Sanford.
Love this man and his honesty!
Um. Yeah. Such honesty. Like when he was off “hiking the Appalachian trail”? Hahaha.
As a resident of SC, and a left leaning Independent, I can say that he was not so bad as a governor.
@@DancingQueenie - what?
Like his girlfriend or his wife does? Or is that ex wife?
He is honest even when it hurts. I was a new resident to SC when he abandoned his position. He was painfully honest at the airport when he returned.
Expecting honesty and clarity is a normal and healthy expectation, and the root of creating a healthy mind. I think Mr. Sanford has demonstrated a healthy mind by staying honest and clear.
If republican voters were tired of stagnant wages, they needed to look back to their hero Ronald Reagan. It was Reagan and his group of republicans who went around busting workers unions, creating the Right to Work laws that gave employers the right to fire without cause and workers had no union to speak for them there or in Congress. The failed economic policy of trickle down where the government provided huge tax breaks to the wealthy who just kept it and hoarded it, grew their own wealth while the workers saw benefits taken away and salaries not move for decades and the cost of maintaining a middle-class standard of living simply died away. Republican philosophy is that the country is better when the wealthy run things and the worker just serves the wealthy. The Democratic philosophy is that the country is better when the middle-class flourishes and the government serves all of the people including taking care of the poor, elderly, veterans and invests in education and the health of the entire population.
Absolutely. I disagree with everything the Republicans love. They lied to their voters from Reagan unto this day. Now they have NO PARTY PLATFORM at all, which actually feels like poetic justice. Trump came as the mature fruit of Republican policies and lies. After the mature fruit ripens, if it’s good fruit it could bring nourishment - but the fruit is bad and rotten because the tree (GOP) became a poisonous tree. The GOP has become a death ☠️ cult.
UK is the same, but the Royal layer is so ingrained in the people it won't change the Royal part. From beyond the grave it's reached down the Centuries, still does.
uhhhhh, you left out SO much of the horror that Reagan enacted/enabled! (I'm kinda being facetious... for "levity") but I see everything you stated as objective truth, except for your take on 'democratic philosophy', unless you are referring to 'democracy' as opposed to the 'DNC'...
[I post this comment with respect and appreciation for yours... Ronald Reagan, et al, was........ doubleplusungood]
but but but.. pull yourself up by your bootstraps why don't you.. . .:)
So true!
Thanks , for this interview.
Thank you so much, Mark!! This interview is what I needed to hear!! All of the pain watching Trump do what he's done and then you so eloquently describe how I felt!! Thank you!
Mr're the strong Man
#45 is the D....
Great interview!!
Great Interview & YES TRUTH MATTERS💯
Note: I watched this from beginning to end. It gives me hope to intelligent discourse is alive and well.
I knew nothing about Mr. Sanford before I saw this. He seems like a very decent man and father. It leaves me wondering why he would have ever gone into politics. Then I remind myself that one should be wary of anyone who seeks the power of a senator or a president. To last as long as he did shows he is a savy and shrewed politician. He seems to be honest. I am glad he holds his relationship with his family above all else now.
He's a complete idiot. Read about when he was a governor
Check 2009. Lying weasel.
Excellent interview and Mark is so right on all that we have been living through for 6 years
More like 10....feels like a lifetime.
I have respect for this man, in spite of his affair with the woman who lives in South America, he knows about the lies "djt" told repeatedly through out his lifetime!
Absolutely! We're all guilty of something, nobody is perfect. He sounds kind, empathetic, and I get the sense that he's a good leader.
His personal life is his own.
In a different interview in this series, a journalist explains that he was trying to blow up his career, he was suffering somehow (hypocrisy? Corruption?) and no longer wanted to be President.
I think it was Tim Alberta.
What is it, that makes you think that his sex life should even be up for judgement?
Mark fell in love. That's not a crime. It was overwhelming and broke a lit of china, but that is a human experience.
This is what a decent human being as a politician looks like.
Check 2009 and his "hiking" trip.
@@lizh4933”as a politician”. That hike in Argentina was him thinking from down below. It was wrong but these days it barely registers as disqualifying for a politician. Not to make excuses for him because he was married, but in politics as in rock stardom there are ample temptations along the way. Like Henry Kissinger said, power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.
@@ARichardP amazing how tolerant you are
I was disgusted by a Mark Sanford's actions re: the Appalachian Trail. That aside, I respect him so much for openly acknowledging the lack of integrity and decency in conservative politics and his willingness to bow out for his personal convictions and indicate that there is a line he is not willing to cross. And, I make this statement as a progressive on far left.
What's are his policies towards the Appalachian Trail
@@philipwujr.4786 What do you mean what are his policies regarding the Appalachian Trail? Are you familiar with his back story?
@@weston.weston No, Im not aware of his actions towards the AT
@@philipwujr.4786 Hi Philip. Please read about it online, it will give you a lot of context about the controversy surrounding him.
@@weston.weston lol, oh that was him..sheesh! I remember his story now. No shame!
Thank you for your service Mr. Sanford.
@Hello Patlalla how are you doing?
I was very impressed with Mark Sanford. He is deep thinker and very articulate. I had not realized this before.
@Hello David how are you doing?
I’m, for the most part, a Democrat, but I would vote for Mark Sanford for president… without hesitation. Honesty, ethics, truth, justice , self-respect, protection of our democracy, concern for citizens, ….these are the qualities we need in a leader. The opposite is what we got from trump. Please, people, help rid this country of any politicians like trump. Vote !
Same here! He speaks like a democrat!
Great interview. Thank you, Frontline. Thank you, Mr Sanford.
@20:15 I love Mr Sanford's analogy of dogs sniffing other dogs. LOL.
I applaud Mike for standing up for and sticking with his honest beliefs, 👏 😊❤
Great and truthful interview! Much respect!!!
Thx Mr. Stanford.
It is good to hear a Republican say the issue of Donald Trump.
A clear eyed assessment of trump and those craven people who hoped to ride his coat tails.
Hind sight. Wages for most Americans went up under Clinton and down with GOP Bush Jr. and deadlock with Obama in dealing with recovery from bad policy from Bush Jr.'s time. Sanford has to own that and recognize the GOP hand in stifling that ability to create real change in economic terms.
I know! He keeps saying Americans were just in this massive depression or something?? The economy was fine once, once again, a Democrat had to fix it. Trump was calling it "his economy" less than fourty days in office.
All Republicans need to, but self introspection and truth isn’t their thing.
This guy is an authentic conservative republican.
Indeed he is. 💯
well, we need more like him and Liz too!
Sanford is a moral person who speaks well. His incredulity at the GOP is very interesting! It's refreshing 'cause it's what all of us are seeing.
He tells THE TRUTH!!! Plain and simple. People in this country can't see who they gave the keys to the castle willingly! What idiots! And they STILL CANT SEE?!?! God help us all. Great interview! Wonderful Senator. Just amazing - his insight. Brilliant man! I salute you!
Thanks FrontLine.
It's a shame we can't have more reality like this
@Hello Richard how are you doing?
You really had to have had your head buried in sand if you didn't see what Trump truly stood for. What made anybody think that this would end well?
Exactly 💯👍🏻
Yea, and this guy thought Jim Jordan was his friend.
Agree. My head wasn't buried. I saw every bit of this DAY 1 and lived in fear 4 years. People for some crazy reason enjoyed the drama and it continues.
Trump supporters have their heads buried deeply up someplace else.
The worst thing about trump is he ENJOYS causing and watching people suffer. He enjoys cruelty.
Unless someone is cruel to him, and how he defines that is subjective and in his own sick mind. Cruelty to him could be a cold Big Mac.
But being a *loser* has been the biggest and most cruel experience he's ever had and is why he wants to get even, and at any cost. He's dangerous.
His favorite thing to say is, “I was treated very badly.” I think he should be behind bars but this second choice is delightful imagining what he’ll he must be going through with nearly a soul standing with him.
Yes he is a sociopath…
You are categorically right, but it's nothing new on his part... He fraudulent got into UPenn, look into it... Who got him through? What were his grades? Who cares, but he says he's the most stable genius... This is all available for competent searches...
@@WasabiJohn I think he used either a friends or a cousins sat scores, maybe bought them…cannot remember but he did cheat as he does in everything.
I love how he interjects to clarify that his endorsement of Ted Cruz was just him choosing the better of two bad options. Everyone hates Ted Cruz, lol 😂
Yet he'll be reelected for life
He could've voted Democrat.
@@markfrost2707 Of course, as long as they're able to gerrymander things.
Politics is like Snake Pit, but if Mark Sanford wanted to be President, I will vote for him. He is a smart person and most of all, he likes and tells the truth. There is nothing like the truth.
Truth from a Republican. What a great idea.
Agreed!!!! Wish that would EVER happen from a Democrat!!
@@robertperkins246 - citation needed
Everyone should listen to this man's experience in the Trump Whitehouse. Thank you. There's an old saying..."The truth will set you free". So inspiring to hear.
This is a very good segment.
MR MARK is in my opinion one heck of a knowledgeable STATSMAN. His political responses are very enlightening, I learned much from his points of view. I t saddens me that he didn't win this year. I applaud him and I PRAY he will run again, I would vote for him👍👍👍👍👍😍
The price you pay for being honest and moral. He can hold his head high that he spoke the truth.
Yes, he's paid the price and comes across as honest and moral, however, he regrets to his core that he was off vacationing (on the government's dime) rather than campaigning and putting in the small effort he needed to win his primary in 2018. He is lost without being in politics.
Kudos 100% Mark Sanford
Democracy will win.
I can't resist loving it when people use the phrase, "Katie, bar the door," so effortlessly in their everyday speech.
Had heard it before but just looked up the origin. Interesting, will have to read the book.
Excellent interview. I like this man.
Loved watching wow I’m sorry he had to step down from his job in order to stay true to his Constitutions that’s wonderful he had his family that support and loved him obviously but good for you and thank you one day maybe one day soon there may be justice ☝️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
That would be a great question to ask Ted Cruz: " When Donald Trump accused you of rigging the Iowa primary, did you rig the Iowa primary?"
Unfortunately the answer was no. My condolences.
That's when the Republicans should've made a stand against Trump the tyrant!
That would be a brilliant question and put him right in a rabbit hole....Again
@@OneZombieHorde I think that was exactly @billwalsh388 's point. I could be wrong but if I am, sue me!
Mr. Governor, the Republicans need someone like you now more than ever. Please "stay in the game"!
After nazi Germany all countries said it can't happen here. It can happen anywhere. In America it happened with the typical over the top garishness that the country is well known for. Everything is supposed to be bigger and better in USA. But there are autocratic leaders all over the world. The German people were not an anomaly.
Paul Ryan’s tax bill is soaking this middle class American today. Last year, for the first time in 46 years, I had to write a check to the IRS. This year, I barely escaped the same. After decades of getting $3000-$4500 refunds.
Don’t forget these people are soaking us while borrowing money to stuff in their own pockets and their rich friends’ pockets.
And the debt has grown exponentially while we’re paying through the nose. I don’t mind paying taxes-but everyone should pay and according to ability.
Wow, great interviews, Kinzinger I watched earlier. Eye opening to say the least. Two guys with integrity. I would say the same about Cheney as well. Interesting about McCarthy & Ryan. I believe this man is telling the truth. It all sounds like High School without the money. If you aren’t with the popular group, forget it!
The one with Tim Alberta was pretty articulate and informative, too. And Jelani Cobb , they’re all good! frontlines the best
I thoroughly enjoyed this interview, and I too have a new respect for Mark Sandors, wow, he holds my kind of values, pity that most of those repugs don't hold his values, they will sell their souls to hold onto power, quiet sad really isn't it, and dangerous, good for you Mark, from a grateful Australian
Frontline we need more like this. In this lies politics and democracy. You got the truth out of them. They all told of their fear and disbelief of DT. The best witnesses of our horror of yet to come. Thier go along to get a long ride to power. This is why they use the " GOD FACTOR " because in thier minds it gives them a get out jail free card. They have learned to use a bible. A very self severing way to control people. By using magic and invisible people. a pay now and reward later plan. Rewritten and twisted uncounted times for someone to ride to power. In thier onward marching not as to but to war. People being pointed to one person's wim. DT. With the wisdom of Frontline we can face the trial we are in. DT.
Like human gas. This to shall pass.
Whatever his personal foibles (and his politics), Sanford comes across as surprisingly down-to-earth and personable in this interview. He is damn right about people being sold what they want to hear, and their instinct to flock towards the "King of the Hill" when they are in dire straits. This is what is plaguing modern political discourse. The sad thing is that people didn't see it earlier. It isn't as if there wasn't ample warning.
There was plenty of warning. Trump made it clear before ever being elected that he wanted to be KING!
This sociopath has never in his entire life admitted failure, loss, or lies. I never would have believed almost half of this country could fall under his spell. We definitely have an "education" problem in this Nation.
916, I would agree with you guys. Thank you for speaking so candidly but openly we needed that
Confession: I bypassed this interview on at least a few occasions precisely because of what Mr. Sanford characterized as his "little white lie" in 2009 -- the year in which he abandoned his office as governor, and his wife, to sneak off with his mistress! For those who don't recall or are unaware of the origin of the meme "just tell them I'm hiking the Appalachian trail," that was a result of Sanford's lie about where he had literally disappeared to. Further, as far as I can recall, that incident was the first I'd ever even heard of Mark Sanford, so I was unaware he'd been a member of congress prior to that insane development during his governorship. Then I was appalled that, AFTER all that, the people of South Carolina voted him into congress - me unaware it was BACK into congress, due to their religious nonsense of forgiving the man. Well, you can forgive him, but do you then REWARD him with more time in government? All that said, today I decided to watch this interview (I'd seen a couple others in this series that were excellent -- Mr. Kinzinger being one), but yet i thoroughly expected Sanders to be an obsequious halfwit. My OWN prejudice, held from that 2009 debacle, which ended with him leaving the governorship, was steering me clear of this interview! I was also unaware that Mr. Sanford was Trump's first casualty in his bid for reelection due to Sanford maintaining his reservations about Trump! If I had known that, I might have been somewhat less reluctant to watch this interview! But, I'm SO GLAD I decided to watch in spite of that, because I learned how wrong I was, at least in part! I wrote more notes and quotes from this interview than the others so far, including that of Adam Kinzinger, who I admire greatly, even though I'm sure politically we have very little in common. WHAT AN EYE OPENER this interview was. Not only is Sanford NOT a halfwit or obsequious, he's highly articulate, intelligent, with a firm grasp on our history, the history of tyrants, and a deep respect and understanding of our founding and our Constitution! Though he did soft-pedal in a couple of places, he was honest and clear in his answers and his analysis. In fact, I believe he gave THE BEST analysis at of any one at any time of what happened with HRC during 2016, her FAILURE, and that of the Democratic party and the DNC in being COMPLETELY tone deaf to the pain and desires of the American people! She was a terrible candidate, not only for tone deafness, but because her attitude in campaigning wasn't one of projecting a desire to EARN people's votes, but was an attitude of ENTITLEMENT, all the while not taking Trump seriously. True, she still won the popular vote, but, unfortunately, until we manage to change it, the Electoral Vote is the one that counts! And for anyone who hasn't noticed, it's RARE that the Republican presidential nominee actually WINS the POPULAR vote (for obvious reasons, as far as I'm concerned). I imagine this interview was so much more informative, in a general sense, not only because of his honesty, but because Mr. Sanford served two different stints in the House, with a governorship sandwiched in between, so he had a much longer perspective from which to draw than say Kinzinger! Whatever the reason, his answers were surprising and FAR MORE educational than I could have ever expected! Bravo, Mr. Sanders, AND, of course, Frontline and PBS! This is an interview that should be widely shared!
My God who's gonna read all that!!???
I really appreciate it when people are open to having their minds changed. I think it's a mature way to accept personal growth l. I'm not a Republican but I can respect his point of view. Have a great day ☺️
Sanford was one of the best darn governors that SC ever had! That's why he was elected to Congress. Yes, he had an affair. I don't support that, but many male & female are guilty of it. To me, as an SC voter, it was between him and his wife. Felt the same way about Bill Clinton's flings. Sanford effectively led SC. He took care of the state. We haven't had a good one since!
@@markfrost2707 🙋I read it all. 👏
@@mindyrosin me too. Let us not overlook Sanford’s choice to turn the blind eye on his truth, intuition, and conscious mind. Thus, the years it’s going to take to rectify the trap we’re in.
Thank you for this series.
Great series of interviews.
Thank you, Sir 🇺🇲
Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.
WOW! A man talking about Truth who Walks The Walk And Talks The Talk! BEST SEGMENT I've watched so far!
Out of this series, this guy and Mona are the most selfless and honest.
Someone make a comment about how great Ronald Reagan was… This is what’s wrong with the American voting system. Ronald did many things against the working class. He Benefited from a very small media. He did know how to smile and make us feel good. But behind the seen was working hard to make the rich richer and lower the wages of working people.
Wise man. People play the game to stay in the game. Which is sad. He is spot on!
Joe Walsh, Bill Weld, Mark Sanford. The 3 Republican candidates that tried to challenge Donald J Trump in the 2020 presidential election and ultimately they were defeated in the Republican primary election. As for me, I became a representative of one of the Republican candidates. Joe Walsh. I sincerely hoped that he would win the primary election and defeat Donald J Trump and I financially supported Joe Walsh but he didn’t have a fighting chance of winning the election. And neither did Bill Weld or Mark Sanford. My question is, will they come back for the 2024 presidential election? And even if they do, I hope to get another chance to represent Joe Walsh and vote for him and future running mate. As for Trump, there's no way I'm voting for him and his running mate. So I hope Trump will be defeated in the future Republican primary election. And never seen again.
You are a “supporter” not a representative 🤦♀️
@@Starfish2145 I am glad you cleared that up.
Respect for Mark Sanford.
New found respect for Mark Sanford.
Thanks for this honest look. I appreciate it.
Strip Donald Trump of power; clean up our congress and get us back to our democracy.
What a lovely man- whether Republican/Democrat or anything else, such a man would get my vote and I'd be happy to be represented by him, secure in the knowledge, that he would do what it takes to look after my interests without harming the interests of others
He eloquently stated the situation we are in
Great interview , told it like it was.
This presentation makes me think that career politicians are mostly looking out for their careers, but they should be the gate keepers to the Republic. This needs to get fixed!
It is the nature of politicians, as he made clear. SELF PRESERVATION!
Pbs and all its affiliates are our national treasure. Thank you for speaking the truth
Your boys were Right‼️
I love that he did NOT vote for DJT.
Fascinating interview
+Rump and the wrongwingers best defense is you can't fact check crazy.
It's a good thing you can fact check lies.
@@evilchaperone But when your crazy it doesn't matter if it is a lie.
I learnt a lot listening to Mark Sanford , respect is just one of the many