大哥,吾知你有冇响外國長大,不過都應該識笑。 Dr. A: 你知唔知邊隻藥方最有效? You know which dosage form is the best? Capsule, tablet, intravenous, intramuscular, suppositories? Dr. B: intravenous, 因為打針最有效。 Dr. A: 不是。係 Suppositories. Dr. B:. Why? Dr A: because it can deal with assholes.
我超鐘意Winnie the pooh 呢個笑話, 睇左三次笑三次, 諗起都想笑, 哈哈. 加油!!
Jane Cheung 多謝你Jane😊😊
+Roman Tsoi
多謝你 :)
Dr. A: 你知唔知邊隻藥方最有效?
You know which dosage form is the best? Capsule, tablet, intravenous, intramuscular, suppositories?
Dr. B: intravenous, 因為打針最有效。
Dr. A: 不是。係 Suppositories.
Dr. B:. Why?
Dr A: because it can deal with assholes.