Not sure why no one is mentioning this, but there was no vote in most states. The legislature passed bills and banned abortion, and it's not up for vote.
Yeah and if the traitor maga Republicans even suspect a citizens initiative will hit the ballot they will immediately try everything in their power to change laws to make it more difficult to put it to a vote. The exact thing they tried in Ohio.
It's pedantic, but the people voted for the legislative representatives who likely said they would do this. And - it's not a vote - but I'm confident that many wrote their legslators to take that action. The pro-life crowd has been laser-focused on this effort for decades while the other side, understandably, took it for granted. To your point, when given the chance to vote directly on the matter, it has been shot down many times. More states have put the issue on the ballot this cycle as well. The pro-life crowd caught the car, and the car will soon be dragging their corpse in its wake.
@@gw3930 The problem is the weakest link in the defense of liberty, SCOTUS. They determine what is or isn't constitutional. Republicans at the state level that have a super majority can enact legislation that essentially guarantees their party will win all elections. This will be challenged in the courts, and eventually make it to SCOTUS who will uphold most of it. The only recourse is judicial impeachment, but there will never be the US Senate votes to pull that off. If there's a recourse, I haven't seen any constitutional scholars bringing it up. In the past, the right, as backwards and regressive as they were, had enough respect for American ideals to not even seriously consider that. That's not the case anymore.
@gw3930 - the Equal Rights Amendment has indeed been ratified, by the requisite number of states. The problem being that the designated time for Ratification has runout. Congress would need to pass a special bill to accept the ratification, regardless of the time it has taken.
It’s actually against the constitution for his to hold any office, but for some reason we are all ignoring it. I blame the aholes who didn’t vote for Hillary in 2016 and the new aholes who didn’t vote for Kamala in 2024. Those people are called misogynists and they want the Supreme Court to be entirely conservative (which it is now thanks to the people who didn’t vote for Hillary).
Yep we will be barefoot and pregnant. Back to being only a baby maker!!! Those of you who can't have kids, you are dispensable! and worthless to Republicans, so keep voting red republicans 😂😂😂😂😂
The guy cannot help himself, fools never can. You would think those close to him, such as his family would try to drag him back to reality.So far, it seems they haven’t. Perhaps they are unhinged as well. I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt.
@@samparkinson3899 If the issue on the table was about men no longer being able to talk to their doctors about ED issues? Yeah that wouldn't last long.
@@joanwood9480 I mean, abortion wasn’t as big of an issue when people abstained until marriage….. I just thought of this. But, the high need/demand for abortions, and society clamoring for the ability to do it to the extent that it is THE voting issue for many, reallllllly makes me sad at the state and morals of our country. If people were in healthy committed marriages younger and having babies, we would be in a better spot rn. For sure.
@@tdawg6877 that’s not even remotely true.. . Have you done any actual research into this topic? On why a woman might need an abortion? Or how access to abortion impacts the health and wellbeing of women? Or why the southern Baptist church wasn’t against abortion until the 1970s?
Why should politicians be deciding medical care? Why are some politicians allowed to practice medicine without a license? A one size fits all abortion policy limits best practices care, is demanded without knowledge of the medical situation, is required by mostly men with no applicable medical knowledge, and is used only to get donations and votes. Why should anyone but you and your medical provider have access to your private medical information? What happened to HIPAA regulations restricting access to your private medical records? Why should your Rights depend on where you live? Why should a fetus be the only determining factor? Why should PRO FETUS/Anti-Life Zealots have any say in your options for medical care? Abortion bans only apply to legal abortions. "Back alley" abortions will still be there if you are desperate enough. And other than all that, what gives PRO-FETUS ZEALOTS any say at all in a situation that they have no connection to? Personally, I believe heroic measures to resuscitate heart attack victims is against God's will. I want laws banning those procedures. Besides, the survival rate is pretty low. May as well save all the expense. (Being almost sarcastic here. But the idea of denying access to medical care is the same.)
We should be like a third world country where Doctors can do what they want without any repercussions and if you don't live through the procedure well that is too bad..
Not to mention these are the same people who rallied against mask wearing as “communistic fascism” and “authoritarianism” and “violating my HIPAA!!” (While knowing nothing about any of the phrases mentioned) and vaccine mandates for access to certain spaces etc etc. They have zero sense of self awareness; it’d be almost impressive, if it wasn’t so frightening.
What Men don't realize is that when you open Pandora's box, nothing is ever the same again. Granted there are still some Women, in the US, who would prefer living their lives as if they were in the '50s, but the majority of Women, especially BOOMERS, say, "F that", & I'm one of them.
I mean then as a boomer you’re not exactly worried about pregnancy are you? More importantly we now know how babies are made, so providing that men are forcing themselves on women, they still have every right to decide what they do or don’t do with their body. They simply no longer have command over the lives of another person. Even if that other person is their own baby. Let’s face it, it’s far past time men and women stop the barbaric practice of child sacrifice.
Men also don’t realize that without any options, women will no longer “put out.” Just like before birth control was invented, abortion was illegal, and women couldn’t have their own money. You will now have to marry her first. If you want a traditional wife, you need to be a traditional husband. Without BC, you will soon be supporting a large family. There will be no money to spend on gaming systems or hanging out with the boys every weekend. Be very, very careful who you choose, because you will be stuck with them forever. Better yet, keep your pants on.
Cool Post I was just wondering how many of these cultists you know 'the people Trump loves' have been invited down to Mara Lago for a weekend break. My guess is they can't get past the billionaires only signs.
Apparently they don’t understand separation of church and state. Their issues with abortion is not a States issue, it’s a religious one, and as such has no place in politics.
He only brings up the states to try and deflect blame for it away from those who are unhappy about it while simultaneously claiming its him who did it at the same time to those who support him
And I immediately thought of the Megamart series on the Dark Brandon channel. ETA -- there's a reason Mike Lindell is the manager and the boss of Trumplet
Maybe it will be like the bad old days. In 1967 in Oregon, a high school friend became pregnant. She went before a panel of male doctors to try to convince them that it would be bad for her mental health to have the baby. Abortion was legal only for extreme situations like a threat to the health of the mother. She was unsuccessful. Her family and friends pooled enough money to send her to Switzerland for a legal abortion. Most pregnant teens weren’t that lucky.
@@masa3866 Do you think things would be much better if she had that child? That child would have to grow up with a mentally ill mother who can't meet their needs. That child's life would be miserable. Is a miserable life that makes you wish you were never born better than never having been born?
I have to change the channel or else I get the urge to throw something at my TV. I like my TV and I don't want to hurt it. Remember, remember the Fifth of Roevember! @@robertamaclean3384
Vibes?.... Vibes? It's straight up Handmaids Tale. It's also gaslighting all the way! No one should be deciding what a woman should do with her body. Not even the state! Freedom my @ss!
When men displace their anger, frustration, resentment and mismanage emotions abusively towards the entire gender of women, it shows how vulnerable they are and don’t realize the are sabotaging their best allies, “women who give life and so much more” in society.
Trump logic which defies any sane definition of logic. And very convenient for Trump who is running for federal office, not state office. Don't think about it? What he means is, "I don't have to think about it. It won't be my problem." Remember the guy who said, " I'm not responsible for anything." Bingo.
I wonder if anyone can name one country that doesn't have federal level abortion rights that also doesn't have regressive, oppressive views about women in general? It's almost like they go hand-in-hand. Or something. Like they're kinda the same thing.
In Germany abortion is illegal in general terms. A woman has to take a few steps like counseling to not get punished. Until recently it was also forbidden to provide information about abortion in public, because it was ruled as advertising. This compromise is not ideal but it works for us.
@@magicalpoet5817For one, they are a Union minus UK. Secondly, although the Union does allow the countries to make their own laws about abortion, every single country is more restrictive than the US except for the Netherlands(which also allows after-birth abortions) and the UK. France and Spain is 14 weeks, Germany and Italy is 12 weeks. The overwhelming majority of European nations is under 12 weeks. Edit: To clarify, abortion is not considered a right in many of these countries and I put the length of time without detailing the legality around it. The United States is virtually the only first-world country with an abortion free-for-all.
I am 66 years old, with no children. I am thinking of abortion; it is a right of every woman everywhere in the country. If you don't want one, don't get one.
@sisterpamop That's exactly what those restrictions are: the involuntary servitude of one _person_ to a mere _potential_ other person. It also violates 13A Right as no conviction by *court of law* has obtained to mandate that servitude
@@fantym-1 it's not a potential, it's another person. Once you are pregnant, the cats out of the bag. The call being a mother "servitude" for a natural human process is crazy. It shows the contempt you have for motherhood and babies
If women don’t have full control over their own lives we will have nothing and why this is a #1 priority. My state or small conservative legislature shouldn’t get to decide if I get healthcare or not or what I do with my future. We will be Afghanistan but “Christian.”
You're right. They've taken this away. Next, they'll be telling us what to wear. No more pants for women, because men wear the pants in the family. It's all about control. How do so many not see this??? It's one thing, then another and another until our rights are gone. 💙4🇺🇲
@@MelindaPlainandSimpleI remember my parents putting money aside so my brothers could attend college. Everyone was anxious to hear their plans after graduation. I was invisible. I would be a mother and housewife. My grades were A’s, my brothers rarely earned an A. Even jobs were dead ends. One interviewer said, “Why should I train you, you’ll just get pregnant and I’ll have to start all over again.” Never going back! NEVER!
Isn’t abortion more “the vote of the people” when the individual can choose to have it or not on a case-by-case basis? Instead of all women simultaneously in a state?
How did America vote for him ????? America is already very weak mentally with this choice. I mean , how are men okkk with this , think about ur mums and sisters and daughters , or just let smarter women do the thinking ! 🙄😒
It’s also saving women’s lives! Women are having unfortunate miscarriages or critical issues with their pregnancy and they are being denied care in those MAGA states. It is unacceptable! 😡
It must be very scary to be a woman in the USA rn 😣. But the democratic party won’t eliminate the threat. I think, the system itself is the problem. It keeps the threats alive to control the voters by not giving any choice outside of those two parties. That is not democratic.
45: “Women, I am relieving you of the burden of choice. You will be free. You will be happy.” (If that isn’t a straight up alliteration to the Loki line used in “The Avengers” as a way to sell the idea of subservience to him, I don’t know what it is. How he acts like such a cartoon villain is beyond me.”
Actually republicans are simply enforcing that each separate person have the right to make choices about their own body. We simply do not think that women have the right to decide whether other people live or die. Even if those other people are their own children.
@@sarahalderman3126 OK so since you don't have the right to decide if other people live or die, when your organs are necessary for the survival of someone else, you are obliged to donate them to that person. And have no choice in the matter. That's what you're saying right?
When the State and Federal governments can become pregnant, they can decide about THEIR pregnancy, otherwise they need to move out of the way of a women’s decision about our bodies.
“Nobody else could’ve done” yeah, because nobody else is as sexist, selfish, or soulless as him & his supporters. So no, no one else COULD do that, and still sleep at night.
Yes, the states that block this issue around every corner regardless of what the citizens want. Some things need to be federal law. Abortion is one of them 😡.
If anyone is okay with taking a woman's Right to choose from them, remember; if they can do that, imagine what else they can take away from every American citizen.
"You will no longer be thinking about abortion." This reminds me of Star Wars & the mind trick. A Jedi could use The Force to plant a suggestion into the weak-minded to control them. Well... Trump is no Jedi and most women are not weak-minded!!! Kick the phoney to the curb and out of politics forever!! Vote blue on every ballot! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 May the Force be with you!
What we need is an officially appointed person (s) to point out the flaws of politicians point of view. I would like to nominate Desi Lydic as one of the appointed people, that could dispel trumps untruths - oh wait, The Daily Show has already done that ! Well done Desi, well done The Daily Show !
I don’t understand why people believe what he spews from those little lips!😂 Mary Trump has been talking about her family and Trump is mad 😂 she has many videos that Trump supporters need to watch. It talks about her grandpa…💙🙏🇺🇸
"We've done something that nobody else WOULD'VE* done" You will no longer have choices or options, therefore reducing your need to even think for yourself. Perfect 👏
He looks like he might just wobble forward and go down like titanic. Sometimes I wonder how he stands up. Can't wait for blue November 💙 It's coming donny. A wave of beautiful blue. 👊💙💙💙💙🗳🗳🗳🇺🇸
People went from not thinking about abortion because it was legal everywhere, to having to think about it and vote on it every couple years or so. How is that better?
In MO we voted for a constitutional amendment to allow it. It passed, but our new governor & AG has vowed to fight it… so much for the will of the people
When it was federally protected it was up to the people - each _person_ had the freedom to choose for themselves! Now, we have states trying to punish women who want to travel while pregnant
The South thought that slavery should be left up to the states. The thing was, that no one asked the slaves.
Mark Robinson is here to tell you otherwise!
@@istdochallesegal3427 well, if we're going back to that time, may he be the first one on the auction block.
It was never about states' rights. The confederacy prevented southern states from individually abolishing slavery.
Exactly, well said 👏
Not sure why no one is mentioning this, but there was no vote in most states. The legislature passed bills and banned abortion, and it's not up for vote.
K-Locke: true. Thanks for pointing this criminal act OUT. VOTE BLUE!
Exactly,show me any state where the people voted for it.
Yeah and if the traitor maga Republicans even suspect a citizens initiative will hit the ballot they will immediately try everything in their power to change laws to make it more difficult to put it to a vote. The exact thing they tried in Ohio.
It's pedantic, but the people voted for the legislative representatives who likely said they would do this. And - it's not a vote - but I'm confident that many wrote their legslators to take that action. The pro-life crowd has been laser-focused on this effort for decades while the other side, understandably, took it for granted.
To your point, when given the chance to vote directly on the matter, it has been shot down many times. More states have put the issue on the ballot this cycle as well. The pro-life crowd caught the car, and the car will soon be dragging their corpse in its wake.
@@gw3930 The problem is the weakest link in the defense of liberty, SCOTUS. They determine what is or isn't constitutional. Republicans at the state level that have a super majority can enact legislation that essentially guarantees their party will win all elections. This will be challenged in the courts, and eventually make it to SCOTUS who will uphold most of it. The only recourse is judicial impeachment, but there will never be the US Senate votes to pull that off.
If there's a recourse, I haven't seen any constitutional scholars bringing it up. In the past, the right, as backwards and regressive as they were, had enough respect for American ideals to not even seriously consider that. That's not the case anymore.
"Women will no longer be thinking about abortion?" Why? Is he planning on mandating VASECTOMY????
Fair enough at this point
he actually wants to make condoms illegal
@@vincentvangogh8092 With someone as terrible as Trump, when you make up lies this foolish, you sound even dumber than him
That is two totally different things
Heres another scary thought - the Equal Rights Amendment still hasn't been passed. Theyre coming for women, so VOTE 💙
It's passed Congress and been approved by the requisite number of states. Not sure what the hold up is now.
@@gw3930 men
You don't have that yet in the US constitution??? 😮
Greetings from Germany
@gw3930 - the Equal Rights Amendment has indeed been ratified, by the requisite number of states.
The problem being that the designated time for Ratification has runout.
Congress would need to pass a special bill to accept the ratification, regardless of the time it has taken.
Outrageous that this crook could run for Office! He belongs in prison!
It’s actually against the constitution for his to hold any office, but for some reason we are all ignoring it. I blame the aholes who didn’t vote for Hillary in 2016 and the new aholes who didn’t vote for Kamala in 2024. Those people are called misogynists and they want the Supreme Court to be entirely conservative (which it is now thanks to the people who didn’t vote for Hillary).
Wasn’t he in prison at some point? Like, I feel like he was, but I’m worried the whole thing was a fever dream 😭
Sad thing is even if he was in prison he could still run for president bc someone actuely did that way back when
@@LEGONERD06bahaha bahaha that's the sound of a brainwashed sheep!
Under the prison
Well I live in NC and nobody asked me. I’ll vote 💙 to stop unwanted presidencies!
I see what you did there. Love it.
@@GoblinsMom yeah, they didnt TN either.
I'm borrowing that, it's brilliant!! 💙🌊💙🌊💙🌊💙
Me,too Goblins: I’ll vote 💙 to stop unwanted presidencies!
Love" unwanted presidencies!" So perfect! 💙💙💙💙💙😻😻😻😻🙀
He should have just said "don't worry your pretty little head about it" 😡🤢
Grrrrrrrrrrrr 😾 VOTE BLUE 💙💙♀️👠🦅🇺🇸🗳️💙‼️
He sort of did 🤔
Yep we will be barefoot and pregnant. Back to being only a baby maker!!! Those of you who can't have kids, you are dispensable! and worthless to Republicans, so keep voting red republicans 😂😂😂😂😂
He's so repulsive. I guess because he said it that way, we're supposed to forget what is happening right on front of our eyes???
This is exactly how he thinks
the worst part is that works with his own supporters
@@tuckerbowen4626Yes. It’s infuriating.
The guy cannot help himself, fools never can. You would think those close to him, such as his family would try to drag him back to reality.So far, it seems they haven’t. Perhaps they are unhinged as well. I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt.
He's literally said don't believe what you see or hear
How to not think about abortion? Every male has to have a vasectomy. There, problem solved
Except for the complications that can happen during pregnancy...etc...
I've ben telling men,this will be next. No one believes me
@@samparkinson3899 If the issue on the table was about men no longer being able to talk to their doctors about ED issues? Yeah that wouldn't last long.
@@joanwood9480 I mean, abortion wasn’t as big of an issue when people abstained until marriage….. I just thought of this. But, the high need/demand for abortions, and society clamoring for the ability to do it to the extent that it is THE voting issue for many, reallllllly makes me sad at the state and morals of our country. If people were in healthy committed marriages younger and having babies, we would be in a better spot rn. For sure.
@@tdawg6877 that’s not even remotely true.. . Have you done any actual research into this topic? On why a woman might need an abortion? Or how access to abortion impacts the health and wellbeing of women? Or why the southern Baptist church wasn’t against abortion until the 1970s?
I really loath that monster.
You R not alone ,!!!
Why should politicians be deciding medical care?
Why are some politicians allowed to practice medicine without a license? A one size fits all abortion policy limits best practices care, is demanded without knowledge of the medical situation, is required by mostly men with no applicable medical knowledge, and is used only to get donations and votes.
Why should anyone but you and your medical provider have access to your private medical information?
What happened to HIPAA regulations restricting access to your private medical records?
Why should your Rights depend on where you live?
Why should a fetus be the only determining factor?
Why should PRO FETUS/Anti-Life Zealots have any say in your options for medical care?
Abortion bans only apply to legal abortions. "Back alley" abortions will still be there if you are desperate enough.
And other than all that, what gives PRO-FETUS ZEALOTS any say at all in a situation that they have no connection to?
Personally, I believe heroic measures to resuscitate heart attack victims is against God's will. I want laws banning those procedures. Besides, the survival rate is pretty low. May as well save all the expense. (Being almost sarcastic here. But the idea of denying access to medical care is the same.)
. I know what you mean
We should be like a third world country where Doctors can do what they want without any repercussions and if you don't live through the procedure well that is too bad..
Next they’ll want to take a women’s right to vote. I don’t care your party, this time vote blue. 🗽💙🇺🇸❣️🗽
@@worship6472they already do.
Not to mention these are the same people who rallied against mask wearing as “communistic fascism” and “authoritarianism” and “violating my HIPAA!!” (While knowing nothing about any of the phrases mentioned) and vaccine mandates for access to certain spaces etc etc. They have zero sense of self awareness; it’d be almost impressive, if it wasn’t so frightening.
What Men don't realize is that when you open Pandora's box, nothing is ever the same again. Granted there are still some Women, in the US, who would prefer living their lives as if they were in the '50s, but the majority of Women, especially BOOMERS, say, "F that", & I'm one of them.
Don't confuse all men with prolife Republicans where there are PLENTY of women in those ranks.
I mean then as a boomer you’re not exactly worried about pregnancy are you? More importantly we now know how babies are made, so providing that men are forcing themselves on women, they still have every right to decide what they do or don’t do with their body. They simply no longer have command over the lives of another person. Even if that other person is their own baby. Let’s face it, it’s far past time men and women stop the barbaric practice of child sacrifice.
Men also don’t realize that without any options, women will no longer “put out.” Just like before birth control was invented, abortion was illegal, and women couldn’t have their own money. You will now have to marry her first. If you want a traditional wife, you need to be a traditional husband. Without BC, you will soon be supporting a large family. There will be no money to spend on gaming systems or hanging out with the boys every weekend. Be very, very careful who you choose, because you will be stuck with them forever. Better yet, keep your pants on.
As well as Gen X. Y. Z AND MILLENIALS.
What's up with the Village People standing behind Mango Mussolini??
It's the tinfoil hat brigade.
Preparing to play YMCA? So everyone can see his signature pleasing-the-gym-goers dance moves?
Wait. I'm certain the lead singer of the Village People was Black. And they all could dance. And where's Tfg's Native American?
Cool Post I was just wondering how many of these cultists you know 'the people Trump loves' have been invited down to Mara Lago for a weekend break. My guess is they can't get past the billionaires only signs.
He's bleeding union support fast. Gotta have people who look like working class union folk behind him to save face
vote blue to stop unwanted presidencies 💙💙
I appreciate your humor
You better vote for trump
@@casper191985 nope.
@@casper191985absolutely not (the election is over and we r cooked)
That speech was creepy AF. It was less like reassuring women they'll be safe etc and more like commanding them that this will be how you feel and act.
Germany before '39, 'Children, kitchen, church.'
Even the state’s should not decide what a woman should do with her body.
Apparently they don’t understand separation of church and state. Their issues with abortion is not a States issue, it’s a religious one, and as such has no place in politics.
He only brings up the states to try and deflect blame for it away from those who are unhappy about it while simultaneously claiming its him who did it at the same time to those who support him
I can solve this issue, women keep your legs together!
@@GaryJohnstone-dx5svand the next time the men get the urge or they take a blue pill let them ask permission from their state's governor.
@@GaryJohnstone-dx5sv idiot
Incoherent rambling that passes for policy. He's not fit to run a convenience store let alone become the president.
And I immediately thought of the Megamart series on the Dark Brandon channel.
ETA -- there's a reason Mike Lindell is the manager and the boss of Trumplet
....He's not fit to run a bath!!😂😂
He's not fit to run a power wheels truck.
Trump isn't fit to be a pooper scooper in a dog park..
Trump definitely prefers it when people don't think
He loves the poorly educated. He told us so.
Because Trump has a smooth brain, so no thought…
@@HRHDMKYTIt's a smooth "a-brain"
He doesn't do it (and can't), so why should anyone else?
I am not RepubIican, because I am not ProSIave.
We are all slave's to the system besides trump xd 😳👿😂
It's worse for women now though. Imagine playing Russian Roullette every month...
He thinks he is a hypnotist now?! For the Love of humanity Please vote blue 💙
Stop crying.
Lowk can we stop with blue and red? I feel like no one really LIKES either, can we just all agree on a third party???
🇺🇲Corporations are people, women are government property-☠️FASCISM
If you control women, you control who gets to be born and to whom.
@@texasrefugee7888 a person is a person no matter how small
What an a - hole of a president. Proper fit to some 3rd world country...
@shadows_star Nah, that's not what's happening, get out with your twisted evil ideas about controlling other people.
Meanwhile governor Abbott nearly blows a tire every time a city or county holds a popular vote that doesnt result in a red sweep
Term limits necessary.
@@RANARENEDEL79or more staircases
He won't stop there. That cowards gonna ban it on a national level!
Voting rights for women is next !
They tried and failed, that's why they're leaving it up to the states now.
Daily Show, Desi you're wonderful! Your humor is wonderful! Djt is a disgrace.
Maybe it will be like the bad old days. In 1967 in Oregon, a high school friend became pregnant. She went before a panel of male doctors to try to convince them that it would be bad for her mental health to have the baby. Abortion was legal only for extreme situations like a threat to the health of the mother. She was unsuccessful. Her family and friends pooled enough money to send her to Switzerland for a legal abortion. Most pregnant teens weren’t that lucky.
How very sad 😢 for that girl ‼️ Please VOTE BLUE 💙💙🇺🇸🦅🗳️👠♀️👍🌊💙💙💙🦅🇺🇸🙏💙
Interesting they did not consider that mental health deterioration fits under affect on health...
Wonderful story about murdering an innocent human being for convenience and self-interest.
so she became a murderer just to comfort herself. Disgusting
@@masa3866 Do you think things would be much better if she had that child? That child would have to grow up with a mentally ill mother who can't meet their needs. That child's life would be miserable. Is a miserable life that makes you wish you were never born better than never having been born?
Every time I hear his voice, I puke in my mouth .......ALOT!
Trump keeps talking about the BIG MISTAKE HE MADE.
When I hear him, I have to shut his voice off. Turn the TV off. Mute my phone to swith to normal people are talking.
I have to change the channel or else I get the urge to throw something at my TV. I like my TV and I don't want to hurt it. Remember, remember the Fifth of Roevember! @@robertamaclean3384
If I have to listen to this man's voice for four more years I swear I'm taking myself out
Same thing happens here too when l hear his creepy voice l get a very funny feeling so l change channels quickly.
So creepy. Handmaid’s Tale vibes for sure.
It's what they've always wanted.
Exactly as if America was still ran by a religious colony!
Vibes?.... Vibes? It's straight up Handmaids Tale. It's also gaslighting all the way! No one should be deciding what a woman should do with her body. Not even the state! Freedom my @ss!
@JackContraband They always wanted to be controlled by men?
Under his eye
Tell me you want women to shut up without telling me you want women to shut up....
new dead mother in gorgia
@@Democracy982omg! This is unacceptable!
When men displace their anger, frustration, resentment and mismanage emotions abusively towards the entire gender of women, it shows how vulnerable they are and don’t realize the are sabotaging their best allies, “women who give life and so much more” in society.
@anubis20049999, Women have one purpose for this man. Even with a little mushroom.
He wants us 6 feet under
Sounds like the abuser. YOUR SAFE WITH ME
Well, "Don't think!" works well for his voters, so not much of a surprise here.
Ladies, thank Trump, you don't have to think anymore. The States will do that for you. Just like none of you wanted.
PROJECT 2025 Stepford Wives engage... 🤖 👾 🤖 👾
Pre war Germany, 'Children,Kitchen, Church.'
Trump logic which defies any sane definition of logic. And very convenient for Trump who is running for federal office, not state office. Don't think about it? What he means is, "I don't have to think about it. It won't be my problem." Remember the guy who said, " I'm not responsible for anything." Bingo.
I wonder if anyone can name one country that doesn't have federal level abortion rights that also doesn't have regressive, oppressive views about women in general?
It's almost like they go hand-in-hand. Or something. Like they're kinda the same thing.
In Germany abortion is illegal in general terms.
A woman has to take a few steps like counseling to not get punished.
Until recently it was also forbidden to provide information about abortion in public, because it was ruled as advertising.
This compromise is not ideal but it works for us.
We had the one of the most liberal abortion laws of the entire first-world. Even "liberal" Europe had more restrictions.
@@matthewklahn3204 "Europe" the continent with dozens of countries with varying restrictions?
@@magicalpoet5817For one, they are a Union minus UK. Secondly, although the Union does allow the countries to make their own laws about abortion, every single country is more restrictive than the US except for the Netherlands(which also allows after-birth abortions) and the UK. France and Spain is 14 weeks, Germany and Italy is 12 weeks. The overwhelming majority of European nations is under 12 weeks.
Edit: To clarify, abortion is not considered a right in many of these countries and I put the length of time without detailing the legality around it.
The United States is virtually the only first-world country with an abortion free-for-all.
@@peterclarke7006 China?🤷♂️
I am 66 years old, with no children. I am thinking of abortion; it is a right of every woman everywhere in the country. If you don't want one, don't get one.
trump for prison, project 2024.
This sounds so much like the slavery laws.
Well they are both evils that needed to be abolished
@@matthewklahn3204nice. I came to say the same thing. Some people are sick.
That's exactly what those restrictions are: the involuntary servitude of one _person_ to a mere _potential_ other person. It also violates 13A Right as no conviction by *court of law* has obtained to mandate that servitude
That's what "states rights" were created for
@@fantym-1 it's not a potential, it's another person. Once you are pregnant, the cats out of the bag. The call being a mother "servitude" for a natural human process is crazy. It shows the contempt you have for motherhood and babies
If women don’t have full control over their own lives we will have nothing and why this is a #1 priority. My state or small conservative legislature shouldn’t get to decide if I get healthcare or not or what I do with my future. We will be Afghanistan but “Christian.”
You're right. They've taken this away. Next, they'll be telling us what to wear. No more pants for women, because men wear the pants in the family. It's all about control. How do so many not see this??? It's one thing, then another and another until our rights are gone. 💙4🇺🇲
Coming up next...we lose our right to vote.
@@MelindaPlainandSimpleI remember my parents putting money aside so my brothers could attend college. Everyone was anxious to hear their plans after graduation. I was invisible. I would be a mother and housewife. My grades were A’s, my brothers rarely earned an A. Even jobs were dead ends. One interviewer said, “Why should I train you, you’ll just get pregnant and I’ll have to start all over again.” Never going back! NEVER!
@@janinegrey6937 So many of us have stories. So did our mothers. Not going back!!! 💙🇺🇲
American Taliban
Isn’t abortion more “the vote of the people” when the individual can choose to have it or not on a case-by-case basis?
Instead of all women simultaneously in a state?
Project 2025 no.
How did America vote for him ????? America is already very weak mentally with this choice. I mean , how are men okkk with this , think about ur mums and sisters and daughters , or just let smarter women do the thinking ! 🙄😒
Prove to me a fetus is more important than the person it's inside of & maybe, we cn talk
It's not just about women's rights.
It takes two to tango.
Vote 💙
So in order to save woman's rights you should vote for an entity that cannot even define what a woman is????? I think there's some logic missing.
It’s also saving women’s lives! Women are having unfortunate miscarriages or critical issues with their pregnancy and they are being denied care in those MAGA states. It is unacceptable! 😡
I am TOTALLY WITH YOU MY SISTERS 👠♀️💙🇺🇸🦅🗳️💙🌊🙏🇺🇸🦅🗳️💙👍‼️
How come AMERICA'S worst TRATOR isn't in JAIL. For the sake of the western world VOTE BLUE 💙🔵💙💙🔵💙🔵💙🔵💙🔵💙🍶🌍🌎
Many people don`t know this, but women come up to Dumpty all the time with tears in their eyes and say "Sir!! Sir, you are the bestest grapist!"
It must be very scary to be a woman in the USA rn 😣. But the democratic party won’t eliminate the threat. I think, the system itself is the problem. It keeps the threats alive to control the voters by not giving any choice outside of those two parties. That is not democratic.
If his mother had an abortion, then we wouldn't be going through this now.
@@ERyder1118 tRUMP should b poster boy for abortion
No one asked if they could take Indigenous land and form their own country, either.
Duh. Donnie. Of course don't do your job. Let someone else.
Don't forget he is going to take care of women. They won't need to worry about anything 😂
It sounds like an ad for involuntary lobotomies.
Says a rapists
Yeah because he’ll be sure we’ll all be gagged and locked inside.
“Don’t worry ladies, you won’t be thinking about abortion after I take away your right to vote, I’ll leave that up to the states.”
Grrrrrrrrrr😾 VOTE BLUE 💙💙💙💙💙💙🇺🇸🦅🙏🗳️👠♀️🙏💙🌊👍🇺🇸💙‼️
Fascism, Fascism, rah rah rah. Nice voting, America. Brilliant.
45: “Women, I am relieving you of the burden of choice. You will be free. You will be happy.” (If that isn’t a straight up alliteration to the Loki line used in “The Avengers” as a way to sell the idea of subservience to him, I don’t know what it is. How he acts like such a cartoon villain is beyond me.”
In a Republican mind, a woman is happy, healthy, confident and free when she no longer has the ability to make choices regarding her own body.
Barefoot, pregnant, in the kitchen, & uneducated!
Actually republicans are simply enforcing that each separate person have the right to make choices about their own body. We simply do not think that women have the right to decide whether other people live or die. Even if those other people are their own children.
@@sarahalderman3126Wow! Misinformed much. Ignorance, arrogance & judgment are dangerous together.
@@sarahalderman3126 OK so since you don't have the right to decide if other people live or die, when your organs are necessary for the survival of someone else, you are obliged to donate them to that person. And have no choice in the matter. That's what you're saying right?
@@ELEMENTARYWATSON52 reality is still reality mam. A separate person is NOT your body.😉
It's in the hands of the states, where people voted on it. In 1874.
Women can stop trying to think and let their lives be determined by the village elders? He’s a babe magnet. Vote blue.
Oh man I about choked on that landslide of sarcasm when you called Trump a Babe magnet
Right on, 💙🌊
Even if we lost I still voted for the right person. What a creep and a fraud. Most lazy and disgusting president we've ever had.
"Just dont think" is how he got the whole GOP and maga nuts to vote for him.
When the State and Federal governments can become pregnant, they can decide about THEIR pregnancy, otherwise they need to move out of the way of a women’s decision about our bodies.
“Nobody else could’ve done” yeah, because nobody else is as sexist, selfish, or soulless as him & his supporters. So no, no one else COULD do that, and still sleep at night.
fRUMPY, Lumpy, tRUMPY! 1 Cell Brain FELON #45!
What better way to show you support women by taking away their most fundamental right.
The Right to choose if and when to have a child.
Don't think- don't worry, that's one thing maga isn't capable of.
Dementia DonOLD!!!
Yes, the states that block this issue around every corner regardless of what the citizens want. Some things need to be federal law. Abortion is one of them 😡.
Amen. And I’m agnostic.
Despicable. Insulting. Cannot wait until he’s banished.
Lock him up America
If anyone is okay with taking a woman's Right to choose from them, remember; if they can do that, imagine what else they can take away from every American citizen.
Women "won't be thinking about abortion anymore," as we will be too busy adjusting our burkhas!
"You will no longer be thinking about abortion."
This reminds me of Star Wars & the mind trick. A Jedi could use The Force to plant a suggestion into the weak-minded to control them. Well... Trump is no Jedi and most women are not weak-minded!!!
Kick the phoney to the curb and out of politics forever!! Vote blue on every ballot!
May the Force be with you!
What we need is an officially appointed person (s) to point out the flaws of politicians point of view.
I would like to nominate Desi Lydic as one of the appointed people, that could dispel trumps untruths - oh wait, The Daily Show has already done that !
Well done Desi, well done The Daily Show !
Texans do not a vote!!!! Govenor Assbott just decided for all of us!
“You will no longer be thinking about abortion!”
Donnie, you don’t have enough brain power to do the Jedi mind trick.
Trump is making it sound like he’s trying to hypnotize people
I don’t think it’s working 😂
I don’t understand why people believe what he spews from those little lips!😂 Mary Trump has been talking about her family and Trump is mad 😂 she has many videos that Trump supporters need to watch. It talks about her grandpa…💙🙏🇺🇸
"We've done something that nobody else WOULD'VE* done"
You will no longer have choices or options, therefore reducing your need to even think for yourself. Perfect 👏
He looks like he might just wobble forward and go down like titanic. Sometimes I wonder how he stands up. Can't wait for blue November 💙 It's coming donny. A wave of beautiful blue. 👊💙💙💙💙🗳🗳🗳🇺🇸
And those idiots wonder why everyone trying to knock him out
🎵I will be your father figure Put your tint hands in mine I will be your Preacher, Teacher Even tho you know I'm lyin🎶
Trump to Women
How can we switch that to refer to his own tiny hands? 😂
Why isn't he in prison?
Chills running down my spine.....what a creep!
It sounded like Trump was trying his hand at hypnotism…
Why not go deeper. Why not leave the choice to each individual whether they want an abortion or not.
Check out the Grand Poobah hats behind him 😂😂😂
People went from not thinking about abortion because it was legal everywhere, to having to think about it and vote on it every couple years or so. How is that better?
Oklahoma request to let us vote on it. So it's DictatorGovernor Stitts mandatory for zero abortion
His clown show is ending in 40 days.
I’m agnostic but I’ll still pray. Just for the slightest bit of grace.
This comment did not age well.
@@reijishian2593 😂 Not. So. Much!!
It has to start somewhere, first it’s abortion, next it’s women’s right, to vote…. are their people out there, that truly don’t get it????
We will no longer be thinking about #45.
Luv desi lydic. Her not so subtle sarcasm is spot on with that inimitable smirk is greatness
Trump: Just thinking about me will make women who don't even know they are pregnant spontaneously miscarry!
I’ll vote 💙 to stop unwanted presidencies!
The amount this had me laughing.
Great comment
I voted by mail for
💙🇺🇸👞 Walz 👞🇺🇸💙
Kamala is a racist and a liar.
I like thinking, Donald. Please don’t take away my right to think.
😂Desi you're awesome! You always nail it! 💅
In MO we voted for a constitutional amendment to allow it. It passed, but our new governor & AG has vowed to fight it… so much for the will of the people
Seriously? So what was the point of even putting it on the ballot? 😔
“I am very pro-choice… I am pro-choice in every respect and as far as it goes.”
- Trump, the hypocrite
He is delusional. He doesn't even know what he is saying. On wich drugs is he on? 😊
I keep getting Stepford Wives vibes when he’s telling women not to think.
Human and civil rights should never be up for vote. They should always be strictly adhered to.
When it was federally protected it was up to the people - each _person_ had the freedom to choose for themselves! Now, we have states trying to punish women who want to travel while pregnant
Pos lied about having a better economy too