iPhone 13 Pro vs. Nokia Lumia 1020 - camera comparison

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 159

  • @rael9454
    @rael9454 3 года назад +249

    Nokia was really ahead of its time, I hope that one day it will return to its glory days and be among the top 5 in the market, because it deserves it. Nokia the best of them all. The Nokia Lumia 1020 with colors much more natural the way I like it.

    • @farishanafiah8461
      @farishanafiah8461 3 года назад +13

      Ikr. There's no oversharpening artifacts I can see from the Lumia, even from the digital lossless zoom.

    • @Pueckkler
      @Pueckkler 3 года назад +10

      I especially like the transition at 1:03 - The iPhone photo looks good, but after that transition it suddenly feels like the real mushroom is right in front of you.

    • @danielhandika8767
      @danielhandika8767 3 года назад +2

      The current employee working in nokia are most likely marketing employees, not many engineers like in their glory days

    • @ariffin128
      @ariffin128 2 года назад +4

      they would be still doing okay in market if they didn’t use windows software in their smartphones

    • @quartplayer9
      @quartplayer9 2 года назад +8

      @@ariffin128 the problem in windows phones was the lack of apps

  • @elielahoud3531
    @elielahoud3531 2 года назад +66

    nokia lumia 1020 photos always have a story to tell , 13 pro has a more industrial and fake output that makes the scene look the way it wants , nokia captures the scene as is , like the human eye .

  • @KeshavSharma-ep1is
    @KeshavSharma-ep1is 3 года назад +96

    Nokia was like a time machine that didn't had the reverse system so by the time other brands were living in 2012 Nokia was already living in 2022.

  • @DhitishmanDas
    @DhitishmanDas 2 года назад +33

    The natural looking photo's of Nokia is literally++

  • @farishanafiah8461
    @farishanafiah8461 3 года назад +53

    Even after all the years of computational photography advancement, the Lumia shot on daylight never cease to amaze me. It look so natural with the right amount of colour, exposure, and highlights, not forgetting those realistic detail purity. As for the iPhone, I can't understand why the normal lowlight photos have too much exposure or highlights like 1:48 and 2:30. It's quite odd to see Night Mode photos to be better than the normal lowlight photos.
    Btw, no HDR mode for the Lumia (2:44)? I thought there is Rich Capture?

  • @toprunner4806
    @toprunner4806 2 года назад +20

    1020 was the pioneer of night photography

  • @tiwitiwi6202
    @tiwitiwi6202 2 года назад +15

    L1020 shots feels raw and natural

  • @КаналКлевверо-р1б
    @КаналКлевверо-р1б 2 года назад +8

    I loved Nokia from Finland

  • @diuran1919
    @diuran1919 3 года назад +11

    someday some company will finally build a smartphone camera that will beat Nokia lumia camera in every aspect. For now Nokia Lumia still got very good camera.

  • @mustafaerkek5023
    @mustafaerkek5023 3 года назад +24

    Despite the difference in years, it has not been fully passed. I think 41 mp photos should be used in HDR mode. You have shown the power of Xenon Flash in one photo. The reason why it cannot be passed completely is the comparison of software and hardware. When I installed the Google camera on my phone and activated the HDR mode, the result changed a lot, my device was Nokia 6. Nokia, which went bankrupt in 2013, made a very good closure. It is the loss of users, not Nokia, that Nokia's models such as E7-00,808,L1020,N8 do not come as Android. It's a good thing, what happened to the team that developed those phones? What would happen if they had the opportunity?

    • @aserta
      @aserta Год назад

      Nokia, which went bankrupt in 2013
      no such thing happened.

    • @Dumbeditor
      @Dumbeditor 2 месяца назад

      I don't know if Nokia went bankrupt. All I can remember is, it was sold to Microsoft.

  • @sudeepdey3446
    @sudeepdey3446 2 года назад +8

    Nokia was way ahead of its time. I wish it could have kept going like that only

  • @jcfan1979
    @jcfan1979 2 года назад +17

    The natural look of the Lumia is still king. You need to use manual mode to help get the colors right and for better low light but it's still a better camera than the iPhone.

  • @victorkreig6089
    @victorkreig6089 2 года назад +6

    This video is so relaxing. you have earned a new subscriber

  • @weekendhoppers
    @weekendhoppers 3 года назад +9

    This is my favourite channel 😍 And always the favourite phones would be our beloved legacy Nokia models.

  • @jovanramirez8682
    @jovanramirez8682 10 месяцев назад +2

    All this newer phones are great but, I love how natural the shots from nokia, it almost makes things turn back in time.

  • @ymous7051
    @ymous7051 2 года назад +5

    i still love this phone, the Ui, the camera, everything about it and so I'm watching your video.

  • @bodeprime
    @bodeprime 2 года назад +7

    iPhone looks better mainly because of image processing... The Lumia a great for its time and current price point if you are Lucky enough to get one and only need it for basic calls and phone Photography

    • @Topper_Harley68
      @Topper_Harley68 Год назад

      I have the iphone 14 pro and in auto mode it add to much sharpness. For best quality i must use ProRaw 48mp. I did have a 1020 8-9 years ago.

    • @G_O_A_T__W.B
      @G_O_A_T__W.B 2 месяца назад

      Tbh iphone doesn't looks good , it has just pleasing colours but nokia is closer to natural.

  • @venzislavvladimirov3046
    @venzislavvladimirov3046 3 года назад +12

    In daylight photos, lumia 1020 produce much better quality than IPhone 13,all day photos from iPhone 13 are oversharp, much worse than pure, natural images from 1020,i still have and use for main camera Nokia 808 pureview, similar clean pure images like 1020.Even after 9 years from released lumia 1020, today modern flagship phones make similar oversharp pictures like IPhone 13.Only night pictures are much better on IPhone 13.🤔🤔

    • @jcfan1979
      @jcfan1979 2 года назад +1

      If you put the Lumia on a tripod and manually set the shutter and exposure you can get a better shot than the iPhone.

  • @Hugh_de_Mortimer
    @Hugh_de_Mortimer Год назад +3

    The Lumia cameras were far ahead of their competition at the time. Still excellent cameras now.

  • @clashott4372
    @clashott4372 Год назад +3

    In daylight and medium light indoor photos the colour science of Nokia is so good that even after the lack of sharpness the photos are much more appealing and capturing the mood. Obvious examples of iPhone beating Nokia are more technical than artistic… where lumia beats iPhone the photos are aesthetic.
    iPhone photos are obviously processed and one can easily tell that too but when I see Lumia photos I can almost tell what the photographer must have seen before taking the photo and that doesn’t mean that it took a photo that was 100% true to the eye but it was like a Polaroid as you can instantly tell that if the photo is looking this way the scene must have been that way.

  • @marvinbavarian3236
    @marvinbavarian3236 2 года назад +5

    I had a 950xl lumia that thing took very nice and raw photos i miss it i always tell my friends that Lumia line up was great

  • @haribaskar8967
    @haribaskar8967 3 года назад +3

    Where did you bought this.. I want to have like this one.kindly do help to find the lumia 1020..

  • @nSackStyles
    @nSackStyles 3 года назад +11

    If I remember correctly, Mi 11 Ultra had 3 very good cameras and you only compared it's main camera with the Nokia.
    With the iPhone, you chose to add more scenarios and more sensor to provide extra points to the iPhone, which is very biased imo.

    • @perrito.kamikaze
      @perrito.kamikaze 3 года назад +1

      Those "more scenarios" were taked with the same main Camera except for the 3X

  • @gabrielsmithgs
    @gabrielsmithgs Год назад +3

    In my opinion the best camera for me must show the picture color as I see with my eyes, that's all. Answer is NOKIA

    • @balya8937
      @balya8937 Год назад

      I agree with your opinion

  • @ravip8930
    @ravip8930 3 года назад +4

    Legend is still alive 💪💪✌️

  • @bhavanpreethamch7062
    @bhavanpreethamch7062 4 месяца назад +2

    I feel photos of Nokia have Natural colours. iPhone is enhancing the picture which is good but lost it's naturality in some pictures

  • @tsk8349
    @tsk8349 3 года назад +2

    Please do the comparison with n9 pureview..I am missing my old phone...wish if hmd global implemented the camera sw correctly but same was not happened...

  • @YonifNurwanto
    @YonifNurwanto 2 месяца назад

    3:42 pada saat itu mode malam belum terlalu berkembang , jadi bisa di maklumi jika terlihat sangat gelap

  • @angadsaroj688
    @angadsaroj688 3 года назад +6

    Even today nokia is many times ahead of iphone

  • @luisleonardoesparzamendoza6377
    @luisleonardoesparzamendoza6377 3 года назад +2

    do you use the auto focus on the lumia ?

    • @balya8937
      @balya8937 3 года назад

      Excuse me also have 1020, ask for opinions in your opinion think the results are good auto or manual

  • @Chhatrapati72
    @Chhatrapati72 3 года назад +3

    You and I are dying hearted fan of nokia

  • @ravuthmeas3897
    @ravuthmeas3897 Год назад +1

    Liked the photo taken by NOKIA LUMIA 1020

  • @Dwigbijay26
    @Dwigbijay26 2 года назад +3

    Nokia is much like has dslr tone and natural colours

  • @stefan12215
    @stefan12215 3 года назад

    Is Google Pixel 6 comparison coming at all ?

  • @temchik1100
    @temchik1100 3 года назад +3

    Beatiful music :3

  • @RobertOwen-qs2ks
    @RobertOwen-qs2ks Год назад

    great comparison. Thank u mate)))

  • @HeyWorld-o8j
    @HeyWorld-o8j 2 месяца назад

    Consider testing out with Halide Process Zero on iPhone 13 again and let us see!

  • @balya8937
    @balya8937 Год назад

    I just found out using manual mode so the results are good from this cellphone, first set the ISO, secondly set the exposure, then the automatic shutter speed will follow it

  • @rodrigokdot
    @rodrigokdot 7 месяцев назад

    came for the camera comparison, stayed for the music

  • @Alexander_MM
    @Alexander_MM Год назад

    I have a lumia 1020 and I like it. First of all for the naturalness of the photos. All new phones have the same type of oversharp photos. In lumia there is no hdr but there is an exposure bracketing, it is very convenient to shoot, then sit down and collect hdr yourself. For enthusiasts this camerophone is still actual today.

    • @balya8937
      @balya8937 Год назад

      I still use it now, as a pocket camera, by setting the exposure first, the shutter speed will automatically follow, the results are amazing

  • @woodenmusichouse1974
    @woodenmusichouse1974 3 года назад

    Can you please tell me or give me the link of background music it's a request 🙂

    • @rajib5276
      @rajib5276 2 года назад

      ruclips.net/video/uSQzUx3QW2Y/видео.html background music 😄

  • @losfuertesWarner2013DC
    @losfuertesWarner2013DC 2 года назад +1

    El aphone se mira q
    Del Nokia porque realmente el Nokia se lleva la batalla por sus fotos tan reales y naturales

  • @ionutgabrielbuicu7689
    @ionutgabrielbuicu7689 8 месяцев назад

    You could also shoot in raw with the L1020 and post process the photos yourself late which was such a cool feature if you ask me.

  • @jesseaverrose8002
    @jesseaverrose8002 2 года назад +1

    Bro thsi background music makes me sleepy

  • @Abbyi2m4
    @Abbyi2m4 2 месяца назад +1

    Is it just me or the nokia phone has better background blur , while iphone looks fake like you can really see the Pentagons in iphone blur

  • @venzislavvladimirov3046
    @venzislavvladimirov3046 3 года назад +2

    From today modern phones, only Xiaomi mi note 10 t pro have very good clean daylight images like lumia 1020, and very good night mode. 🤔🤔

  • @djdols3301
    @djdols3301 Месяц назад

    made me question, does iPhone use AI for image enhancing?

  • @TheMishost
    @TheMishost 2 года назад +1

    Make Xiaomi 12s ultra vs iphone 13 pro plus

  • @AeroSound28
    @AeroSound28 2 года назад +1

    much more I like the shots of lumia 1020 or the zies of nokia like n8, 808, and 1020. they are the most natural shots and natural eye shots. those smart phone now a days are more gimik on their camera trick. and yet this old camera phone are still alive and kicking and can compete with latest smart phone

  • @haribaskar8967
    @haribaskar8967 3 года назад +2

    Nokia lumia 1020 .my dream ..kindly do help

  • @nuna07ngente
    @nuna07ngente 4 месяца назад

    I miss those old days the time my dream phone was Nokia Lumia 😢

  • @nizare1144
    @nizare1144 4 дня назад

    iPhone photos while comparing with lumia it’s like oil painting 🖼️ where Nokia pictures has life in it ❤

  • @realRhubarb
    @realRhubarb 2 года назад

    808PV vs 13 pro max camera test ?

  • @wilmerzunigavaldelamar4287
    @wilmerzunigavaldelamar4287 3 года назад

    Where do you take those photos? Which place?

  • @aldenzhao7046
    @aldenzhao7046 2 года назад +2

    Great videos, maybe do a comparison between Nokia 808 and 1020?

  • @bagul8473
    @bagul8473 6 месяцев назад +1

    Lumia better photos than iPhone, day and low light scenes

  • @kinili58
    @kinili58 Год назад +2

    Lumia 1020 best 😻

  • @maciv8175
    @maciv8175 2 года назад +1

    nokia808 is just great! and the background music, too! what is the name of the music? so comforting......

  • @muspancasper9863
    @muspancasper9863 2 года назад +1

    NOKIA or HMD I beg to bring Nokia Lumia 1020 technology and features in Nokia Android device if that happens I will buy it even though I have to save for a very long time

  • @johnathanblade1
    @johnathanblade1 6 месяцев назад

    The Lumia is kind of amazing, but you can tell that it existed before Samsung fixed color bleed for mobile digital shots. Still, even that enhances some of the Lumia's images.

  • @Tatar_Piano
    @Tatar_Piano Год назад

    Lumia looks like a true representation of reality, iphone looks like ai generated painting

  • @sudiptasahoo3486
    @sudiptasahoo3486 2 года назад

    How can i buy nokia lumia 1020???

  • @A_Way6016
    @A_Way6016 3 года назад

    Add a comparo to new releases of Vivo X60 Pro or X70 Pro Plus since they made collab with Zeiss optics.

  • @doudymac
    @doudymac 3 месяца назад

    I had a Lumia Icon. The best smartphone camera I ever had.

  • @alfredoarganaraz3149
    @alfredoarganaraz3149 3 года назад

    sabían que el lumia Camera trae en modo automático el modo nocturno ...hasta ahora no veo en todo los videos que se haya activado

    • @perrito.kamikaze
      @perrito.kamikaze 3 года назад +1

      Probablemente él tiene las versiones actualizadas. Creo que se lo quitaron, yo tengo el 950 y tuve el 640 XL y ninguno la tenía pero sí lo vi en un antiguo Lumia 1020 sin actualizar

  • @pantherkuning
    @pantherkuning 9 дней назад

    Nokia Lumia camera is a camera without A.I enhancement. Just pure camera in a phone. And the flash using xenon flash. Still good for an old phone.

  • @Fishbowlfx8
    @Fishbowlfx8 2 года назад +1

    Yes I agree, Nokia Lumia 1020 is more natural.

  • @DeusCaronte
    @DeusCaronte 3 года назад +3

    Still a great phone

  • @Dimitri4000AU
    @Dimitri4000AU 6 месяцев назад

    Need a Lumia 1020 vs iPhone 14ProMax

  • @bao92vodinh26
    @bao92vodinh26 2 месяца назад

    17/10/2024 xem Nokia 1 thời tuổi thơ

  • @anilxtr
    @anilxtr 2 года назад

    why auto mode?

  • @ultra6931
    @ultra6931 3 года назад

    Bro pls make 1020vs 950xl

  • @miniworld8801
    @miniworld8801 2 года назад +2

    nokia is father of all mobiles today..

  • @AlejandroValtery
    @AlejandroValtery 9 месяцев назад

    Nokia lumia adelantado a su tiempo.... es increíble como su cámara es natural ❤ es mas real ... nokia lumia debería de volver ❤ nokia forever

  • @monstermeyhem4555
    @monstermeyhem4555 Год назад

    The Lumia has a better camera than any phone at the time, and it would take other phones a few years to surpass it.

  • @priteshkumar1820
    @priteshkumar1820 4 месяца назад

    Nokia's images look nostalgic & real

  • @marvinmas4670
    @marvinmas4670 Год назад

    Very emotional song 😌😌🥺
    I miss the phone nokia
    The camera that true to life captions❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @euridemotovlog116
    @euridemotovlog116 Год назад

    Nokia actually has a good camera ever since then to this comparison with iphone. Nokia struggles a bit with dynamic range.

  • @iyot1020
    @iyot1020 2 года назад

    Plain and simple you can't beat physics with software image manipulation Nokia made a big ass sensor and designed a phone around it

  • @BorisKomarovsky
    @BorisKomarovsky 6 месяцев назад

    Мне нравится как нокиа передаёт цвета и атмосферу локации

  • @balya8937
    @balya8937 3 года назад +4

    L1020 natural

  • @andrewpearson4772
    @andrewpearson4772 Год назад

    Lumia looks better to me. Iphone shots look to digital lumia just need a tweek with the brightness slider

  • @jarjarbinks8954
    @jarjarbinks8954 3 года назад +2

    the lumia won some of the lowlight zoom shots and i dont agree with you there but i guess you prioritized seeing sth than per pixel detail. But then again pleasantly surprised you were unbiased in a lot of these shots WTH? No more Gatekeeping lmaoooo?

  • @rray303
    @rray303 2 года назад

    iphone looks like GTA, lumia like real life

  • @КонстантинИсупов-п9ш
    @КонстантинИсупов-п9ш 2 года назад +1

    Ну люмия и старее 13го яблока на много лет а в целом не сильно она и уступает

  • @vivekkumarmaurya1122
    @vivekkumarmaurya1122 2 года назад +1

    I love this Nokia phone

  • @Desanton
    @Desanton 2 года назад

    Но всё-таки, Nokia 808 снимает лучше и уделала Айфон в предыдущем видео. У 1020 снимки слишком тёмные даже на ISO 3200 и выдержки 1/3 секунд.

  • @Abdulloh870
    @Abdulloh870 2 месяца назад

    У меня Нокиа лумиа 1020 недавно купил совсем новый нет не царапины чисти очень владелец этого телефона продал мне за 700р проблема была в том что не включалась я понял его и сразу купил только сделал заводскую настройку и работает очень хорошо 😊

  • @mimi-hs2nr
    @mimi-hs2nr 10 месяцев назад

    Lumia is like straight out from a movie. But iPhone works better in lowlight.

  • @alexandrameganco8104
    @alexandrameganco8104 Год назад

    Lumia all natural no drama. Iphone full of ai and filter.

  • @sajwayy
    @sajwayy 2 года назад

    Everything is perfect except the final score

  • @Mr_Huynh
    @Mr_Huynh 3 года назад +3

    I like camera nokia

  • @animeloverszunction
    @animeloverszunction Год назад

    In search of gold we lost a diamond 😢

  • @sebastianos6851
    @sebastianos6851 2 года назад

    Nokia photo look so natural color

  • @omkumar0009
    @omkumar0009 3 года назад +1


  • @phoneplayTV
    @phoneplayTV 6 месяцев назад

    Ohh man I miss Nokia

  • @minkom2357
    @minkom2357 3 года назад

    Nokia was respects its customers

  •  2 года назад

    Some of the photos taken by the iphone don't look real at all. Too much sharpening etc. They look like a painting. Especially the macro ones. I don't know why you gave same amount of points to each device at that category. Lumia is a clear winner there.
    Also I bet Lumia 1020 camera and todays image processing software will still kill all the phone cameras out there.

  • @Sekret_BOLSHOY
    @Sekret_BOLSHOY Год назад

    Очень нравится фото на Нокия кто бы подарил такой мобильный не отказался бы красивые живые фото с объемами ,сегодня мобильные фото плоские и цвета жуть!

  • @Jimbowholivesinsoup
    @Jimbowholivesinsoup Год назад

    I have iPhone 13, and now Im wanting to change it. Because the crazy unnatural sharpening its doing and unwanted post-processing.. man.. Getting a lumia, hah. (Why cant apple just allow You to turn these functions down, or maybe I have missed something)