First listen to Damien Rice - Cannonball (REACTION)

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 58

  • @theplanetruth
    @theplanetruth 3 года назад +3

    Honestly, I believe I discovered Damien Rice,
    David Gray, Howie Day, and Josh Ritter around the same time. I’ve seen all but Damien in concert.

  • @dealiecolburn7060
    @dealiecolburn7060 3 года назад +1

    Rootless Tree. Volcano. Cheers Darlin. I Remember. The Greatest Bastard. Colour Me In. Damien Rice is a genius ❤️

  • @emanonfox1709
    @emanonfox1709 3 года назад +2

    So happy to gave Damien Rice another go. Like with all artists, taking a single song out of the context of the rest of their work runs the risk of judging the whole body of work by one song, which might not be their best. The Blower's Daughter IMO is stunning in the context of all the songs on the O album, which is an experience and a journey.

  • @atc-wn4un
    @atc-wn4un 3 года назад +2

    I know you haven't reacted to Damien Rice in a while but "accidental babies" is my favourite song of his and I think it's worth checking out!

  • @IvoryCruzader
    @IvoryCruzader 3 года назад +3

    Remotely reminds me of Glen Hansard. You shoud check him out, especially his work with Marketa Irglova on the album / movie / musical Once.

    • @theplanetruth
      @theplanetruth 3 года назад +1

      But LEAVE, right??!! That song rips my heart out.

  • @Shenanigan5
    @Shenanigan5 Год назад

    if i remember correctly ths was the radio edit after it was becoming popular. They added the drum beat which isnt in the original.

  • @bemused9522
    @bemused9522 3 года назад +3

    I think Rice:s song "9 crimes" is his best song. PS, you should check out "Cannonball' by. The Breeders"... not the same song, but I think it will blow you away.

  • @mikaguzman867
    @mikaguzman867 3 года назад +2

    You should react to the live version of I remember by Damien Rice. Pure art🥰
    Love your reactions!

  • @emanonfox1709
    @emanonfox1709 3 года назад +2

    There is such a rich catalogue in the genre of "quiet man and his guitar (sometimes with accompaniment)." Alexi Murdoch, Iron & Wine, Gregory Alan Isakov

  • @kpodonnell7924
    @kpodonnell7924 2 года назад

    Great song - personal favorite is 9 Crimes - duet with Lisa Hanigan. Check out Lisa's Undertow (live).

  • @tolcreator1227
    @tolcreator1227 3 года назад +1

    The woman who sings with him, Lisa Hannigan, has since become a solo artist and is well worth checking out. I have much more time for her than Damien himself. She voices Blue Diamond in Steven Universe.

    • @TucBroder
      @TucBroder Год назад

      Is she by any chance related to singer Laura Hannigan?

  • @musicfan8253
    @musicfan8253 3 года назад +10

    Daniel, you started with the wrong song (as an introduction to Damien, I wouldn’t suggest the Blower’s Daughter to anyone). I didn’t get it at all when I first heard it and also thought it was so repetitive. I have since grown to appreciate it, and even like it now. Thanks for giving him another shot. He’s an exceptional guitar player and a decent piano player. He is so good in a live setting - maybe try a live video of his in the future. 🤷🏻‍♀️. Thanks again for giving him another try. If you ever find yourself with some free time, listen to “O” in it’s entirety, with headphones on. The music is just lovely, IMO. ✌🏼

    • @Hamletfa53
      @Hamletfa53 3 года назад

      When I want to introduce Damien Rice to anyone, I start with Live performances, eventually getting them to listen to Accidental Babies live, which is probably the song I have heard more than any other song in my life (particularly the version at the Orpheum).

  • @CMHixen
    @CMHixen 2 года назад

    Don’t always have to follow the head moving meta.

  • @sidecardog5244
    @sidecardog5244 3 года назад +1

    Try TransAtlantic Overture/Whirlwind. Prog with a touch of Jazz Fusion. The music is as complex as Spocks Beard but more melodic.

    • @DiconDissectionalReactions
      @DiconDissectionalReactions  3 года назад +1

      I still want to do the Snow album when I get a chance, but any specific songs by TransAtlantic?

    • @sidecardog5244
      @sidecardog5244 3 года назад +1

      @@DiconDissectionalReactions The first two parts of The Whirlwind are a good introduction. It is one long song so the songs can run into each other (abrupt transitions). Either the studio version or live version is excellent.

    • @sidecardog5244
      @sidecardog5244 3 года назад +1видео.html

  • @ryanclark6402
    @ryanclark6402 3 года назад

    If you can find the video of “Volcano” from the bonus DVD that came with the CD of “O,” you definitely need to see it. That’s where I fell on love with Lisa, and I think you need to be smitten the same way.

  • @jc296x
    @jc296x 3 года назад +3

    Very nice... He sounds like James Blunt in this. His style is similar to David Gray's music. (David Gray "Babylon" is awesome)
    First btw? :)

    • @theplanetruth
      @theplanetruth 3 года назад +2

      Babylon is a go to for me in karaoke.

  • @welfaremothers
    @welfaremothers 3 года назад +1

    The album version does not have drums. It feel strange to hear it like this after 9 years of no drums! It sounds much better without, in my opinion

    • @danielwarrenguitar
      @danielwarrenguitar 3 года назад +1

      Thanks for posting this - I was wondering why this sounded different.

  • @whysoserious652
    @whysoserious652 3 года назад

    you gotta react to 9 Crimes, Cheers darlin and I Don't Want to Change You..

  • @Yosef1952
    @Yosef1952 3 года назад +2

    Keep tellin' it to us straight, DS9. A very heartfelt number, with good lyrics. Not exceptional, but well done.

  • @paulcarr5918
    @paulcarr5918 3 года назад

    This albums was actually excellent. Cheers Darlin', Amie, Delicate, are my favorites. Accidental Babies is one he did later that is an interesting listen. I just found your channel so unsure of what you've done, but if you haven't hit any Gary Jules yet, he's got some good stuff..other than the one song he's known for, and I really think you could dig into some Ben Folds and peel back the layers in many of his songs

  • @MelissaBluelyric
    @MelissaBluelyric 3 года назад

    Live from Union Chapel was my intro to Damien Rice. I've never heard this one..nice. I love Delicate and Volcano, and from his newest album Colour Me In. 🥰
    Still waiting for you to discover Grace by Jeff Buckley (looking at the video suggestions freeze framed at the end there) - it will blow you away 😊!

  • @andreamegalemaruggi3868
    @andreamegalemaruggi3868 3 года назад +3

    Well, you’ ve listened the 2 most famous Damien Rice songs, but keep in mind that Damien is mainly an indie songwriter and those 2 songs arent the best part of his production.
    He’s a tremendous lyricist and his great ability is to reach a deep connection with the listener even about diffioult argouments or just about easy feelings.
    I suggest u to listen more and more songs about him. There’s lot of variety and not all are love songs (well even the blower’s daughter isnt a love song to be honest).
    I suggest u to listen “insane” “stoic” “the professor” “rootless tree” “me my yoke and I” “color me in” “ eskimo”. There’s really a lot to discover. And if u find decent live performance listen to them, cause he is a great live musician and performer ;)
    Always happy when someone start to listen to Damo ✌🏻😎

  • @jojochristy5113
    @jojochristy5113 3 года назад

    check out I remember live bbc4

  • @benmccarty361
    @benmccarty361 3 года назад

    If you’re listening to this performer then you should listen to Keith Urban. Tonight I want to cry. Official video

  • @maryboylan3093
    @maryboylan3093 3 года назад

    Check out dermot kennedy outnumbered or glory.

  • @428chase
    @428chase 3 года назад

    Sensational Alex Harvey Band - Amos Moses
    Alex Harvey Band-Sharks Teeth
    Alex Harvey Band framed live 1974
    Alex Harvey Band - Midnight Moses.
    Alex Harvey Band - The Faith Healer
    Alex Harvey Band the man in the jar
    Alex Harvey Band - Jungle Rub Out
    Alex Harvey Band - $25 for a Massage
    The Tale Of The Giant Stoneater
    Alex Harvey Band -Boston tea party
    Give My Compliments To The Chef
    The Sensational Alex Harvey Band - Tomahawk
    Alex Harvey Band Last of the Teenage Idols
    The Sensational Alex Harvey Band Next

  • @TheBeyondtheclouds
    @TheBeyondtheclouds 3 года назад

    Again wrong choice always choose a live performance try stoic accidental babies fool greatest bastard under the tongue insane I can go on for ever 😁 and last one it takes a lot to know a man

  • @malegrissusran8847
    @malegrissusran8847 3 года назад

    Was listening to some songs of Damien Rice !
    It's a complete waste of time !!
    No voice - no singing - no talent - boring childish texts !
    Inclusive some lousy videos !!

    • @DiconDissectionalReactions
      @DiconDissectionalReactions  3 года назад +11

      Why would you click on this video then? Just to let us know? I'm sure there are those (like myself) who would likely disagree with you on this particular point... Besides, the majority of those who would seek out a video like this would be fans of the artists, so you might be met with strong opposition.
      I guess I simply don't understand the point of effort to write out a comment for something disliked, wouldn't you rather comment on something you like to spread love, joy, peace, and all other positive feelings?

    • @melissakhalar1842
      @melissakhalar1842 3 года назад +3

      @@DiconDissectionalReactions perfect response. ❤

    • @paul8926
      @paul8926 3 года назад +5

      @@melissakhalar1842 I couldn’t agree more. Daniel is always wise beyond his years. 👍

    • @melissakhalar1842
      @melissakhalar1842 3 года назад +2

      @@paul8926, Daniel is wise and he is kind.

    • @theplanetruth
      @theplanetruth 3 года назад +2

      Mic drop