Colours of bubbles - Phoenix
- Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
- Phoenix // Colours of Bubbles. Video: TwoDicks, Vilnius (
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Filmed by : TWODICKS
Edited by: TWODICKS & Bonanu (
Produced by: TWODICKS
Make-up: Toma Kisieliute
Actors: Yevgeny Putilov & Monika Matukaite
Northern Lithuanian whiskey from COLOURS OF BUBBLES is the unique blend between modern indie sounds with European-styled country feedback. Truly the best kept secret from the music distillery located in remote North East European lands. Live, we offer a 90 minutes of true rock'n'roll adventure
COLOURS OF BUBBLES have emerged in the North Lithuanian town Šiauliai, a cradle for most interesting guitar-based and arty bands in the country. Born and risen in the families of well-known Lithuanian musicians, COLOURS OF BUBBLES chose their own style and means of expression.
The five lads have played together more that 100 concerts in Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian, Polish and French clubs, halls and festivals, including the largest Baltic music festival Positivus in Salacgriva Latvia, and also Tallin Music Week, Co Jest Grane Fair, Piladzis, Patarei Kultuuritolm, Karkle Live Music Beach, B2Gether, Visagino Country, Around The Rock and Browar Rock.
In 2010, COLOURS OF BUBBLES released and successfully presented in short tour their debut EP "Today I Am Feeling Better Than Ever". It has earned Song of The Year and Best Rock Band in the local ŠAMA 2011 awards.
In March, 2011 they successfully performed at the opening night at the main Baltic showcase festival "Tallinn Music Week 2011", and the concert was visited by the Estonian president Mr. Toomas Hendrik Ilves. When asked by the correspondent of largest Lithuanian daily "Lietuvos rytas" about the impressions, Mr. President said: "A lot of energy! And sharp guitars, ain't it?"
Today, Colours of Bubbles are taking a twist in a studio, and recording a deeper and darker successor to their debut EP.
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COLOURS OF BUBBLES introduced a new single titled Pheonix, and it's got a rebellious autumn vibe to it, persistently rising from the wet vibrato sepia to a lively spectrum of horns and cymbals. I really adore the guitar parts in this. Golden Parazyth made a bubbly remix of this, adding a little more dancefloor juice to the ol' bourbon. -- The Baltic Scene, / thebalticscene
Labai puikus singlas. Kaip sakoma, man pa-tiko. Norejau dar prideti, kad kas is Lt yra grojanciu normalesne muzika, cia yra mano favourite. Aciu
It was featured in Artem Troitsky's blog on soundcloud ("FM Dostoevski podcast"), that's how I got here. This is good music. Good luck!
good song! i'll be waiting till festival ,,Cita vide''
Svarbu muzika, o klipas antram plane turi likti. Man patiko! :P
grazi kinematografija, Matukaite grazi, bet neidejo turinio. Nera siuzeto visiskai. Nu tipo siaip isejo, pafilmavo ir ok. Tipo mes du bybiai ir mes zajebis.
Super super super
klipas priminė "ewert and the two dragons" klipą "good man down". Miškas, šiaurietiškas stilius, vaikinas ir mergina...
o daina tai isties gera =)
oho, muzika LT dar nemirė! šitas kūrinukas tikras atradimas kartu su Without Letters - Awake/Asleep
o tolkas visur gyvenime prasmes ieskot
que chidori! 8)
lo seeeee :v
klipas tiesiog vizualiai hipsteriškai dailus, nors ir nieko nesako. o juk muzika puiki, ko gi piktintis,draugai lietuviai?
@monkbay, ты тоже от Стаса? О, как это пичально!
fu ble, nekečiu rūkančių panų. ypač grazių. o ta kita pana klipe išvisne į temą. muhaha. :D
Hipsters gonna hipst
clever, you got mad likes on that one didn't you?
I'm sure you were just expecting such a plethora of notifications and squirting in your undergarments at the thought of your own witty assertions
ir vel miskai
uu, miškas ir bėgimas nakty į dūmus. kaip netikėta.
Girdziu The Cure detaliu..
cia ne antakalny filmuota?
Jei siame klipe ir buvo kazkokia mintis, tai jos visiskai nepagavau. O siaip nuvyle klipas.
Have you lost her but ever?
Sakot siužeto nėra ? nesuriša dainos ? Duokit dešimtokams ar abiturientams teksto suvokimą ( šiuo atveju video suvokimą) kaip mat prirašys daxrena siužetų ir suriš dainą kaip reikiant su video
taigi, kokia didžiausia šių dienų vertybė video klipe? Siužetas! O koks geriausias?.. Turbūt maždaug rihanniškas, su daug šlaunų, laižymųsi ir panašių bla...
А где Етот хиперкороль ? . . . о_О
kokybiskai. bet.
Apie viską yra interviu
labai jau trikotazo reklama>
as uz gabala
kokio siužeto jūs ieškot? juk ne visada turi būti istorija. aišku, kvepia hipsteriškumu ir smarkiai, bet nufilmuota gražiai pats vaizdas, idėja maloni. manau, kad to užtenka.
mhm. man irgi klipas boooring