Farming Simulator 22: Premium Expansion - Launch Trailer

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 188

  • @kristinarp526
    @kristinarp526 Год назад +7

    Excited for carrots! We grow them here in Michigan.

  • @affarmz
    @affarmz Год назад +6

    Hey Giants, what's the deal with some of the production points on the map Zielonka functioning only as sell points, spinnery and diary for example, is this an intended mechanic? As they can't be purchased?

  • @thetommygun1040
    @thetommygun1040 Год назад +21

    I’m loving the new map but I’ve noticed 2 things that need to get fixed asap the dairy and spinnery are both only sell points not production buildings Even tho you can place the same building down yourself as a production building. I’d greatly appreciate it if this can be fixed.

    • @thetommygun1040
      @thetommygun1040 Год назад +1

      Also I’ve noticed the train doesn’t work I lost 30k due to it not selling it said unknown instead of earlngrat

  • @KubaRolnik
    @KubaRolnik Год назад +24

    Swietny dodatek!

  • @VADIM-f4s
    @VADIM-f4s Год назад +2

    The most interesting game on the farm😊😊

  • @maickolalmonacid376
    @maickolalmonacid376 Год назад +4

    6.6 M?😮

  • @TheFarmSimGuy
    @TheFarmSimGuy Год назад +10

    It's Launch Day, LETS GOOO!!!

    • @affarmz
      @affarmz Год назад +2

      Nice review on the Thrust Master set up

    • @TheFarmSimGuy
      @TheFarmSimGuy Год назад

      @@affarmz Thanks buddy

  • @redactedredacted3721
    @redactedredacted3721 Год назад +8

    this reminds me of the crappy John Deere commercials that don't tell me anything about the product , i might go buy a John Deere now.

  • @Alberto8Zero
    @Alberto8Zero 4 месяца назад +2

    Hello. I need your help with FS 22: Premium Edition Ps5. I'm thinking of buying the game in disc format, but I have some doubts. Are the 2 expansions and DLC's included on the disc or does it come with a code to download?

  • @majsterLS_oporowo
    @majsterLS_oporowo Год назад +17

    Jestem z Polski. Bardzo fajne DLC! Dziękuję.

    • @AjcNikeVaper
      @AjcNikeVaper Год назад

      Czy ono jest na zwykła wersję gry na PS4 czy trzeba mnie jakieś sezon pass

    • @Sebastian12312
      @Sebastian12312 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@AjcNikeVaperkupić musisz

  • @farmerchad
    @farmerchad Год назад +21

    Love that you can use this DLC on modded maps works great and these carrots look better than the ones I was harvesting before

  • @MartijnBos95
    @MartijnBos95 Год назад +4

    So, this pack contains all the packs and expansions. FS 24 is coming?

    • @Lolboy2100
      @Lolboy2100 Год назад +5

      I'm guessing the next game will be FS25

    • @walterbrackin
      @walterbrackin Год назад +3

      @@Lolboy2100in that case we should see it announced in early 2024 and release in November 2024.

    • @Lolboy2100
      @Lolboy2100 Год назад +3

      @@walterbrackin It could be, all though the are in a three years cycle. Three years between a new game.

    • @Stefan1978GER
      @Stefan1978GER Год назад +3

      ​@@Lolboy2100you saying new game and we have to say updated game😢

    • @MartijnBos95
      @MartijnBos95 Год назад +1

      I'm curious now

  • @Adamameryka2
    @Adamameryka2 Год назад +2

    Mam taki problem ze wykupiłem dodatek ,, zielonka " i zresetowałem konsole i już nie mogę tego dodatku zainstalować tylko wyświetla mi się że muszę kupić ponownie ten dodatek. Co muszę zrobić pomoście mi !!!!!! 😢😮

  • @Lolboy2100
    @Lolboy2100 Год назад +5

    Year three pass next. 🤩

  • @remco8287
    @remco8287 Год назад +1

    When does the claas 980 tractor Come??

  • @vortifyne
    @vortifyne Год назад +17

    Just started and already enjoying it! Beautiful map as well!

  • @AdamP_07
    @AdamP_07 Год назад +1

    Das Add-on ist nett, aber warum kann man die ZLK-Registrierung nicht in andere eigene Registrierungen ändern?

  • @JodyBeard-rp2fl
    @JodyBeard-rp2fl Год назад +4

    Love the map

  • @havenbickell7447
    @havenbickell7447 Год назад +1

    Ya nice expansion but giants software can u make a motor home for all platforms and like real campers in real life

  • @dazkaz15
    @dazkaz15 Год назад +6

    When are you guys going to make a vintage campaign?
    It's all very well (but ultimately boring) driving around in lovely modern equipment, but would be nice to have a game, somewhere in the simulation.
    Give us more incentive to farm. Please.

    • @IG10705
      @IG10705 Год назад +5

      That's why there's mods. That's what I use to do a vintage game.

  • @damfarm
    @damfarm 10 месяцев назад +1


  • @sabrina.m83
    @sabrina.m83 Год назад +3

    Sehr sehr nice das dlc♥️♥️♥️♥️

  • @vanderxpg4792
    @vanderxpg4792 Год назад +1

    enfim chegou a cenoura :)

  • @kiroveh174
    @kiroveh174 Год назад +1

    When will the farming Simulator 2023 be updated ?

  • @lokl844
    @lokl844 Год назад +2


  • @jsjshhs3905
    @jsjshhs3905 Год назад +3

    Finaly polish map

  • @Nates707
    @Nates707 Год назад

    We need more forestry equipment

  • @nicolasdroz6907
    @nicolasdroz6907 Год назад +2

    ENFIN !!!!

  • @wesscoates5676
    @wesscoates5676 Год назад +2

    Just curious, and asking cause I didn't see anything back in October. So, are you guys releasing new farm sim games every 3 years now? Or are you just focusing on updates for 22 from now on? I tried looking online to see about a farm sim 24, but i didn't see anything. Again, just curious.

    • @IG10705
      @IG10705 Год назад +1

      Every 3 years as what I've been told multiple times for the game. They will keep brining us stuff like they do for GTA Online until the next game will be out.

    • @wesscoates5676
      @wesscoates5676 Год назад

      @@IG10705 ahh. Thnx

    • @IG10705
      @IG10705 Год назад +1

      @@wesscoates5676 you're welcome.
      I just hope it doesn't get like gta online though.

  • @_YB_
    @_YB_ Год назад

    @DanFieldGaming est ce que c'est toi qui a fait cette video :D

  • @p3r7urb3dSkumbag.69
    @p3r7urb3dSkumbag.69 Год назад +5

    So... FS24 next?

    • @Lolboy2100
      @Lolboy2100 Год назад +3

      I think FS25

    • @Stefan1978GER
      @Stefan1978GER Год назад +2


    • @p3r7urb3dSkumbag.69
      @p3r7urb3dSkumbag.69 Год назад +1

      @@Lolboy2100 I think you're right. Apparently Giants want 3 years between game releases because mods on console really extend the lifetime of the game (as in mods not exclusive only to PC). Premium edition was the last DLC for FS22. All things point to a Gamescom announcement and a FS25 launch November next year.

    • @p3r7urb3dSkumbag.69
      @p3r7urb3dSkumbag.69 Год назад +1

      @@Stefan1978GER I'm all for it if it includes flying tractors and harvesters!

    • @Lolboy2100
      @Lolboy2100 Год назад +2

      @@p3r7urb3dSkumbag.69 I hope we get a year three pass

  • @thescratchfarmsimulator2013
    @thescratchfarmsimulator2013 Год назад +3

    On PS4 dlc is completely broken once again on launch day! Nothing works and crashes game on old maps

    • @IG10705
      @IG10705 Год назад +1

      Nothing is perfect when it first comes out. The game will probably be updated within a week probably. Patience.

    • @thescratchfarmsimulator2013
      @thescratchfarmsimulator2013 Год назад +2

      @@IG10705 How about they put out the product they took my money for! What a ridiculous attitude! Oh just give these people your money and maybe you will get what you paid for ina week!! Ridiculous.

    • @IG10705
      @IG10705 Год назад +1

      @thescratchfarmsimulator2013 waaa waaa waaa
      Stop your damn crying and grow up.
      Like I said NOTHING is perfect when it comes out.

  • @technogb4247
    @technogb4247 Год назад +3

    YES YES!!!. any bets on a third year expansion Mega Edition anyone

  • @Drut_ModdingPL
    @Drut_ModdingPL Год назад +3

    plane in chicken coop is buged

  • @ETOmarine
    @ETOmarine Год назад +4

    I love it. We got a lot of content for FS22 during last 2 years. Only one disappointment, that there was no any retro harvester which would match Zielonka map added in this Premium Expansion.

  • @williamweller7428
    @williamweller7428 Год назад +1

    William 0:57

  • @didicasta8680
    @didicasta8680 Год назад +3

    Best devlopper 🎉

  • @kubix3205
    @kubix3205 Год назад +3

    Polska 🇵🇱🇵🇱

  • @Mr_Hoz200
    @Mr_Hoz200 Год назад +3

    Yessssssssss 🚜

  • @bernardocardozo1033
    @bernardocardozo1033 Год назад +4


  • @matthewhagey5098
    @matthewhagey5098 Год назад +2

    Don’t we have to wait until the map creators turn on the feature for the premium expansion?

  • @abumuhammad5254
    @abumuhammad5254 Год назад +1

    Can we add Fiat to the Farming Simulator 23 mobile game?

  • @punjabilivekustihub
    @punjabilivekustihub Год назад

    Good job pl. S

  • @katerinakittycat3849
    @katerinakittycat3849 Год назад +4

    The new map is absolutely beautiful. Ive been playing on it all day today i love every bit of it

    @kcINTIMIDATOR Год назад +2

    So does this premium edition include all the other previous 22 season pass and paid mods/maps?
    Kinda like they did with gold edition I think it was called in 19?

    • @tomahawk4565
      @tomahawk4565 Год назад

      i think so, check the steam page even if your on console it'll be called the same thing and tell you what is exactly included

    • @IG10705
      @IG10705 Год назад

      YES it does. If you buy this as a game.
      Also if you have FS22 this is the dlc.

      @kcINTIMIDATOR Год назад

      @@IG10705 being that I already have just the base game (ps5) it looks like the answer is no, it wouldn't include previous expansions?
      So if I want everything I think it will cheaper to rebuy the game?
      Its tricky in the wording "expansion" or "edition"

    • @IG10705
      @IG10705 Год назад

      @kcINTIMIDATOR honestly. It's the same price as the base game. I'd say go ahead and get the premium version it will have all of the DLCs for FS22.
      Indeed. This version has all of season 1 and 2 stuff

      @kcINTIMIDATOR Год назад

      ​@@IG10705what about the paid mods like pumps n hoses? Those too?

  • @richierokstar6219
    @richierokstar6219 Год назад +1

    Apparently some mod or mods are making the expansion pack not work correctly.
    1). First off if I try to play new farmer I get into map an can't walk anywhere
    2).if I look at new root crop planter the game freezes an I have to reset entire game .
    3) if I go into new manager an have mods the new crops do not show up nor do they in the new productions shops.
    I play on ps 5. Can anyone tell me what mod or mods they think are messing up the expansion.
    I have way to many to figure it out an the game works if no mods are I stalled when you load up !
    But that kinda sucks ! Lolol
    Thanks peeps !

    • @IG10705
      @IG10705 Год назад

      Go through the last mods that have downloaded and go from there. I had to do that in the beginning of FS when it first came out.

    • @richierokstar6219
      @richierokstar6219 Год назад

      @LariatXLT89 thanks bud !
      I'm actually going down the list now !
      I'm going line by line !
      So if it stops working then I know what line of mods it in then we got to test all 7 mods in that line ( the part when you check them off ! )
      This has never happened an everything was working find until I loaded the expansion in !!!
      So unfortunately I got to go thru the whole line up of mods. Plus I love mods an this thing is packed ! 🤣🤣🤣
      But thanks for head up !
      Greatly appreciated!!

    • @IG10705
      @IG10705 Год назад +1

      @richierokstar6219 you're welcome.
      I love mods, too.
      I'll probably wait until this expansion to go on sale so I can get it and do something different for a change.
      All I do is soybeans just because they pay great, but I'm somewhat getting into other crops now. Just to change it up for me.

  • @Ramon_official-Ab
    @Ramon_official-Ab Год назад

    expansion is good

  • @TheSim.
    @TheSim. Год назад +7

    Love it🎉❤

  • @Denys_joga
    @Denys_joga Год назад +1

    Cadê a atualização do Farming simulator 23

  • @thetruckguy2041
    @thetruckguy2041 Год назад

    This one beats the platinum but I would like to see a animal behaviour overhaul because it’s been the same for a long time

  • @kakooo7838
    @kakooo7838 Год назад +1

    C'est la musique d'intro de DAN FIELD 😂👍🏼

    • @_YB_
      @_YB_ Год назад

      Oui j'avais un dout au début mais c'est la même avec un peu de changement

  • @SimoTrenitalia
    @SimoTrenitalia Год назад

    Hello community of farming simulator 22.I wanted to ask you if you can create a dlc (also available
    for console)of a Fiat Ducato boxed.

  • @aawells07
    @aawells07 Год назад +2

    This is a game right up my alley but for whatever reason I cant get into it. It can be overwhelming trying to get started and there's something about it that doesn't feel quite right but cant figure out what it is exactly. I love the Snowrunner games and wish this game had those physics.

    • @KK49917
      @KK49917 Год назад +2

      I have the same feeling. been playing FS since fs11, but I was never been able to get into Fs22.

  • @jordanmassam-rs9wj
    @jordanmassam-rs9wj Год назад

    I can't get onto the new DLC platinum expansion I can't get on it my game loads up to 20% and then the game stops the game freezes and my Xbox kicks me off the game I don't know what's wrong with the new DLC

  • @Farmingmobile
    @Farmingmobile Год назад +6

    Incrível 🎉🎉🎉

  • @taukiriandersen6501
    @taukiriandersen6501 Год назад +1

    Hi giants software it would be great to have an update to the Kubota DLC pack buy adding in a Kubota mini excavator and to the platinum expansion with the Volvo excavators it would be great to have a Volvo ECR145EL Crawler Excavator added in to that DLC as well and I'm sure the farming simulator community and I that like doing construction RP's would really like that and I'm sure we really would not mind paying for all this so if u can find some time to do so that would be much appreciated on my behalf of all the console player (THANK YOU)

  • @llloggingexcavation69
    @llloggingexcavation69 Год назад +4

    You make accurate machines for the area of poland but the pacific northwestern logging equipment from platinum is not accurate. I see whos your favorites 😂

    • @TheHrt5
      @TheHrt5 Год назад +1

      Great, then dont buy it. Simple as that

    • @llloggingexcavation69
      @llloggingexcavation69 Год назад

      @@TheHrt5 im not going to thats for sure lol. Just saying what i think man

      @kcINTIMIDATOR Год назад +2

      Doubt it favoritism, the companies have to license their brand to giants... If not the best you'll get is a lookalike copy under the Lizard 🦎 brand name.

  • @ivan.konj97
    @ivan.konj97 Год назад +1

    Možeš li abgrejdat fs16👋

  • @maxmorgan2042
    @maxmorgan2042 Год назад +2

    I’m so excited

  • @fobionaggaard28_88
    @fobionaggaard28_88 Год назад

    Shame on you for those standard rims on the Fiat!

  • @TheCamADNANYT
    @TheCamADNANYT Год назад +1


  • @Marcin-fs_
    @Marcin-fs_ Год назад +3

    🇵🇱 this is the best dlc

  • @Jeorjel
    @Jeorjel Год назад +1

    Good Job Giants . This map looks like sosnovka ❤🎉

  • @samsungalaxys8
    @samsungalaxys8 Год назад

    I want it to be FS18 for free and to have a CLAAS 5300 LEXON combine (seline), and I also want to add 4 more tractors (CLAAS XERION 4500/5000, and John Deere 9RX, CASE IH TITAN, New Holland T9)

  • @abumuhammad5254
    @abumuhammad5254 Год назад


  • @KacperPipala
    @KacperPipala Год назад +1

    Mogliście popytać się graczy jak wygląda polska gospodarka, od kiedy w polsce ludzie na gospodarstwie mają jebitny silos uni z elewatorem?

  • @Галина-у7е3х
    @Галина-у7е3х 5 месяцев назад


  • @abumuhammad5254
    @abumuhammad5254 Год назад

    And the answer is possible

  • @AzanAshfaq-jw5jy
    @AzanAshfaq-jw5jy Год назад

    Farming Simulator 22 please add real car brands to the game for mods in x box including in fs22 mod hub please 🙏

  • @abumuhammad5254
    @abumuhammad5254 Год назад

    My name is Musa

  • @Lady27Sweet
    @Lady27Sweet Год назад

    Make Liebherr 81k for ls22 ps4

  • @przemysawcybulski6227
    @przemysawcybulski6227 Год назад +1

    Szkoda że duż spżent do karhewki nie ma zbiornika na ważwa bo ktoś iak gra sam to nie mo że robić upraw marhewek i pżdało bł sie do dacz kolor bo iak marhewka iest na pżczepie to bardziei pż pomina pietruszke nisz marhew

    • @Drut_ModdingPL
      @Drut_ModdingPL Год назад +1

      weź se kup słownik

    • @egomania2792
      @egomania2792 Год назад +2

      You can have the helper drive that harvester and you cart alongside it. So you can do that alone.

  • @MAX-yf8ok
    @MAX-yf8ok Год назад +1

    Farming Simulator 23 For Android ios

  • @CowboyLeo1900
    @CowboyLeo1900 Год назад +1


  • @RichardDower
    @RichardDower Год назад +13

    Storks don't drop babies?....I'm out.

    • @damianszermer7103
      @damianszermer7103 Год назад +2

      New business, baby for sale

      @kcINTIMIDATOR Год назад +1

      How much per baby? 😂

    • @damianszermer7103
      @damianszermer7103 Год назад +1

      @@kcINTIMIDATOR 🤔 maybe 50k

      @kcINTIMIDATOR Год назад

      Sorry, I'm only willing to provide DEEZ NUTS! 🤪😂

    • @Dreiviertel
      @Dreiviertel Год назад

      Same here, was hoping for a onesie processing plant for one of the next dlcs.

  • @Clrjohn
    @Clrjohn Год назад +165

    Nice expansion but, about ground deformation, water on the ground when raining , real vehicle reflection, damage on vehicle when you hit them ...??? You produce the same game like in 2011 with some visual improvements and more vehicles....Come on Giants , you can do better ...

    • @hellfiregamingger
      @hellfiregamingger Год назад +19

      This is for the next Farming Simulator 😉

    • @projectm5003
      @projectm5003 Год назад +4

      Wait for 2024...

    • @Stefan1978GER
      @Stefan1978GER Год назад +3

      Or over over next FS

    • @joeschipper6465
      @joeschipper6465 Год назад +6

      Theyre hardly gonna add that in a dlc lol wait next game

    • @CrossriderBankai23
      @CrossriderBankai23 Год назад +10

      You guys are not ready, unfortunately people just want things, but in the wrong timing, games right now can't have really really really realistic physics and stuff, so all we can do is enjoy it, and embrace the journey, before GTA 6 not establish all these features like cars with realistic things we all expect to see, cars getting damaged when getting hit, the scenario breaking because of your actions, nothing looking like it's made of titanium we can't request such things for a an smaller company like Giants to make miracles, if bigger triple AAA games are not doing why could a "small scale game" do it? Are you guys expecting too much things and acting reckless thinking all you wishes should become true, it's really arrogant, players demanding WAYYY too much without knowing the background of the programmers that are working really hard without sleeping mostly of the time, poor souls that sacrifice their own lifes to please these people that always complain, are not capable of enjoying what you have, but always wanting more and more like a kid begging for everything and their words are the only thing that matters and the adults have to do whatever they demand or else, you know, this is dangerous, these people are never satisfied, they want not just the hand but the whole arm, they think it's the right timing to have complex things in games, just look, Cities Skylines 2 is out and people are not happy, and GTA 6 is a game that the whole world is waiting for it, and everyone has exaggerating expectations for it, what if it crashes really really bad, it will become a historical problem, people will be so mad, the world could even shatter in rage and riot of mad people, because they didn't add a mechanic of vehicles not getting damaged, or other stuff...the world will change for at what cost 😢

  • @fakefarmersteve4445
    @fakefarmersteve4445 Год назад +1

    Dlc is broke

  • @JoãoMatioleBorges
    @JoãoMatioleBorges Год назад

    Por cadê farming simulador 18 de grades

  • @hanjrayt5842
    @hanjrayt5842 Год назад +2

    Please add multiplayer in fs 23

  • @ramgarhia_jeep_motors
    @ramgarhia_jeep_motors Год назад

    Bhai es mei mod lag sakte hai

  • @jgames4512
    @jgames4512 Год назад +2

    Cheers for when there is an update for Farming simulator 23 mobile that they improve it more the optimization quw that closes a lot I have a good high-end device and so it presents freezing thank you I am a content creator and it is game is very good but it has that error quw freezes and closes

    • @jvmc25
      @jvmc25 Год назад +1

      Forget that fs23 bro, they don't love that game. Fs20 much better

    • @jgames4512
      @jgames4512 Год назад

      @@jvmc25 ok bro lo voy a descargar mejor

  • @BTWFleexyy
    @BTWFleexyy 11 месяцев назад

    why does this trailer look so good but playing the actual game it looks not bad but way worse

    • @koffmann1689
      @koffmann1689 10 месяцев назад

      4K Resolution would be my guess in addition to the highest settings possible. Also due to the historical impact of communism lasting for 40 years in Eastern Europe, I find Zielonka to be not very scenic, resembling more of a post-apocalyptic map, as if the houses were constructed from salvaged materials. Ugliest map Giants ever released imo.

    • @BTWFleexyy
      @BTWFleexyy 10 месяцев назад

      ahahah relax buddy im playing on max settings but the trailers just look better idk@@koffmann1689

  • @Hehe-sc7hj
    @Hehe-sc7hj Год назад

    Man erntet immer 2 reihen mit dem 1 reiher roder das bockt null

  • @lepaul26
    @lepaul26 Год назад

    Why buy an addon or premium if in +- 4 months there will be a new Farm Sim edition ?
    They should keep an edition and upgrade that that.
    Modders have to adapt everything for a new edition, which was every 2 years 😕

  • @yusufuzun-p9t
    @yusufuzun-p9t 20 дней назад

    Burda bir turk varsa lütfen bana cevap yazsın onunla beraber premium expansion oynayalım

  • @Nzhan2
    @Nzhan2 Год назад +1

    What about farming simulator 23

    • @ISAFMobius18
      @ISAFMobius18 Год назад +2

      What about it?

    • @Nzhan2
      @Nzhan2 Год назад

      @@ISAFMobius18 سيضيفون قصب السكر في التحديث القادم في هذا الشهر

    • @kalsarikannit9587
      @kalsarikannit9587 Год назад

      @@ISAFMobius18 Lmao, he started speaking dentist writing

  • @jordanmassam-rs9wj
    @jordanmassam-rs9wj Год назад

    Well I've tried the new DLC again and it's still not working it's still chucking me off the game I don't know what's wrong with it so all I'm going to say is but you better sort it out soon as I'm going to be deleting every single farming simulator game so hurry up and get it sorted earlier this is a Joke

  • @flipflop435
    @flipflop435 Год назад

    How can you put such bad farms on the map?
    A symbol of poverty.
    Map quite nice

  • @nicolasgoulette2755
    @nicolasgoulette2755 Год назад

    Les machines sont pas trop mal, la map, elle est un peu éclatée au sol sinon le matériel du DLC ça va il a pas l’air d’être nul. On peut dire quand même que c’est un bon DLC pour le dernier, mais par contre pour la map à la ça fait grincer les dents.

  • @Segging
    @Segging Год назад

    Nichts für Ungut aber das Premium DLC ist absolut 💩💩 das ist kein DLC fürn Singleplayer da der Helfer eigentlich nur die Frucht kaputt macht. also das Gemüse und der Größte Minuspunkt ist das es kein Gerät keinen Vollernter miteinem vernünftigen Bunker gibt. Warum wurde kein Vollernter mit Bunker hinzugefügt. Oder irgendwas gezogenes mit Bunker. Ich hoffe das das noch gefixt wird weil sonst ist der DLC für den Singleplayer absolut unnötig und reine Geld Verschwendung. Für den Multiplayer ist mir das persönlich egal aber für den Singleplayer ist der DLC Leider nur Geldverschwendung.

  • @mangubamaniya9711
    @mangubamaniya9711 Год назад


  • @RoGaL.
    @RoGaL. Год назад +1


  • @PoojaKumari-n5r6l
    @PoojaKumari-n5r6l Год назад

    🎉🎉. C. C. C.