Homestuck Music for Studying/Daydreaming (Finale)

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • Author's Note:
    You are in a remote, far-off corner of paradox space, a corner that is entirely unique to you. A place much further than I have ever traveled, and perhaps further than I ever will travel in my lifetime. From where I am now, this is a place that I cannot see very clearly, let alone describe in detail.
    Regrettably, all I can do now is request a favor of you: to do what I have done for you seven times prior: Can you describe what you see?
    Are you alone? Or is a friend there alongside you? An enemy? A team even? Does the air sting with a bitter chill? Or does a sweltering heat make you feel like you’re melting? Are you trapped and confined within a tight space? Or can you look out in every possible direction, far beyond where even space and time can’t reach? Do flowers and grasses and foliage come together to form a clear pathway? Or is your way forward obscured and obstructed by darkness and wreckage? Is this somewhere you’ve been before, or is this instead your first time here? Have you dreaded your arrival here, or have you been waiting in anticipation for this moment for a long, long time?
    Ultimately, this place is only half of what it looks like, as the other half is what you make of it. What it means to you. After all, imagery is only cultivated by filtering a setting through the eyes of an onlooker.
    Within the expanse of paradox space, where space and time have no beginning and no end, where cause and effect bleed into the definitions of each other, and where you now exist as just one instance of yourself within an array of infinitely many “you’s”, one fact still holds true despite every other factor of uncertainty imaginable…
    Here and now, you stand before your denizen.
    A silence dominates the atmosphere as you make sense of the creature’s appearance. In a normal circumstance, your analysis would determine how you approach the situation: Speak your mind. Step forward with courage. Turn away to run. Jump up and fly away. Or even stand still and let the silence persist. But of course, this is not a normal circumstance.
    As if fate itself were speaking for you, you ask the only question you were ever meant to ask this creature: “What do I do now?”
    Your denizen thinks for a moment, before delivering to you the only answer you were ever meant to hear from it: “Do whatever it is that you can.”
    Silence permeates once more, as this answer perplexes you. You wonder what this means in your current situation. You wonder if these things that you “can” do are the same as the things you “ought” to do. Or if the things that you ought to do are things that you can’t actually do. In this moment, the necessary context for understanding this answer evades you.
    Without words, your denizen seems to read your thoughts, realizing what you still need. With some concentration, it manifests some examples of this for your own personal consideration, ultimately to help supplement what you already know, and what you will come to know later on in your future.
    Suddenly, three stages appear, forming a circle around you, each with a uniquely colored curtain: Blue, Red, and Green. Your denizen’s silence suggests to you that these exist without order, priority, nor comparable validity amongst one other. It is up to you to explore what exists behind them to your heart’s content.
    You approach your first curtain, and step into something that is neither the end, nor the beginning of your human experience.
    Subscriber: Enter

Комментарии • 10

  • @zer0kyo
    @zer0kyo 3 месяца назад +1

    thanks for making this

    • @twist22
      @twist22  3 месяца назад

      Thanks so much! If there’s ever a Homestuck resurgence it would be cool if these blew up in popularity. Still, I’m perfectly okay with a small fanbase.
      Your comment made my day! Thanks for watching/listening/daydreaming! 🏡☀️

  • @kingstondaking7877
    @kingstondaking7877 4 месяца назад +3

    And there it is. The curtainʻs call. Thank you Twist for all the playlists and music compilations. This whole journey started only a year ago, a lot of things in my life have changed since then. I started listening to your playlists last year when Homestuck was a new thing to me. At that same moment in time, I was going through a lot of emotional moments and tough weeks so the hyperfixation and my obsession with your playlists and channel was really my way to cope. Iʻm happy to say that those days are behind me now and that Iʻve made a lot of progress from the person I used to be. I have good friends, a community, a girlfriend (wow!!), a loving family, new skills, healthy hobbies, but most importantly..
    Iʻve been eagerly awaiting this final chapter to come out. Not because Iʻm super hyped (even though I am), but because it will be a sort of closure for this chapter in my life. Iʻm to graduate soon, my friends are going their own pathways and Iʻm to go on my own journey as well. This final video of yours is my way of saying farewell to my highschool years, and my farewell to the toxic rotten parts of my life that Iʻve grown away from. Iʻll miss my teen years but youʻve helped me accept this part of my life and moving forward. Thank you, The Enigmatic Twist, thank you for keeping me entertained and happy all these past months. I hope that someday Iʻll be able to return the favor.. somehow.
    Yours truly,
    - A loyal viewer

    • @twist22
      @twist22  4 месяца назад +2

      It means so much to me that this creative hobby of mine has served as a constructive catalyst for you. The way you described how you used the series to grow as a person through hyper-fixation and focus reminded me of something my step mom has often told me (context, my family does a lot of cardio exercise):
      "When you're running up a hill, and you're not sure if you can make it, keep an eye on what you see at the top, and don't look away. Remember where you're trying to go and lock on to it. You'll be there soon enough".
      Mind you, it sounds like what you were aiming towards was something much more meaningful and significant than a telephone pole or a fire hydrant (LOL), so it sounds like you've done exactly what she would often tell me. :D
      It means a lot to hear about your journey, and how you've come to a much better place in life these days, with so much to be thankful for. And it means a lot to remember that little piece of running/not running advice from several years ago. Don't fret too much about returning the favor, because honestly you've already done that. Live your best life, and keep the things you're thankful for close to the heart. That's all I could ask for I guess. :)
      , Twist

    • @rulercamelot3687
      @rulercamelot3687 4 месяца назад +1

      If RUclips comments could receive rewards you better believe I'd give you one.
      Here's to the future, king!

  • @twist22
    @twist22  4 месяца назад +7

    Author's Note (serious):
    Hi Viewer,
    If you’re reading this, I want to give a huge thank you for spending time with this little hobby project of mine. It means the world to me, and I’d like to take a second to explain why:
    While reading Homestuck for the first time back in Fall 2021 to Spring 2022, I was absolutely floored by the amount of music that was made for the webcomic, and the amount of passion the composers clearly had for a work of fiction that was almost completely out of their hands (Eric “Jit” Scheele has an interview about this that shed some light on that). Because of that, listening to the soundtrack was just as enjoyable for me as reading the comic itself, and that even extends to the tracks that did NOT make it into actual webcomic.
    In addition to this, I’ve actually been making music compilation videos in my spare time since around 2018. However, looking back on those projects, they all seemed a bit lack luster and lazy. Sure, there was consistency and theming to some extents, but my presentation and attention to detail was nowhere near what I could feel proud of. Song orders were all over the place, some songs would have unnecessary gigapauses (LOL) between them, and I didn’t make very effective uses of transitions (just blink to the next image), assuming I even used multiple images at all. I rarely ever go back to those nowadays. Maybe I’ll listen to them for temporary nostalgia, but never for serious, genuine enjoyment.
    That being said, when I had the idea to implement Homestuck’s OST into a compilation series, I knew I had to step up and do it justice, so it could be something that I could feel personally proud of. Mind you, this was all so I could have easy and accessible Homestuck music to play whenever I wanted to relax, study, or daydream in my free time (hence the titles).
    That being said, I never anticipated having an audience!!! Why would other people go out of their way to spend time with compilations that I was only ever making for my own pleasure? Who actually cares about Homestuck’s official and extended soundtrack in 2022? No one! Or so I thought…
    I didn’t realize I was making something that other people could actually sit down with and enjoy. Realizing that via the comments on the first comp (and seeing the view count reach the thousands) has honestly been one of my proudest moments in life and was the main motivator for me to also write out the “serious” author’s notes, such as this one you’re reading now.
    You may have noticed in the previous author’s notes (as well as this one) that I put a large focus on assuming very little about you (the viewer), and that I put a large emphasis on how unique your human experience could be before, during, and after spending time with each comp. I think that goes back to a core belief that I have in life: That people are immensely different from one another.
    Even with little events in daily life (ex. A conversation, or an argument), where the way one person sees, thinks, and feels about the thing could be drastically different from the person next to them. I think that makes life both incredibly fascinating and unpredictable, but also a bit lonely as an overall experience.
    That being said, it means a lot to me to know that I’ve spent time compiling music that other people seek out and enjoy listening to as much as I do. I’d like to do something positive and influential like that on a larger scale with fiction writing someday (where I’d actually be creating the content from scratch LOL), but the fact that I’ve done that to a much smaller degree with these music comps already feels very purposeful and rewarding.
    All that being said, I appreciate you for spending time in these nine little dream bubbles that I made, and I wish you the best going forward. :)
    Never stop studying/daydreaming, and I hope you have a happy 4/13
    , Twist :3

  • @twist22
    @twist22  4 месяца назад +4

    0:00 --------------- Prologue ---------------
    0:00 Skies of Skaia
    2:45 --------------- Universe A ---------------
    2:54 Iron Knight
    7:03 Purple Bard
    10:10 Vriska’s Theme
    11:52 La2t Frontier
    13:41 Fuscia Witch
    15:15 Olive Rogue
    21:37 BL1ND JUST1C3: 1NV3ST1G4T1ON
    24:20 Crystalmethequins
    29:22 Purple Bard (2nd Edit)
    32:30 Your Universe
    37:20 Alternia
    41:11 --------------- Universe B ---------------
    41:52 The Prelude
    43:36 Light (Medium)
    48:23 Vagabounce
    49:38 Upward Movement Dave (and Terezi) Own
    54:49 Carefree Victory
    56:24 Homefree
    1:00:48 Atomic Bonsai
    1:05:10 Lotus Land Story
    1:06:58 Stride
    1:10:26 Respit
    1:12:51 Bargaining With the Beast
    1:17:05 Mother
    1:21:55 --------------- Universe C ---------------
    1:22:14 Unlabeled
    1:24:46 Phantasmic Youngsters
    1:28:04 Emerald Terror
    1:30:34 CARNE VALE
    1:34:54 Clockstopper
    1:40:32 Unite Synchronization
    1:43:24 WSW_Beatdown
    1:46:56 Everything is Something to Somebody
    1:50:03 Song of Skaia
    1:56:29 Pipeorgankind
    2:01:30 My Favorite Homestuck Song
    2:02:52 Overture (Canon Edit)
    2:11:48 --------------- Epilogue ---------------
    2:14:27 Thanks for Listening :)

  • @twist22
    @twist22  4 месяца назад +2

    Music Credits:
    Skies of Skaia by Mark Hadley
    ~~SIDE 1~~ (from ColoUrs and mayhem: Universe A) by Toby "Radiation" Fox
    Iron Knight by DJ 最テー
    Purple Bard by Gec (Eligecos)
    Vriska’s Theme by Toby "Radiation" Fox
    La2t Frontier by Toby "Radiation" Fox
    Fuscia Witch by David "Dirtiest" Dycus
    Olive Rogue by Eston "silence" Schweickart and Alex Amlie-Wolf
    iRRRRRRRRECONCILABLE by Michael Guy Bowman and Thomas Ferkol
    BL1ND JUST1C3: 1NV3ST1G4T1ON by Malcolm Brown
    Crystalmethequins by Clark "Plazmataz" Powell and Alexander Rosetti
    Purple Bard (2nd Edit) by Gec (Eligecos)
    Your Universe by Marcus Carline
    Alternia by Seth "Beatfox" Peelle and Toby “Radiation” Fox
    Foley by Clark "Plazmataz" Powell
    The Prelude by Tyler Dever and Erik "Jit" Scheele
    Light (Medium) by Clark "Plazmataz" Powell
    Vagabounce by David Ko
    Upward Movement (Dave Owns) by Robert Blaker
    Terezi Owns by Robert Blaker and Toby “Radiation” Fox
    Carefree Victory by Mark Hadley and Andrew Huo
    Homefree by Hilary "Pie" Troiano, Clark Powell, and Mark Hadley
    Atomic Bonsai by Joren "Tensei" de Bruin
    Lotus Land Story by Toby “Radiation” Fox
    Stride by Kalibration
    Respit by Erik "Jit" Scheele
    Bargaining With the Beast by Thomas Ferkol
    Mother by Erik "Jit" Scheele
    Additional Mayhem (from ColoUrs and mayhem: Universe B) by Toby "Radiation" Fox
    Unlabeled by Erik "Jit" Scheele
    Phantasmic Youngsters by Tristan Scroggins
    Emerald Terror by Elisa "Moony" McCabe
    CARNE VALE by Malcolm Brown
    Clockstopper by viaSatellite & infiniteKnife
    Unite Synchronization by Malcolm Brown
    WSW_Beatdown by Erik "Jit" Scheele and Curt Blakeslee
    Everything is Something to Somebody by Robert J! Lake
    Song of Skaia by Tarien Ainuvë and Mark Hadley
    Pipeorgankind by James Roach
    Crystalanthemums by Alexander Rosetti
    Overture (Canon Edit) by Clark "Plazmataz" Powell and Toby "Radiation" Fox
    Homestuck Anthem by Clark “Plazmataz” Powell
    Image Credits:
    NOTE: *** = From Homestuck itself
    Thumbnail and curtains: ***
    Knight of Blood:
    Purple Bard:
    Vriska’s Theme:
    La2t Frontier:
    Fuscia Witch/Olive Rogue:
    Purple Bard (2nd Edit):
    Your Universe:
    Alternia 1:
    Alternia 2:
    The Prelude:
    Light (Medium):
    Upward Movement Dave Owns:
    Terezi Owns:
    Carefree Victory:
    Atomic Bonsai:
    Lotus Land Story:
    Bargaining With the Beast:
    Phantasmic Youngsters:
    Emerald Terror:
    CARNE VALE 2: ***
    CARNE VALE 3: ***
    Unite Synchronization: (I’m aware that this isn’t actually a Homestuck character. Still, I’d be astonished if you could show me an image better suited for this track. LOL)
    Everything is Something to Somebody:
    Song of Skaia 1:
    Song of Skaia 2:
    Song of Skaia 3:
    Song of Skaia 4:
    Pipeorgankind 1:
    Pipeorgankind 2:
    Pipeorgankind 3:
    My Favorite Homestuck Song:
    Overture (Canon Edit):
    - All previous thumbnails:
    - Curtains: ***
    - Act 7 Screenshots: ***
    End: ***
    Copyright Statement: I do not own any of the music or art used in this video. All musical and artistic credit goes to the original creators, referenced below. Additionally, I did NOT receive permission to rip the Act 7 or curtain screenshots from the comic itself. If this video gets taken down because it includes that, I will make a copyright safe version of the compilation as soon as humanly possible.

  • @tallysingatsby
    @tallysingatsby 4 месяца назад +2

    Amazing, thank you so much!

    • @twist22
      @twist22  4 месяца назад

      You're welcome! It was a lot of fun making these compilations, especially this one! Thanks for stopping by. :)
      EDIT: Happy 4/13!