Top 10 Pro Tank Tips and Tricks For ALL Game Modes (RB, Sim, AB) - Guide + Tutorial (War Thunder)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 366

  • @Tankenstein
    @Tankenstein  3 года назад +48

    Remember to subscribe to War Thunder Best Replays!

    • @novkorova2774
      @novkorova2774 2 года назад +4

      Buy bushes? Really? Are we supporting gaijin's p2w mechanics?

    • @novkorova2774
      @novkorova2774 Год назад +2

      ​@HATEAN Still get victories and top of the match regularly without using unfair advantages.

  • @drewfarmer05
    @drewfarmer05 3 года назад +430

    tip for ground, specifically ground rb. just be confident when you play. if you just keep your eyes peeled and listen closely you can push behind enemy lines before zones even start being capped. don't be nervous and sit behind teammates and walls and you will do much much better.

    • @mikebauer6917
      @mikebauer6917 3 года назад +18

      Added bonus is flank snipers and planes aren’t looking for you behind their lines… unless you start ripping up the place.

    • @whyismynametaken123
      @whyismynametaken123 3 года назад +12

      I'll add to this. You can do this with lower BR tanks that are speedy and get into positions that allow you to get side shots on the enemy. The 2.7 Puma is notorious for doing this several BRs above it's own.

    • @Vins9393
      @Vins9393 3 года назад +8

      Sitting behind teammates has changed the community in a worse way :( too many people just use teammates as shields and the team suffers too many losses for nothing. It is a team game ! Not call of duty. We support each other

    • @whyismynametaken123
      @whyismynametaken123 3 года назад +10

      @@Vins9393 Even worse is maps like Karelia where half the team or more just sit at the edge of the gorge shooting at the people on the other side even though it accomplishes absolutely nothing for either team...

    • @reedman0780
      @reedman0780 2 года назад +2

      Can confirm. I used T-55AM at RB as a baseline. I kept behind friendly lines, occasional kill, supporting capping teammates, and tanking shots. I did below 5 in leaderboard ranking. When I did go out at around 9.7 and normal 8.3 matchmaking, I absolutely dominated. and it isnt because its a premium or with power pack, I've been fighting 9.7 tanks and constant 9.0 uptiers, so armor isnt arguable.

  • @Crim1_
    @Crim1_ 3 года назад +293

    another tip for ground, check your corners and keep checking your corners even if youve checked them already, its good to keep good situational awareness, and if you dont see friendlies in an area on the map, assume there are enemies in that area and to be cautious, and dont rely on your team as they can disappear in an instant or be as dumb as rocks

    • @mikebauer6917
      @mikebauer6917 3 года назад +11

      Please people, watch the mini map. Sometimes you were too busy to check I understand. But when you do check for a lack of vehicles from your teams in areas that you’d expect them. This is a sure sign that there is an enemy (assume enemies) lurking in or around that area killing your team. Drop some artillery around there if you can to revel them. Otherwise approach with caution or avoid that area.

    • @sirshnitz2335
      @sirshnitz2335 3 года назад +3

      I personally love that, me n my friend roll out with 4 to 6 friendlies and a minute or two into a fight there all dead and its just us left.

    • @bentrod3405
      @bentrod3405 2 года назад +1

      Yeah, I’ve stopped trusting teammates to hold a flank because I would assume my teammate was competent, then I’d end up getting killed by the same guy who killed them because I didn’t realize they were dead and I was focused on watching in front of me.

    • @theasiangod5860
      @theasiangod5860 Год назад +2

      @@bentrod3405 yeah happened to me a few times, now I learned to just watch my own 6 even if I have 3 friendlies with me. Never know when they died and didn't say anything.

    • @danielpetrucci8952
      @danielpetrucci8952 4 месяца назад

      Learnt that the hard way 😂

  • @CraterLakey
    @CraterLakey 3 года назад +778

    I had no idea that you could look at your scoreboard to get an idea if there are enemies nearby. Great video.

    • @redned7771
      @redned7771 3 года назад +74

      It's also a good way to tell you if someone is driving around the map to edge/spawn camp.
      If it's a few minutes into the match and there is a guy with 0 score start looking out to the edges of the map.

    • @generalmarkmilleyisbenedic8895
      @generalmarkmilleyisbenedic8895 3 года назад +3

      I learned from adamtheengineered i just never implemented it, i most def will now

    • @10kmilesy
      @10kmilesy 3 года назад +27

      I think gaijin is removing this feature on the next update, where they planned a few changes to how rp is rewarded in game

    • @Rune-Thief
      @Rune-Thief 3 года назад +8

      @@10kmilesy I think they did, I see people complaining about it.

    • @tinture2822
      @tinture2822 3 года назад +6


  • @JustAnotherRandomPersonOnline
    @JustAnotherRandomPersonOnline 3 года назад +66

    On Number 9, I am somewhat surprised you didn't bring up using a backup, after a while you seem to have no end to them (if used sparingly or for special circumstances, for example, making it to where you have 2 XM-1's instead of 1). For me, when I use (Universal) backups like that, it really helps out.

    • @Tankenstein
      @Tankenstein  3 года назад +15

      I didn't because I had other vehicles in my lineup. I only showcased that low BR lineup because that's what people typically do. I have Russian tanks that can do well with the Turms in a lineup

    • @philmybutup4759
      @philmybutup4759 3 года назад +5

      Plus a backup can save from having to pay repair cost if you don’t die the second time

    • @blackarrow8191
      @blackarrow8191 Год назад +1

      I keep getting backups i have now like 11 of them, they're really easy to get somehow :D

    • @Toxicsledge122
      @Toxicsledge122 2 месяца назад

      @@philmybutup4759i didnt know that

  • @mikebauer6917
    @mikebauer6917 3 года назад +18

    As for bushes, note you can exclude certain camos and put on different bushes or none say for urban maps (rather than sync/link all as the same). That way, you have bush free or desert bushes that you can select on a map.

  • @manhvo242
    @manhvo242 Год назад +6

    my average war thunder experience:
    1. spawn
    2. get killed
    3. respawn
    4. get killed by the same guy
    5. shutdown computer

  • @Inual
    @Inual 3 года назад +31

    As far as i'm aware, Number 2 doesn't work anymore since the Ground Braking update. Gaijin removed such score gains.

    • @Frostile
      @Frostile 2 месяца назад

      Indeed. Outdated and dosent work

  • @GielL96
    @GielL96 3 года назад +67

    A tip for what to do with warbonds: buy the bush crate everytime, then spare up to buy backup's! they're amazing to have an abundance of, for example to grind out the first mods of an unlocked vehicle (use them after you get your repairkit and firecontrol unit tho). If you have a lot of backups already, spend your warbonds on the booster crate :) Don't buy any vehicles, stickers,... from the warbond shop, they're mainly sh*t anyway.

    • @novkorova2774
      @novkorova2774 2 года назад +9

      The limiting factor is NEVER, EVER warbonds. It is the shop level and special task grinding that buying a crate requires.

    • @bentrod3405
      @bentrod3405 2 года назад

      I mean the vehicles aren’t a bad deal if you can buy them in a tree you haven’t touched yet. Right now the amx-13-m24 is available for the french and it’s 3.7. If I had the shop level I would buy it just so I have a decent premium above any french stuff I currently have.

  • @thomasmacdonough288
    @thomasmacdonough288 3 года назад +15

    That first one is a very important tip. I can't count how many T55s, XM1s and TAMs I've come across trying to use HEATFS just because they read the 400mm pen

      @INSANESUICIDE 2 года назад +2

      For the Tam and other german tanks in early Cold war they usually start with heat and need to grind to unlock apfsds rounds

  • @tridactasaurus
    @tridactasaurus 3 года назад +21

    The best tip I can provide is to ALWAYS have an eye glued to your minimap. Especially for AB. Too many times I’ve seen especially in AB people unaware of flanking enemies forcing me to deal with the flankers, me getting killed, or otherwise getting surrounded and overrun

    • @MrWeenuk21
      @MrWeenuk21 2 года назад +2

      new player here and omfg my teammates. ill be disabled by an enemy that just flanked us and while theyre tryna sniper battle an enemy thays a km a way im 50 feet to their left getting pounded in and out by these dudes. painful man.

    • @anthonyretief3697
      @anthonyretief3697 2 года назад +1

      I know about the mini map tip, even before I watched any videos. Really helps when you can't see them physically and they try to flank you. I can turn around and surprise them, like I was waiting for them the whole time. It's honestly funny.

  • @amblinxy9920
    @amblinxy9920 3 года назад +11

    10:22 you can assign backups and play it in arcade but it get spent when you spawn so it's still not that affective.

  • @Appletank8
    @Appletank8 3 года назад +16

    A neat feature for tanks is the option to limit elevation when braking, it stops a lot of the gun wiggle while stopping harshly. Less needed for tanks with stabilizers or really high elevation rates.

    • @RealGreenrh
      @RealGreenrh Год назад

      Was about to comment that lol

  • @OumuamuaOumuamua
    @OumuamuaOumuamua 3 года назад +43

    Can you do a video on map routes in ground rb, and good ambush spots etc, I’ve played for like 6 years and still have no idea what I’m doing on most maps

    • @JustAnotherRandomPersonOnline
      @JustAnotherRandomPersonOnline 3 года назад +1

      I would love this as well, and agreed! I only know few maps really well.

    • @Darkhorse1239xf
      @Darkhorse1239xf 3 года назад +1


    • @chalion8399
      @chalion8399 3 года назад

      I always look at the zone locations and see what areas overlook them. Most of the non-city maps have those overlooks, plus most zone locations have hills and dips that will allow you to get into the zones, or at least most of the way. If you've got them, use smoke shells to cover your approach too, they're especially useful in lower BR where there's not low light or night vision electronics. Just note that smoke shells are a big flag showing there's someone who can see that location the shell landed in.

    • @scifiordie
      @scifiordie 3 года назад +2

      there is a spot on both sides of the map on finland very close to the spawn, on the rocks, where you can snipe not only at b but almost all the way to the enemy spawn

    • @Vins9393
      @Vins9393 3 года назад +1

      The best ambush is made where the enemy doesn't think it will occur. Just turn off the engine and make an ambush in a normal place. Or flank. If now he designates a good place where to ambush, everyone will emulate and those places will be known and lose the surprise effect

  • @lordyharim466
    @lordyharim466 2 года назад +8

    For the angling tip, if you have a tank like the AMX M4, don't angle because those corner plates essentially becomes flat when you angle towards an enemy

  • @diffsmasher4824
    @diffsmasher4824 Год назад

    i am a big fan of the 'universal translator' t,4,2='need cover' t,2,2 =defend the b point and t,1,4 ='attack the D point' I just watched your War Thunder tank iceberg which is why i am here! You make good content Mr Tankenstein. thanks for your efforts!

  • @cloudsteele1989
    @cloudsteele1989 2 года назад +3

    Learning something new in each video. Awesome. Can't wait to try and implement it. It completely makes sense to not bring 80+ rounds if you rarely even shoot off 25.

  • @janovmi2
    @janovmi2 3 года назад +5

    here are some of my tips + down below some additions to yours
    1) learn what objects you can shoot thru, you can kill ppl by shooting thru building and other rubble that may seem as shootable tru will block your shells
    2) dont use machineguns if you dont have reason to, you are making yourself EZ to spot, stay hidden and try not to move because even after firing the enemy may not see you if you dont move ( or quickly go back into hiding, your choice)
    3) learn weakspots of tanks, i mean it, why is everyone shooting KV and early IS tanks into the turret hoping it will damage the gun / guner when you can just onetap them with shot to the lower plate ? also use diferent ammo to explot weakspots, see DOOMturtle ? have HESH ? blast its copulas
    4) dont flame people in chat, it only makes them picking up a bomber more likely
    now to the video
    1) mainly applies to APCR and HEAT-FS, dont use APCR at all and dont use HEAT-FS if you have APDS (but take coupel cause russian IS-3, IS-4, IS-6, IS-7 and other bouncy garbage)
    if you are choosing betwen AP and APHE then go APHE, the couple of mm more penetration isn worth losing the APHE oneshot capability
    2) crank up engine sounds of other players and crank down sound of your own engine, helps too
    3) very tank dependant, some tanks can run FULL ammo load cause the ammo is stored all at the same palce or it is tank that dies in oneshot anyway, also depends on map, aka bigger sniper maps = take more ammo, when you have new tank load it full into test mode and shoot and observe how the ammoracks empty, you dont want ammo in turret or front but for some tanks thats the main palce where the amo is so it dosnt matter how many you pick, it wil lalways be there ... also take into account ready rack size and repelnishment time, on leopard 2 it takes like 40s to reload shell that is not in readyrack (above 21)
    4) sad face p2w sh*t
    7) tank dependant, some tanks get weaker by angling
    8) DONT, its so much RNG, you may shoot the gun but not damage it, if you see something that you cant deal with it, try to stay hiden and ambush OR flee OR flank
    9) if you are trying to maximize your research / time, dont bring more than 1 tank in battle and only respawn if you can get significant ammount of kills in order to be worth it, YES i leave after 1 death because thats teh best way to farm RP AND you will avoid the end of battle where either you camp enemy spawn which is boring and everyone will steal your kills or the other way you will be camped and killed imidietly after spawn ... so much joy to play this game at the end right ... dont blame me, i havent designed this game in such bad way

  • @PHAS71
    @PHAS71 3 года назад +3

    The t-34 chassis (including su-85) won't shake at all if you just let go of the W button. Immdeiately after that it will be as good as still for you to shoot your enemy right away. This might not work as well in open field, of course but it's 100% reliable in city settings.

  • @markp2085
    @markp2085 2 года назад +2

    I shut down my engines all the time and constantly get kills as a result. I play in VR, so I use Voice Attack for issuing some commands, including engine on and engine off. Good video.

  • @Kraus-
    @Kraus- 3 года назад +1

    That score tip was really helpful. I noticed for the first time last week that I got a few points without doing anything and wondered what it was for.

  • @humanwow5848
    @humanwow5848 2 года назад +2

    I've also found that, if shooting over a concrete fence, you can use the binoculars to aim at your target, then return to sniper view and fire.
    (you'll be shooting blind so aim well)

    • @drsmug7761
      @drsmug7761 2 года назад +3

      If you hold down the fire button while in binoculars, switching to sniper cam will fire the gun immediately. Just use the sniper cam button as your fire button and your binocs as the main scope. This is especially useful for tanks that have a greater binocular zoom than their sniper zoom, such as the Bandkanon.

  • @abrahamsorby8193
    @abrahamsorby8193 Год назад +1

    5:00 there is a wiki document that will tell you (for most tanks) how much ammunition each ammo rack holds

  • @mrsteel250
    @mrsteel250 3 года назад +4

    Awesome! This is helpful for players of all skill levels!

  • @youthere7327
    @youthere7327 3 года назад +2

    the only thing that separates most people is that most players want to jump in and do the work and have fun while a few "elites" sit on the edge of the fight picking up easy kills

  • @agravemisunderstanding9668
    @agravemisunderstanding9668 3 года назад +4

    Btw gadgin removed the scoreboard feature so now score only goes up based on points capped tanks killed, scouted or damaged, and teammates repaired

  • @TankerBricks
    @TankerBricks 3 года назад +4

    Ooh. Thanks Tankenstein!

  • @Dinnerdin1
    @Dinnerdin1 2 года назад +2

    If you do want to slow down to shoot, try to roll out rather than braking, the barrel won't swing up and down nearly as much

  • @imablock16
    @imablock16 2 года назад +6

    Has anyone else been having shells disappear after fired? After the last update I ended up firing shots that were in the green and should have killed the target but when i fired nothing happens which usually ends with me being blown up.

  • @somebritishguy8022
    @somebritishguy8022 2 года назад +2

    Top Tip:
    When encountering a German tank.
    First, shoot the barrel.
    Second, shoot the tracks.
    Finally, flank it and shoot the sides.
    Another Tip:
    When in a Tiger and encountering a Jumbo ALWAYS shoot the gunners machine gun hole next to the driver.

  • @BraxtonParsons-s8h
    @BraxtonParsons-s8h Год назад +1

    Here’s another one: when in a vehicle with a short stop stabilizer, use Cruise Control 1 or Battle to enable the stabilizer and fire on the move. I’ve never seen anyone use CC to control their speed to enable their stabilizer. Cruise Control saves lives and silver!

  • @SaviorCross
    @SaviorCross 2 года назад

    I never thought of angling. Thank you kindly for the advice 🙏🏾

  • @zombie_boi0522
    @zombie_boi0522 2 года назад +3

    I didnt know that the more ammo you have affects your tank, so thanks for mentioning that because i die a lot from my ammo exploding when i get hit

    • @niklasmolen4753
      @niklasmolen4753 Год назад

      I always reduce the ammo amount. But I think you explode quite a lot anyway. But a little help is always something.

  • @philmybutup4759
    @philmybutup4759 2 года назад +1

    1:28 wouldn’t the difference of angle help in that case tho? The tiger being higher negates more of the t44s armor

  • @ledzik1893
    @ledzik1893 3 года назад +11

    Angling is not always good idea. On some tanks like Porshe tiger and especialy high tier games angling will kil you

    • @Tankenstein
      @Tankenstein  3 года назад +12

      Over angling can do that. It's difficult, though, because if you angle against the guy in front of you, it could make you more vulnerable to the guy on your right that you didn't see.

    • @ryankoh917
      @ryankoh917 3 года назад +1

      @@Tankenstein its a case by case basis. Angling on an IS-2 is suicide, because the ring around the upper side mantlets are barely 50mm thick. When face up front, an IS-2 can be difficult to kill, but if it shifts its hull ever so slightly the side mentlets open up to reveal a weakspot that is an instant crew knockout. Often, I find myself running to achieve an angle on IS-1s and 2s just to expose the side rings

  • @thomaskositzki9424
    @thomaskositzki9424 2 года назад

    The scene at the end is comedy gold! XD
    Also: good tips, some I didn't know/figured out yet. :)

  • @hmmmh737
    @hmmmh737 2 года назад +1

    8:00 make sure to angle, shows an is3 angling.

  • @momopirou3107
    @momopirou3107 3 года назад +1

    thats funny, when you start talking about angling, the footage is showing the IS3, one of the tanks that flattens the hule angle when angling the vehicle, making it easier to pen :)
    due to the point shape of the front.

  • @joeshaw1557
    @joeshaw1557 3 года назад +1

    Currently taking break from warthunder it's been 3 month now and I feel so much better😂❤️ still keep up the good content brother

  • @Vins9393
    @Vins9393 3 года назад +4

    I would add a few other things i think can be extremely useful
    1. If you spot one enemy. DO NOT NECESSARILY try to go for the kill. If you can't pen that enemy, scout it or track it or disable its cannon. But don't try shots that won't pen cause it is a waste of time and will attract attention on your position.
    2. If you face several enemies. DO NOT GO NECESSARILY FOR THE KILL. Start by disabling one cannon and then focusing on the other enemy, maybe by shooting at its cannon too. You will have two enemies who can't shoot at you back and you will be able to get 2 easy kills or more.
    3. If you are with teammates. Check what they do. DO NOT STEAL THEIR KILLS NOR FOCUS NECESSARILY ON THE SAME ENEMY jusy to get the kill. If your ally disables one enemy cannon, don't kill that disabled tank. Focus on another treat because the disabled tank wi have to repair and is not a treat anymore. Coordinate with teammates, one shoots a part and one another, useless to shoot the same crew twice.
    4. When you are burning, DO NOT NECESSARILY stop to estinguish the fire ! Try to shoot at your enemy back, maybe trying to disable enemy's cannon ! He will need several seconds to repair and that will gove you time to estinguish fire and repair. Meanwhile you will shoot at him back.
    5. Do not stop in the middle of the street to repair. When you get damaged. Take cover first.
    6a. When you are on a plane in ground battles. DO NOT GO for easy kills ! Support your allies on the ground.
    6b. Air superiority is a must ! Do not forget one SPAA ! Taking down planes will save many points.
    7. As said before. Do not go necessarily go for the kill. Even one assist gives tons of points ! Check carefully which treat to destroy first.

  • @chmux
    @chmux Год назад

    short question: what is this light gray tank at 5:23? Look like some japanese amphibious tank. Never seen before.
    === Got it. Japanese Ka-Chi, Type 3, I guess.

  • @Dougiejonesyuh
    @Dougiejonesyuh Год назад

    Just found your channel and wish I found it sooner, lots of helpful tip!

  • @OleksandrHromov
    @OleksandrHromov 3 месяца назад

    a tip I came up with: use your shells to destroy trees in front of you, even if the machine gun doesn't break them, don't be afraid to use the main gun. why? because you'll have less ammo when you actually arrive to the enemies so less likely to get ammo racked, but also the limit is still there and replenishing at capture points is a thing. plus, destroying trees with a gun is an aim practice and can be fun :>

  • @petermalczynski4090
    @petermalczynski4090 2 года назад +1

    Hi Tankenstein
    Thank you so much for the mind blowing content.
    Wow!!...This is a great tips and tricks video that is making me think more deeply about why I struggle a bit with consistency in ground battles.
    I must admit that I definitely focus too much on the armour pen numbers of any given shell and have been a bit blind to all of the other factors involved in choosing "The right shell" for the vehicles I am using and going up against.
    I also would never have figured out to check your score often as an indicator of enemy vehicles nearby...genius!!.
    Turning your engine off in ambush situations...again...that would have taken me 10 years to make that connection on my own.
    Going to make a point to watch this video from time to time to remind myself of all these great tips in order to try assimilate them over time.
    Keep up the great work....War Thunder really benefits from and needs people like you to educate the masses.
    Keep up the great work....I think I enjoy watching your videos more than actually playing the game...I'm hooked...LOL!
    Keep up the amazing work.

  • @ninja_kitten
    @ninja_kitten 3 года назад +1

    "dont have tanks of a lower br in your lineup"
    _procedes to go on a rampage at 9.0 with my m22_

  • @ZenosOsgorma
    @ZenosOsgorma 2 года назад +1

    No one mentions that new players think they are immune when flying a plane in AB/RB.
    Jumping into a plane while defending a cap or on front line.

  • @CUWHIP97
    @CUWHIP97 2 года назад

    FANTASTIC video! I too have been playing since 2013 and even still I learned from this video, Thank you! :)

  • @Eclipse-SSC
    @Eclipse-SSC 2 года назад

    I haven't watched the full video, but there are more ways to "get good", I'll name a few.
    Buying and/or playing:
    T-34 (German)
    Object 120
    Object 279
    All of the Yak props
    Centurion Mk.5 AVRE
    Object 906
    It's as simple as switching to Soldier or turning up your interp as Spy in TF2 :)

  • @silhouetted_shadow3486
    @silhouetted_shadow3486 3 года назад

    Great video bud. Subscribed 🖤

  • @DatBoi_TheGudBIAS
    @DatBoi_TheGudBIAS 3 года назад +1


  • @cookiecraze1310
    @cookiecraze1310 2 года назад +1

    When I first joined I didn't know about post-pen and angling so I would rush to research APCR on all my British tanks and be left wondering why I couldn't pen anything.

    • @MageOtter27
      @MageOtter27 Год назад

      Man when i started tanks, i thought of bf5 and how apcr is busted in that game so when i used it, i didnt know why it sucked so bad lmao

  • @MarX...
    @MarX... 3 года назад

    great vid, some really new tips to use, well done ... again

  • @nadawg4
    @nadawg4 3 года назад +3

    And now Gaijin has removed score from being near enemies in all gamemodes due to their economy nerf being so over-the-top. Damn it.

  • @Ezra411st
    @Ezra411st 2 года назад +3

    My guide to how much ammo I bring long reload (14-25 seconds) 10-15 rounds mid reload (7-13 seconds) 15-25 depends on armor and location of the ammo fast reload (0-6 seconds) what ever amount of ammo you find best, and Finley (21-43 seconds) all the ammo becouse as soon as you fire the enemy will flank you and the bigger the explosion the better

    • @Tankenstein
      @Tankenstein  2 года назад +2

      That's actually a really good way to do it. Great tip!

    • @Ezra411st
      @Ezra411st 2 года назад

      And aim is a good thing too add more ammo if you have a bad shot

  • @Postyslw
    @Postyslw 2 года назад

    Last 2 tips spot on 👌

  • @HAVOK-xh1yo
    @HAVOK-xh1yo 2 года назад

    Thanks for your videos I'm brand new to the game like 2 days old lol I could use all the help I can get

  • @agravemisunderstanding9668
    @agravemisunderstanding9668 3 года назад +1

    I would say know your tanks limits,
    If you can't pen it then don't shot it, if you can scout it or draw attention to it's position, shooting it will only place a temporary marker and most people won't go for it since they assume it's already dead

    • @Vins9393
      @Vins9393 3 года назад

      Exactly. It is a thing i sometimes still make wrong but i see too many people willing to go for the kill and shooting every tank passing... attracting attention on our position

  • @uma3827
    @uma3827 3 года назад

    Well, that end clip was surprising.

  • @pinrex7392
    @pinrex7392 2 года назад

    Really helped me thanks alot!

  • @lotfikerzabi1880
    @lotfikerzabi1880 2 года назад

    Thanks, very helpful!!!!

  • @massimoforesti
    @massimoforesti 3 года назад

    What tank was that at 5:20? I've seen it a few times but don't know what it's called

  • @Mastermind9206
    @Mastermind9206 2 года назад

    amazing advice here, gonna put this vid in a playlist so i easily find and rewatch it later :) now i'm heading off to watch Angling tutorial :P btw - 12 days total playtime in War Thunder and i still haven't quit... tho i've died a hell lot :D

  • @alpacaofthemountain8760
    @alpacaofthemountain8760 2 года назад

    great video!

  • @oscardinogetti3824
    @oscardinogetti3824 3 года назад

    Angling video was just Bob Izumi telling me about fishing and trying to sell me Off bug repellent. Nothing to do with tanks. Great tips 👍

  • @Samuraikush420
    @Samuraikush420 2 года назад +1

    Struggling with the type 69 MBT for China. But I excell with my tigers and Panthers at lower brs.

  • @dauntless_3496
    @dauntless_3496 Год назад +3

    I'm dissapointed that you are reccomending bushes :(

  • @wladimirkoszmar268
    @wladimirkoszmar268 3 года назад +5

    Please be aware that bushes in excess can cause the loss of your dignity. Morehover if you always need to be covered in bushes to achieve something your skills won't progress so far, that applies too (and probably more) for "infamous strategys" like spawnkill or broken vehicles. You'll have to play good to be a good player

    • @mikebauer6917
      @mikebauer6917 3 года назад

      I guess the loss of dignity part is about the look of too much bush (like on urban map)? I find the looks of the R3 T20, ERB and especially the T55E1 so laughable, and/or just hideous, that I flat out refuse to play them and have to restrain my urge to drop team-kill artillery on them when they are on my team. Like cockroaches they are…

  • @maltegedik3481
    @maltegedik3481 2 года назад

    in my opinion, number 7 only works until about 8.7 br max. high tier tanks shred through sides as if it was nothing, and it rly feels like they dont care about the angle as long as its a side shot

  • @ChrisPsneakers
    @ChrisPsneakers 2 года назад

    Engine off, fire out trick… going to test this tonight 😮

  • @chr821
    @chr821 Год назад +1

    The ingame rangefinder/sights are worthless.
    get a mod for either a funnelsight or any other Stadiametric rangefinder.
    If you feel fancy and want a GOOD rangefinder, I recommend the "tochka SM2" .
    Not only does it give you the range to a target but also the flighttime of the shell and (estimated) possible penetration.

  • @damkegunner2414
    @damkegunner2414 2 года назад +1

    I’m confused on #9. Obviously I’m a newbie…. But if I have a 3.7 M24 and my next tank is only a 2.7 it’s harder for me to destroy enemies at 3.7 with my M24? Why would my M24 get nerfed just because my next tank is a full point below? What am I missing

    • @user-ns4zm8qe9p
      @user-ns4zm8qe9p Год назад

      That has to do with the cannon of the M24 chaffee, you can check this in game by viewing your tank in the garage so you can see all tanks info. But the M24 has a low velocity 75mm cannon compared to the 75mm M3 cannon in the M4 Sherman’s so the penetration is not equal.
      As to why the M24 is higher it’s because of the incredible mobility of the tank once you purchase all the modifications, allowing you flank easily and with a crazy reverse gear you can leave situations when they start to go bad.

  • @TomPrickVixen
    @TomPrickVixen 3 года назад +3

    A few extra tips:
    - The Tiger 1 always has ammo in its front left rack; try to hit that!
    - Prioritize when researching modules, sometimes a better ammo is more important than FPE!
    - Recommended to carry a few HE shells to deal with open vehicles.
    - Don't play the British unless u R masochist/can take a lot of suffering
    - U might want to check the BR u ended up in (looking what tanks your team has) and decide that want to spawn at all or not; aka your tank has any combat value on +1.0 BR, or not (B1 bis has non on 3.3)
    - Shooting barrels what makes players rege-quit after 1 death and might even report u for being unfair so... i won't encourage that!
    - French tanks has shit brakes. seriously!
    - Even smoke shell detonation can blow up a tank... somehow
    - Front driveing tanks can be penetrated trough the driveing-wheel, even from unlikely angles ... somehow!

    • @ninja_kitten
      @ninja_kitten 3 года назад

      I got so traumatized by the T55E1 rush that i carry HE shells in all my tanks that dont have MG's

  • @demetriusdemarcusbartholomew
    @demetriusdemarcusbartholomew 2 года назад

    10:00 yes it is true but i Play sweden the strv 74 is actually pretty good at 7.0 or 7.7 against early Leopards

  • @flogger3858
    @flogger3858 3 года назад +1

    what voice recording software do you use? or what might you recommend for a beginner?

    • @Tankenstein
      @Tankenstein  3 года назад +1

      Good question! I would say to use audacity for audio recording. As far as I know, it's pretty much the standard, and it's easy to master.

    • @flogger3858
      @flogger3858 3 года назад

      @@Tankenstein thanks

  • @hunterborski4088
    @hunterborski4088 Год назад

    How do you get the turret to to follow your binoculars? What is it called in the controls?

  • @blaisepascal3804
    @blaisepascal3804 Год назад

    3:37 how to view score screen?

  • @agravemisunderstanding9668
    @agravemisunderstanding9668 3 года назад

    The bushes tip is true, if you are something like a T34 or any tank with small bit visible weak points a bush can make it practically impossible to one shot you from certain angles, like once i nonpened on a T34 cuz i couldn't pinpoint the Edge of it's turret and it cost me my teammate, it's pay to win and a little bit cancer but there's no other reason to handicap yourself

  • @foxidafluffy8294
    @foxidafluffy8294 2 года назад

    0:25 I like how u tok his track so he shoots yours like i imagine htis is going thru his head
    "cmon tiger peek a little more- oh you lil shit shot my track fine i shoot yours ha now wat u gona do"

  • @PanzerWeeb3305
    @PanzerWeeb3305 2 года назад +2

    I had a hard time playing Warthunder 3 1/2 years ago when I started. I was able to learn the game simply by watching RUclipsrs like Phlydaily and OddBawz.

  • @flak8842
    @flak8842 Год назад

    hey tankstien thank you for your video guidelines and it's a sucessfull video indeed
    but there is a problem a lot of people face which is without a doubt is seal clubbers absoulutely negate the effect for new tankers to get used to the game mode since this will prevent them from growing up and making thier expreince horrible and mostly results in them quitting the game early
    making any tank guide video is no longer relevant
    but regardless your effort are not in vain but since i am not a tanker and i did take these advice as an actuall guidelines but it does not bring the effect anymore since there are campers and a lot of spawn pushers and the mentioned seal clubbers making them just not working any time soon as this applies to any gamemodes

  • @aserkill6096
    @aserkill6096 3 года назад

    Also a advice for AB ground
    If you jump into a plane, for all that is holy ping enemies that is nearby teammates

  • @hosseinbaraty1569
    @hosseinbaraty1569 2 года назад

    i learned all those tips the hard way i wish i could have watched this 3 years ago

  • @j4m3s86
    @j4m3s86 2 года назад +1

    How do you level up the warbond shop

  • @gijs_pladijs
    @gijs_pladijs 6 месяцев назад

    how do you track your score?
    I mean which button do I use for that?

  • @alexandergowlett5186
    @alexandergowlett5186 2 года назад +1

    When there is a dead tank Infront of you and you can see an enemy tank past it. If you have ap you can generally shoot through the dead tank as to not expose yourself.

  • @kensmith7821
    @kensmith7821 2 года назад

    Been playing for about a year...Is there any benefit in getting tanks higher in BR? I play to play, it seems I do best around the 1.3 - 1,7 range. So, that is where I stay.

  • @tylerabreu8249
    @tylerabreu8249 2 года назад

    That first tip really struck a nerve for me lmao

  • @kidsinafrica3080
    @kidsinafrica3080 2 года назад

    whats the range on that getting score when near enemies?

  • @whyme_wotb8133
    @whyme_wotb8133 8 месяцев назад

    8:05 you shouldnt angle in tanks like the IS-3 because of the angled frontal armour but do angle your tigers!

  • @TheRealBladeGaming
    @TheRealBladeGaming Год назад

    You forgot to add that you can carry more than 50% ammo with tanks that have blow out panels (for example the Abrams family) but don’t carry more than 80% because for some reason, at least in my experience, it still over pressures you and the blow out panels won’t relieve enough pressure

  • @Ravenheartless322
    @Ravenheartless322 3 года назад

    Question on BR line ups what about for example China type 62 is 6.7 and has nothing to run with it. Do I bring 6.3 since after 6.7 br jumps to 7.3 then 8.0

    • @Tankenstein
      @Tankenstein  3 года назад +3

      Just bring whatever your tech tree offers that is closest to your best vehicle. Some tech trees have big BR gaps, so all you can really do is to purchase the next closest BR vehicle and hope for the best.

    • @mikebauer6917
      @mikebauer6917 3 года назад

      I kind of shoehorn in a new br lineup. So I start with my favorite vehicles below that lineup that I think I can hold my own with at the higher BR. I generally lead with one of those and play aggressively to get some kills or caps in before getting killed. Then I take out the single un-spaded vehicle and play more cautiously to earn some a RP. I guess I treat the new vehicle sort of like you might a plane in ground RB. Once that vehicle is researches enough and I feel more comfortable with it I lead with that. Hopefully, you’ll soon unlock another vehicle to replace one of the lower BR ones and build you like up that way. For nations with big gaps you might have to add the next vehicle, use the previous highest BR one as your lead, and struggle with a way under tiered lineup.

  • @danawhite9352
    @danawhite9352 2 года назад

    I just started War Thunder few months ago. Rest in peace social life.

  • @DomInARK
    @DomInARK Год назад

    I use the shell that I find works better, like using aphv most of the time then using aphe closer up for better effect

  • @KPunkZ
    @KPunkZ 3 года назад

    being in a tiger 2 looking down at T-44 sloped hull armor means you have less angled shot than when shooting it with same height tank though?

    • @Tankenstein
      @Tankenstein  3 года назад +1

      It does, but I more used it as an example of how height differences can affect angling. In this case, it's a positive for the Tiger II.

  • @corsairsofnarshaddaa
    @corsairsofnarshaddaa 2 года назад

    7:20 Will Gaijin ever fix the bug that even manually cranked turrets slow when "battery power" is used up? So freaking annoying.

  • @alanclark991
    @alanclark991 2 года назад

    Ok so I get the idea of not taking a full ammo load,but why is it if I try to reduce my ammo capacity,gaijin will not let me enter the match unless I allocate more shells of another type then I can enter the match so what gives ? Or am I missing something ?.

    • @iexist.imnotjoking5700
      @iexist.imnotjoking5700 2 года назад +1

      I think when you take less ammunition it recommends you take more, but you can ignore that message I think.

    • @alanclark991
      @alanclark991 2 года назад

      @@iexist.imnotjoking5700 ok will try it and let you know what happens. Thnx for the advice ,

  • @slabcap_1020
    @slabcap_1020 3 года назад

    Ive added firing button as left alt, i know this might be weird but ive tried it and it is effective. You could try it urself

  • @j_tha_panther
    @j_tha_panther Год назад

    “Be sure to angle your armor”
    Sherman’s and the entire Russian tree:

  • @loveisbutpain
    @loveisbutpain Год назад

    I'm still trying to find out how at tier 2 and 3 I'm getting sniped across the whole map. Like I can't see them when I zoom in but the can see me really well and I'm using my binoculars.

  • @shadowblade9767
    @shadowblade9767 2 года назад

    How much of this applies given the updates that have changed how score works, and other minor changes?