I noticed that those who joined the inquisitors with motivation to have more power and claimed to be have better training than their former Jedi teachings and yet all i see is they skills were literally stagnant, they didnt really indulge themselves into the forces and always busy themselves in hunting and killing while some lone jedi did found peace and reach certain level in the force.
Well the Inquisitors are "stagnant" because that's what Palpatine wanted. He wanted Dark Side Jedi Hunters but he didn't want them to become so powerful that they can overthrow him and Vader. They are still capable against inexperienced Jedi. But you can expect them to fold quickly when they go up against a skilled and experienced Jedi.
@@hanifloka130Exactly. The Inquisitors were meant to hunt down escaped Padawans and the occasional Jedi Knight. Neither Vader nor Sidious expected nor needed them to take out the targets they were really after: Kenobi and Yoda. But they didn't have to. They only had to find them.
@@darkbiddy511 It's never easy to be sure who is really stronger than the other. For example, The Inquisitors were Jedi, some already Jedi Knights before Ahsoka was an adult, then we are told that the Dark Side makes them stronger but they still lose.
I’m happy to see Barriss didn’t stay with the inquisitors and found the light again. Although she still committed some crimes, she realizes what she did was wrong. So she decided to put her time and effort as a healer, both in body and soul. Never in a million years I would of thought inquisitors can quit and live on to have peace (Reva quit but was wounded that we don’t know if she survived or not/trilla never gotten the chance to come back since Vader arrived)
Well, I think if Anakin 'Lord sith' 'Younglings murderer' 'Alderaan's destructor' 'War crimes' 'Imperial genocidal' Skywalker got forgiveness and redemption, Barriss, whose crime was practically nothing in comparison and were kind of justified (without considering that at the end she recognizes she was also wrong) deserves a second chance even more than Anakin.
I have a theory why inquisitors are so weak Because as jedi and padawans they were trained to tap into the light side of the force But as inquisitors, they use the dark side which they were poorly trained(maybe intentionally)
Definitively on purpose. The Sith trained them to be duellists and little else. The Inquisitorius was meant to fight escaped Padawans and the occasional Jedi Knight. Against someone like Obi Wan or Yoda, they would stand no chance, but it was okay for the Sith since they only needed to locate the Jedi.
Inquisitors were essentially fallen Jedi, whose sole purpose was to hunt down remaining Jedi, and most of these inquisitors were Jedi Padawan, and the Grand Inquisitor and Vader only trained them in lightsaber combat and to fight offensively. Their knowledge of the force was quite limited due to this. The caveat of this was either a Jedi lost to an inquisitor or the inquisitor died so in the end the goal to rid the galaxy of the Jedi worked either way. Cool to think about but dark
I think its supposed to follow rule of 2 as in Vader and the Senate are wayyyy stronger than all of the inquisitors and there's a lot less chance of infighting
Palpatine and Vader deliberately limited what they were taught in order to uphold the Rule of Two and make it less likely any attempt at a rebellion would succeed. They are hunting dogs and were taught competently enough for that, but they were never taught any of the major secrets of the Dark Side Sith are meant to learn. Think of it like what Dooku claimed Ventress was supposed to be for Sidious and how Sidious responded when Ventress hit a certain point: an assassin and hunter being taught the basics in the Dark Side is fine, a skilled warrior being legitimately taught the secrets of the Sith and growing powerful enough to rival them is an illegal apprentice, a violation of the Rule of Two.
I still find it odd how weak they are. I understand inquisitors who were recruited as padawans to be weak but some of these inquisitors were knights & there was even a master in the group. Theirs no reason for them to be losing to people with less training like kanan or Cal. I guess all those injuries that Vader gave them during training may have weakened them
Still, she confused people who could do their job better with the system in her naivety, like Dooku. The system was good after all (democracy), it was just killed by people sworn to protect it as Cal Kestis pointed out.
Honestly I don’t feel bad for Barriss dying. She bombed the Jedi Temple, framed Ahsoka, and tried fighting Anakin when he found out the truth, and joined the Inquisitors after Order 66.
Let me ask you a couple of questions. Who is it that decides what is right or wrong? Who is to be forgiven and who is to be punished? Either it is objective or subjective, always or never. I ask this to put you into this question. If a man spends his early years doing evil, comes to truly and earnestly regret his every action, and goes on to spend the rest of his life seeking to do good, not for the sake of forgiveness, but because it is good. Should that man be forgiven, and if so, is that because morality is subjective or objective?
I feel bad for Barris because her character was clearly ruined to prop up ahsoka, and this redemption is just a feeble attempt to try to line her back up to her legends version. Lame
In her defense anakin was literally about to cut her head off with his lightsaber & if she refused to join the inquisitors the clone troopers would’ve killed her on the spot. And yeah what she did was bad but she’s been trying to make up for it ever since by giving her life energy to heal others which is why she looks so old despite her species not aging
@@The_Albino_Jackal true, her motivations made no sense, we never really learned why she did what she did (the explanation she gave didn't line up, as she wasn't supposed to get caught, so then what was the aim with secretly bombing the temple?)
I don't mind what they did with Barriss. I don't mind the story, but I'm so sick of Disney letting people survive lightsaber stabbings. The number of times that people have survived lightsaber stabbings is far too close to double digits.
Felt like she died a totally pointless death. The only possible purpose I can think of, is just to remove a Jedi-like character before the timeline of OT for the benefits of the storygroup, so that there wouldn't be too many of them around and being a nuance to the continuity.
But...Lyn/Fourth is still alive by the time of the OT as far as we know...and also Reva/Third sister since we are talking of inquisitors redeemed whose fates remain unknown. Where are all these people? None of them joined Luke academy or something?
I sometimes think that with the fall of the order and being away from the the politics of Corusant, a number of the surviving Jedi likely developed a stronger understanding of themselves and a higher connection with the Force
Vader would be pissed to see Barriss like this. But not because she betrayed... again. It's because she, unlike him, had a strength to say no on her own to Dark Side - a traitor who broke his padawan, making her leave him, in his mind at the mercy of Palpatine.
Vader's isn't petty he would see her as a weak traitor with her potential she didn't give I'm to the strength of the dark side Vader is powerful and he views weakness as weakness
@@Darth-vade123 Vader is petty when he wants to: 😀 In the comic he with the Force sabotaged a human podracer with a pilot unknown to him (Luke Skywalker ironically) because he is on the verge of becoming the supposedly first human podracing champion in galactic history. Anakin's own victory as a kid on Tatooine was never made public to the galaxy as a whole.
So she had no problem blowing up the jedi temple and blaming her best friend so she gets executed instead of her but she has a problem with the way inquisitors work?
@@kimshlongunnhh9994 she still had no problem killing an accomplise and blaming it on ahsoka to be sentenced by the republic, if she felt sad for ahsoka she would have felt conflicted when anakin payed her a visit
@@kimshlongunnhh9994 doesn't matter who she had a problem with she still had the will to kill innocent people attack the temple she grew up in and blame it all on her best friend.
when I first saw the TOTE trailer I was expecting a story where Barriss went down a rabbit hole of exploring who Vader, her new lord really was. Y'know remembering the whole Anakin arresting her before and finding out type deal.
I loved this shit Barriss was disillusioned with the war and the Jedi’s involvement in it. Disillusionment, possible PTSD, and a little dark side was the perfect recipe for disaster. The dark side fucks up your judgement and changes who you are as a person and it does so quickly. Just look at count Dooku or darth Vader. Bariss never absolved herself of her actions “we are the ones who should be put on trial. ALL OF US!” She’s very self aware and resigned to what she is. She just doesn’t think all the other Jedi are any better. But after a little time in jail she mellowed out, came to terms with how fucked up she was. This reflection continued during her time as an inquisitor and came to a head when she saw Lynn slaughter an innocent family and “kill” a surrendering opponent. After that she reverted back to who she was before she began her dark path. A healer. And her “final” act of healing was to try and reach someone, every bit as fucked up as she used to be.
I feel really conflicted about this whole scene mainly because the fate of barriss is once again left on a damn cliffhanger. In clone wars after she bombs the jedi temple, we are left wondering what her fate is and if she died in prison following order 66. Now we are wondering if she survived a disney star wars lightsaber stab wound on some other icy planet. I agree with the majority that she should be dead and gone here, however so many characters have survived stab wounds in disney starwars, including: 1 time - the grand inquisitor in the kenobi series 2 times - reva (literally stabbed by vader twice and lived wtf) 1 time - sabine wren in the ahsoka series 1 time - Kylo Ren - stabbed by rey then healed. All these examples just make Qui Gons death in phantom menace seem even more pathetic even though that was pre disney takeover. Im probably being petty here but disney has made it very hard to believe that any character can just be killed by lightsaber stab anymore. The fact the death of barriss isint shown on screen leaves me to believe that disney wanted to leave her fate on a cliffhanger yet again. It honestly wouldnt surprise me if she comes back in a future piece of star wars media where shes suddenly fine alive and well. If it can magically happen to sabine and reva, it can happen with her.
I think a key difference with the ones that survived being stabbed is their access to medical attention. For example, we very clearly see Sabine being rushed for medical treatment after being stabbed. This in a way mimics reality, if someone is stabbed and doesn't get immediate medical attention, they're going to die. (basically Qui Gon could've lived had Obi Wan won the battle sooner and gotten him to medical care) The only person that I don't really have an explanation for is Reva. That one I am more than willing to chalk up to lazy writing, but the others make sense
She is called the healer, and in legands she had healing powers, but maybe they come with the price of price of giving ones own life force, thus advancing aging
It probably did kill her, Disney just being pussy about it not actually showing her dying in case they want to dig her ass up for another storyline later
Literally this. She could show up again in the future completely fine and well considering several character have magically also survived a lightsabre stab wound
Barriss during that Leftover Galactic Republic vs Galactic Empire War era is not old. Barriss is just middle age. Barriss Offee Vernesta Rwoh from the Acolyte Luminara aliens species are called the Mirialans. Their own species is one of the top species that strong with Either Sides of the Force. They even have rituals ceremonies training advanced quests on their planet Mirial that are similar to India China Japan Mystic Mythologies. Half of them that do not have enough Midichlorians to use the Force Own Powers have a life Expectancy 64 to 84 years but the ones that do have enough Midichlorians to use the Force live 200 whole years they are able to use the Force to slow Down their ageing. Yoda species are Unknown because of that idiot George Lucas so we call them the Unknownsters they live 900 whole years. But the Number One Longest Aliens that became Jedi Consulars Jedi Sentinels Jedi Knights are the Neti Tree Aliens that are technically some percent shapeshifters have the Life Expectancy to Of Thousands they're ancient even more Ancient than Yoda the most Notable is Jedi Master Ood Bnar. But the Point is Barriss is middle age at that era some speculated that Seventh Sister Mirialan Sith Inquisitor is Barriss but was like don't care if that's her just hope Barriss died. Then it turns out the Theorists were wrong she's not the Seventh Sister Mirialan Sith Inquisitor. But that Bitch did die. But at Least she redeemed herself so Apology Accepted.
@@M.A.S.K._Crusader Imagine being in her situation where over the course of the Clone Wars you are being slowly corrupted by the dark side due to not being capable of handling the death and destruction around you. She didn’t want to fight on the frontlines and experience this when the war broke out, so she instead became a medic and would be stationed on republic bases to help heal the clones with her unique force powers. Her master didn’t care for her wishes however and sent her to Geonosis to kill sentient lifeforms, and then sent her to battles for the duration of the war. So it’s not really a surprise that a pacifist Jedi who rejects the idea of violence is gonna have the dark side influence them. Barriss eventually just wanted to make a stand and get the point across that the Jedi are losing their way and should not be involved in the war, but she just went about it in a terrible way. She actually didn’t even mean to kill the people in the bombing, the nanodroids were just set off at the wrong time, and ended up having to frame Ahsoka and kill clones out of necessity. It was basically just choosing between them and herself, which is a decision made easy once the dark side has already influenced you. She was a very good person at heart overall, and what happened in TOTE was very in line with her character. If Barriss doesn’t deserve redemption, then literally no characters do.
@@Freddy3763 don't care. she doesn't deserve redemption. I'm not commenting no more on this subject. She did the crime she deserves imprisonment or worse.
Waste of a character. They literally brought her back then killed her next episode. Honestly this whole star wars tales was actually mid. They could have had her character at least meet other characters or spend time being a inquisitor before turning. Honestly could have been done better but she may appear in other tv shows as her character before she died was actually really old
I find it really hard to believe that she's somehow fine with bombing the Jedi Temple, killing a bunch of people and clones, and framing her friend, but draws a line at being led by the Inquisitors, seems inconsistent.
She believed the Jedi were becoming the very warmongers they were fighting against. That's the big difference. She thought they were losing their way, thus bombed the Jedi Temple to open their eyes. Misguided and foolish? Yeah, but she wasn't malicious. While being an inquisitor requires you to kill _everyone and everything,_ including, as Lynn demonstrated, children. Barriss is not a child murderer. She will not kill if she believes there is no point.
@@SteveCrafts2k how does bombing the temple achieve that, especially as she was never supposed to explain her actions, as she didn't plan to get caught?
@@Gasssolo It was to send a message to the Jedi that they've lost their way. Through bombing the temple, she thought it would get the Jedi to open their eyes and realize how in becoming soldiers of war, in being Republic lapdogs, they've become blind to what they're supposed to be.
Episode 6 is a joke, after Barris blows Jedi Temple and blames it on Ahsoka it doesn't make sense to give her redemption, and overall series feel like fanfic. But those lightsaber moves and orange eyes are cool asf.
I think it's to do with her attitude during the trial in Clone Wars. She's devoted to what the idea and ideals of the Order are on *paper* , and believes they've become a perversion of those ideals. I think she sees them as having sold out, and by the time we see her in these shorts she still hasn't really let go of her idea of what they should have been in her head. All she really knows by the time Order 66 comes around was that she was 'correct' in her assumption that the Order in its current form were traitors, That said, it is a very Disney/Star Wars thing in general to pull a redemption out of the air.
To be fair her turn to the dark side was very sudden, she had her views against the Jedi and chose to frame Ahsoka for a random attack and then get all edgy with red sabers, it would have made more sense if she tried to reach out to Dooku as he likely shares her view on the order.
Light and darkness endless battle between chaos and order good and evil has no world peace and victory and power only despair fear malice hatred desire its only brings more pain and suffer endless circle in the star wars story it will contiuned repeat its self
Meredith give us a hint " i dont kmow what happen in the show, maybe barriss meets ahsoka some time and give apologies for what she did " something like that say on interview with 1 day befor the show start, soo she play like she doesn know
This is disney star wars. Any character can survive a lightsaber stab wound these days. It wouldn't surprise me if barriss shows up in a random episode of something in the future completely fine
It's literally the other way around, at least 2 episodes of Barriss are acceptable, Morgan barely had one interesting or well written episode, her character is pointless
The film's costume is sensationalism. Sometimes things get very sensationalistic. Are you going to be a Jedi? There is! Jedi is a Star Wars success. No Star Wars is a success 3d and there's not so much makeup and there are Storme troupers? Make it without Storm Troupers, as Acolyte has no Storm Troupers. But ultimately what I think Jedi could represent more expression of: there could be more emphasis on the fact that the Jedi or Gdays is a religion and has to behave like a Vatican, the thing that gives rise to a Heidegger's world has I have to study more if it's a religion thing, Jedy, Obwan and Luke are more Catholic priests and Yoda is more like the Zen master and the Sun, without philosophy like a trailblazer of the Maltese Cross, those very tough ones, with their great religious intolerance , if he practices witchcraft he attacks with a saber. In the end he informed Mother Aniseia, but the people of Mother Aniseia condemn him too and the shadow of Plagnos and the true student is the burning of the witch in the fire by the inquisition of the Guardians. Let's see a universe, but as always this whole story is missing, as well as the speech of the councils in Revenge of the Sith, but this is what God and the astral religions are about the Jedi and sorcerers, wizards and quirimbandas on the dark side, what the Jedi get wrong in religious and cultural intolerance. , Candomblé is divided. And we will have true evil and the people already exploited by a Plagnus that only with the reactors made from the remains of freighters founds 3 other cities using the reactors and turbines, but they charge and the fight already begins there in the matter of removing these colonies from power on the other side dingy. There wasn't even a war, but small conflicts are already generating and Master Sol's actions should break diplomacy with these people in the cities that emerged from the wreckage. Future films are ways of making good news by criticizing Earth's mistakes without saying it to your face, saying: In a galaxy far far away. But the fact to be and study is that the opposing societies, the types of exploitation and Slavery, the disrespect for race, color and culture and the plots of corrupt exploitative Societies must be themes from Star Wars, oppression, extreme dictatorship, ultra capitalism of wars. The plots of wars and the impoverishment of post-conflicts, what would happen after the end. But the fact that Star Wars will have to study is that adverse societies, types of exploitation and Slavery, disrespect for race, color and culture and the plots of corrupt exploitative societies must be themes of Star Wars, oppression, extreme dictatorship or ultra capitalism of wars. The plots of wars and the impoverishment of post-conflicts, what would be after the end of the entire war, the Supreme Lord's empire defeated, a Jedi becomes corrupted and tries to activate the empire, the grandchildren or great-grandchildren of the former emperors will be usurped by a lord and experience sumptuous luxuries from distant galaxies. But poverty is the lack of money on the part of the crown and on the Jedi's side it will be so great, as several post-conflict planets enter into a transport and merchandise market crisis, something that happened in our time on our planet today, it was the result of repeated conflicts
And what would you have happen with Barriss? Because there was absolutely no way she was ever gonna stay an Inquisitor, it is the literal exact opposite of everything she believes in.
@@anthonyrodriguez8788 This. Barriss believed the Jedi were corrupt and lost their way and was angry, but she isn't a fascist nor a child murderer. Plus, we don't know what she was thinking during her time in prison. There are a lot of months between her arrest and Order 66.
@@StarRider587 Anakin wasn’t a child murderer either but that sure as shit didn’t stop him during Order 66. It’s almost like the Dark Side makes people evil and go against previously established morals or something.
All of this is pure retconned trash. Originally, Bariss Offee never gave into the darkside, and she never ever joined the Sith as an Inquisitor. She resisted the Darkside and died on Felucia. Dave Filoni can't write within the original plot and character of a story. He's a good animator, but a good writer...hell no.
@@jonsmith2832 Expanded Universe has always been canon. George Lucas has approved of Legends, and has allowed writers to write within his universe in order to expand Star Wars lore. Fraudloni didn't expand anything. He broke continuity, and retconned anything that he could. Yes, oh yes, Feloni is a terrible writer.
Sappy melodrama between a butchered character and a literal cardboard who had no character up until now. Praise Filoni, for he's our lord and saviour HAHAHAHAHA
@@MrTragedious986 He's a consistent hack, that's what he is. He can't help but retcon anything that isn't his stories, and now even his own stuff. Do you think I cared about either of these worthless characters ?
@@yrooxrksvi7142 he ain’t hack buddy sure his retcons can be frustrating and nostalgic stuff but I didn’t see you complain George Lucas did the same thing in his Prequel trilogy. Kanan and Ahsoka are his characters, did you forget? Are you calling the Bad Batch worthless characters? Because they are one to the better characters especially Crosshair.
@@MrTragedious986 Yes he is, he hijacked the franchise with his increasingly worse fanfictions, when a superior version of the Clone Wars or the foundation of the Rebel Alliance existed in the form of the 2003 microseries, the Republic comics by Dark Horse or the Force Unleashed. And I do complain about Lucas needlessly nerfing Grievous just because "he didn't want another Vader", after designing him to look like his prototype. Kanan is just an inferior hodgepodge of characters like Rahm Kota and Dass Jennir, as passable as he is. And Ahsoka has essentially become a Mary Sue as time has gone by. The Bad what ? The Bad who ? Sorry, I don't watch pointless filler....
@@yrooxrksvi7142 you are so funny in the worst ways. And Clone Wars 2003 is not canon to George Lucas movies. Mary Sue oh my god you can’t be serious, she ain’t she has flaws on her own. If you want to act like Geeks and Gamers then go ahead do your worst. If you want to see a real hack go watch Jurassic World and tell me what you think. Bad Batch is one of the better shows despite having some “filler” episodes, everyone loves that show.
I will never understand the level of shilling Star Wars fans have for all these terrible shows. Like you somehow manage to create the most insane headcanon where this all makes sense but it really doesn’t
I love the fights where the Jedi uses no weapons and just dodges the whole time. The ultimate insult.
Ironic, seeing as lightsabers were a Jedi invention that the Sith corrupted to spite them
Best part of the last Jedi if you ask me. Insane that some Star Wars fans can’t admit the sequels had some redeeming qualities,
I noticed that those who joined the inquisitors with motivation to have more power and claimed to be have better training than their former Jedi teachings and yet all i see is they skills were literally stagnant, they didnt really indulge themselves into the forces and always busy themselves in hunting and killing while some lone jedi did found peace and reach certain level in the force.
Gotta pick your battles with limited screen time.
Well the Inquisitors are "stagnant" because that's what Palpatine wanted. He wanted Dark Side Jedi Hunters but he didn't want them to become so powerful that they can overthrow him and Vader. They are still capable against inexperienced Jedi. But you can expect them to fold quickly when they go up against a skilled and experienced Jedi.
@@hanifloka130Exactly. The Inquisitors were meant to hunt down escaped Padawans and the occasional Jedi Knight.
Neither Vader nor Sidious expected nor needed them to take out the targets they were really after: Kenobi and Yoda. But they didn't have to. They only had to find them.
@@TheUrizen el inquisidor personal de vader;*se soleaa un maestro jedi
palpatine;*vader,que parte de no crees otra ahsoka no entiendes?
Barriss is around the same age as Ahsoka and the Inquisitors died out around 2 BBY. While I would say that Barriss is probably 34/35 years old
Yet she's far stronger than ashoka, she may be around Old Ben's level as we see here
@@darkbiddy511 It's never easy to be sure who is really stronger than the other. For example, The Inquisitors were Jedi, some already Jedi Knights before Ahsoka was an adult, then we are told that the Dark Side makes them stronger but they still lose.
@@darkbiddy511 To hear you, you imply that she could beat Baylan Skoll.
@@RagnarKorg3141 she definitely could, she could beat ashoka as well
Nah he aint beating Baylan Skoll. @@darkbiddy511
I’m happy to see Barriss didn’t stay with the inquisitors and found the light again. Although she still committed some crimes, she realizes what she did was wrong. So she decided to put her time and effort as a healer, both in body and soul. Never in a million years I would of thought inquisitors can quit and live on to have peace (Reva quit but was wounded that we don’t know if she survived or not/trilla never gotten the chance to come back since Vader arrived)
Well, I think if Anakin
'Lord sith'
'Younglings murderer'
'Alderaan's destructor'
'War crimes'
'Imperial genocidal'
Skywalker got forgiveness and redemption, Barriss, whose crime was practically nothing in comparison and were kind of justified (without considering that at the end she recognizes she was also wrong) deserves a second chance even more than Anakin.
I agree with you Maurici
She is back being Jedi again as Force Healer
She still killed a bunch of her friends so lol
Nah I disagree bit every character needs a remedtion arc
Barris did the right thing of turning back to the light.
I have a theory why inquisitors are so weak
Because as jedi and padawans they were trained to tap into the light side of the force
But as inquisitors, they use the dark side which they were poorly trained(maybe intentionally)
Definitively on purpose. The Sith trained them to be duellists and little else. The Inquisitorius was meant to fight escaped Padawans and the occasional Jedi Knight.
Against someone like Obi Wan or Yoda, they would stand no chance, but it was okay for the Sith since they only needed to locate the Jedi.
Inquisitors were essentially fallen Jedi, whose sole purpose was to hunt down remaining Jedi, and most of these inquisitors were Jedi Padawan, and the Grand Inquisitor and Vader only trained them in lightsaber combat and to fight offensively. Their knowledge of the force was quite limited due to this. The caveat of this was either a Jedi lost to an inquisitor or the inquisitor died so in the end the goal to rid the galaxy of the Jedi worked either way. Cool to think about but dark
I think its supposed to follow rule of 2 as in Vader and the Senate are wayyyy stronger than all of the inquisitors and there's a lot less chance of infighting
Palpatine and Vader deliberately limited what they were taught in order to uphold the Rule of Two and make it less likely any attempt at a rebellion would succeed. They are hunting dogs and were taught competently enough for that, but they were never taught any of the major secrets of the Dark Side Sith are meant to learn. Think of it like what Dooku claimed Ventress was supposed to be for Sidious and how Sidious responded when Ventress hit a certain point: an assassin and hunter being taught the basics in the Dark Side is fine, a skilled warrior being legitimately taught the secrets of the Sith and growing powerful enough to rival them is an illegal apprentice, a violation of the Rule of Two.
I still find it odd how weak they are. I understand inquisitors who were recruited as padawans to be weak but some of these inquisitors were knights & there was even a master in the group. Theirs no reason for them to be losing to people with less training like kanan or Cal.
I guess all those injuries that Vader gave them during training may have weakened them
Barriss has changed a lot. I enjoyed the video. Good work on the video.
It’s crazy how powerful Barris became with the force.
The good was always in her, she joust didn't want to be a jedi because she felt the corruption in the order
Still, she confused people who could do their job better with the system in her naivety, like Dooku. The system was good after all (democracy), it was just killed by people sworn to protect it as Cal Kestis pointed out.
Asoka would've been proud of barris offee, she became a Jedi master.
Honestly I don’t feel bad for Barriss dying. She bombed the Jedi Temple, framed Ahsoka, and tried fighting Anakin when he found out the truth, and joined the Inquisitors after Order 66.
Let me ask you a couple of questions.
Who is it that decides what is right or wrong? Who is to be forgiven and who is to be punished? Either it is objective or subjective, always or never.
I ask this to put you into this question. If a man spends his early years doing evil, comes to truly and earnestly regret his every action, and goes on to spend the rest of his life seeking to do good, not for the sake of forgiveness, but because it is good. Should that man be forgiven, and if so, is that because morality is subjective or objective?
I feel bad for Barris because her character was clearly ruined to prop up ahsoka, and this redemption is just a feeble attempt to try to line her back up to her legends version. Lame
In her defense anakin was literally about to cut her head off with his lightsaber & if she refused to join the inquisitors the clone troopers would’ve killed her on the spot.
And yeah what she did was bad but she’s been trying to make up for it ever since by giving her life energy to heal others which is why she looks so old despite her species not aging
@@The_Albino_Jackal true, her motivations made no sense, we never really learned why she did what she did (the explanation she gave didn't line up, as she wasn't supposed to get caught, so then what was the aim with secretly bombing the temple?)
Notice how fans never say the same about Anakin Skywalker who has in fact done worse. Lol
Barriss really called out to the force
Like Anakin, Revan, Ulic Qel-Droma, and Ajunta Pall, Barriss found her way back to the light due to seeing the error of her ways.
I don't mind what they did with Barriss. I don't mind the story, but I'm so sick of Disney letting people survive lightsaber stabbings. The number of times that people have survived lightsaber stabbings is far too close to double digits.
I forgive you Barris we knew that you returned to the light side.
Felt like she died a totally pointless death. The only possible purpose I can think of, is just to remove a Jedi-like character before the timeline of OT for the benefits of the storygroup, so that there wouldn't be too many of them around and being a nuance to the continuity.
But...Lyn/Fourth is still alive by the time of the OT as far as we know...and also Reva/Third sister since we are talking of inquisitors redeemed whose fates remain unknown. Where are all these people? None of them joined Luke academy or something?
That was one of the problems we had with the EU.
Yet ahsoka was alive the whole time so that can’t be it either
This is just Theory Since time was Never Specified here, I like to think the infant that Barriss saved was Ezra
I’m more thinking it’s Grogu. Last I heard, Ezra was born on Lothal and never left prior to Rebels
@@anonymaton948 not sure if you saw the episodes but it was a Human kid.
Nah that can't be true enough I need real factz about this
@@Jon2.0 it’s just a Theory I have was never Proven True
@@Setton_Exile Ezra was born on Lothal the day the Empire was formed.
this is what fighting spawn of oggdo feels like
I sometimes think that with the fall of the order and being away from the the politics of Corusant, a number of the surviving Jedi likely developed a stronger understanding of themselves and a higher connection with the Force
Vader would be pissed to see Barriss like this. But not because she betrayed... again. It's because she, unlike him, had a strength to say no on her own to Dark Side - a traitor who broke his padawan, making her leave him, in his mind at the mercy of Palpatine.
Vader's isn't petty he would see her as a weak traitor with her potential she didn't give I'm to the strength of the dark side Vader is powerful and he views weakness as weakness
@@Darth-vade123 Vader is petty when he wants to: 😀
In the comic he with the Force sabotaged a human podracer with a pilot unknown to him (Luke Skywalker ironically) because he is on the verge of becoming the supposedly first human podracing champion in galactic history. Anakin's own victory as a kid on Tatooine was never made public to the galaxy as a whole.
I loved the part where Barriss said its Jedi time.
What happened to the Fourth Sister? Well, some of us say that she freezes to death. 🥶💀
So she had no problem blowing up the jedi temple and blaming her best friend so she gets executed instead of her but she has a problem with the way inquisitors work?
She had a problem with the Jedi order maybe pay more attention you’ll probably get it
@@kimshlongunnhh9994 she still had no problem killing an accomplise and blaming it on ahsoka to be sentenced by the republic, if she felt sad for ahsoka she would have felt conflicted when anakin payed her a visit
@@kimshlongunnhh9994 doesn't matter who she had a problem with she still had the will to kill innocent people attack the temple she grew up in and blame it all on her best friend.
@@anakinskywalker2142 Don't ask questions, just consume product, praise Filoni, then consume the next product.
@@yrooxrksvi7142 yeah i stop having that mindset with the martez sisters, rebels and bad batch
when I first saw the TOTE trailer I was expecting a story where Barriss went down a rabbit hole of exploring who Vader, her new lord really was. Y'know remembering the whole Anakin arresting her before and finding out type deal.
I fully forgive Barriss after final episode of this tale
I loved this shit
Barriss was disillusioned with the war and the Jedi’s involvement in it. Disillusionment, possible PTSD, and a little dark side was the perfect recipe for disaster.
The dark side fucks up your judgement and changes who you are as a person and it does so quickly. Just look at count Dooku or darth Vader.
Bariss never absolved herself of her actions “we are the ones who should be put on trial. ALL OF US!” She’s very self aware and resigned to what she is. She just doesn’t think all the other Jedi are any better.
But after a little time in jail she mellowed out, came to terms with how fucked up she was. This reflection continued during her time as an inquisitor and came to a head when she saw Lynn slaughter an innocent family and “kill” a surrendering opponent.
After that she reverted back to who she was before she began her dark path. A healer.
And her “final” act of healing was to try and reach someone, every bit as fucked up as she used to be.
she look so old here, way older that what she's supposed to be
I like tales of the jedi a lot. From this episode from top 50 barris become in my top ten
I feel really conflicted about this whole scene mainly because the fate of barriss is once again left on a damn cliffhanger.
In clone wars after she bombs the jedi temple, we are left wondering what her fate is and if she died in prison following order 66. Now we are wondering if she survived a disney star wars lightsaber stab wound on some other icy planet.
I agree with the majority that she should be dead and gone here, however so many characters have survived stab wounds in disney starwars, including:
1 time - the grand inquisitor in the kenobi series
2 times - reva (literally stabbed by vader twice and lived wtf)
1 time - sabine wren in the ahsoka series
1 time - Kylo Ren - stabbed by rey then healed.
All these examples just make Qui Gons death in phantom menace seem even more pathetic even though that was pre disney takeover.
Im probably being petty here but disney has made it very hard to believe that any character can just be killed by lightsaber stab anymore. The fact the death of barriss isint shown on screen leaves me to believe that disney wanted to leave her fate on a cliffhanger yet again. It honestly wouldnt surprise me if she comes back in a future piece of star wars media where shes suddenly fine alive and well. If it can magically happen to sabine and reva, it can happen with her.
I think a key difference with the ones that survived being stabbed is their access to medical attention. For example, we very clearly see Sabine being rushed for medical treatment after being stabbed. This in a way mimics reality, if someone is stabbed and doesn't get immediate medical attention, they're going to die. (basically Qui Gon could've lived had Obi Wan won the battle sooner and gotten him to medical care)
The only person that I don't really have an explanation for is Reva. That one I am more than willing to chalk up to lazy writing, but the others make sense
Why tf is Bariss so damn old, she'd be like 30 something at most and her species ages twice as slow as humans anyway.
How did she age so fast
Time skip ⏭
She is called the healer, and in legands she had healing powers, but maybe they come with the price of price of giving ones own life force, thus advancing aging
@@jelanispencer584 yes but why isn't the other inquisitor old? Not to mention that the age of the inquisitors isn't enough to age someone like that
force healing, barriss give her vitality to heal other, and Rey explain how works because filloni or lucas they didn explain
@@b1k3rbryc3 different species, force healing and harsh weather affected her body
I hope it’s going to be
tales of the sith story of darth maul and asajj ventress and tales of the clone and mandalorian of Rex and bokatan kryze
Well there goes all the theory about barris being the inguisitor that maul killed in rebels
I'm pretty sure it was confirmed years ago that it wasnt barriss
Episode 6, Isn't that the same cave in the last Jedi, where the rebellion was hiding?
My girl ate 😂 until she died lol
Wait i thought she was killed/executed for some reason
2:21 I miss the time when this would kill you...
Lightsabers are a joke now
It probably did kill her, Disney just being pussy about it not actually showing her dying in case they want to dig her ass up for another storyline later
Literally this. She could show up again in the future completely fine and well considering several character have magically also survived a lightsabre stab wound
It also depends on where they get stabbed.
Barriss during that Leftover Galactic Republic vs Galactic Empire War era is not old. Barriss is just middle age. Barriss Offee Vernesta Rwoh from the Acolyte Luminara aliens species are called the Mirialans. Their own species is one of the top species that strong with Either Sides of the Force. They even have rituals ceremonies training advanced quests on their planet Mirial that are similar to India China Japan Mystic Mythologies. Half of them that do not have enough Midichlorians to use the Force Own Powers have a life Expectancy 64 to 84 years but the ones that do have enough Midichlorians to use the Force live 200 whole years they are able to use the Force to slow Down their ageing. Yoda species are Unknown because of that idiot George Lucas so we call them the Unknownsters they live 900 whole years. But the Number One Longest Aliens that became Jedi Consulars Jedi Sentinels Jedi Knights are the Neti Tree Aliens that are technically some percent shapeshifters have the Life Expectancy to Of Thousands they're ancient even more Ancient than Yoda the most Notable is Jedi Master Ood Bnar. But the Point is Barriss is middle age at that era some speculated that Seventh Sister Mirialan Sith Inquisitor is Barriss but was like don't care if that's her just hope Barriss died. Then it turns out the Theorists were wrong she's not the Seventh Sister Mirialan Sith Inquisitor. But that Bitch did die. But at Least she redeemed herself so Apology Accepted.
Next season should be tales of the clones to capitalize on the clone hype
I feel sorry for people watching Star Wars these days
She dies as a jedi
In my opinion Barris didn't deserve redemption
Why? She was never really a bad guy, she just got confused and influenced by the dark side out of her control
@@Freddy3763 She murdered clones and jedi and framed Ahsoka for it. So like I said she doesn't deserve redemption.
@@M.A.S.K._Crusader Imagine being in her situation where over the course of the Clone Wars you are being slowly corrupted by the dark side due to not being capable of handling the death and destruction around you. She didn’t want to fight on the frontlines and experience this when the war broke out, so she instead became a medic and would be stationed on republic bases to help heal the clones with her unique force powers. Her master didn’t care for her wishes however and sent her to Geonosis to kill sentient lifeforms, and then sent her to battles for the duration of the war. So it’s not really a surprise that a pacifist Jedi who rejects the idea of violence is gonna have the dark side influence them. Barriss eventually just wanted to make a stand and get the point across that the Jedi are losing their way and should not be involved in the war, but she just went about it in a terrible way. She actually didn’t even mean to kill the people in the bombing, the nanodroids were just set off at the wrong time, and ended up having to frame Ahsoka and kill clones out of necessity. It was basically just choosing between them and herself, which is a decision made easy once the dark side has already influenced you. She was a very good person at heart overall, and what happened in TOTE was very in line with her character. If Barriss doesn’t deserve redemption, then literally no characters do.
@@Freddy3763 She's a terrorist to the republic and deserves no redemption at all.
@@Freddy3763 don't care. she doesn't deserve redemption. I'm not commenting no more on this subject. She did the crime she deserves imprisonment or worse.
She's lucky they didn't send Vader she wouldn't stand a chance against vader
Waste of a character. They literally brought her back then killed her next episode. Honestly this whole star wars tales was actually mid. They could have had her character at least meet other characters or spend time being a inquisitor before turning. Honestly could have been done better but she may appear in other tv shows as her character before she died was actually really old
The breakdown videos best described importance... Mirror images, of how/why Morgan went bad and Bariss got redeemed.
She didn't die she was wounded
It’s left open ended
She may not have died
Wounded not killed come on man keep up lol
I find it really hard to believe that she's somehow fine with bombing the Jedi Temple, killing a bunch of people and clones, and framing her friend, but draws a line at being led by the Inquisitors, seems inconsistent.
She believed the Jedi were becoming the very warmongers they were fighting against. That's the big difference. She thought they were losing their way, thus bombed the Jedi Temple to open their eyes. Misguided and foolish? Yeah, but she wasn't malicious.
While being an inquisitor requires you to kill _everyone and everything,_ including, as Lynn demonstrated, children. Barriss is not a child murderer. She will not kill if she believes there is no point.
@@SteveCrafts2kwasn’t malicious but plants a bomb in the Jedi temple lmao .
@@SteveCrafts2k how does bombing the temple achieve that, especially as she was never supposed to explain her actions, as she didn't plan to get caught?
It was to send a message to the Jedi that they've lost their way. Through bombing the temple, she thought it would get the Jedi to open their eyes and realize how in becoming soldiers of war, in being Republic lapdogs, they've become blind to what they're supposed to be.
I'm glad they redeemed Barriss. Always felt that her heel shift in TCW was _way_ too drastic
She was right about what the jedi had done in the clone wars she just took the wrong approach
Barris didn't deserve a redemption arc.
Episode 6 is a joke, after Barris blows Jedi Temple and blames it on Ahsoka it doesn't make sense to give her redemption, and overall series feel like fanfic. But those lightsaber moves and orange eyes are cool asf.
I think it's to do with her attitude during the trial in Clone Wars. She's devoted to what the idea and ideals of the Order are on *paper* , and believes they've become a perversion of those ideals. I think she sees them as having sold out, and by the time we see her in these shorts she still hasn't really let go of her idea of what they should have been in her head. All she really knows by the time Order 66 comes around was that she was 'correct' in her assumption that the Order in its current form were traitors, That said, it is a very Disney/Star Wars thing in general to pull a redemption out of the air.
To be fair her turn to the dark side was very sudden, she had her views against the Jedi and chose to frame Ahsoka for a random attack and then get all edgy with red sabers, it would have made more sense if she tried to reach out to Dooku as he likely shares her view on the order.
it looks so stupid 😂😂😂
Light and darkness endless battle between chaos and order good and evil has no world peace and victory and power only despair fear malice hatred desire its only brings more pain and suffer endless circle in the star wars story it will contiuned repeat its self
Its sad that Barriss and Ashoka never made up ;_;
Maybe they did.
Barriss did send the others to meet up with an “old friend” of hers.
She isn’t dead, it’s open ended, she still could!
Meredith give us a hint " i dont kmow what happen in the show, maybe barriss meets ahsoka some time and give apologies for what she did " something like that say on interview with 1 day befor the show start, soo she play like she doesn know
Or made out… I thought the hinted theory that Barriss had a crush on Ashoka made a lot of sense
That was a boring fate for her... was hoping to get more
Bri wtf is that bullying of the inquisiturs, all episodes of the tales bully them
Damn poor Barriss Disney massacred her aesthetic
Eh that stab doesn't like very fatal
children comment on this video with no insight into how real life works.
at the end is when they should have had darth vader come in and kill the inquistor and we aren't mad anymore.
I’m kinda tired of these lightsaber dodging scenes. We had 2 this series. Only the ahsoka one was cool. I want an actual lightsaber duel.
Barriss/Lyn vs the Jedi in episode 2 wasn't a duel? (Short but duel)
Such a waist of a character killing Barris.
This is disney star wars. Any character can survive a lightsaber stab wound these days. It wouldn't surprise me if barriss shows up in a random episode of something in the future completely fine
Honestly, they should have done just 6 episodes about Morgan Elsbeth. The ones about Barris were pretty terrible.
It's literally the other way around, at least 2 episodes of Barriss are acceptable, Morgan barely had one interesting or well written episode, her character is pointless
Other way around
Nah Barris had the better storyline
@@GonzaloAhumadaCastro-jr5sjBut we now know there are other witch clans on Dathomir now. Just like in the EU
Absolutely no one cared about morgan elsbeth. The show should've been about vader hunting jedi after ROTS.
Dis shit sad
Not everyone needs a redemption arc. diseny Star Wars is so trash
Holy mid
You are balding and brown skinned
The film's costume is sensationalism. Sometimes things get very sensationalistic. Are you going to be a Jedi? There is! Jedi is a Star Wars success. No Star Wars is a success 3d and there's not so much makeup and there are Storme troupers? Make it without Storm Troupers, as Acolyte has no Storm Troupers. But ultimately what I think Jedi could represent more expression of: there could be more emphasis on the fact that the Jedi or Gdays is a religion and has to behave like a Vatican, the thing that gives rise to a Heidegger's world has I have to study more if it's a religion thing, Jedy, Obwan and Luke are more Catholic priests and Yoda is more like the Zen master and the Sun, without philosophy like a trailblazer of the Maltese Cross, those very tough ones, with their great religious intolerance , if he practices witchcraft he attacks with a saber. In the end he informed Mother Aniseia, but the people of Mother Aniseia condemn him too and the shadow of Plagnos and the true student is the burning of the witch in the fire by the inquisition of the Guardians. Let's see a universe, but as always this whole story is missing, as well as the speech of the councils in Revenge of the Sith, but this is what God and the astral religions are about the Jedi and sorcerers, wizards and quirimbandas on the dark side, what the Jedi get wrong in religious and cultural intolerance. , Candomblé is divided. And we will have true evil and the people already exploited by a Plagnus that only with the reactors made from the remains of freighters founds 3 other cities using the reactors and turbines, but they charge and the fight already begins there in the matter of removing these colonies from power on the other side dingy. There wasn't even a war, but small conflicts are already generating and Master Sol's actions should break diplomacy with these people in the cities that emerged from the wreckage. Future films are ways of making good news by criticizing Earth's mistakes without saying it to your face, saying: In a galaxy far far away.
But the fact to be and study is that the opposing societies, the types of exploitation and Slavery, the disrespect for race, color and culture and the plots of corrupt exploitative Societies must be themes from Star Wars, oppression, extreme dictatorship, ultra capitalism of wars. The plots of wars and the impoverishment of post-conflicts, what would happen after the end.
But the fact that Star Wars will have to study is that adverse societies, types of exploitation and Slavery, disrespect for race, color and culture and the plots of corrupt exploitative societies must be themes of Star Wars, oppression, extreme dictatorship or ultra capitalism of wars. The plots of wars and the impoverishment of post-conflicts, what would be after the end of the entire war, the Supreme Lord's empire defeated, a Jedi becomes corrupted and tries to activate the empire, the grandchildren or great-grandchildren of the former emperors will be usurped by a lord and experience sumptuous luxuries from distant galaxies. But poverty is the lack of money on the part of the crown and on the Jedi's side it will be so great, as several post-conflict planets enter into a transport and merchandise market crisis, something that happened in our time on our planet today, it was the result of repeated conflicts
Disney why are we doing this stupid "hands behind small of back dodge dodge dodge" Chinese thing? Because China owns you?
Yes she is, both of them are
How disappointing. What a waste of an interesting character study. Not every villain needs to be redeemed.
And what would you have happen with Barriss?
Because there was absolutely no way she was ever gonna stay an Inquisitor, it is the literal exact opposite of everything she believes in.
@@anthonyrodriguez8788 This. Barriss believed the Jedi were corrupt and lost their way and was angry, but she isn't a fascist nor a child murderer. Plus, we don't know what she was thinking during her time in prison. There are a lot of months between her arrest and Order 66.
She is an ambiguos woman with a lesbian haircut, of course they would not let her become a villain
@@NowioFelyou’re taking this a bit too far on the lesbian haircut part
Anakin wasn’t a child murderer either but that sure as shit didn’t stop him during Order 66.
It’s almost like the Dark Side makes people evil and go against previously established morals or something.
All of this is pure retconned trash. Originally, Bariss Offee never gave into the darkside, and she never ever joined the Sith as an Inquisitor. She resisted the Darkside and died on Felucia. Dave Filoni can't write within the original plot and character of a story. He's a good animator, but a good writer...hell no.
Not abiding by a story that isn't canon doesn't make you a bad writer.
@@jonsmith2832 Expanded Universe has always been canon. George Lucas has approved of Legends, and has allowed writers to write within his universe in order to expand Star Wars lore. Fraudloni didn't expand anything. He broke continuity, and retconned anything that he could. Yes, oh yes, Feloni is a terrible writer.
Sappy melodrama between a butchered character and a literal cardboard who had no character up until now. Praise Filoni, for he's our lord and saviour HAHAHAHAHA
People liked Barriss more than Morgan since she has a lot of cover. And yes Dave is not perfect but he is a consistent storyteller.
@@MrTragedious986 He's a consistent hack, that's what he is. He can't help but retcon anything that isn't his stories, and now even his own stuff. Do you think I cared about either of these worthless characters ?
@@yrooxrksvi7142 he ain’t hack buddy sure his retcons can be frustrating and nostalgic stuff but I didn’t see you complain George Lucas did the same thing in his Prequel trilogy. Kanan and Ahsoka are his characters, did you forget?
Are you calling the Bad Batch worthless characters? Because they are one to the better characters especially Crosshair.
@@MrTragedious986 Yes he is, he hijacked the franchise with his increasingly worse fanfictions, when a superior version of the Clone Wars or the foundation of the Rebel Alliance existed in the form of the 2003 microseries, the Republic comics by Dark Horse or the Force Unleashed. And I do complain about Lucas needlessly nerfing Grievous just because "he didn't want another Vader", after designing him to look like his prototype.
Kanan is just an inferior hodgepodge of characters like Rahm Kota and Dass Jennir, as passable as he is. And Ahsoka has essentially become a Mary Sue as time has gone by. The Bad what ? The Bad who ? Sorry, I don't watch pointless filler....
@@yrooxrksvi7142 you are so funny in the worst ways. And Clone Wars 2003 is not canon to George Lucas movies.
Mary Sue oh my god you can’t be serious, she ain’t she has flaws on her own. If you want to act like Geeks and Gamers then go ahead do your worst.
If you want to see a real hack go watch Jurassic World and tell me what you think.
Bad Batch is one of the better shows despite having some “filler” episodes, everyone loves that show.
This entire series sucked! I was literally only interested in the grievous scenes with those badass commandos but only had him for 2 minutes. smh
I will never understand the level of shilling Star Wars fans have for all these terrible shows. Like you somehow manage to create the most insane headcanon where this all makes sense but it really doesn’t
Bruh why do yall care
sorry but if youre not watching higher level stuff but criticizing what others watch
Youre just a clown
gay ending. i hate tales of the empire.
Why did they make her look androgenic? She was attractive and interesting once...
Because everything has to be about gender with disney
Long hair must still be too hard to animate
She's...getting older? What?