영어회화 완전 자동복습 묶음! 31~40회(설명 없이 반복연습으로 회화 내것 만들기 프로젝트!!)
- Опубликовано: 5 фев 2025
- 하루 딱 영단어: 외워질 수 밖에 없는 하루 딱 10개 영단어 공식 교재 구매링크
교보문고 www.kyobobook.c...
쿠팡 www.coupang.co...
예스24 www.yes24.com/P...
알라딘 www.aladin.co....
영어회화 1권: 100일 완성 입이 터질 수 밖에 영어회화 공식 교재 구입 링크
멤버쉽 가입하기 / @jaketvschool
홈페이지 www.jake007.com
라이브 방송 때 제안 & 요청해 주신 자율수업료(제작후원금) 계좌 알려드립니다.
예금주: (주) 이근철 영어문화 연구소
국민은행 837601-04-203660
글자 그대로 자율이니 걱정마시고 영어 즐겁게 해주시면 그것만으로도 충분합니다.
여러분의 응원 항상 감사드립니다~
입터영 100강 깔끔하고 예쁜 책으로 만나보세요~
여러분 덕분에 계속 베스트셀러에 있어요~ Thanks a million again!
Yes24 www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/104122935
알라딘 www.aladin.co.kr/shop/wproduct.aspx?ItemId=281018983
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본인을 위해 주위에 아끼는 분들을 위해 선물해 주세요~
해외배송도 아주 편하세요!
주위의 도서관에 구매희망도서 신청과 선물로 추천 부탁드려요~
입터영 링크
이북(e-book) Yes 24 www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/105103867
선생님 덕분에 오늘도 좋은 강의 반복 학습합니다. 늘 존경하며 감사합니다❤
이근철 선생님을 만나게된것을 신께 감사드림니다
너무싶게 가르쳐주셔서 많은 도움이 됩니다
차근차근 모두 잡아가세요~
🤗어제와 오늘 겨울이 가버린 것 마냥 해가 고마운 날입니다ㆍ2월은 두 개의 계절이 왔다갔다 하니까 마음마저 그네를 타고 있습니다ㅋ
또다시 시자된 한 주의 시작입니다ㆍ
몸과 마음 같이 으쌰~하면서 일으켜 세우며 힘차게 출발해 봅니다ㆍ
오늘은 지난시간 배운것들 총정리 하는 날이라서 자가점검의 시간입니다ㆍ
샘따라 열심히 일부만 적어보며 어느순간 스르륵 다 떠나보낸 표현들 다시 데려왔습니다ㅎ
오늘도 유익한 복습 표현들 가득 올려주셔서 진심으로 감사올립니다 샘~^^🤩🍵
🍎일부만 따라 복습시작^^
오늘 아침은 왜 추운거지?
Why is it (so) cold this morning?
왜 이렇게 어렵지?
Why is it (so) difficult?
왜 BTS가 그렇게 유명하지?
Why is BTS so popular?
왜 그녀는 항상 바쁜거지
Why is she so busy all the time?
왜 그는 내 주변에서 그렇게 긴장하는거야?
Why is he so nervous around me?
왜 그는 내 주위에서 그렇게 조용한거지?
Why is he so guiet around me?
왜 모두들 긴장하는거지?
Why is everyone so neverous?
가족은 어때?
How's your family?
커피는 어때요?(마실만 해요?)
How's your coffee?
새로 시작한 사업은 어때요?
How's your new bussiness?
오늘 날씨 어때요?
How's the weather today?
독일 경제는 어때요?
How's the Germany economy(now)?
그녀의 영어실력은 어때요?
How's (good)is her English?
이봐요, 당신 커피 어때요?
Hey, How's your coffee dear?
큐바로 갔던 여행은 어땠어?
How was your trip to Quba?
꿈에 그리던 여자와의 데이트는 어땠어?
How was your date with your dream girl?
역사시험은 어땠어?
How was the history exam?
직장면접은 어땠어?
How was your job interview?
그 식당의 음식은 어땠어?
How was the food at(of) the restaurant?
오늘아침 직원회의는 어땠어?
How was the staff meeting this morning?
그래서, 베를린 여행은 어땠어?
So, how was your trip to Berlin?
긋~모닝 ! Your Iong story short is great ! 👍💯💐💐
@@아현아엄마랑놀자 감솨감솨용~^^
I'm rooting for you all the time♡☆
Good morning, Monika.~😄😄😄
오늘도 당신의 글에 감동을 받습니다~^^
(It was so impressive to me.😍😍😍)
오늘도 마음 따뜻해지는 하루가 될 것 같아요.
고맙구요, 오늘이라는 새로운 시간을 행복으로 채워가시길 기도할게요.
I hope you have a great day with happiness and thaks~^^♥♥♥
@@장은희-s4l4o 🤩은희님 감사하고 또 감사드립니다^^
순수한 아이처럼 아무것도 아닌데도 감동받는 마음이 너무나 예쁘네요♡
별거아닌 날 그저 무심한 날에 이런글 받으면 순간 바로 특별한 날이 되버립니다❣
온마음으로 따뜻한 정 받았으니 저도 나가서 열심히 그 온기 나눠주려구요^^
은희님도 힘찬 하루 좋은일 가득한 날 보내셔요~😍😍😍🙆♀️
I want to go swing with my daughter but l'm busy now ~hahaha ^^
How good is her English?
Thanks to Jake's TV, her English is getting better. Even though it's too difficult to learn English, I'll give up and do my best. I'll always be here with Jake teacher, too. Thank you for all your help. 💕🧚♀️
긋~모닝 ! 🌹🌻🌷⚘
Good morning~^^
Keep healthy and happy today.
Have a wonderful day~^^♥♥♥
Hi, Eun Hee~^^🍵🧇🍪
Did you enjoy your last weekend~^^?
I was so busy because of my this season project.
You too have a good one and stay healthy. See you tomorrow~^^♥️
Hi, good morning~^^💕
I hope you have a wonderful day with your adorable daughter~^^💝👩👧💯
Yes, I had great weekend with my sister's family.
This Wednesday is my mom's birthday.
So her family visited to celebrate in advance.
We had dinner together and they slept, too.
On Sunday, I played with my nephew and niece.
(My nice's English name is Jenny like your name.)
It was great great days to me.
I wonder how your weekend was.
Thank you so much for asking my weeked.
Though you are busy, win your stress with positive thoughts and thanks.
Have a great day~^^♥♥♥
영어 공부에 재미를 느끼게 해주셔서 감사합니다 .
Thanks for making me interested in studying English.
여러 강의 들으면서 쉬운것 부터 혼자 꾸준히 하고 있어요
바뿌거나 힘들때는 어쩔수 없이 못하지만 ..
I enjoy Jake'TV these days. Thanks again~😊☺🥰
Gooooood morning~*^^*
It' bright new day~♥
I opend joyful day with your class.
Let me introduce today's proverb.
"감사는 과거의 주어진 덕행이 아니라 미래를 살찌게하는 덕행이다-영국 속담"
(Thanks is not given good deed yesterday; it is fattened good deed for future.- --This is my translation.~kkk)
Thank you for giving me pleasure time,
Try to make a great day with thanks and happiness.
Take care~^^♥♥♥
Thanks is not given good deed yesterday~~~ I got it ~I like next sentence ~The future is gained from present pains.
더 좋은 표현으로 해석해 주신 것 감사드려요~😍😍😍
오늘도 이 격언을 가슴에 새기며 행복한 하루 만들기로 해요~😄😄😄
Thanks again~^^♥♥♥
어머! 제가 잘못 읽었네요.
제 영문해석을 바로 잡아 주신 게 아니라 좋아하시는 문구였네요.
아깐 바빠서 대충 읽었더니 실수를 했어요.😅😅😅
미래는 현재의 고통에서 얻어진다는 이 말도 좋지만 이왕이면 고통보다는 감사함 가득한 즐거운 시간들로 채우는 것이 더 낫지 않을까 생각해 봅니다.
(아픔을 훨씬 덜 느낄 수 있으니까요~^^)
오늘도 즐거운 고통 속에 행복 가득 느끼시길 기도할게요~^^♥♥♥
@@장은희-s4l4o 네~~감사합니다 ~저도 방 하나를 통째로 정리해야 해서 손목보호대까지 단단히 준비하고 gogo 직전입니당 🥋🎿🛷⛸
다치지 않게 조심하시고, 화이팅 입니다~^^♥♥♥
선생님 감사합니다 영어회화에서 복습두개에서 또 열개로 복습할수 있게 해주셔서 감사합니다 배운다는게 너무좋아요. 요즈음 까지 힘든시기 자기자신을 위해 무언가해야할 시기인것 같습니다.🌞🇰🇷🌞🇰🇷🌞🇰🇷
How's your coffee, dear?
My(hazelnut)coffee makes me feel good. That was a typo~How's your coffee? I think you are busy.Way to go !!
매일아침 선생님 영상으로 공부해요!! 진작 할걸 후회스럽네요 ㅎㅎ 같은영상 반복하기도 너무 좋아요 귀에 익을때까지~~~~
샘 너무 감사합니다. 정리까지 해주셔서요.^^
항상 고맙습니다~^^
Why is she so busy all the time? thanks a lot all the time Jake👍👍😍😍🍀🍀🌹🌹💕💕😘😘
근철 쌤 강연은 언제언제 하시나요?
제 생각에는 제니강님 알려주실거 같아예👍👍👍👍🍀🍀🍀🍀
너무 감사합니다 긴 시간 아르켜 주셔서 얼심히 합니다
Day 1 (초급)외워질 수 밖에 없는 하루 딱 10개 영단어!
여기서부터 선생님 강의 너무 재밋게 보다가
읽기도 안되는데 제겐 시간이 갈수록 어려워져서
인내를 가지지 못하고 에이~~~~ 난 안되ㅐ 했는데
어제부터 엇그제부터 다시 보는데 아직도 모르지만 너무 재밋어요
어제는 클래스 01 랭킹 300표현 바이블
한단어 두단어 하나씩 적고 따라해보는데 ㅋㅋㅋ 재밋어요
오늘도 수고 많이 해주셨습니다
늦깍이 지각생 할미 선생님 덕분에 새로운 기분으로 영어공부하고 있어요 복습 해주셔서 넘 좋아요~~~
40강 (40~50…..)이상은
선생님 강의 편집본 안하시는거죠??? 넘 좋아요 요약 반복 선생님 목소리로 👍👍👍
안녕하세요~ 근철쌤입니다.
도움이 되신다니 감사합니다.
입터영은 40까지만 있고요, 나머지는 mp3파일로 구입하실 수 있습니다.
혹시 속성영문법, 팝송노래방 PDF교재, 공부순서와 진도표, 학습/복습법 재생목록 보는 방법 필요하시면,
카카오톡 채팅창 상단의 돋보기에 치시고 저한테 말을 거세요.
문장은 붙여가면 된다고 연습해야 되겠네요 도움이 많이 됩니다
짧게 짧게 반복해 주셔서 쏙~쏙~👍
선생님! 감사합니다~ ! ^_^♡
🍒활기찬 월요일 ~ 좋아요 누르고 댓글을 먼저 달고 이따가 차분히 공부할게요~🥰💝
🍇 Germany 게르마니로 발음하지 않기 hahaha~ It's not funny,so stop it !
Are you thinking what l'm thinking?
Good morning~^^
It's a wonderful day.
Keep happy and healthy today.~^^♥♥♥
@@장은희-s4l4o Thank you for your comments~Let's have a great and wonderful day together 🍒🍓🍎🥝
Sure. Thaks a lot~^^♥♥♥
잘보고 있습니다
저희들을 위해 너무 수고해주셔서
깊이 감사드립니다.
입터영 ~, 복습까지 와우! 영어를 배우고 싶었으나 영어의 장벽이 높았던 저에게도 이런날이!!
3개월 동안 입터영 day100 종료, 미녀와 야수 반복 3회 했더니 영어가 재밌고 자꾸 하고 싶어져요.
그 동안 영어로 말하고, 읽는것이 어색하여 소리 낼 수 없었어요. 그런데 이제는 저 혼자서 크게 말하고 소리 내어 읽어요. 우후!!
회원가입하려는데 계좌번호를 입력해야 하니 망설여져요. 다른 방법이 있을까요? 부끄럽지만 약간의 제작후원금 송금했습니다.
존경합니다, 근철선생님
Fabulous~ 완강 축하드립니다!
영어가 재미있으면 계속 더 탄탄하게 결과는 좋아지세요.
회원가입은 계좌번호 없이 카드로 하셔도 되세요.
유투브에서 관리하는 거니까 걱정안하셔도 되시고요,
상담은 카톡 대화창 꼭대기의 돋보기누르고 치시면 되세요~
하루도 쌤을 보지않으면 안 되겠네요. 머리가 어지러워요.ㅎㅎ재밌습니다.😘😘😘
this. morning 이군요?
복습묶음으로 새로운 한 주를 시작하네요~
아침마다 오는 알람이 더 반가운 월요일입니다.
I hope you're having a great week ~~.
all the time 항상
Why is she so busy all the time?
quite (콰잇-꽤) It's not quitefair.
/ quiet (콰이엇-조용한) Be quiet.
단어 q다음은 항상 u가 옴. qu~
How's you're coffee? Do you like it?
Is it too strong? / weak?
How's the weather today?
=What is the weather like today?
How(good)is her English?
How bad is the situation now?
How was the date with your dream girl?
How was the staff meeting this morning?
It was worth the wait. 기다린보람이 있었어
It was nice talking to you.
It was like love at first sight.
It was just a joke.
(I was just joking/kidding)
It was a long day.
비틀즈 - A hard day's night.
(It's been a hard day's night ~)
It wasn't just a lie. It's a trap.
So stop it. (쏘우 스따삣)
Are you hiding the truth from me?
What are you waiting for?
무엇을 기다리고 있는거야?
왜 기다려? 해석이 둘다됨.
What do you mean by it? 와루유~
What do you do for fun on weekends?
What do you have in mind?
31- 40
Why is it ( so) cold this morning?
“. difficult?
“. BTS so popular?
Why is he so nervous around me?
Why is she so busy all the time?
Why is he so quiet around me?
quite [콰잇] 꽤. quiet [콰이엇] 조용하다.
Why is everyone so nervous?
How is your family?
How’s your coffee?
“. new business/ job?
How’s the weather today?
“. German economy now?
How (good )is her English?
How’s your coffee, dear?
How was your trip to Cuba?
How was the date with your dream girl?
“. history exam?
How was your the interview?
“. the food at the restaurant?
“. the staff meeting this morning?
It was so much fun.
“. nice talking to you.
“. worth the wait.
The trip was fantastic.
The food was really delicious.
Your advice was really helpful.
It was your last chance.
It was like a dream.
It was like love at frist sight.
It was just joke.
It was long day. 힘든 하루
It was a piece of cake.
It was really like a dream.
It wasn’t a question; it was an order.
It wasn’t just a lie; it was a trap.함정
It wasn’t a dream; it was a nightmare.악몽
It wasn’t as hard as you thought.as~as ... 한것 처럼
It wasn’t as simple as you thought.
It wasn’t a question.
It isn’t your fault. =It’s not your fault.
lt’s not your job to save everyone.
It’s not your business anymore
It’s not dark outside yet.
It’s not funny, so stop it.[스따삣]
It’s not quite fair.
Well, it’s really not my business anymore.
Are you cooking dinner for your family?
Are you coming to the meeting or not?
Are you thinking what I’m thinking?
Are you drinking with your friends?
Are you asking me for my advice?
Are you hiding the truth for me?
What are you watching now?
What are you having/ eating/now? have가 더 공손한 표현
What are you reading ?
What are you looking for? for나 at 이 있어야 함.
What are you waiting for?
What are you fighting for?
What do you want from me?
What are you mean by it?[ 미~인]
What do you do for fun on weekends?
What do you know about him?
What do you do like so much about Tom?
What do you have in mind?
What do you do have for dinner?
잘 들었습니다. 감사 합니다. 시간되는대로 더 익혀야겠습니다.
복습하러 왔다가 열정에 또 감탄하게 됩니다~Break a leg ! 🍀🍀🍀🍀
@@아현아엄마랑놀자 관심을 가져 주셔서 고맙습니다. 그냥 듣기만 하고 잘려고 하다가 써보자 하고 시작 했습니다. 이렇게 정리 해놓으면 복습하기가 좋거든요. ^^
What do you do for fun on weekends?/What do you like so much about Jake's TV?
It was nice talking to you./ It was worth the wait.
It was like a dream./ It was not a question; it was an order./ Are you coming to the meeting or not?
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?/ Are you asking me for my advice?
How's your weekend ?
How's the weather today?
Your class is really helpful to me.
Let's start today's sentences.~~🙆♀️
Day 31 👉
1 Why is it so cold this morning?
2 Why is it difficult?
3 why is BTS so popular?
4 Why is she so busy all the time?
5 Why is he so nervous(angry, happy) around me?
6 Why is he so guiet
around me?
대사: Why is everyone so nervous?
Day 32👉
1 How is your family(sister, brother, mother)?
2 How is your coffee(green tea, black tea)?
3 How's your new business(project)?
4 How's the weather today?
5 How 's the German economy (now)?
6 How good is her English?
대사 : How's your coffee , dear?
Day 33👉
1 How was your trip to Cuba?
2 How was the date
with your dream girl?
3 How was the history exam?
4 How was your job interview?
5 How was the food at that restaurant?
6 How was the staff meeting this morning?
대사: So how was your trip to Berlin?
Trip to Berlin.
Day 34👉
1 lt was so much fun.
2 lt was nice talking
to you.
3 lt was worth the wait.
4 The trip was fantastic.
5 The food was really delicious.
6 Your advice was really helpful.
대사 : lt was nice talking to you.
1 lt was your last chance.
2 lt was like a dream.
3 lt was like love at first sight.
4 lt was just a joke.
5 lt was a long day.
6 lt was a piece of cake.
대사: lt really was like
a dream.
1 lt wasn't a guestion, it was an order.
2 lt wasn't just a lie, it was a trap.
3 lt wasn't a dream, it was a nightmare.
4 lt wasn't as bad as you thought.
5 lt wasn't as hard as you thought.
6 lt wasn't as simple as you thought.
대사 : lt wasn't a question.
Day 37👉
1 lt was not your fault.
2 lt was not your job(to save everyone).
3 lt's not your business anymore.
4 lt's not dark outside yet.
5 lt's not funny, so stop it.
6 lt's not quite fair.
대사 : Well, it's really not my business anymore.
1 Are you cooking dinner for your familly?
2 Are you coming to the meeting or not?
3 Are you thinking what l'm thinking?
4 Are you drinking with your friends now?
5 Are you asking for my advice?
6 Are you hiding (the truth) from me?
대사 : Are you thinking what l'm thinking?
Day 39👉
1 What are you watching now?
2 What are you having now?(너 뭐 먹고있어?)
3 What are you reading now?
4 What are you looking for?
5 What are you waiting for?
6 What are you fighting for?
대사: What are you waiting for?
1 What do you want from me?
2 What do you mean by it?
3 What do you do for fun on weekends?
4 What do you know
about him?
5 What do you like so much about Tom?
6 What do you have
in mind?
대사: What do you want from me?
🍒 Thanks a million.
Good luck to you all the time.
Have a good one~💌
긋~모닝 ! It's awesome 😜👍🌹💯X💯
열공하신 미자님~♡
대단하신 미자님~♡
주말 즐거우셨죠?^^
긴 하루 (왜냐면 감정은 수만가지 왔다갔다 하니까요ㅎ) 매 순간 좋은감정 가득 채우는 날 되셔요~😍🤗
It's my pleasure.
Yummy mummy~~😍
Yummy mummy means a young and stylish mother.~👍
Cather you later.~💓
월요일 아침부터 모니카님 칭찬에 밝은 기운이 쏴~악 몸 속으로
항상 응원해 주셔서 늘 감사드려요.~~🙏🙏
바쁜 와중에도 수업내용 쭉 적어주신 모니카님
You're awesome!!👍
오늘도 좋은 에너지 주고 받으며 함께 멋진 한주 출발해요~
@@박미자-l2c 🤩😍🥰🙆♀️
입트영 Day 31~40
Everything is the result of practice. What you need is practice.
Why is it (so) cold this morning?
Is it summertime?
Why is it (so) difficult to work with him?
Why is BTS so popular?
-> Why is Jake's TV so popular on RUclips?
Why is she so busy all the time?
Why is he so nervous/angry around me?
Why is he so quiet around me?
Please be quiet
영화속 대사 확인
Why is everyone so nervous?
How is your family?
How's your brother/sister/ father?
How 's your coffee?
Do you like it?
Is it too strong/ weak?
How's your new business/ project/ company/job?
How's the weather today?
What 's the weather like today ?
How's the German economy (now)?
How (good) is her English?
How bad is situation now?
영화속 대사 확인
How's your coffee, dear?
How was your trip to Cuba?
How was the date with your dream girl?
How was the history exam?
How was your job interview?
How was the food at (of) the restaurant?
How was the staff meeting this morning?
영화속 대사 확인
So how was your trip to Berlin?
Trip to Berlin?
It was so much fun.
It was nice talking to you?
-> I enjoyed talking with you.
It was worth the wait.
The trip was fantastic.
The food was really delicious.
The food was hot but tasty.
Your advice was really helpful.
영화속 대사 확인
It was nice talking to you .
It was (is) your last chance.
It was like a dream.
It was like love at first sight.
It was just a joke.
It was a long day
A Hard Day's Night - The Beatles -
It's been a hard day's night and I 've been working like a dog ~ 🎶🎵
It was (is)a piece of cake .
영화속 대사 확인
It really was like a dream.
It wasn't a question ; it was an order.
It wasn't just a lie ; it was a trap.
It wasn't a dream ; it was a nightmare.
-> It wasn't coincidence ; it was fate.
It wasn't as bad/hard/simple/as you thought
영화속 대사 확인
It wasn't a question.
It's not (It isn't) your fault.
-> Don't blame yourself too much.
It's not your job (to save/help everyone).
-> It's not your job to save the world.
-> It's not a mistake anymore. He did it on purpose.
It's not your business anymore.
It's not dark outside yet.
It's not funny, so stop it.
It's not quite fair.
-> Life is not fair, get used to it.
-> Fair is fair.
영화속 대사 확인
Well, it's really not my business anymore.
Are you cooking dinner for your family?
Are you coming to the meeting or not?
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Are you drinking with your friends?
Are you asking (me) for my advice?
Are you hiding (the truth) from me?
영화속 대사 확인
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
-> Do you think of me as much as I think of you?
What are you watching /having/reading/ studying now?
What are you looking for/ at?
What are you waiting /fighting for?
-> What are you doing now?
-> What are you thinking/talking about?
영화속 대사 확인
What are you waiting for?
What do you want from me?
-> Nothing. I don't want anything from you.
What do you want from this relationship?
What do you mean by it/that?
What do you do for fun on weekends?
-> What do you do in your free/ spare time?
What do you know about him?
What do you like so much about Tom/Rachel?
What do you have in mind?
What do you have for dinner?
영화속 대사 확인
What do you want from me?
Thanks a lot.
Have a good day.
See you next time.
오늘도 댓글로 확인되는 힘찬 에너지 가진 분이십니다~^^
스스로 자신을 위로 더 위로 끌어올리며 열심히 수업듣고 복습하시는 모습 언제나 응원합니다~♡
어깨가 쬐금은 무거운 월욜이지만 힘나는 하루 보내시길 빕니다~
덕분에 저는 쓰다 만 나머지 눈으로 호강하며 복습합니다 ㅋ😁
모니카님! 주말은 잘 보내셨나요?
고마워요 🙆♀️☺️😂
순수하고 해맑은 모니카님의 칭찬에 정신이 번쩍 들고 힘이 납니다
사실은 비몽사몽 상태였거든요 . he he
모니카님도 오늘 행복한 하루 보내세요 ~
@@양영심-o2c 😁😁😄😄🤩
Enjoy your lunch. I'm cleaning to make my adorable daughter's room.
I can't remember the comments for you are gone or not.🤗😋🥰
Sorry for the late reply.
I've been busy getting ready to go out.
I have to go out now.
Talk to you later .🙆♀️
쌤은 버벅대도 멋지셔~~**
쌤이 가르켜주실땐 곧잘따라하는데 아직까지 단어뒤 앞 전치사at by it a 중간중간 들어가는게헛갈려요 회회가 넘어려워여 ㅠ 기초가아직 탄탄하지않아서그런가봐요 ᆢ
언어는 학습 후 일정기간 발효과정이 필요합니다.
힘내시고, 3편을 꼭 보세요~
@@jaketvschool 쌤~~넘감사합니다 구독해서 꼬박꼬박보는데도 빠뜨린게 있어요 기초부터탄탄 보관저장하고 꼭옥 열심히해볼께요 바쁘실텐데 일일히 답변 너무감사합니다~~^^쌤을알게된것이큰영광이예요♡♡♡~~