I painted the carriages with a base colour of Army Painter Wolf Grey, drybrushed Vallejo Game Color Wolf Grey, and washed with Army Painter Dark Tone thinned with Quickshade Mixing Medium. Army Painter Wolf Grey and Vallejo Game Wolf Grey are different colours despite what the name would suggest!
Impressive, looks great. That work to paint all that artillery... just WOW, well done!! 👍
Batch painting certainly helps speed up the process!
Great job, thanks Ruaridh!
Such super work
Some lovely work on these mate, they look so nice. I think the British Light divison was supported by the lighter horse artillery as well.
Interesting tidbit about the light division. Cheers.
SUperb artillery, and splendid bases!
Thanks. Bases are simply Geek Gaming Scenics Mediterranean Soil mix
Very nice figures mate
Thanks very much
Could I ask you what blue you use for the British artillery cannons?
I painted the carriages with a base colour of Army Painter Wolf Grey, drybrushed Vallejo Game Color Wolf Grey, and washed with Army Painter Dark Tone thinned with Quickshade Mixing Medium. Army Painter Wolf Grey and Vallejo Game Wolf Grey are different colours despite what the name would suggest!