Happy Sunday! Lots of new tips and tricks today, and also I've updated the Unity Utility Library with some new hotkeys and helpers! Link in description!
The audacity of you to launch this the week after I implement this exact stuff! This is still super cool and I'm glad you did something like this. As is tradition I now have to know that I spent 2 weeks implementing a new thing only for you to casually write a better version of it.
@@git-amend ill ping you later. I have made an insane amount of progress. I could actually use your advice about my next stage. The dreaded "final rework" of the battle system is coming up.
@@git-amend for the record silly gravity was not part of my scope. But I ended up going down a character controller rabbit hole for a few weeks ..all because I had started causing some conflicts between old code where i was handling interactions without using an interactable interface and an asset I use for its inventory database.
I have never clicked a video so fast. This is PRECISELY the hurdle my game is focusing on right now with the Gravitas asset-creator. Lol I say this before even proceeding with the video because that is how much I trust git-amend. XD
These are the kind of video on topics that you usually spend hours trying to figure out how to do, thanks a lot. An suggestion for future video is the vector math used in the gravity well. I remember it gave me hard time to build up a mental modal to assimilate the math. With your teaching style, It can be amazing!
Nice. I usually find that it's more useful to have one, but I almost always take full control of it. The main reason is so I can have collisions without requiring rigidbodies on all the other objects.
Great video. Really fun mechanics here, I will be trying them out today. Also I like that addition to the utility library, after you mentioned that you don't like the new command in coroutines that got me thinking about that as well, I had not considered that a possible issue before, and the WaitFor feels cleaner. Looking forward to the advanced character controller. Thanks git!
Hi Adam, maybe you could do a video one day on your recommended most-needed/useful assets to buy?? For example, I am wondering if I should purchase Odin Inspector , and the importance of doing so..... cheers
you could add a script that takes any moving platform velocity and adds it to the character controller as additional force. as conservation of momentum. i.e you jump from one train car to another train car. without suddenly being de-parented or float off the moving platform.
Hello, Thank you so much for these Videos... I am very new to Unity and I have learned so much already thank to your channel. I was wondering if there was a place where you were publishing the entire project (Assets included)?
Thanks for watching! A link to the code (which is free when available) will be in the video description. There will also be links to most Assets used, which is usually a mix of free and paid Assets from the Unity Asset Store. Because most videos use paid Assets, there will rarely be a complete project for you to download.
Thanks! If you jump in the well, you'll get pulled in the downward direction of the player - that's a function of the player controller script though, which we'll get into in an upcoming video. You can see it on my Twitter feed here: x.com/AdamMyhre1/status/1814878970409824446
Great video. This one helped me with one of the issues I was facing. Is there a way to alter gravity with arrow keys so that we can flip the player gravity in any of the directions(Up, Left Right, Down) and allow normal movements on those surfaces?
Thanks! I think if you want to do that you need to disable gravity of course on the rigidbody and then start applying your own force in a particular direction, usually coming from the player's transform.position.up direction. We're actually going to look at that a bit this weekend.
@@git-amend thanks for the tip, I'll look forward to this week's video. I tried doing the gravity manipulation with Vector3.up / left / right and so on which was a success but the player movement gets messed up in turn.
Could you do a video on how to make own our navmesh system? Unity's is lacklustre and the asset store options are great but are quite overkill. I would love to learn to make my own but it seems very advanced and complicated especially run time stuff.
amazing video as always. can i ask for a future video fro you to make sone sort of loadout system were you could have a gun for example and pick between attachments and this is updated at runtime and is saved too as I know with scriptable objects they cannot be changed at runtime. i have tried making a system but it just doesn't feel good I'm hoping you have an amazing solution as always
What are your thoughts on tweening libraries (i.e. DOTween)? I'm a bit surprised that I haven't seen you use DOTween in your videos yet. You'd be able to rewrite the moving platform script to be *much* smaller and easier to read (albeit with a small performance hit, naturally).
Actually I've really been getting into PrimeTween lately for it's ease of use and zero allocations;, I've all but retired DOTween. As far as using it for Platforms, of course that's a great solution as well. Maybe I'll show an updated version when we get to the video about the Controller in a few weeks.
You could also use the improvisedTimers you did before to create custom fixedupdate that also follow the same workflow you did in here, as well to be able to turn the "updating" off when we know its in no use. Would that be a thing worth doing? that way the coroutine wouldnt be playing at all times
You could do that yes, but it might introduce another level of complexity that - in this case at least - is not necessary since a MonoBehaviour / Coroutine combination already provides all the functionality that we need. If you needed to make some kind of more complex platforms, you could consider doing that. Just remember the extra complexity has to be justifiable, so always ask yourself what problem you need to actually solve that requires the more difficult solution.
@@git-amend Appreciate the reply, i really didnt considered the complexity being an issue, since the way i thought about it is that after being used to work with them, it wouldnt be that hard to do. Keep the good work!
Interesting, I would have expected that the gravity well component could basically have handled the right angle flip situation as well. It probably can when we change the center calculation to instead use a plane projection for direction. But the way you showed is simpler. Looking forward to the player controller video(s). I always struggle with those. Do you know why is the new waitforfixed update not static to begin with? I always thought the amount of time to wait might not be the same between frames or sth like that.
Thanks for the comment, and the excellent question. WaitForFixedUpdate can't be a static class because to be used as a yield instruction in Unity, a class needs to implement the IEnumerator interface. This interface requires instance methods such as MoveNext, Reset, and a property Current. A static class cannot provide these instance methods because it cannot be instantiated. So, the next best thing would be to instantiate a new one and cache it.
@@git-amend Ah okay, makes sense, but let me rephrase. WaitForSeconds is difficult to re-use because the amount of time passed in changes we need new instances here, makes sense. But if the instances of WaitForFixedUpdate and WaitForEndOfFrame can be re-used across different coroutines I wonder why didn't unity already create instances of those automatically with sth. like initialize on load or similar (and make those accessable through a static class, the way you did).
@@fleity That's a tough one, but given Unity's penchant for leaving things up to the developers, I think they would tell you that it is to provide the flexibility to control instantiation and lifecycle management explicitly. For example, you might want to add some kind of debug hook to the yield instruction instance (or it's usage). Of course, they've never really explained that one, so I'm just making a guess.
How does this handle curves. Like if the walla had a minor bend to them, what if it was on a sphere, or just in general if that gravity well wasn't a perfect circle?
It's dependent on the center point to correctly determine where UP is. So, if you want to handle curves, then my suggestion is to use DOWN instead and make the normal of the curve the direction to align with, which will take a small extra calculation. With the outside of a sphere, you could just use the center point in that case but reverse the direction.
@@git-amend I think you should consider adding a Möbius strip to your edge cases for character controllers that defy gravity. I think that's got to be the ultimate edge case (and will look awesome)
Hi, just wondering about a few things. most tutorials I've seen just parent an object to a platform, which you mention in the video. Any reason you didn't do that? Is the code more efficient, or just a choice? Also, to run around on a sphere, could you just reverse the gravity well up, or would there be more to it?
First reason I could think of is that is that the player risks getting unloaded/destroyed along with its parent platform. It also copies the platform's rotation and scale to the player, which you might not want
The main issue with the reparenting are the issues that @uhhmir mentioned, and beyond that, it may be more reusable and modular in that it can be adapted to various moving platforms and objects without worrying about the parent-child relationship. And, yes you can certainly do similar calculations to figure out the correct up direction on a globe - essentially the player's up direction will just need to be inverted.
Well, I do love motion matching, but I think a video about how to make a system from scratch is beyond what I have time to make. Maybe a video explaining how to use an existing tool, or the principles of motion matching. I'll give it some thought.
Maybe one of these days, though to be honest I think not many people ask for that because there are so many videos about FPS on RUclips already. Is there something in particular about FPS that you think I could talk about that nobody else has covered before?
Happy Sunday! Lots of new tips and tricks today, and also I've updated the Unity Utility Library with some new hotkeys and helpers! Link in description!
The audacity of you to launch this the week after I implement this exact stuff! This is still super cool and I'm glad you did something like this. As is tradition I now have to know that I spent 2 weeks implementing a new thing only for you to casually write a better version of it.
@@Fitz0fury I think we need to sync up so I can get your timetable...
@@git-amend ill ping you later. I have made an insane amount of progress. I could actually use your advice about my next stage. The dreaded "final rework" of the battle system is coming up.
@@git-amend for the record silly gravity was not part of my scope. But I ended up going down a character controller rabbit hole for a few weeks ..all because I had started causing some conflicts between old code where i was handling interactions without using an interactable interface and an asset I use for its inventory database.
I have never clicked a video so fast. This is PRECISELY the hurdle my game is focusing on right now with the Gravitas asset-creator.
Lol I say this before even proceeding with the video because that is how much I trust git-amend. XD
Lol well I hope it helps you out! Though I think this is a bit different than the Gravitas asset, though I’m not really familiar with it.
@@git-amend You might be right XD I might have let my excitement take over a little bit back there. 😅 STILL related though! I'm excited!
These are the kind of video on topics that you usually spend hours trying to figure out how to do, thanks a lot.
An suggestion for future video is the vector math used in the gravity well. I remember it gave me hard time to build up a mental modal to assimilate the math. With your teaching style, It can be amazing!
Good idea, a few others have asked about Vector Math as well. Cheers!
This is a great video. I'm working on a character controller and might use this. Still working out if I want a rigidbody or not.
Nice. I usually find that it's more useful to have one, but I almost always take full control of it. The main reason is so I can have collisions without requiring rigidbodies on all the other objects.
Great video. Really fun mechanics here, I will be trying them out today. Also I like that addition to the utility library, after you mentioned that you don't like the new command in coroutines that got me thinking about that as well, I had not considered that a possible issue before, and the WaitFor feels cleaner. Looking forward to the advanced character controller. Thanks git!
Sounds good! Thanks for the comment! I agree, the WaitFor is definitely cleaner.
What a fantastic video, so well explained and executed. thanks for the lesson!
You're very welcome!
cant wait for a character controller episode!
Coming soon!
@@git-amend Awesome, I hope it's third person controller with rigibody!
Amazing stuff as always Git-Amend 🤝
Much appreciated
Keep going, great work!❤
Thank you!
Hi Adam, maybe you could do a video one day on your recommended most-needed/useful assets to buy?? For example, I am wondering if I should purchase Odin Inspector , and the importance of doing so..... cheers
That is actually the subject of next week's video!
Thanks for the super!
Great work! Keep it up!
Thanks, will do!
you could add a script that takes any moving platform velocity and adds it to the character controller as additional force. as conservation of momentum.
i.e you jump from one train car to another train car. without suddenly being de-parented or float off the moving platform.
I like that idea! Will play around with that later, cheers!
It really helped me.
Glad to hear it!
@@git-amend always Thanks! Teacher
Hello, Thank you so much for these Videos... I am very new to Unity and I have learned so much already thank to your channel. I was wondering if there was a place where you were publishing the entire project (Assets included)?
Thanks for watching! A link to the code (which is free when available) will be in the video description. There will also be links to most Assets used, which is usually a mix of free and paid Assets from the Unity Asset Store. Because most videos use paid Assets, there will rarely be a complete project for you to download.
Great video as usual!
What happens if you jump while in the gravity well and are upside down?
Thanks! If you jump in the well, you'll get pulled in the downward direction of the player - that's a function of the player controller script though, which we'll get into in an upcoming video. You can see it on my Twitter feed here: x.com/AdamMyhre1/status/1814878970409824446
@@git-amend Great, thanks!
Hope the move goes well and the flight is on time.
Me too! Thanks! I'm all set to go.
Great video. This one helped me with one of the issues I was facing. Is there a way to alter gravity with arrow keys so that we can flip the player gravity in any of the directions(Up, Left Right, Down) and allow normal movements on those surfaces?
Thanks! I think if you want to do that you need to disable gravity of course on the rigidbody and then start applying your own force in a particular direction, usually coming from the player's transform.position.up direction. We're actually going to look at that a bit this weekend.
@@git-amend thanks for the tip, I'll look forward to this week's video. I tried doing the gravity manipulation with Vector3.up / left / right and so on which was a success but the player movement gets messed up in turn.
Could you do a video on how to make own our navmesh system? Unity's is lacklustre and the asset store options are great but are quite overkill. I would love to learn to make my own but it seems very advanced and complicated especially run time stuff.
amazing video as always. can i ask for a future video fro you to make sone sort of loadout system were you could have a gun for example and pick between attachments and this is updated at runtime and is saved too as I know with scriptable objects they cannot be changed at runtime. i have tried making a system but it just doesn't feel good I'm hoping you have an amazing solution as always
Thanks! That's not a bad idea, I'll jot that one down!
That's so cool
What are your thoughts on tweening libraries (i.e. DOTween)? I'm a bit surprised that I haven't seen you use DOTween in your videos yet. You'd be able to rewrite the moving platform script to be *much* smaller and easier to read (albeit with a small performance hit, naturally).
Actually I've really been getting into PrimeTween lately for it's ease of use and zero allocations;, I've all but retired DOTween. As far as using it for Platforms, of course that's a great solution as well. Maybe I'll show an updated version when we get to the video about the Controller in a few weeks.
@@git-amend Oh I haven't heard of PrimeTween. Thanks for the rec!
You could also use the improvisedTimers you did before to create custom fixedupdate that also follow the same workflow you did in here, as well to be able to turn the "updating" off when we know its in no use.
Would that be a thing worth doing? that way the coroutine wouldnt be playing at all times
You could do that yes, but it might introduce another level of complexity that - in this case at least - is not necessary since a MonoBehaviour / Coroutine combination already provides all the functionality that we need. If you needed to make some kind of more complex platforms, you could consider doing that. Just remember the extra complexity has to be justifiable, so always ask yourself what problem you need to actually solve that requires the more difficult solution.
@@git-amend Appreciate the reply, i really didnt considered the complexity being an issue, since the way i thought about it is that after being used to work with them, it wouldnt be that hard to do.
Keep the good work!
Interesting, I would have expected that the gravity well component could basically have handled the right angle flip situation as well. It probably can when we change the center calculation to instead use a plane projection for direction. But the way you showed is simpler.
Looking forward to the player controller video(s). I always struggle with those.
Do you know why is the new waitforfixed update not static to begin with? I always thought the amount of time to wait might not be the same between frames or sth like that.
Thanks for the comment, and the excellent question. WaitForFixedUpdate can't be a static class because to be used as a yield instruction in Unity, a class needs to implement the IEnumerator interface. This interface requires instance methods such as MoveNext, Reset, and a property Current. A static class cannot provide these instance methods because it cannot be instantiated. So, the next best thing would be to instantiate a new one and cache it.
@@git-amend Ah okay, makes sense, but let me rephrase. WaitForSeconds is difficult to re-use because the amount of time passed in changes we need new instances here, makes sense. But if the instances of WaitForFixedUpdate and WaitForEndOfFrame can be re-used across different coroutines I wonder why didn't unity already create instances of those automatically with sth. like initialize on load or similar (and make those accessable through a static class, the way you did).
@@fleity That's a tough one, but given Unity's penchant for leaving things up to the developers, I think they would tell you that it is to provide the flexibility to control instantiation and lifecycle management explicitly. For example, you might want to add some kind of debug hook to the yield instruction instance (or it's usage). Of course, they've never really explained that one, so I'm just making a guess.
How does this handle curves. Like if the walla had a minor bend to them, what if it was on a sphere, or just in general if that gravity well wasn't a perfect circle?
It's dependent on the center point to correctly determine where UP is. So, if you want to handle curves, then my suggestion is to use DOWN instead and make the normal of the curve the direction to align with, which will take a small extra calculation. With the outside of a sphere, you could just use the center point in that case but reverse the direction.
@@git-amend I think you should consider adding a Möbius strip to your edge cases for character controllers that defy gravity. I think that's got to be the ultimate edge case (and will look awesome)
Hi, just wondering about a few things. most tutorials I've seen just parent an object to a platform, which you mention in the video. Any reason you didn't do that? Is the code more efficient, or just a choice? Also, to run around on a sphere, could you just reverse the gravity well up, or would there be more to it?
First reason I could think of is that is that the player risks getting unloaded/destroyed along with its parent platform. It also copies the platform's rotation and scale to the player, which you might not want
The main issue with the reparenting are the issues that @uhhmir mentioned, and beyond that, it may be more reusable and modular in that it can be adapted to various moving platforms and objects without worrying about the parent-child relationship.
And, yes you can certainly do similar calculations to figure out the correct up direction on a globe - essentially the player's up direction will just need to be inverted.
@@git-amend 👍
Thank you!
can you do how to create a motion matching system tutorial
Well, I do love motion matching, but I think a video about how to make a system from scratch is beyond what I have time to make. Maybe a video explaining how to use an existing tool, or the principles of motion matching. I'll give it some thought.
@@git-amend that wuld be fine
Can you make a fps game I really need a good tutorial
Maybe one of these days, though to be honest I think not many people ask for that because there are so many videos about FPS on RUclips already. Is there something in particular about FPS that you think I could talk about that nobody else has covered before?
@@git-amend As you said, there may be many resources on the internet, but I am really curious about your approach.
You know it!
16:24 the great for optimization that won't generates alote of garbage only create the instances once
Yup, and I've now added that to the Utils library too for future use!
@@git-amend great keep up the good work your content is the best out there