I'm from England, watched this drama recently and absolutely loved it, I can't stop watching it over and over again, it's so touching, this song is beautiful too. Love Ye Hua, he is so charming!
I'm American and have been watching these Chinese fantasy and historical dramas and just love them. I've watched about 15 so far. Eternal Love is my favorite, then Eternal Love of Dream. The theme song to Eternal Love is so beautiful, brings tears to my eyes.
Chinese Historical &fantasy& wuxia serial: 东宫《Good Bye, My Princess》 琉璃《Love and Redemption》 斗罗大陆 《DouLuo Continent》 庆余年《Joy of life》 延禧攻略《Story of Yanxi Palace》 步步驚心 《Startling by Each Step》 三生三世十里桃花《Eternal Love》 三生三世枕上书《Eternal Love of Dream》 新边城浪子《Border Town Prodiga》 大军师司马懿之军师联盟《The Advisors Alliance》 大军师司马懿之虎啸龙吟《GROWLING TIGER》 凤囚凰 《Untouchable Lovers》 知否知否应是绿肥红瘦《The Story Of MingLan》 九州缥缈录《NOVOLAND:EAGLE FLAG》 九州·海上牧云记《Tribes and Empires:Storm of Prophecy 鹤唳华亭《Royal Nirvana》 鹤唳华亭·别云间《Royal Nirvana》 山河令《Word Of Honor》 霍元甲《The Legend of Huo Yuanjia》 精武陈真《Chen Zhen》 清平乐《Serenade of Peaceful Joy》 灵域《The World of Fantasy》 鬓边不是海棠红《 Winter Begonia》 香蜜沉沉烬如霜《Ashes of Love》 天乩之白蛇傳說《The Legend of White Snake》 天盛长歌《the Rise of Phoenixes》 陈情令《The Untamed》 宸汐缘《Love and Destiny》 传闻中的陈芊芊《The Romance of Tiger and Rose》 长安十二时辰《The Longest Day in Chang'an》 将夜《Ever Night》 将夜2《Ever Night S2》 上阳赋《The Rebel Princess》 琅琊榜《Nirvana in Fire》 琅琊榜之风起长林《Nirvana in Fire Ⅱ》 狼殿下《The Wolf》 老九门《The Mystic Nine》 媚者无疆《Bloody Romance》 大明风华《大明风华 Ming Dynasty》 武動乾坤《Martial Universe》 新三国《Three Kingdoms》 暮白首《Love a Lifetime》 河神《Tientsin Mystic》 河神2《Tientsin Mystic 2 》 玲珑《 The Blessed Girl》 离人心上《The Sleepless Princess》 人间烟火花小厨《Chef Hua》 赘婿《My Heroic Husband》 水浒传《All Men Are Brothers》 錦綉未央《The Princess Wei Young》 偷心画师《Oh! My Sweet Liar》 茶馆《Teahouse 》 新侠客行《Ode to Gallantry》 玉昭令《No Boundary Season》 雪山飛狐《Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain》 书剑恩仇录《The Book and The Sword》2002 我就是这般女子 《A girl like me》 碧血劍《Sword Stained with Royal Blood》 鹿鼎记《The Deer and the Cauldron》2014 招摇 《The Legends》 天龍八部《Demi Gods and Semi Devils》2003 七劍下天山《Seven Swordsmen》 长歌行《The Long Ballad》 大唐荣耀《The Glory of Tang Dynasty》 大唐榮耀2《The Glory of Tang Dynasty Ⅱ》 少爷与我的罗曼史《A Love So Romantic》 镖门《The Great Protector》 少林问道《SHAOLIN WENDAO》 楚乔传《Princess Agents》 射雕英雄传《The Legend of the Condor Heroes》2017 神雕侠侣《The Condor Heros》2006 倚天屠龙记《Relying on Heaven to Slaughter Dragons》2019 花千骨《The Journey of Flower》 锦衣之下《Under the Power》 九流霸主 《Overlord》 少年游之一寸相思《Love in Between》 青云志 《The Legend of Chusen》 她和他的恋爱剧本《Love Script 》 水浒传《All Men Are Brothers》 夜天子 《The Dark Lord》 無心法師《The Monster Killer》 哦!我的皇帝陛下《Oh! My Emperor》 三千鸦杀《Love of Thousand Years》 离人心上《The sleepless princess》 芸汐传《Legend of Yun Xi》 步步惊心《Treading On Thin Ice》 今夕何夕《Twisted Fate of Love》 大宋少年志《Young Blood》 那年花開月正圓《Nothing Gold Can Stay》 有翡 《Legend of Fei》 甄嬛传《Empresses in the Palace》 如懿傳《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》 少主且慢行《I‘ve Fallen for You》 侠探简不知《Ancient Detective》 小女花不棄《I Will Never Let You Go》 从前有座灵剑山《Once Upon a Time in Lingjian Mountain》 天雷一部之春花秋月《Love Better Than Immortality 》 扶摇《Legend of Fuyao》 大秦帝国之裂变《The Qin Empire》 大秦帝国之崛起《The Chin Empire Ⅲ》 大秦赋《The Qin Empire 》 大秦帝国之纵横《The Great Qin Empire》The Chin EmpireⅡ 武當一劍 《Wudang Sword》 骊歌行《Court Lady》 御赐小仵作《The Imperial Coroner》
I rewatched this again recently, and after the many c dramas i've seen, this is still my favourite, and it still hits the hardest. It could be because of how memorable a lot of the scenes were, especially the part where she jumps off the terrace. I've seen a lot of main characters "die" in dramas or sacrifice themselves for the greater good/for love, but I think what made it memorable was because she wasn't doing it for any of those reasons, but because she simply gave up, very much like how many people commit suicide these days. That entire scene was just absolute heartbreak, and no other tragic scene really has come close to it so far as I have seen. And this song was playing in the background, which just made the emotions all the worse.
Agree. It's not heartbreaking. The scene Destroys you. It's not just mental but also physical. I always watch it when I'm alone. She wasn't selfish. But she made it more un-selfish. By letting, those that she cared for, go. I always Mute this scene. Because even with out the background sounds, her pain is amplified. Every time I watch it, I make sure I have boxes of tissues and bags for garbage.
Apparently I was living under a rock when this first came out. Just finished watching this. I was looking to fill the big pit that was formed after The Untamed and stumbled on this. Love this so much. Now totally obsessed with Mark Chao. And this song. This song runs through my mind every day.
Hahaha.... I came across it but the title like too long for me so I let it pass. Regret not watching earlier but never regret watching it. The best thus far...
you need to watch Word of Honor, Handsome Siblings too. It was after I watched them that I saw this one and OMG, I can't stop watching it, binge watching it first time. I just love this drama, and Mark Chao, wow he can communicate so much without even saying a word. Also recommend Ashes of Love if you haven't watched it. Geez, I only started watching these this year in the last couple of months.
I still cant forget the scene whereby Su Jin asked for Susu eyes And YeHua took her eyes and give it to Sujin. I legit crying when watching that scene😭
Have you seen the sequel to this, which is the story of Dong Hua Dijun and Bai Feng Jiu. They finally get a happy ending. It's called Eternal Love of Dream. You can watch it on RUclips.
I am a native Chinese from Beijing. I'd like to improve my English by translating lyrics in Chinese but I need some help from native English speaker. Are you interested in this project? If you are, you can reply me.
I keep rewatching everything Ten Miles related, from scenes to bloopers because RUclips keeps recommending them to me and I can't stop myself from clicking on them😭 I am WEAK for this show😭
The amount of pain this drama makes you feel. The constant feeling of loosing someone and needing to get over them.. no other drama makes you feel the kind of pain. But this hit everyone because we all lose someone at some point in time and need to learn to get over it.
Just finished watching eternal love yesterday. And I never cried so hard in my life watching a drama. 😭😭 I started episode again last night. The goosebumps when this song comes on. And they know exactly when to play it. Bravo to everyone that had a part in making this drama. Ye Hua and Qian Qian!! What a love story. I thought flames daughter was my absolute fave. I’m sorry eternal love just took the number one spot. And Mark Chao is everything. Eternal love forever!!
Chinese Historical &fantasy& wuxia serial: 东宫《Good Bye, My Princess》 琉璃《Love and Redemption》 斗罗大陆 《DouLuo Continent》 庆余年《Joy of life》 延禧攻略《Story of Yanxi Palace》 步步驚心 《Startling by Each Step》 三生三世十里桃花《Eternal Love》 三生三世枕上书《Eternal Love of Dream》 新边城浪子《Border Town Prodiga》 大军师司马懿之军师联盟《The Advisors Alliance》 大军师司马懿之虎啸龙吟《GROWLING TIGER》 凤囚凰 《Untouchable Lovers》 知否知否应是绿肥红瘦《The Story Of MingLan》 九州缥缈录《NOVOLAND:EAGLE FLAG》 九州·海上牧云记《Tribes and Empires:Storm of Prophecy 鹤唳华亭《Royal Nirvana》 鹤唳华亭·别云间《Royal Nirvana》 山河令《Word Of Honor》 霍元甲《The Legend of Huo Yuanjia》 精武陈真《Chen Zhen》 清平乐《Serenade of Peaceful Joy》 灵域《The World of Fantasy》 鬓边不是海棠红《 Winter Begonia》 香蜜沉沉烬如霜《Ashes of Love》 天乩之白蛇傳說《The Legend of White Snake》 天盛长歌《the Rise of Phoenixes》 陈情令《The Untamed》 宸汐缘《Love and Destiny》 传闻中的陈芊芊《The Romance of Tiger and Rose》 长安十二时辰《The Longest Day in Chang'an》 将夜《Ever Night》 将夜2《Ever Night S2》 上阳赋《The Rebel Princess》 琅琊榜《Nirvana in Fire》 琅琊榜之风起长林《Nirvana in Fire Ⅱ》 狼殿下《The Wolf》 老九门《The Mystic Nine》 媚者无疆《Bloody Romance》 大明风华《大明风华 Ming Dynasty》 武動乾坤《Martial Universe》 新三国《Three Kingdoms》 暮白首《Love a Lifetime》 河神《Tientsin Mystic》 河神2《Tientsin Mystic 2 》 玲珑《 The Blessed Girl》 离人心上《The Sleepless Princess》 人间烟火花小厨《Chef Hua》 赘婿《My Heroic Husband》 水浒传《All Men Are Brothers》 錦綉未央《The Princess Wei Young》 偷心画师《Oh! My Sweet Liar》 茶馆《Teahouse 》 新侠客行《Ode to Gallantry》 玉昭令《No Boundary Season》 雪山飛狐《Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain》 书剑恩仇录《The Book and The Sword》2002 我就是这般女子 《A girl like me》 碧血劍《Sword Stained with Royal Blood》 鹿鼎记《The Deer and the Cauldron》2014 招摇 《The Legends》 天龍八部《Demi Gods and Semi Devils》2003 七劍下天山《Seven Swordsmen》 长歌行《The Long Ballad》 大唐荣耀《The Glory of Tang Dynasty》 大唐榮耀2《The Glory of Tang Dynasty Ⅱ》 少爷与我的罗曼史《A Love So Romantic》 镖门《The Great Protector》 少林问道《SHAOLIN WENDAO》 楚乔传《Princess Agents》 射雕英雄传《The Legend of the Condor Heroes》2017 神雕侠侣《The Condor Heros》2006 倚天屠龙记《Relying on Heaven to Slaughter Dragons》2019 花千骨《The Journey of Flower》 锦衣之下《Under the Power》 九流霸主 《Overlord》 少年游之一寸相思《Love in Between》 青云志 《The Legend of Chusen》 她和他的恋爱剧本《Love Script 》 水浒传《All Men Are Brothers》 夜天子 《The Dark Lord》 無心法師《The Monster Killer》 哦!我的皇帝陛下《Oh! My Emperor》 三千鸦杀《Love of Thousand Years》 离人心上《The sleepless princess》 芸汐传《Legend of Yun Xi》 步步惊心《Treading On Thin Ice》 今夕何夕《Twisted Fate of Love》 大宋少年志《Young Blood》 那年花開月正圓《Nothing Gold Can Stay》 有翡 《Legend of Fei》 甄嬛传《Empresses in the Palace》 如懿傳《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》 少主且慢行《I‘ve Fallen for You》 侠探简不知《Ancient Detective》 小女花不棄《I Will Never Let You Go》 从前有座灵剑山《Once Upon a Time in Lingjian Mountain》 天雷一部之春花秋月《Love Better Than Immortality 》 扶摇《Legend of Fuyao》 大秦帝国之裂变《The Qin Empire》 大秦帝国之崛起《The Chin Empire Ⅲ》 大秦赋《The Qin Empire 》 大秦帝国之纵横《The Great Qin Empire》The Chin EmpireⅡ 武當一劍 《Wudang Sword》 骊歌行《Court Lady》 御赐小仵作《The Imperial Coroner》
@@lavonnekelly9173 Chinese Historical &fantasy& wuxia serial: 东宫《Good Bye, My Princess》 琉璃《Love and Redemption》 斗罗大陆 《DouLuo Continent》 庆余年《Joy of life》 延禧攻略《Story of Yanxi Palace》 步步驚心 《Startling by Each Step》 三生三世十里桃花《Eternal Love》 三生三世枕上书《Eternal Love of Dream》 新边城浪子《Border Town Prodiga》 大军师司马懿之军师联盟《The Advisors Alliance》 大军师司马懿之虎啸龙吟《GROWLING TIGER》 凤囚凰 《Untouchable Lovers》 知否知否应是绿肥红瘦《The Story Of MingLan》 九州缥缈录《NOVOLAND:EAGLE FLAG》 九州·海上牧云记《Tribes and Empires:Storm of Prophecy 鹤唳华亭《Royal Nirvana》 鹤唳华亭·别云间《Royal Nirvana》 山河令《Word Of Honor》 霍元甲《The Legend of Huo Yuanjia》 精武陈真《Chen Zhen》 清平乐《Serenade of Peaceful Joy》 灵域《The World of Fantasy》 鬓边不是海棠红《 Winter Begonia》 香蜜沉沉烬如霜《Ashes of Love》 天乩之白蛇傳說《The Legend of White Snake》 天盛长歌《the Rise of Phoenixes》 陈情令《The Untamed》 宸汐缘《Love and Destiny》 传闻中的陈芊芊《The Romance of Tiger and Rose》 长安十二时辰《The Longest Day in Chang'an》 将夜《Ever Night》 将夜2《Ever Night S2》 上阳赋《The Rebel Princess》 琅琊榜《Nirvana in Fire》 琅琊榜之风起长林《Nirvana in Fire Ⅱ》 狼殿下《The Wolf》 老九门《The Mystic Nine》 媚者无疆《Bloody Romance》 大明风华《大明风华 Ming Dynasty》 武動乾坤《Martial Universe》 新三国《Three Kingdoms》 暮白首《Love a Lifetime》 河神《Tientsin Mystic》 河神2《Tientsin Mystic 2 》 玲珑《 The Blessed Girl》 离人心上《The Sleepless Princess》 人间烟火花小厨《Chef Hua》 赘婿《My Heroic Husband》 水浒传《All Men Are Brothers》 錦綉未央《The Princess Wei Young》 偷心画师《Oh! My Sweet Liar》 茶馆《Teahouse 》 新侠客行《Ode to Gallantry》 玉昭令《No Boundary Season》 雪山飛狐《Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain》 书剑恩仇录《The Book and The Sword》2002 我就是这般女子 《A girl like me》 碧血劍《Sword Stained with Royal Blood》 鹿鼎记《The Deer and the Cauldron》2014 招摇 《The Legends》 天龍八部《Demi Gods and Semi Devils》2003 七劍下天山《Seven Swordsmen》 长歌行《The Long Ballad》 大唐荣耀《The Glory of Tang Dynasty》 大唐榮耀2《The Glory of Tang Dynasty Ⅱ》 少爷与我的罗曼史《A Love So Romantic》 镖门《The Great Protector》 少林问道《SHAOLIN WENDAO》 楚乔传《Princess Agents》 射雕英雄传《The Legend of the Condor Heroes》2017 神雕侠侣《The Condor Heros》2006 倚天屠龙记《Relying on Heaven to Slaughter Dragons》2019 花千骨《The Journey of Flower》 锦衣之下《Under the Power》 九流霸主 《Overlord》 少年游之一寸相思《Love in Between》 青云志 《The Legend of Chusen》 她和他的恋爱剧本《Love Script 》 水浒传《All Men Are Brothers》 夜天子 《The Dark Lord》 無心法師《The Monster Killer》 哦!我的皇帝陛下《Oh! My Emperor》 三千鸦杀《Love of Thousand Years》 离人心上《The sleepless princess》 芸汐传《Legend of Yun Xi》 步步惊心《Treading On Thin Ice》 今夕何夕《Twisted Fate of Love》 大宋少年志《Young Blood》 那年花開月正圓《Nothing Gold Can Stay》 有翡 《Legend of Fei》 甄嬛传《Empresses in the Palace》 如懿傳《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》 少主且慢行《I‘ve Fallen for You》 侠探简不知《Ancient Detective》 小女花不棄《I Will Never Let You Go》 从前有座灵剑山《Once Upon a Time in Lingjian Mountain》 天雷一部之春花秋月《Love Better Than Immortality 》 扶摇《Legend of Fuyao》 大秦帝国之裂变《The Qin Empire》 大秦帝国之崛起《The Chin Empire Ⅲ》 大秦赋《The Qin Empire 》 大秦帝国之纵横《The Great Qin Empire》The Chin EmpireⅡ 武當一劍 《Wudang Sword》 骊歌行《Court Lady》 御赐小仵作《The Imperial Coroner》
rhea Leoqueen many actors did come back (like lian song, si ming, heavenly emperor, bai fox family except for bai zhen’s actor) yang mi also reprised her role as bai qian but i read that mark didn’t want to reprise his role as ye hua & that’s why he wasn’t in the drama (i dunno why he didn’t reprise though) but if he did then i’m thinking that some scenes would’ve been different cus in the novel during fengjiu’s sword hiding ceremony, bai qian & ye hua were also present and in the end when both donghua & fengjiu were trapped inside the fanyin valley after miao luo escaped it was bai qian & ye hua who saved them.
Omg yes watched Eternal Love of Dream early this year and I liked their story there compared to their (2nd lead) story here. The ost is also great. Nice to see some of the same actors but Mark was not there awww.
This is my 1st ever Chinese Drama series that I've watch, And i am happy that the story is beautiful and also the characters act well..i love them all!! And also their songs is great!!!
SyneeGaming unsullied ost ashes of love. That’s a great song tho! I’m cying watching that drama while listening to that ost oh my. it was released on 2018.
untill now...im hook with the tragic happened in this series...even in my dreams i cried all out... wish for more series...please do some sequels for this.
No they had many good memories too. I felt that they love they hurt and they parted but in the end they reunited as a family. And that’s the greatest love anyone can ever ask for. There is never a second chance in love. You lose that special person u love u lose it forever. It won’t come back and we will always be hoping we find a better one.
@@Rainning04 your comment makes me cry even more... for the third time I watched the drama and what Ye Hua told her before dying always breakes my soul!!!
Have heard of this drama for quite some time and finally watched it. This song completely captivates every emotion in the drama. Not to mention, incorporating classical and modern Chinese in the lyrics makes it all the more beautiful. Such a quaint, beautiful, yet heart-wrenching song. I absolutely love both singers' voices as well.
The first time I decided to watch an Asian drama, I chose this one. I do NOT regret it! Because of this series, I have fallen in love with the Asian dramas. This one is still Top One for me. Haven't found any other that can compete with this. I promise, I have never cried so much in my life.
West Australia here. Just adore this....was the one show that got me watching “non English” shows. Hated subtitles before,🤣. This show opened up my cultural experience and knowledge too. Have watched many many many other Chinese, Taiwanese, Korean, Japanese, Thai dramas since. Learning so much .😊
Everything in this drama is just so perfect.. From the all cast, the plot, the love story (it's so damn amazing, probably the most beautiful love story i have ever watched), all the ost, the voices from the ost, the cinematography, everything's created on the right perfect timing. two thumbs up to the writers and the director. Such perfect ending to a perfect love story.
I wish could forget the whole series and watch it again! After everything.. i hope Mo yuan is waiting for me because i'm signing up to be 18th apprentice so i can be with him 😭
My fiancè and I can't get over this. This was my second time watching it and it was just her first. She kept on asking me if I really love her like Ye Hua hehehehe
Watched this series countless times and never get tired watching it again. The drama is top notch and best Chinese series of all time. Even, the theme song is now phone ring tone.
My favorite romantic drama ever! Yang Mi, Mark Chao, the romance, the music, the storyline, all the other great actors. I have watched it several times and never get tired of it. Perfection.
I love ❤️ this song . Iam from Spain watched this drama and still watching I can’t get over.. the leading actor and actress are so good .. Hope they will do another one together…
Fantastic song … love her sweet voice. She made “the internal love “ series more mesmerized. Thanks to the composer and the producer that made the series is one of the unforgettable series. Listen to this music it really makes me have clear love sceneries of the movies. Charming..
Mark Chao's beautiful face helped me get thru the 60 episodes of this...the man was getting more and more handsome as it progressed into the later episodes...I loved his passion in the intimate scenes❤❤❤
Cant get over with this series😭 it always makes me cry thinking of Ye Hua and Su Su had to go through for them to be together. Indeed fate is full of surprises.
I love this drama too much. I don't think I've ever cried so much while watching other dramas before, and the feels of happiness and sadness...About to watch this drama all over again 😅
watch the Chinese version scarlet heart (2011) ... then tell me if you cried harder for that one...or this one =P .... P.S. the korean version is so much happier than this one... also, the actors are way hotter in the korean version... but you'll still love the Chinese version if you like crying your eyes out =P
I just wondered how many real foreigners love this show. I really love this show i watch ed at least 10 times
Me too. I really love this show.
I watched it twice over! Loved it!
Hawaii here 🌸
I live in Australia and absolutely love love love this drama
It's already 2020 but I can't get enough of it and who else lingering around here ??
Me I am :')
@@許傳正-o3u 我会
same watch this drama about three times already
Same here
如果你情緒低落,請記住:生活有起有落,無論你感覺多麼糟糕,最終總會好起來的。 祝你有美好的一天
Thank you
Muchas gracias. Cuídate mucho
That's true ☺️👍🏻‼️‼️‼️‼️
I’ll never get over how beautiful this song and drama is! OMG. No drama has topped this one - I don’t think anything can beat it, honestly.
Exactly what I think after every Chinese drama I watch I honestly can't choose which one is my favorite😂😂
@@Emily-9005 lol...how I know if it's one of the best is if I keep coming back to watch it 😊😂♥💕
@@j4yd3nYang true😂😂
You should watch Legend of Fuyao! It’s has Bai Quian as the female lead and other characters from here!
Try Ashes of Love 😍, very beautiful
I'm from England, watched this drama recently and absolutely loved it, I can't stop watching it over and over again, it's so touching, this song is beautiful too. Love Ye Hua, he is so charming!
Watch Goodbye my princess. Trust me that one is as good as this💯
They have a second one came out called Eternal Dream
@@eming1342 strongly recommend Nirnava in fire, it's really good
@@Kt-cn2rq No Baiqian and Yehua in this series, I only want to see them:)
@@sasemeopen2739 I watched the pillow book. Baiqian and Ali is there but Yehua isn't. Still it was really good✌️
I'm American and have been watching these Chinese fantasy and historical dramas and just love them. I've watched about 15 so far. Eternal Love is my favorite, then Eternal Love of Dream. The theme song to Eternal Love is so beautiful, brings tears to my eyes.
Chinese Historical &fantasy& wuxia serial:
东宫《Good Bye, My Princess》 琉璃《Love and Redemption》 斗罗大陆 《DouLuo Continent》
庆余年《Joy of life》 延禧攻略《Story of Yanxi Palace》 步步驚心 《Startling by Each Step》
三生三世十里桃花《Eternal Love》 三生三世枕上书《Eternal Love of Dream》 新边城浪子《Border Town Prodiga》
大军师司马懿之军师联盟《The Advisors Alliance》 大军师司马懿之虎啸龙吟《GROWLING TIGER》 凤囚凰 《Untouchable Lovers》
知否知否应是绿肥红瘦《The Story Of MingLan》 九州缥缈录《NOVOLAND:EAGLE FLAG》 九州·海上牧云记《Tribes and Empires:Storm of Prophecy
鹤唳华亭《Royal Nirvana》 鹤唳华亭·别云间《Royal Nirvana》 山河令《Word Of Honor》
霍元甲《The Legend of Huo Yuanjia》 精武陈真《Chen Zhen》 清平乐《Serenade of Peaceful Joy》
灵域《The World of Fantasy》 鬓边不是海棠红《 Winter Begonia》 香蜜沉沉烬如霜《Ashes of Love》
天乩之白蛇傳說《The Legend of White Snake》 天盛长歌《the Rise of Phoenixes》 陈情令《The Untamed》
宸汐缘《Love and Destiny》 传闻中的陈芊芊《The Romance of Tiger and Rose》 长安十二时辰《The Longest Day in Chang'an》
将夜《Ever Night》 将夜2《Ever Night S2》 上阳赋《The Rebel Princess》
琅琊榜《Nirvana in Fire》 琅琊榜之风起长林《Nirvana in Fire Ⅱ》 狼殿下《The Wolf》
老九门《The Mystic Nine》 媚者无疆《Bloody Romance》 大明风华《大明风华 Ming Dynasty》
武動乾坤《Martial Universe》 新三国《Three Kingdoms》 暮白首《Love a Lifetime》
河神《Tientsin Mystic》 河神2《Tientsin Mystic 2 》 玲珑《 The Blessed Girl》
离人心上《The Sleepless Princess》 人间烟火花小厨《Chef Hua》 赘婿《My Heroic Husband》
水浒传《All Men Are Brothers》 錦綉未央《The Princess Wei Young》 偷心画师《Oh! My Sweet Liar》
茶馆《Teahouse 》 新侠客行《Ode to Gallantry》 玉昭令《No Boundary Season》
雪山飛狐《Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain》 书剑恩仇录《The Book and The Sword》2002 我就是这般女子 《A girl like me》
碧血劍《Sword Stained with Royal Blood》 鹿鼎记《The Deer and the Cauldron》2014 招摇 《The Legends》
天龍八部《Demi Gods and Semi Devils》2003 七劍下天山《Seven Swordsmen》 长歌行《The Long Ballad》
大唐荣耀《The Glory of Tang Dynasty》 大唐榮耀2《The Glory of Tang Dynasty Ⅱ》 少爷与我的罗曼史《A Love So Romantic》
镖门《The Great Protector》 少林问道《SHAOLIN WENDAO》 楚乔传《Princess Agents》
射雕英雄传《The Legend of the Condor Heroes》2017 神雕侠侣《The Condor Heros》2006 倚天屠龙记《Relying on Heaven to Slaughter Dragons》2019
花千骨《The Journey of Flower》 锦衣之下《Under the Power》 九流霸主 《Overlord》
少年游之一寸相思《Love in Between》 青云志 《The Legend of Chusen》 她和他的恋爱剧本《Love Script 》
水浒传《All Men Are Brothers》 夜天子 《The Dark Lord》 無心法師《The Monster Killer》
哦!我的皇帝陛下《Oh! My Emperor》 三千鸦杀《Love of Thousand Years》 离人心上《The sleepless princess》
芸汐传《Legend of Yun Xi》 步步惊心《Treading On Thin Ice》 今夕何夕《Twisted Fate of Love》
大宋少年志《Young Blood》 那年花開月正圓《Nothing Gold Can Stay》 有翡 《Legend of Fei》
甄嬛传《Empresses in the Palace》 如懿傳《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》 少主且慢行《I‘ve Fallen for You》
侠探简不知《Ancient Detective》 小女花不棄《I Will Never Let You Go》 从前有座灵剑山《Once Upon a Time in Lingjian Mountain》
天雷一部之春花秋月《Love Better Than Immortality 》 扶摇《Legend of Fuyao》 大秦帝国之裂变《The Qin Empire》
大秦帝国之崛起《The Chin Empire Ⅲ》 大秦赋《The Qin Empire 》 大秦帝国之纵横《The Great Qin Empire》The Chin EmpireⅡ
武當一劍 《Wudang Sword》 骊歌行《Court Lady》 御赐小仵作《The Imperial Coroner》
belíssima mesmo
I rewatched this again recently, and after the many c dramas i've seen, this is still my favourite, and it still hits the hardest. It could be because of how memorable a lot of the scenes were, especially the part where she jumps off the terrace. I've seen a lot of main characters "die" in dramas or sacrifice themselves for the greater good/for love, but I think what made it memorable was because she wasn't doing it for any of those reasons, but because she simply gave up, very much like how many people commit suicide these days. That entire scene was just absolute heartbreak, and no other tragic scene really has come close to it so far as I have seen. And this song was playing in the background, which just made the emotions all the worse.
this series is one of my favorites too. The way you mention she just give up and jumps off.This sense really shakes my heart!
totally agree 👍 no drama can Top this.. I been addicted to watch and cried every time.
I agree with you, the views can tell, other cdrama songs did not break 100m+ in youtube
It's not heartbreaking. The scene Destroys you. It's not just mental but also physical. I always watch it when I'm alone. She wasn't selfish. But she made it more un-selfish. By letting, those that she cared for, go.
I always Mute this scene. Because even with out the background sounds, her pain is amplified. Every time I watch it, I make sure I have boxes of tissues and bags for garbage.
I still remember how beautiful her feets were and beautiful scenery yet heartbreaking
Thank you …..wishing you the best of luck ❤
Apparently I was living under a rock when this first came out. Just finished watching this. I was looking to fill the big pit that was formed after The Untamed and stumbled on this. Love this so much. Now totally obsessed with Mark Chao. And this song. This song runs through my mind every day.
Hahaha.... I came across it but the title like too long for me so I let it pass. Regret not watching earlier but never regret watching it. The best thus far...
The only good thing that came out of the whole Covid thing is my discovery of K and C dramas! Absolutely love this and it is hard to get over.
@@holycow92883 indeed
You should watch Ashes of Love and Love and Redemption too
you need to watch Word of Honor, Handsome Siblings too. It was after I watched them that I saw this one and OMG, I can't stop watching it, binge watching it first time. I just love this drama, and Mark Chao, wow he can communicate so much without even saying a word. Also recommend Ashes of Love if you haven't watched it. Geez, I only started watching these this year in the last couple of months.
Am I the only English speaking person who try to sing along 😂 and laugh at themselves 😂. It's a beautiful song 😭 not gonna lie
88melesia Dont worry bro. “Shang shu chow mow law law hi chee fun.” Dunno tf i said but i’m there with you.
@@mkxiong6427 😆 lol thank you my brother I feel much better, I have some one with me
Nope lol
man im singing my heart out I have no idea what im singing but my heart knows
88melesia I’m Chinese but I can’t sing it either XD
我喜欢这首歌。❤ 👍❤👍👍🦖👍❤👍❤ 👍❤
I still cant forget the scene whereby Su Jin asked for Susu eyes And YeHua took her eyes and give it to Sujin. I legit crying when watching that scene😭
Have you seen the sequel to this, which is the story of Dong Hua Dijun and Bai Feng Jiu. They finally get a happy ending. It's called Eternal Love of Dream. You can watch it on RUclips.
@@MaiChristy yes.. i've watched it already. I just couldnt help but falling in love with both of the main leads. Perfect couple..😍
Where on RUclips? Link plz
it hurts
2024 都過一半了,還在的人舉手這首歌會陪伴我們一直到老,感情的路上有的人走得好有的人卻不是那麼順利,不管是好是壞,希望這首歌能在適當的時間點給你不同的感受
I don't understand what they are singing but can feel the emotions listening to the song. I dig it. Beautiful!!!
it have English subtitles, click on captions
Turn on sub
I am a native Chinese from Beijing. I'd like to improve my English by translating lyrics in Chinese but I need some help from native English speaker. Are you interested in this project? If you are, you can reply me.
I keep rewatching everything Ten Miles related, from scenes to bloopers because RUclips keeps recommending them to me and I can't stop myself from clicking on them😭 I am WEAK for this show😭
Ling Chen 說得好
Ling Chen ☺
The amount of pain this drama makes you feel. The constant feeling of
loosing someone and needing to get over them.. no other drama makes you feel the kind of pain. But this hit everyone because we all lose someone at some point in time and need to learn to get over it.
Just finished watching eternal love yesterday. And I never cried so hard in my life watching a drama. 😭😭 I started episode again last night. The goosebumps when this song comes on. And they know exactly when to play it. Bravo to everyone that had a part in making this drama. Ye Hua and Qian Qian!! What a love story. I thought flames daughter was my absolute fave. I’m sorry eternal love just took the number one spot. And Mark Chao is everything. Eternal love forever!!
This is my number one Chinese drama...I even bought it on dvd...I can't tell you how many times I have watched it..
If you like the Flames Daughter have you seen The King's Woman
Chinese Historical &fantasy& wuxia serial:
东宫《Good Bye, My Princess》 琉璃《Love and Redemption》 斗罗大陆 《DouLuo Continent》
庆余年《Joy of life》 延禧攻略《Story of Yanxi Palace》 步步驚心 《Startling by Each Step》
三生三世十里桃花《Eternal Love》 三生三世枕上书《Eternal Love of Dream》 新边城浪子《Border Town Prodiga》
大军师司马懿之军师联盟《The Advisors Alliance》 大军师司马懿之虎啸龙吟《GROWLING TIGER》 凤囚凰 《Untouchable Lovers》
知否知否应是绿肥红瘦《The Story Of MingLan》 九州缥缈录《NOVOLAND:EAGLE FLAG》 九州·海上牧云记《Tribes and Empires:Storm of Prophecy
鹤唳华亭《Royal Nirvana》 鹤唳华亭·别云间《Royal Nirvana》 山河令《Word Of Honor》
霍元甲《The Legend of Huo Yuanjia》 精武陈真《Chen Zhen》 清平乐《Serenade of Peaceful Joy》
灵域《The World of Fantasy》 鬓边不是海棠红《 Winter Begonia》 香蜜沉沉烬如霜《Ashes of Love》
天乩之白蛇傳說《The Legend of White Snake》 天盛长歌《the Rise of Phoenixes》 陈情令《The Untamed》
宸汐缘《Love and Destiny》 传闻中的陈芊芊《The Romance of Tiger and Rose》 长安十二时辰《The Longest Day in Chang'an》
将夜《Ever Night》 将夜2《Ever Night S2》 上阳赋《The Rebel Princess》
琅琊榜《Nirvana in Fire》 琅琊榜之风起长林《Nirvana in Fire Ⅱ》 狼殿下《The Wolf》
老九门《The Mystic Nine》 媚者无疆《Bloody Romance》 大明风华《大明风华 Ming Dynasty》
武動乾坤《Martial Universe》 新三国《Three Kingdoms》 暮白首《Love a Lifetime》
河神《Tientsin Mystic》 河神2《Tientsin Mystic 2 》 玲珑《 The Blessed Girl》
离人心上《The Sleepless Princess》 人间烟火花小厨《Chef Hua》 赘婿《My Heroic Husband》
水浒传《All Men Are Brothers》 錦綉未央《The Princess Wei Young》 偷心画师《Oh! My Sweet Liar》
茶馆《Teahouse 》 新侠客行《Ode to Gallantry》 玉昭令《No Boundary Season》
雪山飛狐《Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain》 书剑恩仇录《The Book and The Sword》2002 我就是这般女子 《A girl like me》
碧血劍《Sword Stained with Royal Blood》 鹿鼎记《The Deer and the Cauldron》2014 招摇 《The Legends》
天龍八部《Demi Gods and Semi Devils》2003 七劍下天山《Seven Swordsmen》 长歌行《The Long Ballad》
大唐荣耀《The Glory of Tang Dynasty》 大唐榮耀2《The Glory of Tang Dynasty Ⅱ》 少爷与我的罗曼史《A Love So Romantic》
镖门《The Great Protector》 少林问道《SHAOLIN WENDAO》 楚乔传《Princess Agents》
射雕英雄传《The Legend of the Condor Heroes》2017 神雕侠侣《The Condor Heros》2006 倚天屠龙记《Relying on Heaven to Slaughter Dragons》2019
花千骨《The Journey of Flower》 锦衣之下《Under the Power》 九流霸主 《Overlord》
少年游之一寸相思《Love in Between》 青云志 《The Legend of Chusen》 她和他的恋爱剧本《Love Script 》
水浒传《All Men Are Brothers》 夜天子 《The Dark Lord》 無心法師《The Monster Killer》
哦!我的皇帝陛下《Oh! My Emperor》 三千鸦杀《Love of Thousand Years》 离人心上《The sleepless princess》
芸汐传《Legend of Yun Xi》 步步惊心《Treading On Thin Ice》 今夕何夕《Twisted Fate of Love》
大宋少年志《Young Blood》 那年花開月正圓《Nothing Gold Can Stay》 有翡 《Legend of Fei》
甄嬛传《Empresses in the Palace》 如懿傳《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》 少主且慢行《I‘ve Fallen for You》
侠探简不知《Ancient Detective》 小女花不棄《I Will Never Let You Go》 从前有座灵剑山《Once Upon a Time in Lingjian Mountain》
天雷一部之春花秋月《Love Better Than Immortality 》 扶摇《Legend of Fuyao》 大秦帝国之裂变《The Qin Empire》
大秦帝国之崛起《The Chin Empire Ⅲ》 大秦赋《The Qin Empire 》 大秦帝国之纵横《The Great Qin Empire》The Chin EmpireⅡ
武當一劍 《Wudang Sword》 骊歌行《Court Lady》 御赐小仵作《The Imperial Coroner》
@@lavonnekelly9173 Chinese Historical &fantasy& wuxia serial:
东宫《Good Bye, My Princess》 琉璃《Love and Redemption》 斗罗大陆 《DouLuo Continent》
庆余年《Joy of life》 延禧攻略《Story of Yanxi Palace》 步步驚心 《Startling by Each Step》
三生三世十里桃花《Eternal Love》 三生三世枕上书《Eternal Love of Dream》 新边城浪子《Border Town Prodiga》
大军师司马懿之军师联盟《The Advisors Alliance》 大军师司马懿之虎啸龙吟《GROWLING TIGER》 凤囚凰 《Untouchable Lovers》
知否知否应是绿肥红瘦《The Story Of MingLan》 九州缥缈录《NOVOLAND:EAGLE FLAG》 九州·海上牧云记《Tribes and Empires:Storm of Prophecy
鹤唳华亭《Royal Nirvana》 鹤唳华亭·别云间《Royal Nirvana》 山河令《Word Of Honor》
霍元甲《The Legend of Huo Yuanjia》 精武陈真《Chen Zhen》 清平乐《Serenade of Peaceful Joy》
灵域《The World of Fantasy》 鬓边不是海棠红《 Winter Begonia》 香蜜沉沉烬如霜《Ashes of Love》
天乩之白蛇傳說《The Legend of White Snake》 天盛长歌《the Rise of Phoenixes》 陈情令《The Untamed》
宸汐缘《Love and Destiny》 传闻中的陈芊芊《The Romance of Tiger and Rose》 长安十二时辰《The Longest Day in Chang'an》
将夜《Ever Night》 将夜2《Ever Night S2》 上阳赋《The Rebel Princess》
琅琊榜《Nirvana in Fire》 琅琊榜之风起长林《Nirvana in Fire Ⅱ》 狼殿下《The Wolf》
老九门《The Mystic Nine》 媚者无疆《Bloody Romance》 大明风华《大明风华 Ming Dynasty》
武動乾坤《Martial Universe》 新三国《Three Kingdoms》 暮白首《Love a Lifetime》
河神《Tientsin Mystic》 河神2《Tientsin Mystic 2 》 玲珑《 The Blessed Girl》
离人心上《The Sleepless Princess》 人间烟火花小厨《Chef Hua》 赘婿《My Heroic Husband》
水浒传《All Men Are Brothers》 錦綉未央《The Princess Wei Young》 偷心画师《Oh! My Sweet Liar》
茶馆《Teahouse 》 新侠客行《Ode to Gallantry》 玉昭令《No Boundary Season》
雪山飛狐《Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain》 书剑恩仇录《The Book and The Sword》2002 我就是这般女子 《A girl like me》
碧血劍《Sword Stained with Royal Blood》 鹿鼎记《The Deer and the Cauldron》2014 招摇 《The Legends》
天龍八部《Demi Gods and Semi Devils》2003 七劍下天山《Seven Swordsmen》 长歌行《The Long Ballad》
大唐荣耀《The Glory of Tang Dynasty》 大唐榮耀2《The Glory of Tang Dynasty Ⅱ》 少爷与我的罗曼史《A Love So Romantic》
镖门《The Great Protector》 少林问道《SHAOLIN WENDAO》 楚乔传《Princess Agents》
射雕英雄传《The Legend of the Condor Heroes》2017 神雕侠侣《The Condor Heros》2006 倚天屠龙记《Relying on Heaven to Slaughter Dragons》2019
花千骨《The Journey of Flower》 锦衣之下《Under the Power》 九流霸主 《Overlord》
少年游之一寸相思《Love in Between》 青云志 《The Legend of Chusen》 她和他的恋爱剧本《Love Script 》
水浒传《All Men Are Brothers》 夜天子 《The Dark Lord》 無心法師《The Monster Killer》
哦!我的皇帝陛下《Oh! My Emperor》 三千鸦杀《Love of Thousand Years》 离人心上《The sleepless princess》
芸汐传《Legend of Yun Xi》 步步惊心《Treading On Thin Ice》 今夕何夕《Twisted Fate of Love》
大宋少年志《Young Blood》 那年花開月正圓《Nothing Gold Can Stay》 有翡 《Legend of Fei》
甄嬛传《Empresses in the Palace》 如懿傳《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》 少主且慢行《I‘ve Fallen for You》
侠探简不知《Ancient Detective》 小女花不棄《I Will Never Let You Go》 从前有座灵剑山《Once Upon a Time in Lingjian Mountain》
天雷一部之春花秋月《Love Better Than Immortality 》 扶摇《Legend of Fuyao》 大秦帝国之裂变《The Qin Empire》
大秦帝国之崛起《The Chin Empire Ⅲ》 大秦赋《The Qin Empire 》 大秦帝国之纵横《The Great Qin Empire》The Chin EmpireⅡ
武當一劍 《Wudang Sword》 骊歌行《Court Lady》 御赐小仵作《The Imperial Coroner》
@@chinesefood95 I have seen some on this list and thoroughly enjoyed them 🤩
The second lead couple finally got their continuing story in 2020 but here i am..stills can’t move on from mark and yangmi couple❤️❤️
They should have atleast brought them back
rhea Leoqueen many actors did come back (like lian song, si ming, heavenly emperor, bai fox family except for bai zhen’s actor) yang mi also reprised her role as bai qian but i read that mark didn’t want to reprise his role as ye hua & that’s why he wasn’t in the drama (i dunno why he didn’t reprise though) but if he did then i’m thinking that some scenes would’ve been different cus in the novel during fengjiu’s sword hiding ceremony, bai qian & ye hua were also present and in the end when both donghua & fengjiu were trapped inside the fanyin valley after miao luo escaped it was bai qian & ye hua who saved them.
Omg yes watched Eternal Love of Dream early this year and I liked their story there compared to their (2nd lead) story here. The ost is also great. Nice to see some of the same actors but Mark was not there awww.
@@kn-cw3wm 飯是至少吃得到啦
@@kn-cw3wm 人家在文艺复兴呢, 就因为这个让西方技术领先了东方好几年
Hermosa cansion 🙏❤🙋♀️
Omggg really love this song 😭❤ , i miss 10 miles of peach blossom 😭 who's with me??
Me too... cant count the times revisit 😂
What a beautiful song. Their voices blend so perfect together. Love the drama and this song.
The drama also blend ur feeling perfectly
杨宗纬,挺你,怎么会那么好的声音,怎么会唱那么好听的,very nice voice 👌
From the USA me and my husband. Love this and Ashes of love.
This is my 1st ever Chinese Drama series that I've watch, And i am happy that the story is beautiful and also the characters act well..i love them all!! And also their songs is great!!!
I’m not even a chinese but all of chinese ancient drama and their ost songs is always great! 😭
You are absolutely right..
SyneeGaming unsullied ost ashes of love. That’s a great song tho! I’m cying watching that drama while listening to that ost oh my. it was released on 2018.
zam zam ala kazam Agreed! Also the Ost for Goodbye my Princess is really good too.
@@nothankyou785 the eternal love ost, ashes of love ost
The most beautiful chinese song i have ever listened to
宗緯的歌聲太富有情感了 兩位的聲線很搭
好好聽的!2024年了 ~~還有人在聽嗎?🙋🙋🙋
Me 🤗
Rachel Wong
i finished the drama yesterday and i can't get this song out of my head, i love this.
Yeah me too..😆.. I've been trying to look for English version of this song to sing with and all other songs of TMOPB🤗🤗
Same here it’s was amazing
Wrapped with a good ending feel happy
İ recomend you all to watch ashes of love. İts very good too
me too omg
This was such a good series, but listening to this song makes me think about every single painful moment YeHua and QianQian had to go through. :(
Yeah...so sad
untill now...im hook with the tragic happened in this series...even in my dreams i cried all out... wish for more series...please do some sequels for this.
No they had many good memories too. I felt that they love they hurt and they parted but in the end they reunited as a family. And that’s the greatest love anyone can ever ask for. There is never a second chance in love. You lose that special person u love u lose it forever. It won’t come back and we will always be hoping we find a better one.
@@Rainning04 your comment makes me cry even more... for the third time I watched the drama and what Ye Hua told her before dying always breakes my soul!!!
Athena Aquino you should watch Ashes of Love!
Have heard of this drama for quite some time and finally watched it. This song completely captivates every emotion in the drama. Not to mention, incorporating classical and modern Chinese in the lyrics makes it all the more beautiful. Such a quaint, beautiful, yet heart-wrenching song. I absolutely love both singers' voices as well.
Who still listen s to this in 219?😄😍 Thank you all for putting a thumbs up 😂🤗.
Me...and still it hurt me... Haha 😅
Me. I’m late to the party, I didn’t watch this series until 2019, I’m sorry.
Me again and again! It is so deep!! 😍😍
April 2024 and here I am, tbh I might watch any dramas but I can never forget the first ever drama that drawn me to CDRAMAS
Ella Cheah 永远爱张杰 真的 現場版的超讚
The first time I decided to watch an Asian drama, I chose this one. I do NOT regret it! Because of this series, I have fallen in love with the Asian dramas. This one is still Top One for me. Haven't found any other that can compete with this. I promise, I have never cried so much in my life.
I thought the same but then i watch "One and Only" and i cried for a week 😭
West Australia here. Just adore this....was the one show that got me watching “non English” shows. Hated subtitles before,🤣. This show opened up my cultural experience and knowledge too. Have watched many many many other Chinese, Taiwanese, Korean, Japanese, Thai dramas since. Learning so much .😊
Best CDrama, incredible chemistry between YangMi and Mark Zhao, simply love everything about it!
Everything in this drama is just so perfect.. From the all cast, the plot, the love story (it's so damn amazing, probably the most beautiful love story i have ever watched), all the ost, the voices from the ost, the cinematography, everything's created on the right perfect timing. two thumbs up to the writers and the director. Such perfect ending to a perfect love story.
Beautiful song 🙏❤
I wish could forget the whole series and watch it again! After everything.. i hope Mo yuan is waiting for me because i'm signing up to be 18th apprentice so i can be with him 😭
I can´t get enough of this song and keep replaying and replaying it. It is truly beautiful and touches the heart.
Asgarla I found someone like me
เป็นเพลงจีนที่ฟังบ่อยเกิน เกินจนคิดว่าเป็นเพลงประจำตัว และเป็นเพลงแรกของปี2024ที่เลือกเปิดฟัง ขอบคุณ
听了凉凉 又从新看了一遍 三生三世 真是太好看了
shela sunflow
這套劇成功 劇裡歌曲幫助不少
My fiancè and I can't get over this. This was my second time watching it and it was just her first. She kept on asking me if I really love her like Ye Hua hehehehe
Kasonde Lameck Kauzi Chibombamilimo 😂 aww 🥰
Lucky for you that you don’t need to fight any beasts😂. That is awesome you watch together❤️
@@holycow92883 hahaha that's right!
Kasonde Lameck Kauzi Chibombamilimo errrrrrr love her better than Yehua, dude gouged his lover's eyes out so 😂 😂
@@joycelynong2534 hahaha I won't do that. Cheers hehe.
Watched this series countless times and never get tired watching it again. The drama is top notch and best Chinese series of all time. Even, the theme song is now phone ring tone.
FlyHigh 可以解釋翻成白話文嗎?
It’s “2020” this beautiful song still touches my heart ❤️❤️.!!!!!. I listen every morning when driving to work!!!!!.USA.
Hi 2021 now and like wise love this song also watched the drama15 times now - Scotland
This drama really is good, unpredictable but heartwarming, I started feeling like I was in the Drama. And with this song, it was a full package! 🤎👌
Looove this drama... the songs in the drama really help the drama shine
Very good , I could hear the hurt in their voice !!!
My favorite romantic drama ever! Yang Mi, Mark Chao, the romance, the music, the storyline, all the other great actors. I have watched it several times and never get tired of it. Perfection.
I love ❤️ this song . Iam from Spain watched this drama and still watching I can’t get over.. the leading actor and actress are so good .. Hope they will do another one together…
Песня о большой любви, спасибо что выставили этот клип. Дорама и музыка замечательные.
Their voices go so perfect together. This song turned out so beautiful 😍
i'm from cambodia i really love this song and this drama thank ❤️
Thanks. I've been Cambodia for two years. I love Cambodia.
This drama was my very 1st viewing of a drama. Oh, my, and I got throughly HOOKED on all 58 episodes!! It was thrilling. Every episode!!😊
好好听 突然想重温三生三世咯
我也是 剛看了至我們逝去的青春
dikst lim 志同道合的仙友们不少啊😄哈哈哈
如意吴 開始重溫了😂😂😂
i can't move on frm this drama n this song..😭😭😭😭
Plz show this drama name
Me too. Cried so much for them and Dijun and Jiuer.
totally feel you.
I have listen to this song about 60times in the last 6 years and it always give me chill ❤❤❤ greatest Chinese drama of my 40 years life
Fantastic song … love her sweet voice. She made “the internal love “ series more mesmerized. Thanks to the composer and the producer that made the series is one of the unforgettable series. Listen to this music it really makes me have clear love sceneries of the movies. Charming..
我是泰国人,我非常喜欢这首歌, 喜欢这个戏
Nunu Meng lu ,😙😙😙😙
Best fantasy drama in the world hope to see a third part of the franchise
Definitely one of the best chinese to watch! All worth the time. Yang mi and mark chow are the best! And the OST is unforgettable!👍👍👍!
ชอบเพลงนี้มากเลยฟังทุกวัน วันล่ะ100รอบเพราะมาก👏👏👏👏👏😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😘
ชอบเหมือนกันคะ ทั้งซีรี่ย์และเพลง
Mark Chao's beautiful face helped me get thru the 60 episodes of this...the man was getting more and more handsome as it progressed into the later episodes...I loved his passion in the intimate scenes❤❤❤
Cant get over with this series😭 it always makes me cry thinking of Ye Hua and Su Su had to go through for them to be together. Indeed fate is full of surprises.
Hello beautiful woman with a beautiful smile how is the weather over there..?
I love this drama too much. I don't think I've ever cried so much while watching other dramas before, and the feels of happiness and sadness...About to watch this drama all over again 😅
watch the Chinese version scarlet heart (2011) ... then tell me if you cried harder for that one...or this one =P .... P.S. the korean version is so much happier than this one... also, the actors are way hotter in the korean version... but you'll still love the Chinese version if you like crying your eyes out =P
I lived in china for 10 years. I love China and Chinese people! I want to cry when I think how much I miss them!
2019 還在聽…小熊外套還是那麼無法忘懷
Only feels how much this song can make me cry when u watch the drama
Great singer, Great voice, Great series, one of the best production of Chinese Entertainment industry.
The best Chinese drama I have ever seen. Great cast, great acting, great story, music is so good. I cry my heart out whenever I listen to this song.
🌺凄過ぎる。💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯“歌唱力”💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯 🌺
Best drama after Nirvana on fire. Very captivating, best actors, best storyline, best costumes, best theme songs, very well done.
Like it too but not a good ending. ETERNAL LOVE WAS THE BEST EVER LOVE STORY THAT WAS WRITTEN IN CDRAMA. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Different storyline
Nirvana on fire is a very tactical drama
Full of tactic and few love story inside
Hu ge is one of my favorite actor
Yes agreed 2nd after Nirvana in fire
杨宗纬的歌声太好听了。 眼神和深情的演释很到位, 帅!
A W Yang 感覺張碧晨的聲音跟他很搭。有了張碧晨的聲音,就像綠草地裡開了幾朵玫瑰的感覺⋯⋯玫瑰如血
這首歌讓楊宗韋唱 可惜了 糟蹋了這麼好聽的一首歌 女聲比男聲好聽多了
鄭書堯 还好吧。去听live版。
Mark Chao was really brilliant at the loving scenes...love it!! You can't beat a man who knows how to kiss a woman properly with feeling!😄
Ada org malaysia suke lagu ni ?? hmm.. sgt menyentuh hati. Masih belum move on dgn drama ni 😔😔
ramai suka ni... drama sangat baik
Suke...tgok lbih dr 10 kali❤️❤️
Ada... Tak boleh move on ni.