@Henry Tse Hey Henry, I don't think E Lai's comments shows that he is envious at all. If anything, E lai is being very encouraging and perhaps you are envious. You're right, there are a ton of other graduates like me so I want to work hard and try to succeed.
YES!!! Let the children create their own future, I am proud of your kiddos!!! I would encourage them to stay in U.S for their future career as well, it has a lot of opportunities here, take time to explore. I love how you treating them all equally with no differentiation and showing them how important they are to your family. LOVE, UNDERSTANDING & SUPPORT....you and your wife are wonderful parents!!!
Fashion Line?? do u hv any idea how many designers graduate from Parsons and FIT? how many "designers' got replaced on 7th Ave every year? Fashion Lines need to be backed by a serious network of celebrities. Vivienne Tam and Jason Wu are the only few successful designers from tens of thousands of designer who dares to attempt.
There are successful cases too and it's not always about commercial success, even for those who have a loyal customer base selling crafts on etsy is as a lifestyle business is okay. It's still something you create on your own and it's better than giving up before even trying.
Comma No doubt your fashion sense has no issue at all. People should not make judgement simply based on one single incident. By the way, a bit worried if I were you to let your girl stay in NY. Wish the sister and brother a bright and successful future!
@Henry Tse Undergrad students go to consulting firm such as EY, Deloitte, PWC, KPMG ( they usually intern there in the summer before they graduate). They can also go to medical school and law school after undergrad. I know because my son went to Harvard and Northwestern and he is going to law school now .
@Henry Tse After undergrad, you can either choose to work full time or go to law school, medical school or MBA. But if you have consulting internship in your sophomore or junior year, some of the kids will be offered a full time consulting job after they finish college. Consulting firm job focuses on research and analysis, not just consulting. All I am saying is a lot of the elite school students will pick consulting firm when they grad from college ( a few of my colleages' kids are doing that after they finish Stanford and U of Chicago undergrad).
These can only be achieved when your parents have the means to support or subsidized you! Not everyone can do that! This is very misleading. Those graduated with loans to be repaid are the norm!
你好, 好喜歡睇你影你屋企人嘅生活, 睇到你點樣教你仔女, 點樣同仔女相處, 希望可以拍多啲呢啲片,獲益良多
所謂嬴在起跑線, 唔係有錢就夠, 重要家長有學識, 識點教仔女.張生真係典範
幸福家庭, good parents and smart kids
張先生你好 你和張小姐不是訪問 只是閒話家常. 但我們看到是舒服和親和. 張小姐努力創造人生對社會有貢獻,
T Tsui 對,吹水真實D
She is bright and pretty. Wishing her all the success in the future!
@Henry Tse Hey Henry, I don't think E Lai's comments shows that he is envious at all. If anything, E lai is being very encouraging and perhaps you are envious. You're right, there are a ton of other graduates like me so I want to work hard and try to succeed.
Love to see you guys can talk in such a cosy, open and frank manner.
張先生你同張太教育子女 很平實
YES!!! Let the children create their own future, I am proud of your kiddos!!! I would encourage them to stay in U.S for their future career as well, it has a lot of opportunities here, take time to explore. I love how you treating them all equally with no differentiation and showing them how important they are to your family. LOVE, UNDERSTANDING & SUPPORT....you and your wife are wonderful parents!!!
Never stop trying; and Don't let anything stop you!!
Go for your dream when you are young and when you can, especially you don’t have the burden in financial and family.
go young man and woman. you are the future!!
Mr Cheung , a very open father. I strongly agree with her daughter. Has a dream and go for it The road may be rough. You are so young.
very well spoken kids
Congratulation 💕💐❤️🤓 from NYC 😘
张生 恭喜你 可以放心了
Good luck young lady
sweet, smart & confident girl
我細個都有諗過做music composer,不過父母唔支持,宜家就快三十歲,都唔會有時間諗樣嘢,你有父母支持真幸福。
好彩 兒子樣貌 比父親好得多
表哥,你的女兒,有好多角度 she reminds me of Daisy ,her auntie. 你是位好的爸爸,你的仔女真是好幸福😍
really good interview with fancy scarf😊
難得張生的子女都能配合張生的video拍攝,出落自然,不怕生,口齒伶俐,果然教導有方。 他們可以做傳播界的幕後或幕前工作喎。恭喜你🤗
💯 Agree with her,依家唔試唔通老至試咩?Kate Spade 個 fashion style?
Father as a guilding star.
Good luck!!
張生兒女都係美藉? 大公司同細公司基本上都唔請非理工科的留學生, 特別只係本科畢業. 簽證問題, 留學生畢業之後都唔可以留0係美國創業. 所以一般留學生即使學成之後發展都好有限制.
@@thebiggestlittlecity 所以張生成日推銷的教育方針根本不能應用在一般香港人家庭身上. 因為最重要一點佢冇講---兒女全部都係美藉. 美國學校收美國學生要求冇咁高(超有錢或超有背景的外國人例外), 仲好多時有獎學金. 東北大學唔係西北大學, 以一個美國人來說考入和畢業都不是甚麼了不起的事. 當然, 美藉加上有關係畢業後(無論讀咩定讀邊間)搵工係事半功倍.
咁當然, 以名人的仔女來說, 他們教養也不錯.
yu2000yu 講咁白就無謂啦
Emily Lo
上海滩老世是用間店来做社交活動, 据老豆剩低大把架。
Not sure why, seems like the oldest son's Cantonese is not that fluent, did he grow up in US?
趁年青嘗試不同東西,可能張導演去較為高級餐館,18% 或 20% 小費,最終要視乎服務態度,做得好便這樣,我們紐約基本15 %. New York 找工作比其他城市較容易,交通亦較方便。
Yeehar Chiu 堅叔個女如果係纽约做侍應,一定係鬼佬明星經常去嘅高级餐館,咁先至襯得起"一諾千金"嘅身份,佢可能仲会見到李安!
Fashion Line?? do u hv any idea how many designers graduate from Parsons and FIT? how many "designers' got replaced on 7th Ave every year? Fashion Lines need to be backed by a serious network of celebrities. Vivienne Tam and Jason Wu are the only few successful designers from tens of thousands of designer who dares to attempt.
She has a great billion grandfather
There are successful cases too and it's not always about commercial success, even for those who have a loyal customer base selling crafts on etsy is as a lifestyle business is okay. It's still something you create on your own and it's better than giving up before even trying.
matt c 人家有錢!米可以揮霍囉,你試下普通家庭,手足見肘的讀完大學,重唔拿拿林出去社會打滾,為生計而找工作哖,重訤什麼興趣,有個名導演做父親係唔通D嘅,祝小女孩能夢想成頁,等等你好時裝作品❤️👌🌈
Fashion line. Good direction. I suggest you to design a fashion line for your dad. His fashion sense is very interesting.
Leo Chan I didn’t know my scarf got mess-up. My fashion sense is ok.
Comma No doubt your fashion sense has no issue at all. People should not make judgement simply based on one single incident. By the way, a bit worried if I were you to let your girl stay in NY. Wish the sister and brother a bright and successful future!
A lot of the students from elite college actually work in consulting firm after graduation.
Totally agree with Henry
@Henry Tse Undergrad students go to consulting firm such as EY, Deloitte, PWC, KPMG ( they usually intern there in the summer before they graduate). They can also go to medical school and law school after undergrad. I know because my son went to Harvard and Northwestern and he is going to law school now .
@Henry Tse After undergrad, you can either choose to work full time or go to law school, medical school or MBA. But if you have consulting internship in your sophomore or junior year, some of the kids will be offered a full time consulting job after they finish college. Consulting firm job focuses on research and analysis, not just consulting. All I am saying is a lot of the elite school students will pick consulting firm when they grad from college ( a few of my colleages' kids are doing that after they finish Stanford and U of Chicago undergrad).
Just make sure your fashion line is not made in China
会否跟妈妈和外公做大生意啊? 很好的学习机会
Margaret Paul 外公點起家你知唔知呀
你就好啦,有得gap year! 要好好珍惜哦
These can only be achieved when your parents have the means to support or subsidized you! Not everyone can do that! This is very misleading. Those graduated with loans to be repaid are the norm!
I'm a new subscriber. 👍👍👍
Let her decide. What's the big deal?
大仔 又 靚仔 咗喎👍🏻
庭哥,May I know what’s your daughter’s major?
Hi Wang2018, I am an international affairs major!
jazzycee10 Great! Big Congrats on your graduation & all the best in your future endeavors!
so SO Airbnb
唔係潑冷水要做個品牌出嚟 仲要係fashion其實已經畀人壟斷咗
一位有理想抱負的少女,但business plan and model 不夠嚴謹, 對自身了解還是不足。
i teng ng