[Cuescreens] Troubleshooting Cadillac CUE Screen Installation Issues | Black Screen | No power

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 81

  • @jacktucker91
    @jacktucker91 4 года назад +1

    Cuescreens was out of stock for the module compatible with my 2016 SRX...they said send in my old unit and have it repaired and even save a few bucks. I took my time removing the unit and reinstalling once it was returned. The repair and shipment back to me was very quick! It's only been installed for an hour but everything does work!

  • @JustinSmith-gc2dw
    @JustinSmith-gc2dw 4 года назад +1

    Thank you so much for this video! After days of searching for reasons my whole unit was dead after a replacement, I came across this. One of the two side by side ribbons had disconnected. You saved me a ton of money and frustration. Thank you!

      @CUESCREENS  4 года назад

      Happy to help Justin. Glad you got it sorted out.

  • @chucktaylorgizzle1659
    @chucktaylorgizzle1659 3 года назад +1

    I need the name of the white and blue main cable so I can order it I broke mines

  • @newoyaj
    @newoyaj 4 года назад +1

    Easy peezy...Now, I'm thinking of doing a side hustle. My wife and I just bought our "previously owned" Cadillacs and sure enough both screens started failing. Thank you Cuescreens for offering us a reasonable alternative to replacement without emptying our bank accounts.

  • @frankrodriguez4604
    @frankrodriguez4604 5 лет назад +1

    Number 1..... have done these installations for a while, never had these issues great update video. 👌👌👌

      @CUESCREENS  5 лет назад

      Thanks. About once a week I get a call with these complications, I figured a video would be best to show how to reconnect in case they are accidentally dislodged

      @CUESCREENS  4 года назад

      Also sign up at cuescreens.com/installers if you would like to be listed

  • @BruceNunnally
    @BruceNunnally 4 года назад +1

    Nice clear explanation of things to check.

  • @nataliedaniels9645
    @nataliedaniels9645 11 месяцев назад +1

    I replaced my screen got power no touch is working on the screen. What do you recommend?

      @CUESCREENS  11 месяцев назад +1

      Read the troubleshooting guide cuescreens.com/troubleshooting. Or just wait 20 mins with the car locked and the cue plugged in.

  • @Nickrgh_69
    @Nickrgh_69 2 года назад +1

    I got a question so I just got my Cadillac ATS and the Bluetooth would work well and now it doesn’t like I connect my phone to the Bluetooth and on my phone it shows that music is playing but on the stereo screen the music doesn’t Play , do u know what could be the problem? Could it be a wire ? I tried resetting it and nothing works

  • @Bwenntt
    @Bwenntt 3 года назад +2

    I replaced the climate control portion and I have no touch response? What could the issue be??

  • @tracyleague8545
    @tracyleague8545 4 года назад +1

    Hi we just had to replace the Cue screen on our 2016 SRX because it was glitching/freezing with nothing working. After the screen replacement everything works except the Climate area. I can click on the climate button and it takes me to a blank screen. Also my climate buttons below the screen are no longer working as well. Any suggestions? Of course it is no longer under warranty. Appreciate any help!

      @CUESCREENS  4 года назад

      Tracy- your white cables inside the unit have become disconnected during the installation. It is common. You can open the unit up and carefully go through each white cable and make sure they are securely connected per this video. If you are unable to identify the connection, I would suggest mailing your unit in for repair. It is usually $150-$180 depending on what we find. Send an email if you would like to go this route, cuescreens@gmail.com

  • @jasonbutler9814
    @jasonbutler9814 2 года назад

    Just had my cuescreen installed. The back up camera works but no touch screen response do you know what could be the issue.

  • @wendycochran8258
    @wendycochran8258 3 года назад +1

    I tried to do the screen replacement today, got it put back together and it does not work. I have power but no touch response. U mentioned something in one of ur videos that I might need a different screen. How do I know if I have the right one?

      @CUESCREENS  3 года назад

      Hi, it is very very important to read the instructions before starting this job. You can check the card inside the box, or you can check cuescreens.com/v2018 to learn more.

  • @fifamatches1058
    @fifamatches1058 2 года назад +1

    Hey can you please help me! I have replaced a screen on my 2014 cadillac srx and it worked fine for a couple of days. I don't this before on another car and no problem. This time however it just off and went black. I checked everything fuses cables, I don't know sometimes I read a code on my machine that's says ecu not learned something in that field. Another thing is I can't control anything from the steering wheel, the screen on the dash says "Audio off".
    Plase let me know Thank you

      @CUESCREENS  2 года назад

      Everyone always thinks when their display goes black its because of the touch screen. So they replace them over and over and are not addressing the issue. The touch screen is clear glass- it doesn't display anything. You can remove the touch screen and should still have a visible display. cuescreens.com/black-screen

    • @ldleader
      @ldleader 9 месяцев назад

      Did you fix it ?

  • @perfectten9165
    @perfectten9165 2 года назад

    My 2015 SRX touch screen was flickering on & off for about a week until it finally went black. I can change radio stations from my steering wheel & AC works just the screen has gone black any idea what it could be?

  • @chucklemaster316
    @chucklemaster316 2 года назад

    Which connector is the backup camera? I replaced the screen, but now the screen flickers and goes black when backing up. I’m figuring I must have messed up that connection?!

  • @Elcharronegro94
    @Elcharronegro94 4 года назад +1

    I usually disconnect the battery before replacing the screen. But this time I forgot and the screen is black and won’t lit up. Only the buttons lit up. But just not the screen???? Would not disconnecting the battery cuase the issue?

      @CUESCREENS  4 года назад

      Not necessary to disconnect the battery. Check to make sure your CD changer is plugged in, make sure your blue cable is plugged in on the back of the cue radio

    • @Elcharronegro94
      @Elcharronegro94 4 года назад

      Ok thanks . Tomorrow ounce I get to work i will give it a try

  • @andress1459
    @andress1459 3 года назад +1

    Any reason on why after the screen replacement it still doesn’t sense touch?

      @CUESCREENS  3 года назад

      We can help, just email your order number to cuescreens@gmail.com and we can remote diagnose the issue

  • @lookupsales9940
    @lookupsales9940 2 года назад

    Hi I have a bunch of these to test and repair, I purchased all of the harnesses and plugs, how are you benching testing it and using it without a vehicle, do you have any tips on bench testing. I may be purchasing parts very soon.

      @CUESCREENS  2 года назад

      The equipment is about 8 modules, harnesses and programming. Its $8500 if you can source it all. Might be better off selling the stuff as is

    • @lookupsales9940
      @lookupsales9940 2 года назад

      @@CUESCREENS yeah I figured it was much more complicated, I was thinking of bench testing each power source through a 12v plug that works for simpler radios, I may just sell them as is. Do y’all purchase units for parts etc? Thanks for the response.

      @CUESCREENS  2 года назад

      @@lookupsales9940 Yes, send an email with the parts list and photos to cuescreens@gmail.com. A 12v plug wont work for these units- they need to receive a CAN signal with proper vin loaded to the HMI to display video and test functions. Also the radio circuit needs to be connected with the corresponding modules, or there wont be video. Hope this helps!

    • @lookupsales9940
      @lookupsales9940 2 года назад

      @@CUESCREENS cool, I’ll send an email with photos etc in a few hours.

  • @BautistaMarquez
    @BautistaMarquez 2 года назад +1

    the screen is black! Please help me

      @CUESCREENS  2 года назад +1

      Nothing to do with the touch screen. cuescreens.com/black-screen

  • @dalemann9843
    @dalemann9843 Год назад

    I put the new cue screen in the other night in my 2016 ats4 I have no response to the touch screen when I tap on the screen any idea what could cause that?

  • @ClevelandOnTheRocks
    @ClevelandOnTheRocks 4 года назад +1

    My screen works fine except the 2 center ac button controls the feet button and feet and defrost work but the upper and up and bottom center buttons will not work at all.

      @CUESCREENS  4 года назад

      Yes, this is the classic sign of touch screen failure. It starts at the bottom middle then spreads to the rest.

  • @georgepalazzo9444
    @georgepalazzo9444 Год назад

    Great site and great info, but here is my issues: so I replaced the screen protector because it was spider cracked and unit was not responsive, ie; screen was not responding to touches. I have power, back up cam works, steering controls work for AC and radio and display on the screen but no touch control. I have tried a hard reset base on other YT videos and no success. In addition, removing batt cable and completely power off and reattached, same issue. Any additional advice or guidance???

    • @ldleader
      @ldleader 9 месяцев назад

      Did you get it fixed ?

  • @noemellal4549
    @noemellal4549 Год назад

    I do have the same problem but I don't know how to contact you

  • @oakriverdesign
    @oakriverdesign 4 года назад

    I'm not getting any video. My battery was bad and had to replace it, but that didn't fix. Are there any fuses associated with video output?

    • @oakriverdesign
      @oakriverdesign 4 года назад

      The right hand steering wheel controls are not working either. Lights are on, but they do not do anything. Cruise seems to work fine. Also says audio off

      @CUESCREENS  4 года назад

      Check any fuse related to infotainment, nav, display, audio, etc. Could be your HMI lost programming and needs to be reset at dealer.

  • @suzannecoffelt5620
    @suzannecoffelt5620 9 месяцев назад

    The black clip that the ribbon goes in broke … what can I do to get my cue working ?

      @CUESCREENS  8 месяцев назад

      Nothing, its dead. You will need to buy a new unit. Sorry :(

  • @goranalle9493
    @goranalle9493 3 года назад

    Yesterday when I started my ATS , the screen and the whole panel was black and also the radio was silent! Any idea where to look to find the couse to the problem? I bought a new screen from you about two years ago, I changed it and it have worked super until yesterday. Please if you have some ideas, tell me.

      @CUESCREENS  3 года назад

      Goran- if your display is black, that has nothing to do with the touch screen. Its a common misconception. Check this link for help diagnosing black display issues. www.cuescreens.com/black-screen

    • @goranalle9493
      @goranalle9493 3 года назад

      I disconnected the battery for a couple of sec., After that I had it connected again, everything was back in function!!!

  • @hacxx7169
    @hacxx7169 4 года назад +1

    The only thing that’s not working for me is the touchscreen. I’m sure that I installed the ribbon cable correctly. What else could be wrong?

      @CUESCREENS  4 года назад

      If you have no touch response after screen replacement its one of 3 things: 1) Incompatible model- check to see if you need V2018. 2) Ribbon cable not fully inserted or inserted at angle 3) Ribbon cable torn or damaged during installation.

  • @p0weraid
    @p0weraid 4 года назад +1

    Replaced my digitizer and now no power or lights top or bottom I don't seem to have anything unplugged the unit won't even open or close now

      @CUESCREENS  4 года назад

      One of your white cables inside the unit came loose, that is the only possiblility. They can look connected but not be fully engaged. Easy to bump them with a screwdriver and the white cable will pull out of the connection

    • @p0weraid
      @p0weraid 4 года назад +1

      @@CUESCREENS you were right it was the big wide one I had to put some tape on it to hold it in right spot hopefully it don't come loose but that was it

    • @chucktaylorgizzle1659
      @chucktaylorgizzle1659 3 года назад

      @@CUESCREENS I need to order another main white cable for my 2013 Cadillac XTS

  • @gpcaudillo7818
    @gpcaudillo7818 4 года назад +1

    Whats the other plug for

      @CUESCREENS  4 года назад

      The light grey plug on the right side? Thats for rear DVD option on some cars.

    • @gpcaudillo7818
      @gpcaudillo7818 4 года назад

      @@CUESCREENS the white plug

    • @gpcaudillo7818
      @gpcaudillo7818 4 года назад

      My car didn't come with cue and want to install 1 but want to know if its just plug and play

      @CUESCREENS  4 года назад

      @@gpcaudillo7818 White plug is a USB connector for phone charging or streaming audio

      @CUESCREENS  4 года назад

      @@gpcaudillo7818 Honestly the best option is to replace the entire radio with an aftermarket one. PM me and I can give you some options

  • @pattihernandez2911
    @pattihernandez2911 10 месяцев назад

    Hi, i have confirmed all the sites and still have a black screen and no active climate control lights.

  • @jorge49455
    @jorge49455 3 года назад

    How can you power screen on bench so don’t have to go back and forth to the car

  • @isaigonzalez6168
    @isaigonzalez6168 4 года назад

    If the big flat ribbon under the two side by side flat cables gets damaged and needs to be replaced does anyone know how many pins it has or how I can order one

      @CUESCREENS  4 года назад

      Send us a photo of the specific damage of the cable or connector to cuescreens@gmail.com and we can advise. It is very very important to NOT touch any of the white cables as pointed out in the instructions several times.

  • @dickdobkins4995
    @dickdobkins4995 4 года назад +1

    I have a slightly different issue. I have functionality of screen but no display. I have checked the back plugs and they have been reseated. I have preformed a reboot and disconnected the battery. Again I can touch the screen and control radio and other functions (if I can remember their screen location) but the screen remains black. As a side bar sometimes when I make a right turn and hit a bump the screen flashes briefly. Anyone? Please?

      @CUESCREENS  4 года назад

      Did this appear only after you did the touch screen replacement? I always recommend checking your car battery voltage as well for black screen issues.

    • @dickdobkins4995
      @dickdobkins4995 4 года назад

      I have not replaced anything. I removed the display module after it began to have the issue to check the three plugs on the back. I disconnected and reconnected them. The issue remained unchanged.

    • @dickdobkins4995
      @dickdobkins4995 4 года назад

      @@CUESCREENS So you definatly do not think it is a display screen issue? Is there a way to bench test the display? Do you have any local installers? I live in Sarasota FL

      @CUESCREENS  4 года назад

      @@dickdobkins4995 It could be either the CUE module or the HMI module going out. HMI module sends video to the display. If you want to send your radio to me I can do a bench test on it as it requires specialized equipment. If it passes, that is a sign it is your HMI

    • @dickdobkins4995
      @dickdobkins4995 4 года назад

      I am sorry but are you calling the "radio" the entire display module? Again do you have and local installers near me?

  • @fulltimetrader48
    @fulltimetrader48 2 года назад

    I installed this in an hour, maybe less. I still have an unresponsive screen. That was the whole point in buying this screen, was supposed to fix my problem but didn’t.

  • @tiffanybrown1423
    @tiffanybrown1423 Год назад

    One of the Brown lil lock are missing

  • @DamonMoore-rd3bk
    @DamonMoore-rd3bk Год назад +1

    Mine wont come on

  • @anthonygraham9561
    @anthonygraham9561 4 года назад

    I installed mine and it works but I'm getting really bad ghost touching

  • @marlonlarkins2152
    @marlonlarkins2152 9 месяцев назад

    Need help with me cur

      @CUESCREENS  8 месяцев назад

      Excellent comment!!