Ha Shin-Bi Matilda Choi Jae Rim Miss Trunchbull Park Hye Mi Miss Honey Seo Man Suk Mr Wormwood Choi Jung-Won Mrs Wormwood Kim Ki-Jeong Mrs Phelps Naughty Matilda The Musical Original Korean International Tour Cast South Seoul Korea D-Cube Arts Center Theatre South Seoul Korea D-Cube Arts Center
와! 대단하다!
Ha Shin-Bi Matilda
Choi Jae Rim Miss Trunchbull
Park Hye Mi Miss Honey
Seo Man Suk Mr Wormwood
Choi Jung-Won Mrs Wormwood
Kim Ki-Jeong Mrs Phelps
Matilda The Musical Original Korean International Tour Cast South Seoul Korea D-Cube Arts Center Theatre South Seoul Korea D-Cube Arts Center
She sounds so much like the Broadway and West End Matildas!
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