Survivor: Horror Edition 2 (Dead Meat Podcast Ep. 177)

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 726

  • @sandonparrish7217
    @sandonparrish7217 2 года назад +471

    Art the Clown secretly having an immunity idol has the same energy as him secretly having a gun

  • @bozle25192
    @bozle25192 2 года назад +585

    The image of Art miming building the shelter and the rest of the tribe getting pissed off is so so funny to me

    • @bondfall0072
      @bondfall0072 2 года назад +91

      I like to imagine that later on when it rains, he's sitting under his "shelter" somehow staying completely dry while everyone else is getting wet from a leaky roof

    • @beauenferae2438
      @beauenferae2438 Год назад +31

      And when he has to vote, he just draws pictures instead. Jeff totally gets pissed and throws the card at him.

    • @coolnerdlll6053
      @coolnerdlll6053 Год назад +6

      Can we just put David Howard Thornton on Survivor, but in character and costume as Art the entire time? That would be absolutely hilarious.

  • @gemgem396
    @gemgem396 2 года назад +1440

    “Art the Clown found an immunity idol” is one of the most terrifying sentence I’ve ever heard.

    • @bondfall0072
      @bondfall0072 2 года назад +74

      Genuinely, for real, dead ass, i almost swerved into oncoming traffic not clickbait i swear.

    • @weirdguy1495
      @weirdguy1495 2 года назад +13

      I haven’t seen Terrifier 2 but this seems accurate.

    • @aidawaswhere
      @aidawaswhere 2 года назад +26

      ​​@@weirdguy1495 If you saw this after seeing part 2. You'd understand more. The 2nd one is just...omg the gore...

    • @robinhildebrand6012
      @robinhildebrand6012 2 года назад +7

      I have watched neither terrifier (just the kill counts) nor survivor, and I wholeheartedly agree with that sentence

    • @thebread9186
      @thebread9186 2 года назад

      @@weirdguy1495 don’t watch it while/after eating

  • @quoteonquoteclub9711
    @quoteonquoteclub9711 2 года назад +2309

    Hi, so I’m the guy who created the shirt that Chelsea is wearing, and I feel like I’m in a fever dream right now seeing her wear it. This is one of the biggest honors of my life :)

  • @cameronbennett8151
    @cameronbennett8151 2 года назад +222

    The image of Art the Clown dancing with the idol in a confessional was sending me 😂

  • @jellyjeffrey7350
    @jellyjeffrey7350 2 года назад +372

    The Djinn getting to unilaterally vote off Tom Atkins is the funniest way for the Wishmaster powers to come into play.

    • @filmfangirls9163
      @filmfangirls9163 2 года назад +8

      I was laughing so hard on that part!!

    • @drew2789
      @drew2789 2 года назад +26

      I like how its implied Djinn didn't even mess with him, he literally just sends Tom Atkins to a nice bar

    • @SamSphinx
      @SamSphinx 2 года назад +10

      ​@@drew2789 he had to respect the no killing rule ;P

  • @Ennsqui
    @Ennsqui 2 года назад +287

    I just know Pearl’s elimination sequence would be MESSY

    • @maca76
      @maca76 Год назад +20

      the im a star sequence would be everywhere

    • @konstance13
      @konstance13 9 месяцев назад +22

      "What do you mean you're voting me off?! I don't understand, I THOUGHT YOU LIKED ME!!"

  • @dominicromano9052
    @dominicromano9052 2 года назад +354

    Randy Meeks x Pearl is not the ship I thought I would fall in love with today, but here we are.

  • @fatditto3831
    @fatditto3831 Год назад +189

    Did Frank-N-Furter not do a damn thing? Yes.
    Did I still want him to win regardless? Also Yes.

  • @darrellstricknyne
    @darrellstricknyne 2 года назад +243

    Invisible Man starting a coup to eliminate Hannibal is literally the most Invisible Man thing of all lol

  • @erinlangton9735
    @erinlangton9735 2 года назад +192

    I choose to believe that Randy and Pearl are somehow still in a committed relationship

  • @BrandonYUMad
    @BrandonYUMad 2 года назад +154

    Ok but the image of Pearl and Frank having that legendary cat fight in their face off will always make me ugly laugh 😂 Survivor is becoming my favorite series on Dead Meat easily

  • @Austib_
    @Austib_ 2 года назад +380

    “Invisible Man recently did a coup”
    God I love these Survivor episodes

  • @MiyaoMeow588
    @MiyaoMeow588 2 года назад +279

    Esther before getting her votes at jury: "uwu pwease pick widdle ol me, im a cute widdle orphan girl..."
    Esther after winning the whole damn thing: "Lmao get owned."

  • @somecanadiangirl1
    @somecanadiangirl1 2 года назад +79

    Having Art, Turkey and Jack Frost on the same team is the most cured trio you could've possibly pulled

  • @keavs4564
    @keavs4564 2 года назад +250

    Pearl voting for Frank is the best thing. “He’s a star!”

  • @sierracindrell5775
    @sierracindrell5775 2 года назад +595

    After the FrankNfurter dating discussion you should definitely do some kind of Horror Dating Game!
    James asks the questions and Chelsea answers as a few different horror characters and eliminate one each round until you have a winner? 😂

  • @sheqaa_here2991
    @sheqaa_here2991 2 года назад +429

    “How ripped do you think Art the clown is?” - legit spit out my coffee! Love you guys so much 🎃

    • @livestreamgaming4150
      @livestreamgaming4150 2 года назад +17

      He was topless in the second movie, he has no definition at all 😊

    • @Mendejito
      @Mendejito 2 года назад +10

      @@livestreamgaming4150 yes he’s not into the gym

    • @weeping_me362
      @weeping_me362 Год назад +6

      But also he rips a woman's arm off with no effort, he's built like a twink but he's officially a supernatural slasher that can punch off heads

  • @charmer129
    @charmer129 2 года назад +76

    " he is pantomiming all of this of course" said so seriously made me laugh so hard

  • @cabbage8189
    @cabbage8189 2 года назад +140

    I’m usually someone who wants to see strong women team up rather than fight each other…that being said, I’m gonna need fan art of Pearl and Frank-N-Furter fighting ASAP

  • @teksnotdead902
    @teksnotdead902 2 года назад +96

    From Orphan to Millionaire is a great feel good story.

  • @missloly824
    @missloly824 2 года назад +58

    "Russel'd my Jimmys" was an S-Tier pun.

  • @D0CT0RS133P
    @D0CT0RS133P 2 года назад +294

    Okay, hear me out.
    Pearl shows up in the Third Act of Scream 2 and kills BILLY’S MOTHER for killing Pearl’s boo Randy. Where does Act 3 of Scream 2 take place? A theatre stage. She walks in with the axe that Sidney uses to chop the set ropes and just goes ham on Mrs.Loomis. Sydney, Gale and Cotton look at each other in confusion and shock.
    Sidney Gale and Cotton: ”Who are you?”
    Pearl walks to the center of the stage, spotlights shining on her.
    “A Star!”

  • @wjhull
    @wjhull 2 года назад +25

    I love how on-key Chelsea and James are about these. The only tweak I'd argue is that Rachel would 100% see through Esther's ruse immediately--she's the right kind of sociopath where she'd immediately pick her out in a "game recognizes game" situation, and I think Rachel would also be smart and strategic enough to not out her until the final vote (whether or not she made final-3)... but I'm glad that y'all played it like you did, because if you theorycrafted like me then you'd end up with a Djinn-win, which would be just another Michael Meyers "not offensive/threatening enough to get voted off, winning by default" season.
    Looking forward to more!

  • @ashleywilliams4665
    @ashleywilliams4665 2 года назад +89

    I just passed out.
    I’m sitting here laughing at the outcome of the first tribe draw and I say “how long is this episode?”
    I look and see over 2 whole hours!!!!! This HAS to be the longest dead meat episode and I’m overwhelmed with joy

  • @eddiefrankham5889
    @eddiefrankham5889 2 года назад +90

    "how ripped do you think art the clown is"
    Fuck I love you guys that sounded so genuine 😆✨

  • @sarahd.5244
    @sarahd.5244 2 года назад +23

    "That's 'cause Dan is in love with him" very accurate!
    I know these must be tough to come up with and I just wanna say thank you, these Survivor scenarios are sooooo fun and interesting to see play out.

  • @shawnheatherly
    @shawnheatherly 2 года назад +23

    I was rooting for Randy so hard through this, props to how well he did. I love these Horror Survivor, I can't wait for the next.

  • @astoldbyneon43
    @astoldbyneon43 2 года назад +49

    I LOVE horror survivor! Would love to eventually see an "All-Stars" season where we see previous contestants come back for redemption!

  • @babystone42
    @babystone42 2 года назад +29

    I went to prom with Art the Clown 😭 I met David Howard Thornton at a convention, and he was super nice and did a prom pose with me while he was dressed up. Best moment of my life 🥺 I'm so glad he found the immunity idol

  • @Jes_LizzyLu
    @Jes_LizzyLu Год назад +21

    Yautja, the mad scientist tribe, and Babadook the hot mess tribe from hell.
    This should be interesting.

  • @Inwharton
    @Inwharton 2 года назад +194

    The last survivor episode was so good, and this one’s great too.

    • @maaheez
      @maaheez 2 года назад +8

      Bro said this 2 minutes within..

    • @TheIronSolid
      @TheIronSolid 2 года назад +13

      @@maaheez Never underestimate SirIkesalot28

    • @Wolfbarr01
      @Wolfbarr01 2 года назад +5

      @@maaheez speedrun

  • @normal-guy
    @normal-guy 2 года назад +51

    If there's a next season Ash should be there his charms and survival skills would be fun

  • @mr.non3881
    @mr.non3881 2 года назад +78

    Just imagining they all wearing the bandanas like they said invisble man just the floating bandana , esther covering her neck, pearl and wendy rocking it with the overall combo and franknfurter and turkie wearing it as an ascot

    • @DJ-vg1pr
      @DJ-vg1pr 2 года назад +11

      Art the clown has it poking out of his sleeve

    • @Winchester427
      @Winchester427 2 года назад +17

      @@DJ-vg1pr they call him out for not wearing it, so he mimes "oh I've got it somewhere" as he searches through pockets, then does the never ending hankies out of the pocket bit.

    • @konstance13
      @konstance13 Год назад +10

      ​@@Winchester427 Yes, and it's just neverending buffs and they realize he somehow has all of their as well lol

  • @konstance13
    @konstance13 2 года назад +48

    Always happy when I see James and Chelsea also think Herbert and Dan are in love lol.

  • @charmer129
    @charmer129 2 года назад +27

    I definitely need 43 seasons of this. I have no knowledge of survivor but I love this so much

  • @Poirotgirl
    @Poirotgirl 2 года назад +32

    Thank you for getting Graessle a mic!! He deserves a mic and camera every episode to chime in from time to time!

  • @JustKindaJosh
    @JustKindaJosh 2 года назад +27

    20 minutes in! The idea of Amanda/Carrie coming back would be incredible, they got to get their redemption! So beyond excited for this podcast, last one was great, this cast seems incredible and I can't wait to see how it all plays out now.

  • @galinda91
    @galinda91 2 года назад +37

    “Why is this suddenly the Frank-N-Furter dating show?!?” Why wouldn’t it be, James?!?

  • @DORMY7teacup
    @DORMY7teacup Год назад +18

    I would love to see them include Elvira as a contestant if/when they make a Season 3! I feel like she would do great wiþ þe social stuff!

  • @DeadizzDead
    @DeadizzDead 2 года назад +27

    Pearl and Randy was a ship I didn't know I needed

  • @signemadsen6141
    @signemadsen6141 2 года назад +6

    Was great having Graessle weigh in from the sideline! Really great contributions, I second the need for "Graessle-Cam"!

  • @juliastaat
    @juliastaat 4 месяца назад +1

    just wanted to say that i've been stuck home sick as hell for the past three days, and rewatching horror survivor and other podcast episodes has been great for helping me relax and sleep through the pain. so happy you guys are here ❤

  • @matthewyapp4848
    @matthewyapp4848 2 года назад +23

    2 Hour Dead Meat Podcast, this is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. I love the survivor episodes so much and Chelsea is my hero

  • @christopherelliott6137
    @christopherelliott6137 2 года назад +33

    This was hysterical and simply wonderful. Even at 2 hours, it didn’t feel like enough. Bring on the All Stars season!!!!!!

  • @taylorrhoades6614
    @taylorrhoades6614 11 месяцев назад +2

    My Wife and I have been really getting into Survivor, her first time. We're about through the Millennials vs Gen-X. My Wife immediately got hooked and when we aren't watching an episode, we're trying to figure out how the next episode will play out.
    When I was a kid, my parents were obsessed with Survivor and watched it from the beginning so my brothers and I loved being able to watch it with them. I'm so happy to be watching it again.

  • @Emily-xk2du
    @Emily-xk2du 2 года назад +15

    I got way too invested in this episode, hearing them talk about the Invisible Man deciding to turn on the other doctors and "Does he go straight for the king??" about Hannibal made me legit gasp out loud lmao. These games are the best!

  • @joelgutz0180
    @joelgutz0180 2 года назад +21

    I was shouting this at the screen lollll I love this series

  • @desirae827
    @desirae827 2 года назад +19

    Chelsea: Is Randy gonna be into Mila Kunis and is Pearl gonna get jealous?
    Graessle off camera: Ooooooooooo

  • @cameronffoulkes7370
    @cameronffoulkes7370 2 года назад +53

    If only Frank could meet Re-animator, they would have had some fun interactions, both wanting to give life to something

    • @nikoblack1272
      @nikoblack1272 2 года назад


    • @wynonnamareeuy
      @wynonnamareeuy 2 года назад +9

      I unironically would to love to see a Frank N. Furter and Herbert West bromance already

    • @cvde95
      @cvde95 2 года назад +4

      Frank would be all over Herbert. He's got a similar look to Brad and we all know how much Frank dug that

  • @xenduvall
    @xenduvall 2 года назад +15

    the way i was rooting for Ester from the start! loved this episode

  • @phscyosteve
    @phscyosteve 2 года назад +5

    From watching these as a someone who has never seen survivor it is very apparent that those that don't draw too much attention but are useful for a challenge will end up winning

  • @tristanmarler43
    @tristanmarler43 2 года назад +6

    “Got my Jimmy’s rustled” why was that so perfect

  • @jasonlucker7398
    @jasonlucker7398 2 года назад +6

    I’ve seen exactly zero episodes of Survivor (don’t try to convince me; I’m never going to), but I LOVE this series on DM. Thanks for this, friends.

  • @heveanlyyoutubeveiwer3806
    @heveanlyyoutubeveiwer3806 2 года назад +17

    The funny thing is, I don’t think that anyone found out Esther wasn’t actually a little girl. She kept her secret to the end!

  • @prudentsage
    @prudentsage Год назад +9

    Chelsea: They both like movies, oh, I didn't think of that! What a weird match made in hell
    Also James and Chelsea: 📽(👀 )🍿👀)

  • @rosem.3608
    @rosem.3608 2 года назад +6

    I'm so glad my wretched boy Herbert made it so far, he's everything to me

  • @mr.lightzplease9366
    @mr.lightzplease9366 2 года назад +13

    Pearl would be begging everyone to “just give a gal just one more chance”

  • @Donaldduck-ir8ik
    @Donaldduck-ir8ik 2 года назад +32

    Thank you James and Chelsea for this brilliant podcast

  • @nathancook2047
    @nathancook2047 2 года назад +4

    I have never watched an episode of Survivor, but I Absolutely LOVE these episodes!!! I want all the seasons!!! You guys are Amazing! Keep Being Good People!

  • @baileycunningham9197
    @baileycunningham9197 2 года назад +1

    49:57 will live rent free in my head forever

  • @Zenlore6499
    @Zenlore6499 2 года назад +11

    I’ve been catching up on all the podcast episodes, and I just got to when Covid finally hit America. It felt so weird hearing you guys and Heather talk about plans and meetups, and thinking “NO YOU WON’T”
    I’m glad things got back to normal, and I’m so happy you two got to get married! 🎉

  • @ximuss
    @ximuss 2 года назад +13

    1:02:57 will be my favorite reaction of James and Chelsea

  • @mcnuggets2011
    @mcnuggets2011 Год назад +3

    "You can't kill contestants"
    Episode 4: you sureeeeeeee about that???

  • @dklounge7082
    @dklounge7082 2 года назад +41

    I hope you're able to get Devon Sawa on the Chucky Aftershow since I know you've been wanting to interview him since the Fanatic episode of the podcast

  • @coltonyounger9724
    @coltonyounger9724 2 года назад +12

    Horror Survivor is such a fun creative idea and it’s always entertaining!! You could do an all star season of previous favorites from your seasons like Amanda or Randy and you could also do a Final Girls/Main Protagonists season (Sidney, Nancy, or even Chris from Get Out). Love all your podcasts and thank you guys for always being entertaining!! :)

  • @MorbidAngel666nstuff
    @MorbidAngel666nstuff Год назад +1

    My girlfriend and I always go over the idea that Jeff is some primordial god that feeds on the ones voted off every time we start a season. Especially how he goes in depth of what emotions they feel like “please mortal show explain to me what you’re going through right now!”

  • @ariellakahan-harth8831
    @ariellakahan-harth8831 2 года назад +7

    This is so much fun -- and Esther's win is well-deserved. I hope some of the other Ghostfaces make it on sometime (I think Billy and Stu were in the first but I can't quite remember); I'd love to see how Jill and Charlie or Richie and Amber would play the game.

  • @justinkortuem942
    @justinkortuem942 2 года назад +18

    The giant wicker ball rolling down the hill challenge was from Gabon. A wonderful train wreck of a season

  • @xasz41
    @xasz41 2 года назад +41

    Love it once again! Holding out for Leslie Vernon for the next one, such an underrated horror villain that I feel could do really well.

    • @Sulfur212
      @Sulfur212 2 года назад +2

      On the opposite side I'm hoping for a Burt Gummer as a horror hero to be in one of these.

  • @FiveTrenchcoats
    @FiveTrenchcoats 2 года назад +4

    I cannot even begin to describe just how much I've been looking forward to a new horror Survivor episode. So happy!

  • @mortua_conjuga
    @mortua_conjuga 2 года назад +20

    imagine binging this survivor series and watching seth brundle slowly disintegrating before your eyes.
    edit: lucy the kaiju of ponderosa

  • @michaelutell2750
    @michaelutell2750 2 года назад +6

    This was one of the best episodes of the Podcast ever. You guys are so great. I love how intelligent and analytical you both are when playing this game. You put so much thought into everything as you worked through every scenario and it was entertaining and hilarious all at the same time. I appreciate you both, and this channel so much. You light up my day and everyone else's with the true and dedicated horror content that you put out every week. I hope it never stops. Much love to you both (and your sweet kitty, Lucy) and thank you for everything that you do.
    P.S - Chelsea, you seriously play the best games on this podcast, these are the episodes I look forward to the most and are on repeat all the time when I need something to bring me joy. Know that you have a huge fan of the games you come up with and play, never doubt what you do. You are awesome.

  • @mgraye8246
    @mgraye8246 2 года назад +8

    Watched with with one of the cats (who looks like he could be Lucy's cousin) and he is just so GLUED to the screen it's so funny. Nicki appreciates Horror Survivor eps and Dead Meat as much as the rest of us

  • @RealBradMiller
    @RealBradMiller 2 года назад +5

    Love the podcast, especially when you all play games together. Happy spooky season every one!
    Edit: Just saw Shelley Duvall the other day, she has plenty of friends and even a few fans she hangs around with. Her neighbors are her protectors and friends. :-)

    • @RealBradMiller
      @RealBradMiller 2 года назад +3

      "Whoops, got my Jimmy's Russelled."

    • @RealBradMiller
      @RealBradMiller 2 года назад

      Man, been watching over the week and was rooting for Frank the entire time! Good job to the winner!!

  • @mikalewkowicz7039
    @mikalewkowicz7039 2 года назад +2

    These are my favourite dead meat podcast episodes! I really hope we get more of these because they are just perfection 👌🏻

  • @renee9423
    @renee9423 Год назад +1

    @26:33 Funny you should mention Pearl going hard for Sierra Mist considering it has rebranded now as “Starry” 😂

  • @alexbraaten420
    @alexbraaten420 2 года назад +6

    I love how Art is a hidden challenge beast. Can’t wait to hear what their opinions on Terrifier 2. I just watched it myself last night and it’s such a mixed bag of emotions of a movie.

  • @TheDoctorCog
    @TheDoctorCog 2 года назад +5

    I don't watch Survivor, but I love the Survival eps! Love the character discussion.

  • @Tony_Pesta
    @Tony_Pesta 2 года назад

    Thank you James/Chelsea/DeadMeat for finding the time and energy for content like this during such a busy month. Sounds like it's been a rough time with copyright stuff but it hasn't stopped you from making all of us happy!

  • @CerotheDemon
    @CerotheDemon 2 года назад +4

    Can’t wait for the next season of Horror Survivor! I was rooting for Esther the whole time, and Randy was a close second.

    • @nikoblack1272
      @nikoblack1272 2 года назад

      i think i was rooting for Pearl and she did make it pretty far ; last time, i was riding with Carrie -

  • @evanthecatking8031
    @evanthecatking8031 Год назад +4

    I hope we get a few more of these and get an all star episode

  • @RetroIsaac
    @RetroIsaac Год назад +2

    God I hope a part 3 comes out soon, I've rewatched part 1 and 2 so much.

  • @marcoolivier4836
    @marcoolivier4836 2 года назад +2

    I've been binge watching all the podcast episodes this last month, and I really just adore James and Chelsea. You guys are the cutest couple, and I love the way you talk about horror and I also just wanted to thank you for the respect you guys always show when it comes to topics you aren't that familiar with or involved in, like when it comes to something queer, or when you're talking about POC topics, etc, you always try and be as respectful as possible and you don't see that too often on YT, so ty 🖤
    Keep up the great work!!

  • @Hollywoohorse
    @Hollywoohorse Год назад +3

    Little did we know the plot of Terrifier 2 would be "Art the Clown found an immunity idol"

  • @jakecandy1119
    @jakecandy1119 2 года назад +5

    I woke up and thought it was Christmas when I saw this! Thank you!!

  • @marciexsted9021
    @marciexsted9021 2 года назад +19

    Loved this. Just sad that Hannibal got bumped before he could really play his mind games with anybody.

    • @arielvanmoos7583
      @arielvanmoos7583 2 года назад +6

      I agree! I also think he'd be the only one figuring out Esther isn't really a child.

    • @bondfall0072
      @bondfall0072 2 года назад

      @@arielvanmoos7583 he'll get back onto all stars and get to play with her there. My head cannon is that they didn't show Esther's speech in the episode lol.

  • @Halvon
    @Halvon 10 месяцев назад +2

    Balut is a fertilized duck egg that we enjoy as a delicacy in the Philippines and other countries in Southeast Asia. Not fermented. :) I'd personally smash that challenge lol

  • @BookofMac8737
    @BookofMac8737 2 года назад +11

    listening to this while painting up mu machete for my 'camp killer barbie' Halloween costume. I'm so keen for this episode!!!

  • @JF-um3wz
    @JF-um3wz 2 года назад +5

    See, if Rachel voted off Esther when they had the chance, that would have been a VERY different finale. Randy and Frank would have been tickets to the finale, and she ended up going with a plan that shot her in the foot.

  • @MooTelevision
    @MooTelevision 2 года назад +1

    I’m totally here for the repeats for the next episode!! And we need Horror movie survivors in the mix!!

  • @fiImedeterror
    @fiImedeterror 2 года назад +5

    i did not think frank would get that far my god that was fun

  • @itstept
    @itstept Год назад +4

    Really hoping to see Erin from You're Next in season 3!

  • @NabariLuv19
    @NabariLuv19 2 года назад +5

    Yay, I was rooting for the person who won! Amazing episode, I want a horror survivor franchise!!

  • @cutiepuppy4427
    @cutiepuppy4427 Год назад +3

    I love Randy's Rob Cesternino arc

  • @flipflopnerd4759
    @flipflopnerd4759 2 года назад +3

    The Wicker Ball challenge is from Gabon, and the Water Wheel is from Nicaragua and Redemption Island! Any others you need help with, I can and will find them.

  • @daniellogue8365
    @daniellogue8365 Год назад

    This is such an insane thought experiment exercise I love it. The last one got me to watch a whole season of survivor just so I could see all the challenges you were talking about.

  • @adamcavalle
    @adamcavalle 2 года назад +1

    I've never watched an episode of survivor but I love both survivor episode pods. Keep them coming! Great job guys!

  • @TheNumbersGuy-bm6bt
    @TheNumbersGuy-bm6bt 2 года назад +5

    A 2-Hour Dead Meat podcast on Survivor? Sign Me Up!

  • @samanthamarkham6784
    @samanthamarkham6784 2 года назад +8

    Loving horror survivor, you should put Burt from Tremors in the next one, I think he'd either be great or irritate everyone. Thanks for the amazing content once again.

    • @wynonnamareeuy
      @wynonnamareeuy 2 года назад +2

      ‘Broke into the wrong goddamn tribe, didn’t you, you bastard!’ - Burt Gummer on Survivor