The Rise of Lone Star Disc

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 48

  • @LoneStarDisc
    @LoneStarDisc Год назад +17

    We appreciate your in-depth approach and attention to detail!
    Thank you for creating such amazing content for our sport.

  • @skwerrul6516
    @skwerrul6516 Год назад +12

    I'm on the ranger team! Just played my first tournament sponsored by lone star and I shot my best round. Scores aren't all in yet, but right now I'm sitting on a 990 rated round.

  • @centerlineproairhockey
    @centerlineproairhockey Год назад +4

    Lone Star makes excellent products. For me, the light Lima plastic has allowed my older arm to bump up a few notches in driver speed.

  • @bobbyshizz2138
    @bobbyshizz2138 Год назад +10

    A true Nikko redemption arc would be wild.

  • @Peadeymclovin
    @Peadeymclovin Год назад +10

    The hype for lone star and MVP going into this season is insane, I really look forward to your journalistic endeavors!

  • @augusthaus
    @augusthaus Год назад +3

    This is great coverage of a story that more disc golfers should know about. You just earned a subscriber. Cheers!

  • @ChrisPlaysDG
    @ChrisPlaysDG Год назад +3

    Very informative video and a fun watch. Thanks!

  • @01ai01
    @01ai01 Год назад +7

    Cool story, I wasn't aware they were already an injection molding company before getting into discs. I hope the Nikko signing doesn't backfire on them. It seems high risk for a low to moderate upside compared to signing other players. Hope it works out well for everyone.

    @COGNZNT_MXB Год назад +4

    Love me some Lone Star plastic!

  • @IceBergTV
    @IceBergTV Год назад +4

    this video will blow up if they sign gannon

  • @tdwester
    @tdwester Год назад +1

    Very well done. Great information.

  • @jessicagallant3443
    @jessicagallant3443 Год назад +4

    After watching the entire video I like the company even more great video don't know how I missed this would love to get my hands on some LSD and make a few videos thanks for the great content man cheers I wonder how does their premium plastic take dye

    @DIAMONDBACK__6 Год назад +3

    middy is really good, reminds me of emac truth

  • @scootermustang7683
    @scootermustang7683 Год назад

    I would like to see a video on Mint Discs. Another Texas company, they seem to do a lot for the Central Texas scene.

  • @jessicagallant3443
    @jessicagallant3443 Год назад +4

    I would love some LSD they look like they got some good stuff at a decent price they got great prices on xouts

    • @timmothygodfrey2114
      @timmothygodfrey2114 Год назад +1

      I thought you where talking about acid lol

    • @jessicagallant3443
      @jessicagallant3443 Год назад

      @timmothy godfrey I know they should make crazy looking disc and use it to their advantage LSD signature disc that would be crazy I did send them a email about the idea

  • @BergNerd
    @BergNerd Год назад

    As always….great vid

  • @Ndojebvsusinshshussn
    @Ndojebvsusinshshussn Год назад

    Lone star is a great composer

  • @discingaround
    @discingaround Год назад

    I hope Nikko plays it cool this year and focuses a lot on his game. Itd be a great storyline to see him do well this year and challenge the best.
    Their Super Dillo is ridiculously fun to throw, along with its lil brother the Armadillo. LSD’s glow is fantastic, and probably second to only MVP. Overall, for a new company they came out swinging with great molds and a solid business plan. Not every online retailer carries them, but I see more and more carry their plastic as time goes on.

  • @neilmilroy2093
    @neilmilroy2093 Год назад

    Really hope that Nikko is a Bradley Williams story…we should all want a turn around for him 🙏

  • @deepsender
    @deepsender Год назад +1

    I would like to try a Lone Star disc, but they do not manufacture discs for players who need a lighter-weight disc. Only 170g and above is what I saw on their website.

    • @ianousley5043
      @ianousley5043 Год назад +1

      Look for discs made in their Lima plastic! That’s their lightweight plastic line.

    • @deepsender
      @deepsender Год назад

      @@ianousley5043 Ok thanks, I see some of those on eBay. I'll look around some more.

    • @deepsender
      @deepsender Год назад +1

      @@ianousley5043 Ok, now I want a Kramer Warbird in Lima plastic.

  • @onemileperhour
    @onemileperhour Год назад +4

    Made in Texas is going to be a miss from me

    • @shitbird9429
      @shitbird9429 Год назад

      Would you prefer they were made at your dad's boyfriend's place?

    • @chipheiner8785
      @chipheiner8785 Год назад

      Well that's silly. What do u have against Texas? Their engineers have been making plastics for the oil field for decades. They know what they are doing

  • @DarttheLegend
    @DarttheLegend Год назад +12

    I certainly hope “the future of disc golf” isn’t having ties to big oil companies.

    • @shitbird9429
      @shitbird9429 Год назад +4

      You're upset because they sold plastic parts to oil companies? Why? Do you know what plastic is made from?

    • @robertbickford2021
      @robertbickford2021 Год назад +5

      Everything you use in daily life is thanks to big oil. Btw all disc golf companies with the exception of trash panda have ties to big oil. Plastic is an oil product dude.

    • @DarttheLegend
      @DarttheLegend Год назад

      @@robertbickford2021 disc golf plastic is designed to be used forever, therefore it doesn’t create waste and doesn’t pollute our oceans and rivers. The problem here is that big oil actively buys up patents and ideas for alternative fuel resources so they can ensure no research is done on them. The oil lobby is the number one problem on earth. The companies’ ACTIONS are the key problem here.

    • @DarttheLegend
      @DarttheLegend Год назад

      @@shitbird9429 disc golf plastic is designed to be used forever, therefore it doesn’t create waste and doesn’t pollute our oceans and rivers. The problem here is that big oil actively buys up patents and ideas for alternative fuel resources so they can ensure no research is done on them. The oil lobby is the number one problem on earth. The companies’ ACTIONS are the key problem here.

    • @shitbird9429
      @shitbird9429 Год назад

      @@DarttheLegend OK, what does any of that have to do with lone star? They don't sell oil

  • @parpalsdiscgolf96
    @parpalsdiscgolf96 Год назад +1

    Lone star disc are trash

    • @shitbird9429
      @shitbird9429 Год назад +3

      Wow what an interesting take! Every mold I've tried has been pretty good, and their glow blows innova and discraft out of the water. Good prices on x-outs too

  • @discgolfillustrated2640
    @discgolfillustrated2640 Год назад

    Well done video, thanks🥏👍🏼