When I was a child, I used to go to Yau Ma Tei Alhambra Building (平安大樓). I remember there were three stamp shops: Po On stamp, Peacock stamp, and the last one I don't remember the name. In year 2000, I went back to Hong Kong and only Po On stamp was still there. I wonder if Po On stamp is still there today?
肥布好有眼光一早賣盤返回英國嘆其啤酒, 笑倚欄杆看, 問今天有幾間郵票行能捱到今天.
還以為他是返老家, 原來係咁, 不過他真對香港郵票貢獻很多, 每個月在怡東酒店辦拍賣, 以前連明信片, 馬會會員牌, 勛章, 劍刀都有得拍, 都要多謝他.
When I was a child, I used to go to Yau Ma Tei Alhambra Building (平安大樓). I remember there were three stamp shops: Po On stamp, Peacock stamp, and the last one I don't remember the name. In year 2000, I went back to Hong Kong and only Po On stamp was still there. I wonder if Po On stamp is still there today?
@@collectors-museum 咁吾知佢幾時覆喎😮😮