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  • @i_like_calculus
    @i_like_calculus 10 месяцев назад +51

    Thank you so much for the kind words Ted!! You’ve been such an inspiration to my photography journey. Couldn’t have done it without learning through your videos 😃

    • @Arcticfox7
      @Arcticfox7 10 месяцев назад

      Excellent work 👏

    • @thephotosagecorner
      @thephotosagecorner 10 месяцев назад

      This was incredible work, and I found it very inspiring. Thanks for sharing.

    • @thebiblioholic
      @thebiblioholic 10 месяцев назад +1

      Excellent work. I see the book is now sold out.

    • @Alialmutairy
      @Alialmutairy 10 месяцев назад

      Great work, very inspirational

    • @2BeLikeChrist
      @2BeLikeChrist 10 месяцев назад

      Nice work!

  • @puggsincyberspace
    @puggsincyberspace 10 месяцев назад +5

    Mail Time is simply my most favourite videos on photography, I can't wait to see it progress...

  • @robinsfhotos5740
    @robinsfhotos5740 10 месяцев назад +3

    Great mail time! The last work on pens read like a tech-forward magazine and for that I believe it delivered nicely through the macro-shots.

  • @simonbnyc
    @simonbnyc 10 месяцев назад +8

    "The Bridge" is a stunning work. Thank you for sharing Michael's book and his uniquely beautiful perspective. Regarding Thomas Wunsch, the aesthetic for ECM album photography over the years was a huge influence on me as well so it was a delight to see his abstract photography as one collection.

  • @olafkorbanek3654
    @olafkorbanek3654 9 месяцев назад +1

    Again, I really appreciate the way these outstanding books are presented! The idea (and realisation) of presenting one building in a book is outstanding, I have never seen something like "the bridge" before.

  • @hardway_6823
    @hardway_6823 10 месяцев назад +1

    I think you must be one of the most down to earth and "real world" photogs I've yet to find on RUclips. It's obvious you're an actual working pro, which is good by itself as your content and advice is reliable, understandable and clearly comes from long experience. Not only that, but my view on most photogs is that there are pretty much two camps - you're either a gear guy or a photo guy. While both of these types are certainly legitimate, and both can certainly create great photos and since both of these aspects are absolutely necessary to any photography, it usually doesn't matter which camp you're in for the most part. The exception I suppose is the far extreme edge of the gear guy spectrum, where camera and lens collections are vast, expensive and impressive, but rarely is an actual photo ever made!
    I guess what I'm trying to say here, and the distinction I'm trying to make, is that you seem to be both of these types rolled up and integrated into one, if that makes any sense at all. Maybe it would be clearer to say you're as well rounded as anyone I've come across in recent years, RUclips or anywhere else. Clearly camera gear is important and while every photog I've ever known, including myself, loves camera gear, it is still just the toolbox, or paint brush, or whatever metaphor works best and is ultimately second to the actual art of making great photographs. I love that you're approach, which is reflected well in your content, is taking the whole package view, but ultimately it is about the photography and making the photographs and everything that entails and, aside from the obvious fact that you're brilliant at this, you also communicate all this beautifully and clearly.
    Okay, that was a lotta words (brevity is not my strong suit) just to say how much I appreciate your content and your views on this great pursuit. I was a LF film photographer for many years and I'm just about to pick up a digital camera for the first time after a 10 year hiatus, and get back to making photographs. I'm really excited about this and I'm really glad for what you do here on RUclips to help me get my bearings again. Thanks!

  • @tonygreenmike
    @tonygreenmike 10 месяцев назад +6

    Michael Yuan's work is spellbinding.. and the minds behind the printing job deserve a special kudos too... I am sure Michael also must have had a part in envisioning the way the book to look like this... We would like to hear from him more ... Is there any way you could invite him for an interview ? Perhaps you could extract more info about the process that made the print especially. Awesome one !

  • @GM8D79
    @GM8D79 10 месяцев назад +2

    I've seen golden gate before but not on different perspective as this book. Well done Michael. Ted Thank you for sharing these books !

  • @CalumetVideo
    @CalumetVideo 10 месяцев назад

    Thank you Ted for your great videos, they are a true inspiration. I have been watching your videos for many years, since the beginning. I have been a photographer since the early 1990’s, even so, I have learned a lot, you are a real and genuine instructor. You have been at this long before many of the influencers came on the scene! Keep up the great work.

  • @kiwipics
    @kiwipics 10 месяцев назад

    I love that book, as it is very much the way my mind / eye works ... Fantastic work.

  • @craigcarlson4022
    @craigcarlson4022 10 месяцев назад

    Ted, Great episode and amazing photographers you’ve featured this time. This series (reviewing photographers’s books/projects) and your earlier series in which you reviewed the work of known fine art photographers, have really helped educate me and expand my thinking of where one can take their photography. Thanks.

  • @TimSeraphiel
    @TimSeraphiel 10 месяцев назад

    Love the first book! ❤ Inspired.

  • @coenhamers866
    @coenhamers866 9 месяцев назад

    It was great to be able to image edit (lithography) this book, I am also quite proud that I could be a link in this beautiful process of this beautiful work of art

  • @ak4good
    @ak4good 10 месяцев назад

    Great episode as usual, and I also enjoyed the creative Squarespace ad -- actually re-watched it a couple of times (usually I fast forward through most ads 😌). Well done Sir!

  • @andreasgiobel6355
    @andreasgiobel6355 10 месяцев назад

    Like these series of book highlights.

  • @TheJohngueltzau
    @TheJohngueltzau 10 месяцев назад

    These publications are so good!!

  • @BenjaminSandness
    @BenjaminSandness 10 месяцев назад +4

    I’ll listen to Ted Forbes talk about anything. Even website hosts.

  • @teedeww5049
    @teedeww5049 10 месяцев назад

    The bridge was phenomenal! This reminds me about what differs a genius and an amateur photographer such as me. He can find so many interesting things and compositions from his pure observation skills. He can see what i cant. He sees the beauty i simply cannot. At least not yet i hope. I have never seen someone who found so many beautiful compositions, from a bridge!

    • @aeromodeller1
      @aeromodeller1 10 месяцев назад +1

      When I was a small boy I discovered that everything I saw was a picture. Some are worth keeping. Look at everything, the more you see, the more you will find worth keeping.

  • @thebiblioholic
    @thebiblioholic 10 месяцев назад

    I attended a talk given by Thomas Wunsch at the Art Students League in NYC about ten years ago and was very inspired by his work.

  • @TheTuscaloosa
    @TheTuscaloosa 10 месяцев назад

    Wow, really cool golden gate work. Ted you should invite him to do a interview explaining his process.

  • @4th_Lensman_of_the_apocalypse
    @4th_Lensman_of_the_apocalypse 10 месяцев назад

    Wow incredible only yesterday I was explaining to someone how, for the most impactive conveyance of a story, think of it like a song or piece of music…..😱 Great minds sir….👍🏻😁😂

  • @PaulParkinson
    @PaulParkinson 10 месяцев назад

    Love for you to do a "Best of" video. Maybe a mini-series, 5 books per show, no particular order??
    I've bought a couple of books on your recommendation and have now added this book to that list.
    The European distributor still has stock but I think the US is out of stock.

  • @DisorganisedFilm
    @DisorganisedFilm 10 месяцев назад

    Can we please see your bookshelves xD

  • @4th_Lensman_of_the_apocalypse
    @4th_Lensman_of_the_apocalypse 10 месяцев назад

    Very cool book amd also proves another principle that has oft annoyed me in yt photography vids…The grumblings about shooting on a day with a clear blue sky. Use it carefully its like having a free studio with a beautifully lit blue bg!

  • @camsmith4633
    @camsmith4633 10 месяцев назад

    I sent you a book about three months ago once you said that mail time could be a thing of the past soon. Hopefully I beat the wave of submissions to get my work on the show before “The End”. The book was not nearly as put together as I would have liked, but I hope you enjoy the “draft copy” regardless

    • @theartofphotography
      @theartofphotography 10 месяцев назад +1

      I've got a stack of packages to make my way through @camsmith4633! There's at least 50 unopened mailings in my studio right now. It's a good problem to have! I haven't put my eyes on your book just yet...but I will! Thanks for sending one to me!

  • @JoeJRLaw
    @JoeJRLaw 10 месяцев назад

    👍🏻touch my Favour ❤

  • @Just-a-Guy1
    @Just-a-Guy1 10 месяцев назад +1

    I went to San Francisco once and my friends showed me where the Golden Gate Bridge is.The bridge was completely enshrouded by fog. In my mind there is no bridge. I was there and it couldn't be seen. Despite the images book I still have doubts as to the structure's existence. I was there and couldn't see it. Facts were not in evidence. ;)

  • @bulentunal3832
    @bulentunal3832 10 месяцев назад

    What next to promote?

  • @1duesy
    @1duesy 10 месяцев назад

    Just when I thought you had an eye for inspired content, along comes a book that says nothing about the subject. When a photographer cannot dig deep enough to communicate the story, they instead resort to abstraction and overwrought production values.

  • @photog66
    @photog66 10 месяцев назад

    The Bridge is now sold out. Bummer. But thanks for sharing. Looks like a fantastic book.