Silkroad R Thebes 120 Blader PvP NoNsleep (best blader on Thebes@april2014) :)
- Опубликовано: 5 фев 2025
- Lvl 120 Blader PvP Video compilation!
(Best blader on Thebes with only +5 set and +12 blade/shield and ofc 120 job set).
(NoNsleep no longer exists atm.)
Gears: D13+12 Legend Blade / D13+12 Legend Shield
D13+5 Legend Set / D13+5+7 Legend Accesories
120 Job + 120 Job Set FB
Opponents were wearing full D13 legend set + accs.
This is a video which shows that bladers are still decent dmg dealers. :)
Ofc I died due to other crits/reflects and such but I need to promote the blader build not to downgrade it, so you won't see that happening in the video. :)
Thanks for watching.
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Really good man, I love your critical on the warior with +7 set im thinking he also has +5 or +7 accesories and u pwned him a 64k crit on cleric mode that is awesome. this was best blader on thebes, sad not exist anymore...
this video and your char and skills are so beautiful that i teared up a bit T.T great job man! Keep it going dude. :)
Pfahahaha thanks. U had me at "i teared up a bit". :)
Nice build bro. Now not many blader because of low damage. But like blader because of high defence. I have blade lvl 107 full dg12 legend full set. Nice video. Happy gaming bro.
Srsly, need more vids, great edit, music, playstyle omgosh new fav sro ytuber :p
Do you possibly play on Merv anything? Because I'm surrounded by non-English speaking people and I'm lonely. D:
Great vid dude.
would you mind telling me the songs name?
Great video very nice blader its very bad that blader combos are not very powerful in level 120 but you play nice you have my like
Hi bro well i have got 120 blader +12 b/s , but im playing at isro as u think :P well made it 3-4 days ago this char blader from glavie. gotta ask to you these stabs. should i incrase rates for stabbing 2 skills after knock down ? Cuz i cant use second stab skill after 120 stab. Sometimes hit , actually %99 doesnt hit. if you help to me about this case i will be so glad :)
The thing with these stabs is that, when i used to play on thebes, sro-R servers (thebes, gobi and merv) were placed in UK (United Kingdom) there was no lag/latency for me. Click-to-move was instant. Right now thebes gobi and merv are placed in Korea as well as all isro servers. The 1 second lag/delay everyone has in isro is now present in sro-R.
That was the reason i joined sro-R because of the instant click-2-move; but that is gone now since they moved servers to Korea.
What I am trying to say is that FOR ME, FOR MY CHAR it worked to double stab before, when there was no lag. Right now with this lag (same as iSro) double stab works 1 time out of 30 times. So i guess its about the lag.
video which shows that bladers are still decent dmg !
I didn't play sro-r for a very long time and I'm considering to come back. I would like you to answer some of my questions. First of all about job set. How do you get it and what's the highest + you can have on it. Secondly, how do you earn all that gold for all your items. And lastly which bot did you use?
1)Job set...thats such a large topic to cover in here and I wont be able to cover it in full but i ll try.
How u get it :
a)You do trade runs(hunter/thief) and by doing that you get STONES and TICKETS
b)You get black stones if you are thief, blue stones if you are hunter, you can trade stones with people on your server if you have too many of 1 kind "WTT blue stonesfor black stones"
c)With stones you craft Lowest/Low/Medium/High/Highest SHINING STONES. (i ll get back to these in a sec)
d)With tickets, you go at GoriPop and exchange all tickets.
e)After you exchange tickets you get molds...molds are like item recipes.
f)With item recipes (molds) and SHINING STONES you craft job items.
g)You need to pay attention at the particular mold+particular shining stone you using. Example: Highest Mold + Highest shining stone = Lv 120 Job item.
h)Job item clasification = lowest lv 20 / low lv 50 / medium lv 80 / high lv 100 / highest lv 120 (i hope u know that already)
i)What i described so far in a),b),c),d),e),f),g) and h) is the nice / time consuming way to get job items. You can also buy them...for gold from other players they are fairly cheap...especially lv 100 ones.
If you dont have lv 120 job already you should aim for lv 100 job set (100 job accesories common+lv 100 job set+lv 100 weapon phy/mag/common - depending on ur char - OFC all these items need to be FB)
j) Getting job items full blued perfectly (int3 str3 hp300 mp300 is a different story thats very very expensive if you do it on your own with buying silk.
j)There is soooo much to say about job items and I cant cover it all here...
1.a) Plusing job items .... I would not recommend unless you are plusing lv 120 perfect job items. like 120 common incantation weapon...or 120 common accesories (incantation ones - perfect). But you can plus to any plus you doesnt have a limit. People do max of 3+5+7 on job items. Usually +3 accesories and +5 weapon.
2) How you earn gold...well unfortunately silkroad gold farming its not that good if you have one char...
How I earned gold: I had 3 parties...lvld from scratch (from lv 1) when I quit the game some time ago all my parties were lv 116-120 thats 24 chars + my main, the blader. The 3 parties were making A LOT OF GOLD just from killing mobs. Not to mention STR d13 stones that were quite expensive back in the day.
I cant remember exactly how much gold I used to make but I ll tell you one thing:
If you wanna go back to sro go to iSRO (you dont have exp.gain penalty in isro) that means you parties will be able to farm 24/7 for gold...while in SRO-R you got 8 hrs exp gain penalty in which you wont be able to get gold+exp unless you have Premium PLUS active...
And at this point sro-r and isro are pretty much the same since stupid joymax moved sro-r servers to lag is the same now...1second delay in movement of the char is present in sro-r. Anyway im going offtopic.
Like I said..farming gold: 2-3 parties should do good.
If you start in isro, you will have the advantage of using sbot+ SbotMOD(clientless for all your clients), you cant use sbotmod in sro-r...I have a 32 gb RAM computer so I was able to run 26+ clients and still have enough remaining ram to do other stuff.
Outlines: go for isro, 2-3 parties, sbot+sbotmod,wait till chars are lv 105-110..thats when the good gold comes...and you ll get good gold.
3) I used sbot in sroR. Only sbot.
Hope this will help you.
Dont listen to people that tell you "dont go back to this dead game" its not that dead. Thing is joymax is a greedy company that sucks.a lot of money from customers(players). So if you wanna have a lv 120 main char that can do well in PvP consider investing some time and money into the following:
-sbot monthly subscriptions + sbotMod if you go for isro 5eur+2.5eur or smth like that.
-time to manage your gold farming parties
-money or gold farmed to buy prem+ and devil+
-gold or money to buy silk for job blues + job plusing
-and the reason that made ppl quit this game .... money or gold to buy Proofs to + your items to +12.
Game was awesome before the pay-2-plus-items-with-proofs system. Joymax messed up there but game is FAR FROM being DEAD.
Good luck.
FreakyZJuiceZ thanks for the explaination really helped. one more thing tho... what do you maen with incantation? does that show what the base stat of an job item is? Like if it is incantation then it will be higher base stats than on an "common" one?
***** This is exactly what I meant :D Its a large subject to cover over youtube comments..
What I meant by "Incantation" :
Imagine jobset items like sos/som/sun .
For level 120 Jobset items (ONLY FOR 120)
Seal of jobitem = sos
Pattern of jobitem = som
Incantation of jobitem = sun
So a perfect 120 job set would have to be only Incantation of jobitem (common).
Common = it offers phy AND mag def or absorption (if it is accesory)
Phy jobitem = offers only phy def / absorption (if it is accesory)
Mag jobitem = offers only mag def / absorption (if it is accesory)
For lv 100 job items names are will have:
Airstream of jobitem = sos
Aura of jobitem = som
Splendor of jobitem = sun .
I dont remember the names of lower lvl job items lv 80 50 20 because those job items are pretty much useless :D.
Lv 100 job is pretty much easy to get so I would recommend having a lv 100 job set. (with blues ofc).
Like this:
100 splendor weapon (common if you chinese , phy if you euro STR, mag if you euro INT)
100 aura or aistream or splendor job set (can be common or not.. but FB)
100 splendor accesories (common)
having this jobset ensures you will do decent in pvp :) vs equal chars.
FreakyZJuiceZ lol thanks for that information... man this is like another very big RNG factor in silkroad -.- not enough that we had problems with blues and plusing and getting normal gear, but now with job items as well lol. thank you anyway
Freaky ur the guy from Mensa?
Nice my man
LOL 23 people didn't have a large penis. :P Rage - Fearless
Actually, thats just 1 guy, a no lifer who lives his life trough this game :) .
Just a virgin, he ll get over it lol. Probably some jelly cat :P
well done.
I would love it if someone could tell me the name of this song. Thanks! FreakyZJuiceZ
i play in sror server merv
im also like u Blade with full set +12 shield blade +12 :)
Nice vid. Its sad i've been on silkroad for years and its becoming all egy's and bots :(. I currently play on Thebes as a nuker ( I_Nuker ) Message me if your on thebes.
I miss servers like redsea xian :D
LOLLL yesterday i watch this video because i wanted show to my friend how blader can have nice damage and yesterday it was with 1 dislike and today i search again and 23 dislike, someone hate you a lot :D is nice when you are the best to have haters :D
Hahaha yea man good feeling when I see dislikes:P not as good as seeing likes.
Or bad comments which i dont approve from multiple accounts of 1 single nolifer.
Haha guess we know who lives within this game without no life whatsoever.
To the 23-account guy who disliked my vid in 1 hr (23 dislikes in 1 hr) please man, sell that crappy char u got and get a life. Sayonara.
Hello !
Could you tell me what skills I use at level 45? Please, im training my blader right now
Thanks :D
This explains what you need as a blader. The pictures are meant to guide a lv 120 blader into awesomeness haha but you can follow the guide even if you are lv 45.
BLADE skills:
Hope this helps.
muy bueno
how can you use the stabs so easily? :)
Its SRO-R u dont have the 2 second lag like in isro.
i ve played in gobi 2 years ago and i never used the stabs so easily like you ^^
i had delayed everytime with the skills. Do you push anything while using the stabs? Like at 4:25 :D i thought u r pushing "N button" while using the stabs.
1n3xOrAbLe Oh lol no. I was sitting down cuz he had iron shield on. So cant hurt him for 15 seconds. Kinda trolling him :P.
But no i dont push anything just that sometimes works sometimes it does not.
well okay:) Thanks for answers
hey is this game worth playing
no xd u have to give up ur life to play this game again from zero
Is it risky to use sbot? like could you get banned or so?
When I used to play I never heard someone complaining that they got banned using sbot. So yes it is safe to asume that playing with sbot wont get you banned.
+FreakyZJuiceZ when I used to play, half of the URanus server was "bot" populated thanks to sbot who allowed like 10 acc at one time. it was always full server and i remember that once i got disconnected and after 37 hours the sbot connected me to the game. i quit and i'm glad. it can get really addictive
song please ?
Can't really remember the names I used some songs I got from itunes, sry.
Does enyone know a songname ? ;(
song brah?
Song name pls :c