You know what really grinds my gears? Year 4 of Titanfall 2. ---- Join me Live @ xbox GT: Paper Cut2U Xbox network - Cut2U Discord - / discord
Now this is true but one of the greatest things about TF is that it caters for so many different playstyles. I think this is why so many people play and love it. It has something for everyone and we shouldn’t deny the right for all to play. I don’t camp but I cannot bunny hop consistently so I move as I can. If you get team stomped by 6 bunny hoppers then you can only hide and peak. Hell this game even has grunts so people can have a blast just killing bots if they arnt good enough for players. This is what makes TF one of the best games ever. Although those people that return to that same ledge are massive pricks.
@@-Grifter I think I eventually just got used to all the campers. The thing that frustrates me is that they don't even need to try to kill you when you're moving very fast on certain platforms, because aim assist is way too strong on LMGs and certain SMGs and rifles. It's sad that I expect only standstill players in my games, and regardless of how good my movement is, their "aim" always wins. It's bullshit :(
The Part about the hardcore and fun players got me. Im always moving, never camping, always double jumping, bunny hopping, wallrunning and grappling through the map even if it gets the enemies some easy kills. Also i only use weapons like the kraber, wingman and epg just so that i can be proud of the kills i get and maybe even inspire someone to play less campy or meta, by scoring on him while putting myself at a disadvantage. I had a game yesterday though that almost just Made me get out the sweat in me and go all CAR on them. We are loosing badly to them, a real stomp, but instead of easing of the pedal and using less mera weapons and cheese tactics they just keep going with their volts and cars and tones and smartpistols....but hey, it is What it is and you gotta cherish the game for its good moments. A few games later i had a lobby full of fun players with interesting weapons, fun movement and silly chats.
And I still stand by this game all These years later, im spicing it up with apex legends, doom and ghostrunner but i always Come back to this game as my game of choice
the thing that annoys me the most when i see a spitfire camper is even when they are out of their element, they always stand still to shoot, they could be mid sprint and if they see someone, they will stop, aim and shoot
Every time my game is not flowing so well, I remind myself that I am in it to master and fully take advantage of the movement system. To really discover what is possible, to uncover what I currently don’t even think of being doable - and maybe perhaps to inspire others some day with the kind of style that you’re bringing to the table in your grapple runs. Then I forget about the score. And I start to play better. Still had my highest scoring games with the RPG - because then I just play for the fun of it, even if my aim isn’t on point, I still get to flow, grapple around and sneak in another shot or two that might lead to a kill. And if they don’t, I died flying around in style. 😄🙌😌 Love all the background information about strategy - still makes me appreciate the game more, understanding the nuance of it.
There's been quite a lot more legion campers lately, but they panic if you get in their face with some smoke and usually after you break up the first bunker it's harder for them to stay calm and coordinate. That is, if you're able to get to them in the first place when they're being protected by monarchs lol. It's not that it's particularly hard to deal with them because they're usually not very aware, it's just really annoying and I don't like to have to change my gameplay completely just to deal with 1 camper
I mean, I've only been playing for a few months, now (got the game cause of Blueghost), so I'm still pretty trash most of the time. But even I wonder about the point of camping in a game first off praised for its movement. I had one game where my entire team was just camping in glitch on those back cliffs, leaving me to fend off some sweaty Stim-Car that got 45 kills. Highlight of that game was when I briefly got into a one v one with said pilot and won (felt like a proper anime fight), but yeesh. Leave the darn spawn, guys.
I played against that Capt Awesome guy before and smacked him with an alt. He found the most obnoxious angles to camp and would go back to the same spot all the time.
I actually prefer the whole team to be camping vs just one or two guy, cause when there's only one guy behind, his team will tear you apart while you're angry trying to get to the one camper. If the whole team goes camping I usually get my Kraber and pick them off from a safe distance, or try to do something fun with the softball.
@@cobraBLACK they were sitting in the back in the tunnels and on the cat walk. I eventually got my northstar and shot cluster missiles in there but once we wiped them, they kept going back with a-walls and cloak. Then not to mention trying to fight 6 monarchs with arc rounds and having a team of northstar 3 ions ronin and legion. It was so annoying
@@coomdog3415 You're actually describing my favourite scenario on Rise. It's hella fun getting campers out either by pilot speed or titan overkill. Northstar or Ion are usually best for hitting them when they peak. A lot of titan weapons actually go straight through a-walls. My friend even launched a salvo core up and back down into the tunnel and killed 4!
@@cobraBLACK I don’t doubt it but it was that way the entire match. And I really just don’t enjoy rise all that much anyway. I didn’t like it back in the og titan fall either
I've died to cptn awesome 111 and it's so annoying. He's so committed to camping and it tilts my casual kraber games. I make sure to switch to my volt and make sure my frags are on point.
@@stuartbaube6770 I've seen better campers with more skill but no matter how many times you kill him up there. He just keeps coming back to one single spot.
Hey Paper I know you are the Don but it made me laugh when you talked about Titans at the back and you seem to find yourself in a Titan cluster at the part of the map you’d mentioned earlier. I agree with you but sometimes we get herded as pilots into one end then we all drop out Titans to survive. I’ve been messaged once about that but we were all pinned in by good players with no escape route to rotate.
I was a spitfire main from the beginning. One day I realized everybody was using it so I quit. If I play a round with it I feel like I’m doing something wrong.
I have one set up for payback when I do come across those who main. I admit when I first started I used it as I did in TF1. I like heavy guns in cod also. Now though I only use for payback or to relive a proper team stomp
There is actually a special sub unit of the movement players - the slingshot junkies. These players live for the chance to slingshot across the map as many times as possible, getting style kills along the way.
I was supposed to go to Canada for my Honeymoon in September. Cancelled until May this year. Can’t see that happening either. Might try this September as weather similar but as we are trying for a baby it may just get cancelled. Bloody COVID.
What annoyed me out was that the r201 was unlocked FROM THE START when it should at least be unlocked after gen 1 because of ho2 good it is everyone uses it because it has such good recoil a really good fire rate and an obsurd ttk
Spitfire was one of the first weapons I leveled up, just because of how user friendly it is it helped ease into gameplay while figuring out mobility and mechanics. Wasnt long before I started experimenting with shotguns, grenadiers and snipers. I think Ive only ever gotten like 2 or 3 kills with the kraber lol, I havent used the double take outside of PvE, been using the dmr quite a bit tho, really annoys me how much spread is on it without the scope even while crouching and standing still. I think EPG and cold war are my favorite grenadier weapons, although cold war not doing so much damage on direct hits is pretty stupid, SMR feels purely like a PvE weapon with how slow the rockets move and the amount of smoke they make making it hard to hit anything moving laterally beyond close range. I like the wingman although im not too good with it, it feels satisfying to land shots with it tho. Havent played any titans other than Scorch lmao purely because getting Goose shots with the thermite feels so rewarding. Just hopped out of a match where the whole enemy team was camping with tones and spitfires all with exp counters and threat scopes smh like thats all they play with
For my first gen I mained spitfire because I was just trying to get used to movement and abilities, a bit like you, and now I use Devo/SMR and sometimes even the spitfire if there is idiotic enemies camping with spitfire
Get a series X to boost your interest back Paper. I’m just getting lag almost every game now on TF2. It’s just killing me. Especially when titans start dropping and the chaos amps up. I think it’s since lockdown. I’ve got fibre 200mb. Help!!
Paper if possible, try to take us on your new journey. While us followers do really enjoy videogames, we also just enjoy you and your personality. You're the shit!
I was playing on homestead with the mastiff once and there was an annoying cloak spitfire camper on the enemy team that just kept killing me and when the match was over I saw that they had 30 kills
You know theres something deeply ingrained in the western psyche that tells people in their subconscious, most kids at this point, that their entire expression of culture revolves around pissing people off. Also purposely doing things wrong to get ahead. Just ask someone to teach you how to bhop and wall kick. This game does make it easy for younger kids, and in general people that dont have a good sense of awareness to compete with people who push to constantly test the game in its limits. We are stuck with this, and these people. All we can do is try to adjust in the moment. These ppl are reason why ive learned to fling my incindary traps onto rooftops, through windows and on platforms.
Plenty of people will teach you the advanced movement of the game. Just ask. Ive taught someone before i can definately again if anyone's interested. Im on xbox as A Red Behr.
I came across this CAPT AWESOME111 guy yesterday. Camping on the little tower in the corner of forwardbase kodai. I killed him with a frag while he was running to his Monarch, tbagged him, and he left instantly :D
Since you mentioned 'hardcore' titan gameplay, we'd be more than happy to drop you an invite to a comp titan scrim at some point. Funny thing is, despite us being all serious with stuff like callouts, and whatnot, we actually mess around quite a bit, more so in public matches than privates, but even there to some extent. If you're interested, lemme know.
They cold war relies primarily on splash damage, hit the ground, walls, or surfaces near your enemies for easier kills. In one of the tips the game tells you is that its designed to be shot downward from above your target.
I'm always astounded that these types of players are often g70-g100. You've played this game for so long, and haven't tried a singe different play style, like how????
@@Jonathan-qk5ed I keep seeing g100 players run either the car or r97 with a stim just to stomp our team and it do be tilting when I'm trying to use the kraber
I only use a spitfire because it’s the only gun which I can get kills if the other teams being sweaty. Also I only camp just to annoy people and I’m having a bad day
I think by the 'teams being sweaty' you mean they are running around being a better player than you so you compensate for your lack of skill by using the spitfire
Doing something to annoy people in a game is pretty pathetic. It means you dont have anything else to do. You ask someone to help you with movement theres plenty of ppl thatll show you how to bhop and wall kick. Just ask dont act like youre 10. Why is western culture like this?
Lowkey cant stand even using meta weapons and playing slow. My spitfire is level 3 lmao. I get a kick out of this game through using the mastiff, or the wingman elite and flying around like crazy. I run what's fun to play with, and what's fun to play against. Nobody likes it when people post up and anchor all game. And I dont see how you can enjoy doing that when this game's movement is just *that* good.
Camping is not bad, but the campers are usually noobs, a good camper have the strategy to aim the super-speed flying players and kill them before they could hop upon his head, but it's not easy to master, you need to fight against many flying players and you need to know where they attack your camping place and how the flying mechanics work. Camping is a choice, even on titanfall where you camping to shot birds, yes, it's the master camper's hunting terrain with the hunting season always open and it's funny, not for all I guess. Improve your camping skills!
if a camper kills you, he's just tronger if you kill him, you are just stronger... LOL Just enjoy the game YOU LIKE, don't listen to much to the grapple guys and the stim Monkeys LOL A player with a kraber (made for sniping) jumping and flying everywhere is the real joke...How can you shoot like that !!! it's a bug of the game LOL !!! Titanfall is a game for diversity of style, please enjoy your own style :) I'm more annoyed by people who tells you : dont play this gun, do this and don't do that .... Personnally I played stim, before I enjoyed I prefer stim over cloak? not really Grapple have the advantage of great mobility...a huge advantage, when spitfire can kill grapple guy very fast from very far because they are not's just well balanced I think. Whatever just enjoy Titanfall 2 ! Everybody is welcome to play with us whatever their style of gaming...if you are stronger, just kill him.. If he kills you, he's stronger ;) So just play more often and you will improve and become stronger
You're right about all these people crying about these types of players. I personally don't like them either, but crying about it doesn't accomplish anything. It's not our fault Respawn abandoned the game. The problem with the game is the aim assist. It is horrifically unbalanced, thinking otherwise makes you sound delusional.
Monarchs when they see a doomed titan: I NEED THAT FOOOD
as a monarch main i can confirm
I enjoy teabagging spitfire campers. Helps teach them a lesson
Camping in a game about movement is one of the stupidest things you can do
Now this is true but one of the greatest things about TF is that it caters for so many different playstyles. I think this is why so many people play and love it. It has something for everyone and we shouldn’t deny the right for all to play. I don’t camp but I cannot bunny hop consistently so I move as I can. If you get team stomped by 6 bunny hoppers then you can only hide and peak. Hell this game even has grunts so people can have a blast just killing bots if they arnt good enough for players. This is what makes TF one of the best games ever. Although those people that return to that same ledge are massive pricks.
@@-Grifter I think I eventually just got used to all the campers. The thing that frustrates me is that they don't even need to try to kill you when you're moving very fast on certain platforms, because aim assist is way too strong on LMGs and certain SMGs and rifles. It's sad that I expect only standstill players in my games, and regardless of how good my movement is, their "aim" always wins. It's bullshit :(
@@PeregrineTF2 I hear ya
@@-Grifter It really sucks that I can't put everything I've learned from days of practice into the main part of the game.
@@PeregrineTF2 I think stand-still campers are the only reason I have long range smr kills lol
The Part about the hardcore and fun players got me.
Im always moving, never camping, always double jumping, bunny hopping, wallrunning and grappling through the map even if it gets the enemies some easy kills. Also i only use weapons like the kraber, wingman and epg just so that i can be proud of the kills i get and maybe even inspire someone to play less campy or meta, by scoring on him while putting myself at a disadvantage. I had a game yesterday though that almost just Made me get out the sweat in me and go all CAR on them. We are loosing badly to them, a real stomp, but instead of easing of the pedal and using less mera weapons and cheese tactics they just keep going with their volts and cars and tones and smartpistols....but hey, it is What it is and you gotta cherish the game for its good moments. A few games later i had a lobby full of fun players with interesting weapons, fun movement and silly chats.
And I still stand by this game all These years later, im spicing it up with apex legends, doom and ghostrunner but i always Come back to this game as my game of choice
the thing that annoys me the most when i see a spitfire camper is even when they are out of their element, they always stand still to shoot, they could be mid sprint and if they see someone, they will stop, aim and shoot
Oh hey taco
@@strebicux6174 hoi
Every time my game is not flowing so well, I remind myself that I am in it to master and fully take advantage of the movement system. To really discover what is possible, to uncover what I currently don’t even think of being doable - and maybe perhaps to inspire others some day with the kind of style that you’re bringing to the table in your grapple runs.
Then I forget about the score. And I start to play better.
Still had my highest scoring games with the RPG - because then I just play for the fun of it, even if my aim isn’t on point, I still get to flow, grapple around and sneak in another shot or two that might lead to a kill. And if they don’t, I died flying around in style. 😄🙌😌
Love all the background information about strategy - still makes me appreciate the game more, understanding the nuance of it.
There's been quite a lot more legion campers lately, but they panic if you get in their face with some smoke and usually after you break up the first bunker it's harder for them to stay calm and coordinate. That is, if you're able to get to them in the first place when they're being protected by monarchs lol. It's not that it's particularly hard to deal with them because they're usually not very aware, it's just really annoying and I don't like to have to change my gameplay completely just to deal with 1 camper
I mean, I've only been playing for a few months, now (got the game cause of Blueghost), so I'm still pretty trash most of the time. But even I wonder about the point of camping in a game first off praised for its movement. I had one game where my entire team was just camping in glitch on those back cliffs, leaving me to fend off some sweaty Stim-Car that got 45 kills. Highlight of that game was when I briefly got into a one v one with said pilot and won (felt like a proper anime fight), but yeesh. Leave the darn spawn, guys.
Oh hey I’ve actually come across that capt awesome guy recently! Good job stomping em! :)
0 dislikes, just goes to show what this community looks like
Edit: I guess there’s always one
underrated comment
That was from the guy camping on the tower.
There is 0 now
Now two comedians decided to dislike it because of your comment
Theres three now
Imagine being level 10G+ and using spitifire? Pathetic.
I played against that Capt Awesome guy before and smacked him with an alt. He found the most obnoxious angles to camp and would go back to the same spot all the time.
Yesss!!! 🙌🙌🙌 I don’t have the time to watch the video right now, but man am I happy it’s here. 😄 Bookmarked to watch later and pre-liked. 😁
I faced that camper many times. All that kid uses is spitfire and cloak. Mad annoying.
Actually just had a game where the other team camped in the back of rise with spitfires and all monarchs. Absolutely pissed me off
I actually prefer the whole team to be camping vs just one or two guy, cause when there's only one guy behind, his team will tear you apart while you're angry trying to get to the one camper. If the whole team goes camping I usually get my Kraber and pick them off from a safe distance, or try to do something fun with the softball.
In Rise just use grapple or stim to go over the top of the map and surprise the hell out of them from above.
@@cobraBLACK they were sitting in the back in the tunnels and on the cat walk. I eventually got my northstar and shot cluster missiles in there but once we wiped them, they kept going back with a-walls and cloak. Then not to mention trying to fight 6 monarchs with arc rounds and having a team of northstar 3 ions ronin and legion. It was so annoying
@@coomdog3415 You're actually describing my favourite scenario on Rise. It's hella fun getting campers out either by pilot speed or titan overkill. Northstar or Ion are usually best for hitting them when they peak. A lot of titan weapons actually go straight through a-walls. My friend even launched a salvo core up and back down into the tunnel and killed 4!
@@cobraBLACK I don’t doubt it but it was that way the entire match. And I really just don’t enjoy rise all that much anyway. I didn’t like it back in the og titan fall either
I've died to cptn awesome 111 and it's so annoying. He's so committed to camping and it tilts my casual kraber games. I make sure to switch to my volt and make sure my frags are on point.
He’s literally one of the worst campers I’ve seen on Xbox and I hate every game I have with him
@@stuartbaube6770 I've seen better campers with more skill but no matter how many times you kill him up there. He just keeps coming back to one single spot.
Frags are easy, grow some tAsticles
Yeah when they camp or dominate with their titans I just straight up focus on grunts sometimes it helped win other it didnt
I like that little monetary advice in the beginning.
Hey Paper I know you are the Don but it made me laugh when you talked about Titans at the back and you seem to find yourself in a Titan cluster at the part of the map you’d mentioned earlier. I agree with you but sometimes we get herded as pilots into one end then we all drop out Titans to survive. I’ve been messaged once about that but we were all pinned in by good players with no escape route to rotate.
I was a spitfire main from the beginning. One day I realized everybody was using it so I quit. If I play a round with it I feel like I’m doing something wrong.
I have one set up for payback when I do come across those who main. I admit when I first started I used it as I did in TF1. I like heavy guns in cod also. Now though I only use for payback or to relive a proper team stomp
While I despise those players - You're not, its not our fault that Respawn abandoned the game
im sure im like everyone here. you make it, i will watch it. love your content. always have.
There is actually a special sub unit of the movement players - the slingshot junkies.
These players live for the chance to slingshot across the map as many times as possible, getting style kills along the way.
The only gaming channel that makes me seriously consider my life choices. 😄💰💸😌
When ever I find a camper in my games I pull of my suppressed re 45, aka the organic pea shooter, and make them incredible mad.
My rule for campers is: You camp, you get the Memestiff
I was supposed to go to Canada for my Honeymoon in September. Cancelled until May this year. Can’t see that happening either. Might try this September as weather similar but as we are trying for a baby it may just get cancelled. Bloody COVID.
I hope that you eventually get to attend your Honeymoon! Hopefully COVID-19 will weaken just a tiny bit for you
What annoyed me out was that the r201 was unlocked FROM THE START when it should at least be unlocked after gen 1 because of ho2 good it is everyone uses it because it has such good recoil a really good fire rate and an obsurd ttk
The King has returned!
The Return of the King
Our king never left
glad to see you are still playing bro, stay warm
how would you like to see them address the camping issues for titanfall 3 (if/when its a thing)
I don’t think they should as people camp in every shooter. Maybe some of those high ledges could be out of bounds would help
@I can’t think of a name yeah. Just had a match with 4 spitfires on op team. Wearing.
It was cancelled for development a few years ago ;(
Spitfire was one of the first weapons I leveled up, just because of how user friendly it is it helped ease into gameplay while figuring out mobility and mechanics. Wasnt long before I started experimenting with shotguns, grenadiers and snipers.
I think Ive only ever gotten like 2 or 3 kills with the kraber lol, I havent used the double take outside of PvE, been using the dmr quite a bit tho, really annoys me how much spread is on it without the scope even while crouching and standing still.
I think EPG and cold war are my favorite grenadier weapons, although cold war not doing so much damage on direct hits is pretty stupid, SMR feels purely like a PvE weapon with how slow the rockets move and the amount of smoke they make making it hard to hit anything moving laterally beyond close range.
I like the wingman although im not too good with it, it feels satisfying to land shots with it tho.
Havent played any titans other than Scorch lmao purely because getting Goose shots with the thermite feels so rewarding.
Just hopped out of a match where the whole enemy team was camping with tones and spitfires all with exp counters and threat scopes smh like thats all they play with
For my first gen I mained spitfire because I was just trying to get used to movement and abilities, a bit like you, and now I use Devo/SMR and sometimes even the spitfire if there is idiotic enemies camping with spitfire
I can agree with you it is very important to manage your finances my par experience nts are learning thT the hard way now
Get a series X to boost your interest back Paper. I’m just getting lag almost every game now on TF2. It’s just killing me. Especially when titans start dropping and the chaos amps up. I think it’s since lockdown. I’ve got fibre 200mb. Help!!
Apex shares servers with Titanfall |2.
@@marcobarrientos4953 cool, i didnt know that
@@mrblunderbuss4843 its terrible, for both games
Im gonna say it, i do kind of camp but i only stay in one spot for about 20-30 seconds and then i move but i do mainly run around
I love finding another kraber main, and just hAving dules in the back of the map
Mate I need more people on PS4 Titanfall!
clearly you don’t have an air fryer
Oh, I do.
@@PaperCut2UGaming clearly you’ve never made an omelette
@@Charlie-zl8cm Oh, he has
Paper if possible, try to take us on your new journey. While us followers do really enjoy videogames, we also just enjoy you and your personality. You're the shit!
I was playing on homestead with the mastiff once and there was an annoying cloak spitfire camper on the enemy team that just kept killing me and when the match was over I saw that they had 30 kills
How do you zoom for the lazer hit?
You know theres something deeply ingrained in the western psyche that tells people in their subconscious, most kids at this point, that their entire expression of culture revolves around pissing people off. Also purposely doing things wrong to get ahead.
Just ask someone to teach you how to bhop and wall kick. This game does make it easy for younger kids, and in general people that dont have a good sense of awareness to compete with people who push to constantly test the game in its limits. We are stuck with this, and these people. All we can do is try to adjust in the moment. These ppl are reason why ive learned to fling my incindary traps onto rooftops, through windows and on platforms.
Plenty of people will teach you the advanced movement of the game. Just ask. Ive taught someone before i can definately again if anyone's interested. Im on xbox as A Red Behr.
I came across this CAPT AWESOME111 guy yesterday. Camping on the little tower in the corner of forwardbase kodai. I killed him with a frag while he was running to his Monarch, tbagged him, and he left instantly :D
Wait is this on Xbox cause I swear I’ve seen cpt awesome before
Came across 3 g100 spitfire campers yesterday. Least fun game ever
Since you mentioned 'hardcore' titan gameplay, we'd be more than happy to drop you an invite to a comp titan scrim at some point. Funny thing is, despite us being all serious with stuff like callouts, and whatnot, we actually mess around quite a bit, more so in public matches than privates, but even there to some extent. If you're interested, lemme know.
They cold war relies primarily on splash damage, hit the ground, walls, or surfaces near your enemies for easier kills. In one of the tips the game tells you is that its designed to be shot downward from above your target.
1:58 - you're honestly telling me that the gen 92 player has nothing else to do but camp with the spitfire?
Your movement is so smooth
I love the class name.💜
I was in this match with you 😊
my favorite game ever, it's been a minute since I played. I'm scared I'll suck now... :(
I switched to pc from Xbox and it takes some getting use to but you’ll get back in the swing of things
nice to hear from you. glad your doing well
I'm always astounded that these types of players are often g70-g100. You've played this game for so long, and haven't tried a singe different play style, like how????
This comment says it all, on PS4 (if you aren't already platformed there) the amount of G40-60+ Spitfire Camping mains is just straight up pathetic
@@Jonathan-qk5ed I keep seeing g100 players run either the car or r97 with a stim just to stomp our team and it do be tilting when I'm trying to use the kraber
@@vainolahti5346 Feels bad, what Gen are you?
Whe you from is that 🥶
What do you play on again?
Perhaps a campaign walkthrough would be fun for u
3 alternator loudouts?! Tisk tisk
How many hours played do you have?
ah i sit up there with northstar but thats it
Side note He always Reminds me of my Math Teacher 🤔
Paper, you said that it's super cold where you're at, but where exactly are you, and are you talking °C or °F?
And fun fact, -40 is the same for both.
Where are you from? and I love your content so keep it up ☺️
Oh yea I listened to ur advice and I'm bow getting around 500-1000 views a day vs my old like 5 so ty
6:00 i feel the same about games recently, hopefully my 10k kills montage will motivate me to keep playing though
I only use a spitfire because it’s the only gun which I can get kills if the other teams being sweaty. Also I only camp just to annoy people and I’m having a bad day
Sounds like you need to get better lmfao.
I think by the 'teams being sweaty' you mean they are running around being a better player than you so you compensate for your lack of skill by using the spitfire
@@ahab9712 When a full sweaty squad goes into a pub match, I dont see whats wrong with evening it out with spitfire!
Doing something to annoy people in a game is pretty pathetic. It means you dont have anything else to do. You ask someone to help you with movement theres plenty of ppl thatll show you how to bhop and wall kick. Just ask dont act like youre 10. Why is western culture like this?
where r u from??
I would look other games on this channel to
Do you play pc but with a controller?
He plays on Xbox
@@cj0fis thanks
But I use the r101 :(
Lowkey cant stand even using meta weapons and playing slow. My spitfire is level 3 lmao. I get a kick out of this game through using the mastiff, or the wingman elite and flying around like crazy. I run what's fun to play with, and what's fun to play against. Nobody likes it when people post up and anchor all game. And I dont see how you can enjoy doing that when this game's movement is just *that* good.
I remember Iniquity was playing with this piece of crap capitain awesome some 2 years ago and he is still camping 🤦♂️
Lol. I think i also played with him. He is grilling steak at the corner. Lolol
Camping is not bad, but the campers are usually noobs, a good camper have the strategy to aim the super-speed flying players and kill them before they could hop upon his head, but it's not easy to master, you need to fight against many flying players and you need to know where they attack your camping place and how the flying mechanics work. Camping is a choice, even on titanfall where you camping to shot birds, yes, it's the master camper's hunting terrain with the hunting season always open and it's funny, not for all I guess.
Improve your camping skills!
if a camper kills you, he's just tronger
if you kill him, you are just stronger... LOL
Just enjoy the game YOU LIKE, don't listen to much to the grapple guys and the stim Monkeys LOL
A player with a kraber (made for sniping) jumping and flying everywhere is the real joke...How can you shoot like that !!! it's a bug of the game LOL !!!
Titanfall is a game for diversity of style, please enjoy your own style :)
I'm more annoyed by people who tells you : dont play this gun, do this and don't do that ....
Personnally I played stim, before I enjoyed I prefer stim over cloak? not really
Grapple have the advantage of great mobility...a huge advantage, when spitfire can kill grapple guy very fast from very far because they are not's just well balanced I think.
Whatever just enjoy Titanfall 2 !
Everybody is welcome to play with us whatever their style of gaming...if you are stronger, just kill him..
If he kills you, he's stronger ;)
So just play more often and you will improve and become stronger
You're right about all these people crying about these types of players. I personally don't like them either, but crying about it doesn't accomplish anything. It's not our fault Respawn abandoned the game. The problem with the game is the aim assist. It is horrifically unbalanced, thinking otherwise makes you sound delusional.
U should play hollow knight its a fun game then u can come back to titanfall
F that guy! (c) Gamesager :D
Well if u are a sniper then u can camp
That's the only exception.
@@PaperCut2UGaming yeah when im running double take i usually get 1 or two kills in high places then camp in another high spot so i dont get killed
If you watched his vids you know he’s Paper from Canada, plays on Xbox with a controller. There.
There no.meta weapons in titan fall the end
Bro take a week off of games and go back it’s really nice or play something else.
Yeah but nobody cares
Actually yes you are the first to comment
You took a lot of deaths for a guy whining about who uses what weapons...