My dad passed away yesterday and now I'm making a playlist with all the songs he loved and I remember him by. This is one of them. Thank you dad for showing me the greatest artists of all times. Loved, missed and never forgotten 🤘🔥
So sorry for you loss xx Your dad had excellent taste in music and I'm sure he will be grateful to you for doing this and happy memories made from the music xx
I agree 100%. I stop listening for long time and then I hear this song and I'm listening this for days. This just never get old. Shook me all night long!
Although I'm sometimes in the mood for some AC/DC, I couldn't disagree more with this comment. They can definitely get boring, especially when they're constantly being played at the top of the hour on classic rock radio 🤣🤣
Malcolm young is by far the greatest Rhythm Guitarist and Riff Master ever. Thank you my friend for creating this. On many down days your music has been a solution to solve this.
Don't get mad at me but I know a lot of you would have to agree that Bon would have done it better but you ain't going to say it, but you're thinking it...
Some things just get better with time, and AC/DC is one of those things. I've always also liked how their music videos just consist of the band rocking out and playing the song. You don't need anything more with iconic songs like this.
33 years ago I met a woman who finally shook me all night Long 33 years later I am still with her she keeps every one of my secrets if a man could find a woman as good as mine he is in God's Grace has the song it's terrific
This is one of those songs that's pretty much guaranteed to make you feel better. Any time I'm feeling down, I listen to this song and can't help but have a smile on my face. Love AC/DC
When this song was released, it was played at my high school dance and we were all jumping up and down having a great time! Glad to have memories like this.
@@kineticgaming4389 It’s not as bad as the 50s or late 80s, mainly because phones and the internet make it near impossible to restrict what your kid sees. I completely agree that schools are buzzkills, apparently outlawing fun just comes with the curriculum.
How can anyone not like this?. You got a killer riff and it's just a timeless can play this years from now and it'll still sound timeless and most of the other music produced today won't stand up to the rigours of time.
I wonder if the guys had ANY idea when they were making this album just how huge it would be. It’s still staggering how many hits and anthems came from this.
Credo che non potessero immaginare la loro immensità e immortalità. Gli ACDC non sono paragonabili a nessuno, anche se esistono altri gruppi musicalmente diversi che hanno raggiunto il top nonostante la diversità. ❤
When the band finished the 'BIB' sessions at Compass Point Studios in the Bahamas, they then went to Electric Ladyland studios in New York to have the album mastered. When they listened to the playbacks, they realized that they had created a monster.
@@craigblack7076let me ask you a question. Of the other songs that charted that year what percentage do you think is memorable today? Or even 5 years after . Overall sales
I know Bon Scott would approve of Brian, now we all know why Bon was impressed when he heard Brian sing in his band Geordie,now I’m a HUGE BRIAN JOHNSON FAN like many others 😊😊😊😊😊😊❤❤❤❤❤❤
@@jimplant2258Yes it was😊999,000,000 times better than the rubbish these days,that’s why I go back in time,because I love that music especially AC/DC and Led Zeppelin 😊😊😊❤❤❤❤❤And not forgetting Geordie 😊😊Love Brian Johnson ❤❤❤
That’s because people can’t accept the fact Bon is dead. He died A LONG time ago, but people still cling to him as the lead singer and hate Brian. It’s stupid. Both are legendary singers.
This was appreciated by ppl who liked top 40 radio which is why it's 2nd if not the highest selling album in history. No Bon true. Bon was on fucking powerage and if you want blood,you got it. Those two will shake u all night long
If you were young in 1980. This was the best song ever written about sex. Interesting also how AC/DC have virtually no media identity. They have pretty much refused to be interviewed. By anyone. And if they are interviewed. They are very reluctant. And they refuse to allow journalists to dig deep. Into anything. Their continual refusal to be manipulated by the media. Has earned my respect for them. They let their music speak for itself.
A couple of Bon’s lyrics are on this song working double time on the seduction line Bon’s girlfriend Holly X had a horse called double time so that’s a lyric from Bon American thighs is another one and she told me to come but I was already there that sure sounds like a Bon Scott lyric.
Yeah most of Bon’s lyrics are on back in black I heard from Jesse Fink that Bon’s ex wife Irene revealed that Bon once said rock and roll ain’t noise pollution.
Let me put my love into you have a drink on me you shook me all night long shoot to thrill and rock and roll ain’t noise pollution those songs sure have a Bon Scott feel to it🤘
I truly believe that most of Bon’s lyrics are on Back In Black some of the songs on the album I get a Bon feel to them I sure know that a couple of his lyrics are on you shook me all night long there’s clues behind them working double time on the seduction line Bon’s girlfriend Holly X had a horse called double time knocking me out with those American thighs those 2 words are a Bon lyric because some of his lyrics are mostly about women in a couple songs and she told me to come but I was already there that definitely sounds like a Bon Scott lyric I heard that from Jesse Fink who was the author of that book about Bon Scott that came out in 2017 the book is called Bon: The last highway and songs like Shoot To Thrill you know that lyric too many women too many pills that’s got Bon in the song let me put my love into you have a drink on me and especially Rock and roll ain’t noise pollution because Jesse Fink said that Bon’s ex wife Irene revealed that Bon once said that so yeah I believe that Bon’s lyrics are on this album and I definitely get a Bon Scott feel every time I listen to those songs on the album🤘
Her you can see how Malcolm is important in AC/DC's sound. Angus drives the riff perfectly with full presence, more than acceptable for most bands. But when the big brother's Gretsch kicks in, the whole sonic blend goes next level! So tight, but naturally human tight, not ''pro tools'' tight. They are so efficient, making so powerful hard and heavy music, but they use as much silences as notes, making their unique thunderous sound so clean at the same time!
Plenty of people think of Eddie VH when they think of rock guitar. He's skilled, but he doesn't do real Rock justice like this. AC/DC "IS" rock. Period.
@@akiramenai4973 Eddie was like another Jimi Hendrix. .a one of a kind talent.. Angus just rocks,he never has missed one note..and I have seen AC/DC 30 times.
@@ratter531 The fact that he can even stand after whipping his head around like that all night, let alone play guitar and rock arenas week in & week out, puts him near the top of the list of greats, for me. That's aside from the kick-ass music.
I miss thisl soul so much... 😢😢😢. We know he had his demons to fight & couldn't anymore, but his music, his powerful, energetic voice brought smiles & joy to us. RIP, CHESTER😢😢😢🙏🙏🙏
This would have to be right up there for the greatest solo in rock history. Not a note wasted, not a note out of place. It sounds like it is the most natural thing on earth, as if these notes HAD to flow together in this way, they had no choice. To make the inspired and difficult look easy is one of the defining characteristics of great art. This is great art.
This is great too of course, but AC/DC - Ride On has the most pleasing guitar solo ever. It has fast and slow, high and low, stays with the beat all the way through, it's the total package.
This is why rock and metal music is so great. No dancing girls, no fancy dancing, just 5 guys on stage giving it their all, and as a result, putting on a great show. I mean, I know this is a music video, but the same applies to all of AC DC's shows. Just simple rock and roll.
Me, brother and they will watch and hear their sound in 100 years !! It's one of the greatest Rockbands ever !! They made history with "Appetite for destruction" and all their other albums !
PLEASED TO HEAR THAT. When the music smacks you in the chest & stirs things up inside, you go w/it. Don't let race or other ignorant opinions get in your way. Rock on, brother! I don't mind saying I'm white AND I STILL love that old Motown/Soul/Funk; 60s, 70s mostly. I had a black roommate way back (USAF) in '75 and I recorded EVERYTHING of his I could. MY MISTAKE? Doing it on cassette tape & then moving to the Philippines. That humidity is God awful & Destructive to some items.
It doesn't matter whether you are a black or white man. I'm 61 years old, ADAC has accompanied me throughout my youth to this day. This is a sound that you never forget, the first few bars and you know with your eyes closed that this is ADAC! Everyone in this world knows ADAC. Yes, the 80s are also unforgettable and unique in music, I agree with you.
God this album was so important in Oz. Bon Scott had died and then all of a sudden they burst back on the scene with Brian Johnson and the Back in Black album. It was such a moment in their history and was really influential in my life. I was a young teenager, lost and wondering what the future held, mixing with the wrong crowd and starting to wonder and learn about girls. What a time this was. Thank you AC/DC and Brian Johnson. You added so much to these years.
The guitar intro to this song is my favourite guitar intro of all time. I know it sounds like I'm exaggerating but I'm dead serious. The crunchy tone of the guitar as it gently leads in with this raw and beautiful melody to pull you into the song before the drums kick in - It's just rock and roll perfection. Loved it ever since I was a little kid.
For the last 40+ years, if you ever had a party that was moving slow and you wanted to get everyone up on their feet and dancing, you played this song! Still rocks after all these years.
You're right in that no one-and I mean absolutely no one-will ever make tried and true Rock N Roll like AC/DC, but there are a few small bands trying to pull it back into the mainstream, like one I found out about a while back called Bourbon House. They're good, but not AC/DC. No one will be.
I bought their album " Back in Black" in 1981, my freshman year in highschool. I still own it, it is amazing this song still has the same power as when it first came out. Iam glad I went to see them in concert at the Miami Arena back in 1996.
This takes me way back to a small town in South Australia, our primary school took us on a trip to see a live band, ac/dc, the price of the ticket was around one dollar, think the year was around 1975, and they were not that well known at the time..
@@pownbnull If by that, you mean "You shook me" by Muddy Waters....same premise, but a completely different song! If you think you know your REALLY gotta know your music....mate!
I was 13 years old and had a cassette tape of the new AC/DC album. It was a full moon and got the urge to sneak out of the house at midnight to visit a friend. Duct taped a big-ass cassette player to my bmx bike with a fresh set of D batteries. Off I went into the night with the wind in my hair, music blasting, dogs barking and neighborhood house lights turning on. For the next 3-4 hours felt like I was on top of the world. 🌑 🕛🚴♂🤘
"You Shook Me All Night Long" is a quintessential example of AC/DC's raw, energetic rock and roll. Its simplicity is its strength, with a driving rhythm, iconic guitar riff, and Brian Johnson's powerful vocals combining to create a timeless anthem. The song perfectly captures the band's ability to tap into primal human desires and emotions, delivering a high-octane experience that has resonated with audiences for decades. While it might not be the most complex or innovative piece of music, its effectiveness in delivering pure, unadulterated rock and roll is undeniable.
If you really like this song then you should check out this ROCKING new song and vid. Its called READY by Meridian Lights. here is the linkвидео.html
This is one of those songs that whether you’re 99 or nine you’ll hear it and say that’s a great song… There aren’t too many acts like ACDC they were pretty timeless
July 2024 ❤… this song!! I was in junior high. At a slumber party, (remember those?? 😊), I heard this song for the first time. I was an AC/DC fan for life.
NO OTHER rock band can even get close too AC/DC Brian Johnson and Angus Young are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great stress relief and a great song AWESOME AC/DC after a Shit Day!! LONG LIVE AC/DC!!!! AWESOME SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AC/DC TRULY define what Rock music really is and how it Should be done!!!!!!!!! REAL Music ( NO electronic box altering everything ) made with drums, guitars, keyboard, and Skill plus HOURS and HOURS and HOURS practice, many of these bands spend up to 18hours a day perfecting their music, when recording studios NEED IT by XX/XX/XXXX date to put it on sale what choice did they have??????????
Leroy Hall even after that much years song and band will never be forgoten 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000...
These days I watch rage for 4 hours and I think why don't they try and do something like this. Don't the amps have that guitar sound these days. If I was in a band would be like Frankenstein made up of parts of the rock God's. Music even God would listen to when he has a couple of bongs. Rock on 23something
Im 22 yo. I really loved acdc especialy bon scot and yes brian so. The one an only angus too. My fav songs black in black, let it be rock, and this songs. Im from indonesia
She told me to come but I was already there.
Sheer poetry.
Best damned lyrics ever!
Bon Scott... Who understand, understand... #IPostedAndRun
Yup 🙌
My dad passed away yesterday and now I'm making a playlist with all the songs he loved and I remember him by. This is one of them. Thank you dad for showing me the greatest artists of all times. Loved, missed and never forgotten 🤘🔥
😟😟 that,s very very sad may your dad souls will rest in peace
So sorry for you loss xx Your dad had excellent taste in music and I'm sure he will be grateful to you for doing this and happy memories made from the music xx
@@chiragwa3290 Sony Music Entertainment
@@wendyalexanderwpa Columbia/Leagcy
It's amazing how ACDC doesn't get boring, of course you can stop listening for a while but when you decide to listen again it gets better and better
I agree 100%. I stop listening for long time and then I hear this song and I'm listening this for days. This just never get old. Shook me all night long!
Although I'm sometimes in the mood for some AC/DC, I couldn't disagree more with this comment. They can definitely get boring, especially when they're constantly being played at the top of the hour on classic rock radio 🤣🤣
3:11 3:15 3:16 3:17 3:18 3:19 3:20 3:21 3:21 3:22 3:22 3:22 3:22 3:23 3:23 3:23 3:23 3:24 3:24 3:24 3:25 3:25 3:25 3:25 3:26 3:26 3:26 3:26 3:26 @@jaasko98
Si señor
THIS! This was the song that made me want to learn to play the guitar. THANK YOU Malcolm and Angus.
AC/DC Back In Black 1980
@@afraidofrobots250 AC/DC
Amazing song, frozen in time and sounds as fresh as the day it was released.
leokimvideo good to see you here. I’m a fan of your content.
Good to see you bro, fan of you 2012
thats remastering for you :P
The guy that made my childhood likes ACDC too! Cool!
I see you everywhere
We don’t get kickass music like this anymore. The 80’s were EPIC!!!
80's absolutely ruled!
This is real music talent was unbelievable
Wish we had this NOW!
The standard "We dont have music like this anymore" DUHDUHDUH
Go give a listen to "Rattle Them Bones" by The Lazys. Rock is fucking back, baby. :)
I was 15 years old when I first heard and fell in love with them, seen them 4 times. Now I`m 54 and still rocking!!
Rock on 🤘🏽
Nice bro
I am 18 and i think this is real music and 100 times better than the music of today
Malcolm young is by far the greatest Rhythm Guitarist and Riff Master ever. Thank you my friend for creating this. On many down days your music has been a solution to solve this.
Brians first ever song written for ACDC - not too shabby!!!
And it was a master piece how good is that ❤
Yep. Came in and blew the arse out …
Jesus loves you so much and He is waiting for you with open arms, please accept Him in your heart and life while He is near
@@xler3441Absolutely. Halleluja.
@@mattseven1984 Err no.
Bon would be proud of every damn song they did after he died.
This band did justice for so many of us. \,,/
J Stone
Well said mate RIP Bon
Don't get mad at me but I know a lot of you would have to agree that Bon would have done it better but you ain't going to say it, but you're thinking it...
El Moody ,Sureñio ,South Central, LOS 213 I’m not
I'm sure Bon love drinking whiskey while he listen to this song at Hell ✓
What a intro
What a riff
What lyrics
What a solo
What a band
Daniel Leite The band are AC/DC
What HORRIBLE grammar.
which one do u think it is?
Yes the comment
@@toastapprentice uh oh. The grammar police.
Some things just get better with time, and AC/DC is one of those things.
I've always also liked how their music videos just consist of the band rocking out and playing the song. You don't need anything more with iconic songs like this.
Probably one of the best rock songs of all time
Better than any of the stuff from the 2020s
It’s not probably it is!
@@IslandersGanthaStanleyCup 2 years in buddy calm down 🫤
Yes it is but its like 3 chords !
@@narpiesgallo9810 ...
33 years ago I met a woman who finally shook me all night Long 33 years later I am still with her she keeps every one of my secrets if a man could find a woman as good as mine he is in God's Grace has the song it's terrific
Took me 46 yrs to find mine. She was worth the wait
Amen brother so did I
Congrats I am not searching for A woman but for a man 😁hope one Day will appear this person in my Life ❤
@@martaszymczak3871 dont go searching! When something is meant to be, it happens when u least expect it to!!
@@antonecruz8165 soooo true 😁What is meant to be will be and destination always finds its way ❤🍀
This is one of those songs that's pretty much guaranteed to make you feel better. Any time I'm feeling down, I listen to this song and can't help but have a smile on my face. Love AC/DC
Every AC DC song makes you feel better
@@alanconnelly3921 I agree
We are all inevitably driven by Pleasure
@@shawnalogalbo1111 AC/DC
I wish I had a woman who shook me all night long.
I think Brian Johnson's voice is the ultimate in rock and roll and I think he's the ultimate lead vocalist in rock and roll! superb!
Bon was better.
@@lalithamichael2668 1980
When this song was released, it was played at my high school dance and we were all jumping up and down having a great time! Glad to have memories like this.
I'm 30 and still love these guys since I was 10, my lovely parents gave me taste for all music
I wish my generation (gen z) was able to have these memories. But parent are just too overprotective nowadays. Plus, the school just ruin the fun 😂
@@kineticgaming4389 i don’t think there has been a high school dance anywhere since March 2020 lol
@@hypn0298 im having one on friday
@@kineticgaming4389 It’s not as bad as the 50s or late 80s, mainly because phones and the internet make it near impossible to restrict what your kid sees. I completely agree that schools are buzzkills, apparently outlawing fun just comes with the curriculum.
Hands down one of the best rock songs ever recorded. That solo by Angus is just too brilliant.
written by Malcom...I think
Brian johnson wrote it this was the first song he wrote as the new lead singer
The godfathers of Rock!
@@aidenkeene613 There were a shit ton of bands before metallica.
@@aidenkeene613 Can you say Metallica outloud?
Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, and deep purple are the fathers of rock and metal as we know it
Yeah… meh-tal-ih-ca
Malcolm was a god. Genius ❤
Ha Malcom as a god there’s only 1 GOD JESUS
How can anyone not like this?. You got a killer riff and it's just a timeless can play this years from now and it'll still sound timeless and most of the other music produced today won't stand up to the rigours of time.
They are the best of the best
Fabulous song keep on rocking ❤️😻
@Se🅱️ same here
i tell you why cause it's so damn predictable and has no groove on the drums.
Solo a los peruanos, caribeños y africanos no les gusta. Ellos son otros ritmos... En el CONO SUR DE SUDAMÉRICA SOLO ROCK Y METAL. 🇨🇱🇦🇷🇺🇾🤘🤟🎸🎤🎶
I wonder if the guys had ANY idea when they were making this album just how huge it would be. It’s still staggering how many hits and anthems came from this.
Credo che non potessero immaginare la loro immensità e immortalità. Gli ACDC non sono paragonabili a nessuno, anche se esistono altri gruppi musicalmente diversi che hanno raggiunto il top nonostante la diversità. ❤
When the band finished the 'BIB' sessions at Compass Point Studios in the Bahamas, they then went to Electric Ladyland studios in New York to have the album mastered. When they listened to the playbacks, they realized that they had created a monster.
Anthems, yes! Hits, no. "You Shook Me..." peaked at #35 & "Back In Black" peaked at #37.
@@craigblack7076let me ask you a question. Of the other songs that charted that year what percentage do you think is memorable today? Or even 5 years after . Overall sales
I wish music was still made like this raw no auto tune no fake shit
You want to hear original, try VolBeat's Live to Die. Michael has a voice of gold.
Heart breaking isn't it? 😭
Literally no one can make music like classic AC/DC. True legends.
I agree this is real fucking music classic
There was actually auto-tune used here but no pressure, plus auto-tune is not necessarily a bad thing.
Bring back decent music and songs. Who else out there who's in their sixties still dancing to ACDC.
I'm 35 and rock to this like a senior,this music is timeless🎉
Brian was just perfect. He never failed. He tried his best to make spirit of Bon proud and I reckon if Bon was alive he would 100% approve
Both singers were amazing
I know Bon Scott would approve of Brian, now we all know why Bon was impressed when he heard Brian sing in his band Geordie,now I’m a HUGE BRIAN JOHNSON FAN like many others 😊😊😊😊😊😊❤❤❤❤❤❤
Seventies and eighties were great music 😊🎉
@@jimplant2258Yes it was😊999,000,000 times better than the rubbish these days,that’s why I go back in time,because I love that music especially AC/DC and Led Zeppelin 😊😊😊❤❤❤❤❤And not forgetting Geordie 😊😊Love Brian Johnson ❤❤❤
@@reneegibb6758just a cheeky little reminder that Bon did approve of Brian
It is unfortunate that more people don't appreciate this period of AC/DC.
i’d say this album was pretty well appreciated being the second best selling album of all time
That’s because people can’t accept the fact Bon is dead. He died A LONG time ago, but people still cling to him as the lead singer and hate Brian. It’s stupid. Both are legendary singers.
This was appreciated by ppl who liked top 40 radio which is why it's 2nd if not the highest selling album in history. No Bon true.
Bon was on fucking powerage and if you want blood,you got it. Those two will shake u all night long
@@randombotdude2083 personally I actually prefer AC/DC with Brian Johnson
Holden308 Me too. There is something about his voice its just so good
If you were young in 1980. This was the best song ever written about sex.
Interesting also how AC/DC have virtually no media identity. They have pretty much refused to be interviewed. By anyone.
And if they are interviewed. They are very reluctant. And they refuse to allow journalists to dig deep. Into anything.
Their continual refusal to be manipulated by the media. Has earned my respect for them.
They let their music speak for itself.
im 61 and love acdc
A couple of Bon’s lyrics are on this song working double time on the seduction line Bon’s girlfriend Holly X had a horse called double time so that’s a lyric from Bon American thighs is another one and she told me to come but I was already there that sure sounds like a Bon Scott lyric.
Yeah most of Bon’s lyrics are on back in black I heard from Jesse Fink that Bon’s ex wife Irene revealed that Bon once said rock and roll ain’t noise pollution.
Let me put my love into you have a drink on me you shook me all night long shoot to thrill and rock and roll ain’t noise pollution those songs sure have a Bon Scott feel to it🤘
I truly believe that most of Bon’s lyrics are on Back In Black some of the songs on the album I get a Bon feel to them I sure know that a couple of his lyrics are on you shook me all night long there’s clues behind them working double time on the seduction line Bon’s girlfriend Holly X had a horse called double time knocking me out with those American thighs those 2 words are a Bon lyric because some of his lyrics are mostly about women in a couple songs and she told me to come but I was already there that definitely sounds like a Bon Scott lyric I heard that from Jesse Fink who was the author of that book about Bon Scott that came out in 2017 the book is called Bon: The last highway and songs like Shoot To Thrill you know that lyric too many women too many pills that’s got Bon in the song let me put my love into you have a drink on me and especially Rock and roll ain’t noise pollution because Jesse Fink said that Bon’s ex wife Irene revealed that Bon once said that so yeah I believe that Bon’s lyrics are on this album and I definitely get a Bon Scott feel every time I listen to those songs on the album🤘
Her you can see how Malcolm is important in AC/DC's sound. Angus drives the riff perfectly with full presence, more than acceptable for most bands. But when the big brother's Gretsch kicks in, the whole sonic blend goes next level! So tight, but naturally human tight, not ''pro tools'' tight. They are so efficient, making so powerful hard and heavy music, but they use as much silences as notes, making their unique thunderous sound so clean at the same time!
I have one wish in life. To see ACDC live. Sad that that wont ever become a reality.
The same dream...
Same dream here to.
Me too
They just played not long ago in NJ I couldn't make it. It was outside at the PNC Arts center. No one would go with me.
If I would've looked on here first maybe I could've found someone. I hate going to a concert by myself.
If you can read this, you have a good taste in music
Old music🔥
@@r3n308, old cool music*
old nah , classic yea 😎
Why thank you
Sorry about the knees
This is Rock N Roll at its finest purest form.
Plenty of people think of Eddie VH when they think of rock guitar. He's skilled, but he doesn't do real Rock justice like this.
AC/DC "IS" rock. Period.
Its rock btw but good comment
@@leoherrera1470 Well Angus Young just describes AC/DC as simply "Rock and Roll" And nothing else
@@akiramenai4973 Eddie was like another Jimi Hendrix. .a one of a kind talent.. Angus just rocks,he never has missed one note..and I have seen AC/DC 30 times.
@@ratter531 The fact that he can even stand after whipping his head around like that all night, let alone play guitar and rock arenas week in & week out, puts him near the top of the list of greats, for me. That's aside from the kick-ass music.
That’s a heck of a vocalist right there. No autotune folks!
Past your bedtime grandpa
Long live our gypsy king. Up the North!😁🏴💪🏻🍀🐎🥊🍻👑
What gypsy ?up north ? I am just here cos f furry ?
@@efremkahsay7687 Northern England. Fury is a gypsy from Northern England.
What a masterpiece!!
Never gets old.
This song is about my wife, when she was 17... Now we are together for nearly 25 years... 4 kids and still love each other..and AC/DC :D
Wow, awesome👍👍!!
Yürrü be dayı ,have a good life with ur family
Love it!
artur olejnik ditto! 3 kids 25 years and love my darling so much!!
I miss thisl soul so much... 😢😢😢. We know he had his demons to fight & couldn't anymore, but his music, his powerful, energetic voice brought smiles & joy to us. RIP, CHESTER😢😢😢🙏🙏🙏
I'm nearly 80 still playing it loud as i can Great song
wow hello old person
W old person
Exactly as loud as it would go👍👍🔥🔥
Keep Rocking,,,,,,,,,,,,💯💥💯
Classic song
This would have to be right up there for the greatest solo in rock history. Not a note wasted, not a note out of place. It sounds like it is the most natural thing on earth, as if these notes HAD to flow together in this way, they had no choice. To make the inspired and difficult look easy is one of the defining characteristics of great art. This is great art.
The solo in Ride On is.
This is great too of course, but AC/DC - Ride On has the most pleasing guitar solo ever. It has fast and slow, high and low, stays with the beat all the way through, it's the total package.
It is my All-time favorite solo followed closely by stairway to Heaven at number two and no more tears at number three
Thanks for your sincere compliment, where are you watching from🎻🎻
@@rickspringfield9896 Australia
Purest rock song from aC Dc , no thunder roars! It all the axe talking!
A message to the future generations:
"Don't let AC/DC's music die"
AC/DC die, no live forever yes.
For those about to rock. We salute you!
I think Bon will come back and kick their wimp asses if they forget. Sadly, he's gaining a bit of a gang up there.
Never happen!
That's done ! My 3 children, so different they are, are loving that ^^ let there be rock ;-)
Doesn't matter what year you are watching this.
And person reading this you have great taste in music!
Thanks brother
thanks brother from another mother
Thanks brother, greetings from 🇮🇳 India 🙏🤘
One Of Those Song You Want To Play As Loud As Possible, And then some more. Absolutely Amazing!
Best way to listen any acdc song, full blast on some proper good speakers
im68 still at it
Just turned it way up!
Thanks for your sincere compliment, where are you watching from#Rickspringfield
Malcolm's backup vocals are amazing in this song RIP 🎵🎶🎶🎶🎶
I thank my dad for getting me into this music!!
oh hell yeah
You were brought up right
@Adora Organa Me too!
Bruh same my dad got me into this music. These days people listen to trash
I thank gta iv for getting me into this music
This is why rock and metal music is so great. No dancing girls, no fancy dancing, just 5 guys on stage giving it their all, and as a result, putting on a great show. I mean, I know this is a music video, but the same applies to all of AC DC's shows. Just simple rock and roll.
You are so right
Look up the you shook me all night long who made who music video and tgen say tgeres no dancing girls XD
***** tru that big boi
What do you mean? Rock n roll is all about sex, dancing, girls, rebellious attitude
ac dc never does that dingbat
Me, brother and they will watch and hear their sound in 100 years !! It's one of the greatest Rockbands ever !!
They made history with "Appetite for destruction" and all their other albums !
Fun fact , this was the first song Brian Johnson wrote for AC/DC! RIP Bon
Just saw that on a old interview with Brian Johnson on Howard Stern
@@earltourangeau4428 very lovely interview ! Brian had so much emotion
Was about a car, I believe??
I’m 33 year old black male and I’m not gonna lie rock n roll from the 70s to the early 90s is just epic so many great bands 🔥🔥
Iam a black female, and I love this song, I love All types of music except, that hard rap, you know, curses, ECT, ECT,💋
I’m a 27 and a half non-binary Earthling who also loves rock since the 60s.
PLEASED TO HEAR THAT. When the music smacks you in the chest & stirs things up inside, you go w/it. Don't let race or other ignorant opinions get in your way. Rock on, brother!
I don't mind saying I'm white AND I STILL love that old Motown/Soul/Funk; 60s, 70s mostly. I had a black roommate way back (USAF) in '75 and I recorded EVERYTHING of his I could. MY MISTAKE? Doing it on cassette tape & then moving to the Philippines. That humidity is God awful & Destructive to some items.
I’m a 10 and Native American and white I agree so much
It doesn't matter whether you are a black or white man. I'm 61 years old, ADAC has accompanied me throughout my youth to this day. This is a sound that you never forget, the first few bars and you know with your eyes closed that this is ADAC! Everyone in this world knows ADAC. Yes, the 80s are also unforgettable and unique in music, I agree with you.
This was my wedding song. The entrance to the party. Keep on rocking
im happy to read this, blessings to you man
As it should be 🥰😀
@bikram niraula 😂😂
She wasnt virgin right?
I know Im having this played at mine.
Who is here in December 2024 🫶
❤ hell yeah
Who's here in December 2024
Yeah youuuuuuu
God this album was so important in Oz. Bon Scott had died and then all of a sudden they burst back on the scene with Brian Johnson and the Back in Black album. It was such a moment in their history and was really influential in my life. I was a young teenager, lost and wondering what the future held, mixing with the wrong crowd and starting to wonder and learn about girls. What a time this was. Thank you AC/DC and Brian Johnson. You added so much to these years.
Same, yeah.
I wasn't even born in the 80's and I want to go back
Yes. I want to feel the feeling of this kind of music when it released.
Just like the
Go back
Meme format XD
Thats true
I have to say that it’s the best rock song in the world
No matter how many times I play it, it sounds like the first play
Just fabulous
This song just makes your day better love it
Agreed! My favourite song of all time.
El k breo of the chicken
Totally concur! This is the best rock song. It’s amazing!
I love the mix between the Guitar solo and the drums, it’s just magic
If you listen to AC/DC in 2020 december then you are a legend
Me a 13year old little girl
Me a 17 year old boy ✋🏻
One of the all-time greatest rock songs of all time!
One of Brian's best
One of the best period @@derekwalker815
@@derekwalker815AC/DC Back In Black ⚫️ 1980
Rest in peace Malcom , sad day for rock n roll
Camilo Gómez very sad day.
Camilo Gómez yes, im take a concert for him
Luke Pekarek ]ussypussy
Kelly Bailey pussaaayyyy Kelly Bailey pussaaaaayyyy
Kelly Bailey lol
The guitar intro to this song is my favourite guitar intro of all time. I know it sounds like I'm exaggerating but I'm dead serious. The crunchy tone of the guitar as it gently leads in with this raw and beautiful melody to pull you into the song before the drums kick in - It's just rock and roll perfection. Loved it ever since I was a little kid.
For the last 40+ years, if you ever had a party that was moving slow and you wanted to get everyone up on their feet and dancing, you played this song! Still rocks after all these years.
AC/DC You Shook Me All Night 🌙 Long 1980
There is no classic rock without ac dc they dont make music like this anymore.
Wrong there back baby and they still got it not as good but there trying
Classic song never gets old
AC/DC still does
You're right in that no one-and I mean absolutely no one-will ever make tried and true Rock N Roll like AC/DC, but there are a few small bands trying to pull it back into the mainstream, like one I found out about a while back called Bourbon House. They're good, but not AC/DC. No one will be.
Agree ...thats the reason why we love this band Forever..
Rest in Peace, Malcolm. My heart goes out to Angus and their families.
Fjorgyn ok
James Carbone *HV **33**@100@06.04.2018
I bought their album " Back in Black" in 1981, my freshman year in highschool. I still own it, it is amazing this song still has the same power as when it first came out. Iam glad I went to see them in concert at the Miami Arena back in 1996.
The truly great stuff never loses its power. Your band must be unbelievable if Butt-Head had your name on his T-shirt........
@@evilmonkeyspeaks7801 I just saw an advertisement from Walmart, about back to school clothes, and they featured a kid wearing an AC/DC tee shirt!😊
Classic rock song. Nothing like that old school rock sound.
That's right! Just ask Bob Seger! He put those thoughts into a classic song we have all heard unless you're from a different planet!!
What about Led Zep?
This takes me way back to a small town in South Australia, our primary school took us on a trip to see a live band, ac/dc, the price of the ticket was around one dollar, think the year was around 1975, and they were not that well known at the time..
Bon Scott
1 dollar damn, my dad saw acdc and now im extremely jealous that he saw them, and I haven't I wasn't even born then. Im still jealous to this day
@@lunahetfield same!
Wow you were lucky!! Wouldn't do that at my school!
your school took you to an ac/dc concert? i got to go to like apple farms or caves (still cool dont get me wrong)
Just realised that Back In Black is the second best selling album of all time. With songs like this, it deserves to be number one.
at least its Michael Jackson in first. It could be way worse
What's Going On Guys It's Ryan Here
Number 1- Thriller
Number 2- Back In black
Number 3- The Dark Side Of The Moon
That's some good company right there
Today, September 15, 2024, I discovered this legendary precious jewel of rock and music. 🎸🎸🎸🎸
My dad just passed away and everytime i hear some acdc it brings back awesome memories!
Dads always listen this...
Nick Pav I'm sorry
Condolences. Just remember, your da and Malcom get to rock out together now. What could be better?
Sort of crying right now.
Brian: "probably we just recorded the best rock n roll song ever" Mal: " you could be damn right, mate" In my opinion, it's safe to say that.
Mar 11, 2013
Except it was a black Blues song way before it was a rock song...mate...😊
@@pownbnull never heard of that one...comrade
@@pownbnull If by that, you mean "You shook me" by Muddy Waters....same premise, but a completely different song! If you think you know your REALLY gotta know your music....mate!
This isn't even in the top 10 of best rock songs. And not top 10 in the best AC/DC songs, for that matter.
so glad my dad raised me up listening to AC/DC
the animal girl lewis Same! We have good dads
You're Gonna Have To Dig Deep for sure 😂
Yay dads with awesome taste in music!!!💓🎵🎶🎶🎶
the animal girl lewis my dad raised me to pavarotti ... 😂😂
me too and also bands like led zeppelin
It takes off like your first ride on a merry-go-round as a child.
I wish I could have lived through the 80s. I always tell my mom how lucky she is 😅 She says it was hands down the best era.
best movies too
I was 13 years old and had a cassette tape of the new AC/DC album. It was a full moon and got the urge to sneak out of the house at midnight to visit a friend. Duct taped a big-ass cassette player to my bmx bike with a fresh set of D batteries. Off I went into the night with the wind in my hair, music blasting, dogs barking and neighborhood house lights turning on. For the next 3-4 hours felt like I was on top of the world. 🌑 🕛🚴♂🤘
That's the coolest story ever!!!
E vc estava!!!
That's Rock 'n' Roll at its BEST... PURE FIRE!!!
Classic song
"You Shook Me All Night Long" is a quintessential example of AC/DC's raw, energetic rock and roll. Its simplicity is its strength, with a driving rhythm, iconic guitar riff, and Brian Johnson's powerful vocals combining to create a timeless anthem. The song perfectly captures the band's ability to tap into primal human desires and emotions, delivering a high-octane experience that has resonated with audiences for decades. While it might not be the most complex or innovative piece of music, its effectiveness in delivering pure, unadulterated rock and roll is undeniable.
"she told me to come but I was already there"
Story of my life
Mr Mesmetric wow you sound like a disappointment in the bed.
@@mikehawk6683 which is why I can't keep a relationship
If you really like this song then you should check out this ROCKING new song and vid. Its called READY by Meridian Lights. here is the linkвидео.html
@@takeyjohnson1802 I've heard of them, I'll check it out!
*A timeless classic that never gets boring.*
damn right
@@JaydenMa-xi6lh AC/DC
I play it every night
I play it every night and twice on Sundays
If you still singing this song in 2021, you are a true Rock N Roll legend !!!
Yes the best around. These kids now dont understand good music
Amen sir🔥🔥🔥
I am still rocking
The most quintessential rock song in history, sheer perfection.
My boyfriend who passed from liver cancer loved this song 🎵 😭, I truly miss him.❤❤
Awww I'm so sorry may he rest❤
Ty,and God Bless You and yours @rusua7131
1980 - this song is awesome!
2020 - this song is awesome!
40 years without any changes, that music will always be awesome, forever!
2050- this song is awesome
3000 everyone dead but the song lives on
I can hear it everyday 'til I die and it always will be awesome!
This is one of those songs that whether you’re 99 or nine you’ll hear it and say that’s a great song… There aren’t too many acts like ACDC they were pretty timeless
Mar 11, 2013
@ .... What about March 11, 2013?
Yeah, totally agreed🤘
July 2024 ❤… this song!! I was in junior high. At a slumber party, (remember those?? 😊), I heard this song for the first time.
I was an AC/DC fan for life.
Saludos desde el fin del mundo 🇨🇱
This is honestly one of the best songs ever written
It's about sex..
@@allenm3164 did you know time in a bottle ?
@@allenm3164 And sex is great; what's not to like?
Seagull that changes the fact how?
Not really
I saw them in concert a couple of years ago and yes, in their 60's they can still rock your socks off
Seeing Angus Young rock it like he does at his age blew my mind when I saw them live.
NO OTHER rock band can even get close too AC/DC Brian Johnson and Angus Young are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great stress relief and a great song AWESOME AC/DC after a Shit Day!!
LONG LIVE AC/DC!!!! AWESOME SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AC/DC TRULY define what Rock music really is and how it Should be done!!!!!!!!!
REAL Music ( NO electronic box altering everything ) made with drums, guitars, keyboard, and Skill plus HOURS and HOURS and HOURS practice, many of these bands spend up to 18hours a day perfecting their music, when recording studios NEED IT by XX/XX/XXXX date to put it on sale what choice did they have??????????
Malcolm was the Motor
@kermity boi In your opinion :)
Long live rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@kermity boi Mkay
I seen them in Madison WIsconsin thy gave a great party 2:20
I'd forgotten about this song throughout the years. Thanks for reminding me again Tyson.
Yep. Same here 😄
Tyson Rocks and AC/DC rocks
This song is unforgettable! All time classic!
Can't believe this is now 40 years old. How many of today's "songs" will sound as good in 2060?
howdy time traveler, what're the 2060s like? do the 2020s get better. Have we gotten our heads out of our collective asses and started mars colonies?
A lot of them. Because there’s still a lot of good music coming out today.
Nobody will even care about 90% of the trash put out today in 40 years. I guarantee AC/DC will still be getting played though.
@@Michael-ol2jn I doubt that. There are many songs today that will be revered as classics in the future. Along with AC/DC.
Ac DC is a wonderful old band who will live forever
R.i.p Malcolm Young, Rest in Peace
Aaron Jones Still can’t believe he’s gone
R.I.P Malcolm Young
Who's Malcolm young
just being a Christian girl 123 what
@@justbeingme1239 😂😂😂
100 years from now will still be the best rock music around
Leroy Hall even after that much years song and band will never be forgoten 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000...
...and another hundred years after that
ACDC in my blood, never get sick of listening to their songs.
Mar 11, 2013
Angus Young
Retards talking here.
These days I watch rage for 4 hours and I think why don't they try and do something like this. Don't the amps have that guitar sound these days. If I was in a band would be like Frankenstein made up of parts of the rock God's. Music even God would listen to when he has a couple of bongs. Rock on 23something
I am 62 and I will always listen to classic rock and some songs reminds of high school!!!🤪😁
i love ac/dc so much. if you grew up on these songs, you were raised right
Sergej Bogatinoski DUDE CALM THE HELL DOWN
wtf is going on in this comment section :D lol
feminist princess I've learned to not ask questions when it comes to RUclips comments.
Leah Hall I like queen and Rolling Stones not AC/DC Pink Floyd is alright KISS is fine
Leah Hall omggggg yessss 😁😁
This was my favourite song when I was eight. Explains a lot of things now that I think about it..
I suppose you could say that.
its definitely vacuuming
Peter Bayn same
good one
I'm amazed how Angus' neck has withstand all that headbanging for over 40 years. He's clearly made of rubber.
if by rubber, you mean cocaine, then yes ;)
@@LtRiot Angus Young is a teetotaler if I'm not mistaken, which means that he never drinks alcohol or do drugs. He's a heavy smoker tho.
All the more impressive since the guy looks 60 years old since like 15
Angus' bones are titanium.
Lol so very true!!!!! I remember going to concert's and banging all night long and the next day my neck felt like rubber 🙈!!! Lol
From Alaska: this has been the most requested song on the radio since this mornings earthquake. Rock on my fellow Alaskans!
how strong of a quake?
Fellow Alaskan knows what to play
If your listening in 2020 than you know what good music really is.
Yes and you're
Im 22 yo. I really loved acdc especialy bon scot and yes brian so. The one an only angus too. My fav songs black in black, let it be rock, and this songs. Im from indonesia
Pitt Class of 84.
You too
AC/DC--because people should know what you're listening to from three blocks away.
+Jeannie E. Hess my neighbours like this song so much they threw a brick through my window so they could hear it better!
+Andrew Hendry Sorry, I had to do it. I needed to hear it more clearly right away. So, going to your front door was not an option.
Jeannie E. H