Color EX. Its a color palette you only get from attending/playing a tournament sponsored by Cygames. Frosty Faustings is happening in Chicago later this month. If you're able to attend, you can get the color. If not, then hopefully there will be some online tournaments later this year players can join that will give out the color.
game 1 was a download, smart plays all around from Diaphone, really sick seeing how Grimnir looks at top level
Wow! Faz tempo que não vejo replay do Beesu 🤩
lets go diaphone my favorite youtuber
wake up baby its DP time
First match had mondo close rounds wow.
WHat belial colour is that i cannot find it for the life of me
Color EX. Its a color palette you only get from attending/playing a tournament sponsored by Cygames.
Frosty Faustings is happening in Chicago later this month. If you're able to attend, you can get the color.
If not, then hopefully there will be some online tournaments later this year players can join that will give out the color.