They can make for pretty powerful cards in aggro decks in general, but I'd probably stay away from them in this deck in particular just because they don't help the Sanguine strategy, which I think has stronger payoffs in general and a faster win condition. Goblin King can make for a good defensive tool in the deck, but with how much damage the other cards deal to yourself, I think you'd rather end the game outright than have a big Ward, since burn effects and non-damage removal can make him a mostly wasted turn anyway.
Hope this deck makes a comeback in future sets. Right now IM@S Cool pretty much erased every other aggro deck from existance.
im having trouble piloting this deck in general
What do you think of Goblin and Goblin Princess in this deck?
They can make for pretty powerful cards in aggro decks in general, but I'd probably stay away from them in this deck in particular just because they don't help the Sanguine strategy, which I think has stronger payoffs in general and a faster win condition. Goblin King can make for a good defensive tool in the deck, but with how much damage the other cards deal to yourself, I think you'd rather end the game outright than have a big Ward, since burn effects and non-damage removal can make him a mostly wasted turn anyway.