Please reply now the day after the olderman kidnaps him can a pregsncy test be in the bin that is positive and j dad questions everyone and j admits it's his and his mom hugs him Please reply now
Please reply now j grandmother will think that jamsine is havsing another baby but she will be super shock when she revealed thst j is pregnant Please reply noa
@connie-smith_92 can the story start when j had normal life until he started texting someone that he thinks that the same age as him but it will be a older man please reply now
Hi they day after j get taken from the older man his dad will find a test in the bin and he question everybody about it when j admits its his his mom will hug him plwa reply now
Love this stoey please reply now is the j mpreg next
Please please please reply now thanks for making the j mpreg thanks thanks
Thanks exited j Mpreg
Hi when is j part 4
Please reply now how will the principal find out about the pregsncy
What day are you realsing j part 3 please leave a reply now please please reply now
Please reply now how will chapter 1 start
Please reply can j have the baby chapter 30 rpely now
Please reply now what stories are you working on
Please reply what other stuff is after Star Trek and what will grandma Greta do in part 7 will she fill up a tub
Hi reply can j have the baby chapter 40 in the j mpreg reply noq
Please reply now can j have the baby chapter 30 with his mom brothers and best firends by his side please rpely now
Please please reply what bitth will j have in psrt 8
Please reply now the day after the olderman kidnaps him can a pregsncy test be in the bin that is positive and j dad questions everyone and j admits it's his and his mom hugs him Please reply now
Please reply now can you j have have baby chapter 30
Please reply now can j brother confront the older man please reply now
Please please reply now what will grandma do before getting j in the tub in part 7
What will hapepn psrt 2 in j pleaer rpely now
I have not even done part one
Be patient I will do it when I want
@@connie-smith_92 what will happen in part 1
Please reply now can j have the baby. Chapter 30
What other stuff is after the j npreg
Is j part 2 today leave a reply now
When is j part 4
I know ur excited but please be patient (wait)
@@connie-smith_92 Please reply now will grandma Greta fill a tub for j in part 7
Please reply what will grandma Greta do before getting j in the water in part 7
Please reply now how will.let j mom find out he been kidnapped please reply now
Question please reply now what chapter will j have the baby
Please reply now sory just exited
Who will save j
Please reply now j grandmother will think that jamsine is havsing another baby but she will be super shock when she revealed thst j is pregnant Please reply noa
Please rpely now what psrt will j j have his first ultrasound
Thanks for the ideas I will take it from here
@@connie-smith_92 pleaese reply now can j have the baby chapter 30 please rpely now
How many people will be at the birrth when j gives brith
All of J's family
@connie-smith_92 what will happen part in j reply now
Whats after the hary tyles vote please reply now
With family also working on lilo mpreg chapter on wattpad
Who will the principal find about j pregancy please rpely now
The principal will be J's dad
Please rpely now what will happen part 2
Please please reply now please please please please reply now can junior be 14 and pregnant please please reply now
What after the harry vote
Then the J story
@@connie-smith_92 thanks please reply can the j story be a big story
@@AsiatuShaw-pv6il I'll try but not promises
@connie-smith_92 can the story start when j had normal life until he started texting someone that he thinks that the same age as him but it will be a older man please reply now
@@AsiatuShaw-pv6il or walking down the street when the old man kidnapped him one day
Hi they day after j get taken from the older man his dad will find a test in the bin and he question everybody about it when j admits its his his mom will hug him plwa reply now
Please reply now how will j teacher find put
Please stop asking u will find out when I do the story
@@connie-smith_92 please rpely now sory
Please reply now can you realise j tomorrow
T b h (to be honest) I know more about autism than I do about ADHD
Please rpely now can j dad find a pregnant test bin and his mom will hug when he admits its his Please rpely now
Leave rpely now please is the j mpreg next
The next texting story yes
The next video I will be doing is a vote for larry stylintion mpreg
@connie-smith_92 what day are you reaslsing reply now
Please reply now can j have hospital birth with his mom dad and siblings Please reply now
Please stop asking questions about the J story u will find out what happens when I post it
If i don't stop I will not do the J story at all
@@connie-smith_92 please reply now sorry
Sory sory for asking sory reply now sory please reply now
Please reply now will j have a home birth or hospital pleaese reply now
@connie-smith_92 please reply now who will deliver the baby
@AsiatuShaw-pv6il J's mom
@connie-smith_92 please reply what will happen part 2 in j
@AsiatuShaw-pv6il u will see when I post it
Please reply now will j have condition
U mean labor pain
Yes he will
@@connie-smith_92 what part will j have his first ultrasound please reply now
Please rpely now what grade is j in school
Last year in 11th grade first year in 12th grade
@@connie-smith_92 how old is he please rpely now
Reply how old is j
Please reply now who will find out about j please reply now
He told his the twins he was going out for a few
@@connie-smith_92 how will the twins find out
@AsiatuShaw-pv6il he told them before he left
@@connie-smith_92 how will the twins find out that j has been kidnapped
@AsiatuShaw-pv6il the man knows the twins he will text them
Sory please reply now sory
Please reply now who will be at the birth when j has the baby reply now
All of J's family