Aluminium foil folded into a 1” square and centre stapled to a target board has been my go to. I’ve found often that when black hot isn’t reflecting a good signature due to atmospheric conditions then switching to white hot can improve the picture significantly. Keep up the good work mate.
Very close to how I set up a thermal target. Thanks for the video.
Cheers for the video .
I found the hand warmers from the supermarket work well for me in warmer weather .
Excellent. At what distance is your target? Had a mate say he struggles to see his target past 50M. But that’s very clear.
Good onya mate.
Hey mate, the target was at 75m
Aluminium foil folded into a 1” square and centre stapled to a target board has been my go to.
I’ve found often that when black hot isn’t reflecting a good signature due to atmospheric conditions then switching to white hot can improve the picture significantly.
Keep up the good work mate.