Bishop C.H. Mason

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 162

  • @Forevercogic
    @Forevercogic 16 лет назад

    I no cogic has the best preacher in the world no oness preacher can touch the cogic. God the Father has keep us on the truth of his holy word.

  • @thibb2k8
    @thibb2k8 16 лет назад

    this man was the founder, and the one who gave birth to black pentecostalism that we all benefit from to this day. May God Bless the memories and legacy of Bishop Charles Harrison Mason. forever. he definately is the blessed and prosperous Godly man mentioned in Psalm 1.

  • @swampboy05
    @swampboy05 16 лет назад

    thats the truth. I thank God for him and his teachings...

  • @kayandaeddings4803
    @kayandaeddings4803 4 года назад +2

    Preach Bishop Mason. May you rest in peace. I love his style. And, I love being a part of the church of God in Christ. We need to bring back some of that old fashion preaching and teaching.

  • @TheGospelSource
    @TheGospelSource 10 лет назад +3

    Let's keep the "Yes Lord" ringing in our hearts no matter what our denomination may be. Now tell the Lord Yes!

    • @assmithful1491
      @assmithful1491 8 лет назад

      he was a damn root worker. and he was a witch doctor.

    • @TheGospelSource
      @TheGospelSource 8 лет назад +1

      +assmithful My focus is more on saying Yes to the Lord and worrying less about about a man. Peace and Blessings.

  • @cogicminister2
    @cogicminister2 16 лет назад

    COGIC is the Greatest!!! I just wish some of these other Churches would stop HATING, i mean where ever you go they are there trying to argue that their church is right and were wrong! GOD gave Bishop Mason what to teach his ppl, and thats why COGIC doesn't go around trying to argue doctrine, we have a much greater work to do "winning souls for Christ", which we have been doing for 101 years!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!

  • @gdavdsn
    @gdavdsn 11 лет назад +4

    Obeying God makes a lot of sense.

  • @cogicmj
    @cogicmj 15 лет назад

    Bishop C.H. Mason was not concerned about money and he would always avoid fame. He was a true Holiness/Sanctified/Pentecostal man of God. That's what praying on your knees 8-10 hrs a day will do to you. Sometimes he would go a few days straight with just praying. Sometimes weeks straight. He was a praying man. A lot of ministries was birth out of his teachings and leadership like COGIC, Assemblies of God, and other Pentecostal or Holiness Pentecostal movements. A Powerful Spiritual Giant!!!

  • @gohegane
    @gohegane 13 лет назад +1

    Bishop C H Mason, Was a Bible believing,sencere praying man of God,who told the body of christ that he had a vision of a long white train,and all that was on this train were all minister,Hell Bound - Wherefore seeing we also are compassed un with patienceabout with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Hebrew (12:1) Walk By Faith a not by sight. Trust and obey the lord.

  • @Bananakid264
    @Bananakid264 14 лет назад +1

    How Firm a Foundation!!! The COGIC has always taught the abundant life. We are a very prosperous people. I thank God for the teaching and growing up with COGIC Bishop FD Macklin and Bishop GE Patterson. I heard this type of teaching ALL of my life.

  • @wildcat44907
    @wildcat44907 16 лет назад

    this is a rare thing to hear the founder of the Church of God In Christ.

  • @destinyword
    @destinyword 14 лет назад +1

    Bishop/Prophet C.H. Mason flowing in the prophetic...

  • @GiltEdgeMedia
    @GiltEdgeMedia 16 лет назад +2

    Thi sis some valuable audio

  • @MsShay78
    @MsShay78 16 лет назад +1

    This is my first time ever hearing him speak. This is a gem that you have found.

  • @cherylshiner4500
    @cherylshiner4500 12 лет назад +2

    Thank God for the Apostolic Doctrine! Jesus taught them and they left it on record for us. How shall we escape if we neglet so great salvation?

  • @Brooklyn_NY7
    @Brooklyn_NY7 15 лет назад

    I trult thank God 4 our founder BISHOP CH MASON..He wood sing, preach, and pray in tounges..How many leaders do that today..All i can say and all im goin 2say it that COGIC is Gods church..He ordained it...God tol mason :if u use the name i give u the CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST i will use you and there will be noooo room for your u tell me...Till the very day ther is still no room for the CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST

  • @TheSlickest08
    @TheSlickest08 11 лет назад +5

    True I don't even know why I gave that rumor a second though. It truly doesn't make since, Bishop was a firm believer in the Trinity and preach straight HOLINESS! God bless you

  • @HaliB75
    @HaliB75 15 лет назад

    I Most certainly will pray. I am talking about those in COOLJC

  • @brown547
    @brown547 14 лет назад

    Yes, your right the issue is with authority not a formula.

  • @Restorationoflife1
    @Restorationoflife1 16 лет назад

    Bishop Mason was a Prophet of God such as Moses or Saint Paul. He worshiped the Lord in spirit and in truth. Which made him a son of God. Both Apostles lived and preached faith to God through Jesus Christ in their own way.
    Prophet Lawson was A Man of God!

    @CEODRO 13 лет назад

    he would be so disappointed in us if he saw how were acting as COGIC members. if we want to see another move in the church we like the ones bishop mason helped usher in we got to return our hearts back to God and these souls. and im a firm believer that we will get it together before God comes back.

  • @cherylshiner4500
    @cherylshiner4500 12 лет назад +1

    Let the Church say, AMEN!

  • @Forevercogic
    @Forevercogic 12 лет назад +1

    Well am cogic i was Baptize in Jesus name.Cogic is the best.

    • @whatistruth1155
      @whatistruth1155 4 года назад +1

      I am COGIC and when I was overseas the Lord lead me to an Apostolic church where I was save and when I returned stateside the Lord told me to go back to my home church COGIC. So I know God has no respect of people nor church. As long as they are preaching the truth of the gospel. I wish Apostolic people could see this truth but they won’t. My Apostolic Pastor and my COGIC pastor got together with their wives and family and had dinner at my house with my family. They both declared that God was in them both and they had a good fellowship in Jesus.

  • @mdmr2005
    @mdmr2005 16 лет назад +1

    Awesome historical recording! Thanks for posting this.

  • @vann1024
    @vann1024 16 лет назад +1

    If you Have more of these videos keep posting them.

  • @minjdemond
    @minjdemond 16 лет назад +1

    bless this pioneer!

  • @cogicminister2
    @cogicminister2 16 лет назад

    oh yea wouldnt miss it for the world LOL! this would be my 18th year

  • @organplaya
    @organplaya 16 лет назад

    does anybody have any video of Bishop J.D. Husband?
    If you have any could you post them?

  • @sjohn331
    @sjohn331 13 лет назад

    @poo0115104 so true...born and rasied in COGIC.....I not a memeber any more. But thats my roots and i will tel the world that. But, iam very heartbroken of what it has become.

  • @innovate_nextlevel
    @innovate_nextlevel 12 лет назад +2

    Bishop Mason preached the unadultered word of God

  • @atomicp1
    @atomicp1 15 лет назад

    Jesus said that there could be no remission of sin except there be a shedding of blood..His blood. we spend more time trying to add 2 what Jesus had compleated on the cross that we miss the message of GRACE. That is why the Bible teaches the righteous scarsely make it in.

  • @mrtheoneandonly83
    @mrtheoneandonly83 13 лет назад

    @sjohn331 If your house is falling apart, do you A. move out or B. repair..... Just because we are mot like we ought to be it dose not mean you should leave or even be ashamed of COGIC after all we have had great men and woman of God even some of the penticostal churches have came from COGIC.

  • @bornest1
    @bornest1 16 лет назад

    check out another Pentecostal Founder Bishop R.C Lawson one of Mason friends

  • @HaliB75
    @HaliB75 15 лет назад +1

    Exactly!! I agree.

  • @HaliB75
    @HaliB75 14 лет назад


  • @MsShay78
    @MsShay78 16 лет назад +1


  • @bornest1
    @bornest1 16 лет назад

    Remember everyone Paul was right GREAT IS THE MYSTERY of GODLINESS! & sad to say everyone does not know the mystery except God reveal it to them by his Spirit. I can preach to YOU, the World & COGIC till im blue in the face. If the Lord Jesus doesnt reveal it to one, Its of none effect. Jesus is God &
    God's name is called Jesus & at this name every knee shall bow & every tongue shall confess that Jesus is LORD! MATT. 28:18 ALL POWER IS GIVNG UNTO ME WHETHER IN HEAVEN OR IN EARTH.

  • @HaliB75
    @HaliB75 15 лет назад

    I think most full gospel preachers preach what the Apostels taught....I think it's most important for a preacher to teach the teaching of the FULL gospel which includes the words in Red..the teachings of Jesus Christ himself and the Apostles because they are in harmony with one another.

  • @StanleyRC1
    @StanleyRC1 13 лет назад

    @TheWordOfGodSays If you can't prove that God didn't tell him to start the COGIC you should be careful that you don't find yourself speaking against the will of God. If you check your history you'll find that the church had really suffered a lost of ferverency and power throug out the period of time that the scriptures were trapped in latin by the Roman Catholic church for 1000 years. God was bringing things back to where he wanted them. And is still working!

  • @TheSlickest08
    @TheSlickest08 11 лет назад +2

    YES LORD!!! at 0:51 #PureHoliness

  • @dallaskenn
    @dallaskenn 12 лет назад +1

    @brown547 Yeah, my flesh crawled when Jakes and Noel Jones appeared at the convocation too.

  • @dallaskenn
    @dallaskenn 11 лет назад +1


  • @AnointedOne42
    @AnointedOne42 13 лет назад +1

    To God Be The Glory. Let us continue to focus on the Power and Move of the Holy Ghost/Spirit. If we have fallen away, lets get back to the Basic not a name of an Organization/ Denomination, but the Truth. The Word of God. We dont have alot of time.

  • @bornest1
    @bornest1 16 лет назад

    I hear you & I agree with you. This is not a contest nor is this a debate. We have here 2 great pioneers. Bishop Mason & Bishop Lawson. As you stated we beleive everything that R.C Lawson taught us was bible base.
    It just Good 2 learn about other org's
    & respect each other in fellowship. Lawson & Mason did this in the past. They agree to disagree. Matter Fact a lot of Oneness individuals did not like the fact that Lawson keep company with Mason! But Bishop Mason was a anointed man!

  • @myGodis1lord
    @myGodis1lord 15 лет назад

    Yes, I agree.... 100%... I went to a church for a year. Called a Holiness church. Not a pentecostal church, a Nazerene church. Never once did i hear a sermon on Holiness, seperation, the Holy Ghost, (and thats not just being filled, i mean at all.) AND this is not a slam on the Nazerene church, if there are any Nazerenes reading, No offense, Please dont take any. But there are churches who say we r holiness that dont preach it nor the whole bible, even the letters in Red. Sincerely Yours......

  • @myGodis1lord
    @myGodis1lord 15 лет назад

    i wasnt taking any side when i made my original comment. I only said that if a preacher is not preaching what peter and the apostles preached there is a problem. I dont know mason just that he is an old time preacher. We are buried with Jesus. His death is r, repentance. His burial is r, baptism. His resurrection is us being filled with the Holy Ghost.
    Sorry didnt reply back on ur comment you sent today, couldnt find it. God Bless, Sincerely.

  • @bornest1
    @bornest1 15 лет назад

    I love Bishop Mason & Cogic. Their are some doctrinal issues that I have a problem with. But my main problem is the way some in the COGIC talk about Oneness believers as though we are heretics in the categories that you mentioned. Both are Pentecostal in its experience. One claims Apostolic roots & the the other so claim it. Both Lawson had their differences but kept fellowship on a holy level. To those that don't know its ironic how Mason & Lawson both died in 61 the same year.

  • @cherylshiner4500
    @cherylshiner4500 12 лет назад

    What a shame he could not trust his followers to stay with him if he rvealed what God had opened his understanding to.Don't ever fear TRUTH! The lack of knowledge through rejection is what causes people to be destroyed. We the leaders are going to be held responsible for believing, receiving and then sharing truth with those who do not know it!

  • @brown547
    @brown547 13 лет назад +1

    I agree, for me, I was done when T.D. Jakes appeared at 2010 Convocation. The church is really moving away from where it started from when a oneness, word of faith, prosperity preacher is invited to speak. I could safely assume the fact that he was and obvious draw for people.

  • @bornest1
    @bornest1 16 лет назад

    Doc! I'm trying to give them milk. As Paul said I fed them not with meat for they could not bear it. But you answer the question. Thats what I wanted 4saint to answer. But he danced around it. but thanks! he wouldn't have never got it. The Word.

  • @sylviacalhoun
    @sylviacalhoun 15 лет назад

    well this is just one service,can't judge da man off one service.

  • @bornest1
    @bornest1 16 лет назад

    Allow me to share info about R.C Lawson: My Father in the Gospel pg.44 Bishop Lawson was a great friend of Emperor Haile Selassie(founder of RastaFAR) who liked Lawson so much he gave Lawson a gold metal of high honor from the Emperor of Ethiopia. So friends is not the Issue. Its the 1ness message & revelation that many are afraid of: Scripture Acts 4:17 But that it spread no further among the people..that they speak henceforth to no man in this name(Jesus)which is The Father,Son,& Holy Ghost

  • @StanleyRC1
    @StanleyRC1 13 лет назад

    @TheWordOfGodSays Jesus was God with us in his stay on earth, but The Holy Ghost is God in us and he speaks what he hears from above to us. Jesus is not dead, and he can still talk and does talk. People who have the Holy Ghost and are hearing him say what God is going to do, have the right to speak these things because they are authorized representatives of God. It's real and if the Holy Ghost doesn't go with you in your studying the scriptures there's much that you may misunderstand!

  • @poorway777
    @poorway777 13 лет назад +1

    @poo0115104 We bless God for Bishop Mason. But Paul said let there be NO DIVISIONS AMONG YOU!!!!! YOU CAN'T ORGANIZE (DENOMINATIONALIZE) THE HOLY SPIRIT!!!!!!

  • @HaliB75
    @HaliB75 15 лет назад

    Most certainly will. They think they are the only ones who are right and are sadly mistaken. They are in the deepest of error.

  • @Shjad_Jennings
    @Shjad_Jennings 16 лет назад +1

    he was known for "singing in the spirit"...I think that was one of those songs.

  • @Hydiah
    @Hydiah 15 лет назад

    What are u talking about when u say u were talking about the COOLJC? What was said? That is Bishop William L. Bonner's organization.

  • @myGodis1lord
    @myGodis1lord 15 лет назад

    bornest1 I believe i will go with answer C. Becuz the next verse supports neither a,b, and only D in the since of choice C. And God made man in His image. their aint no two ways about a second person being there. However we can point to this and say. In Job doesnt God say I will stretch forth my hand and bring salvation to myself, but Jesus also reconsile the world unto him, that salvation is only through him. also how can all things be made through Jesus. well there is where john 1 and 1 comes

  • @TheSlickest08
    @TheSlickest08 12 лет назад

    True and if individuals actually doing their homework on the Pentecostal Holiness revival of Azusa Street, although the name was the APOSTOLIC Faith Mission, Oneness Pentecostalism and the belief of the Baptism in Jesus' Name had not yet sprung until 1914 and that was after the doctrine (Trinitarian) of the 114 year old Church of God in Christ, Inc. was establish by Bishop Mason by the word of God. So how could he had been Baptized in Jesus' name and he already recieved the Trinitarian Baptism.

  • @bornest1
    @bornest1 16 лет назад

    Question In Genesis 1:26. Who was God talking to when he said let us make man in our image, after our likeness
    a. The Angels
    b. the Trinity
    c. The Word (which was with God which is God)
    D. Himself
    And give me scripture for your answer.
    Im a school teacher. LOL!

  • @Restorationoflife1
    @Restorationoflife1 16 лет назад

    My brothers beware of the spirit of Divisivness. God is not competitive. There is no way to demean the Work of Bishop Mason. He founded the COGIC, Assemblies of God, Church of Holiness, and other organizations that came out of the Azusa Street revival. Multitudes were healed and delivered for over 70 years by this mand of God Rev. Jesse JACKSON said that he was the first preacher he heard about as a child with a healing ministry. Rev J said people would hear about B Mason and get healed.

  • @dallaskenn
    @dallaskenn 12 лет назад

    @jermainehaywood COGIC is pentecostal (glosolalia, praise, supernatural, sanctification-holiness-spirit baptism), the baptist tradition is just that, more traditional, and not pentecostal.

  • @Brooklyn_NY7
    @Brooklyn_NY7 13 лет назад


  • @Eldermosley
    @Eldermosley 16 лет назад

    Hey brother... Jus notice that your questioned wasn't answered needless to say.. In that particular Scripture he was talking to; "The Word"... The pre-incarnate Jesus christ before taking fleshly form... He, "The Spoken Word".... Jesus

  • @dallaskenn
    @dallaskenn 15 лет назад

    Both Mason and Lawson were seminarians, but the church Bishop Mason started grew towards the 7-14 million adherent mark; the church R.C. Lawson started comparatively can't make such a parallel claim. Sorry, the numbers and facts stand. As for Bishop Mason being baptised in "Jesus Name", we'll need some documented proof of record of this rumour we've been hearing since childhood. Could you unitarians please provide some documented evidence?

  • @char1357
    @char1357 16 лет назад


  • @sjohn331
    @sjohn331 13 лет назад +1

    @mrtheoneandonly83 TRUE....maybe oneday.....I'm a member od Church of GOD now. As you can see I did not go to far from my roots. LOL

  • @MultiDfarmer
    @MultiDfarmer 12 лет назад +4

    This is one of the mightiest men of god ever im glad to have seen this, also for those seeking a current healing, deliverance ministry search bishop eric farmer he has a prayer where he's calling out diseases and torments ppl have and loosing them thru the power of god

  • @whatistruth1155
    @whatistruth1155 4 года назад +1

    Apostolic saints like to debate. We know what we believe. They think they know what we believe but they don’t. Bishop Mason was a man after God’s own heart. A praying man more than I’ve seen among the Apostolic church. If he was wrong as close as he walked with God, don’t you think God would have told him? Yes he would have. Apostolic preach like they the only ones going to heaven and they are not.

  • @Eldermosley
    @Eldermosley 16 лет назад

    God wrapped himself in a fleshly form and gave us the name Jesus... He was too much of God to be Man, And too much of Man to be God... He was the God/Man... Its like a power plug.. Inside the extension cord you'll sometimes find three wires wrapped in one to plug into the socket. The One chord plugged in produces power... Hope I was of some help..

  • @jamessampson6979
    @jamessampson6979 11 лет назад +2

    Thank God somebody know something around here ugh! I thought I was singled out LOL...smh.

  • @smcjones1978
    @smcjones1978 15 лет назад

    I don't know how long this argument goes on for nor do I want to know, from the first page Bornest1 and Dallaskenn have been arguing about someone who obviously had a wonderful relationship with Jesus Christ, something the both of you are missing out on just to argue with one another GROW UP both of you GROW UP worry about your relationship with God work on being a witness for Christ and an example to those around you I cannot stress enough GROW UP!!!! Seek God for guidance and wisdom.

    • @whatistruth1155
      @whatistruth1155 4 года назад +1

      They are void of understanding because Jesus have many flocks that are from different fold and he will bring them into one fold with one shepherd. Stop arguing over baptism and just live a holy and separated life in this present world.

  • @bornest1
    @bornest1 16 лет назад

    Why do people actlike when you ask them questions about there Faith they fill like they are being attack! It was 4saint that first attack me by saying Mason wrote a half of Page in his book about R.C Lawson so I responded by defending what I believe according to my faith! I just wanted to share other info about other Pentecostal Greats. COGIC acts like they have one of the Greastest Founders. So do we! I tried to share despite Mason/Lawson differences on doctrine that they were friends!

  • @bornest1
    @bornest1 16 лет назад

    Question:So where is Jesus Now!
    Who is sitting on the throne?
    Who is God if there are three Persons
    Father Son, or Holy Ghost I need one of these as my God. Help me! I have three to pick from.
    I want one God, one Lord, and One Saviour. Let me help U. You can have all these in one God called Jesus Christ the Son of God (offspring of God) & God in Flesh. One God & Father of all(Jesus), who is above all(Jesus), and through all(Jesus and in you all(Jesus or the Spirit of Christ aka Holy Ghost).

  • @antical79
    @antical79 15 лет назад

    You're right, and Jesus did not intend Matt. 28:19 to be a baptismal "formula" either. "Baptismal formulas" are an invention of the Catholic church. However, the Bible does demonstrate that the name of Jesus was invoked in baptism (Acts 22:16), but not as some sort of "formula." This is why the Christological wording varies throughout the book of Acts (2:38, 8:16, 19:5, 22:16). God's focus is not the right set of words; it is, and has always been, faith in the One whose name is being invoked.

  • @antical79
    @antical79 14 лет назад

    Matt. 28:19 certainly is right, and it doesn't describe a baptismal "formula" any more than Acts 2:38 does. If it did, then we'd have an account of what was said during the baptismal accounts in the book of Acts, but we don't. That's because a "baptismal formula" isn't biblical. It is a Catholic invention and is more akin to magic than the biblical concepts associated with baptism like faith and confession. I pray the Lord will open your eyes to this great truth.

  • @dallaskenn
    @dallaskenn 15 лет назад

    The Church of God In Christ will last a thousand(1000) years and then some. It's detractors will simply have to deal with it.

  • @HaliB75
    @HaliB75 15 лет назад

    georgiafatrue I agree, it's about what Jesus Christ said while he walked the earth. There is no error or contradiction in the Apostles and Jesus teachings. Peter never said that Acts 2:38 was the formula for Salvation. He says repent and baptized, everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins and you will receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. He did not say when you baptize people and they go down in the water say the name Jesus Christ. Big misinterpretation of scripture.

  • @bornest1
    @bornest1 16 лет назад

    You still didn't answer my question on Genesis1:26. Who is God talking to?
    2.Jesus Christ
    3.The Trinity
    4. The Word
    5. All of thee above

  • @Phxboy602
    @Phxboy602 11 лет назад


  • @Eldermosley
    @Eldermosley 16 лет назад

    THATS RIGHT.Teach Them... Father, Son, Holyghost are juts titles...but the true name of those "titles" Are JESUS....

  • @bornest1
    @bornest1 16 лет назад

    It says Go ye therefore, and teach all nations baptizing them in the name (singular
    Jesus Christ, not names or titles) of the Father, and the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Acts 4:12 Says neither is there salvation in any other (not Father,Son, HolyGhost) for there is none other name(Jesus) given under heaven, whereby we must be saved. This name is the Lord Jesus Christ. I read it and I get this>Jesus my Lord and Saviour What do you get?

  • @dallaskenn
    @dallaskenn 11 лет назад +2

    What's your problem, Bro? Bishop C. H. Mason was one of the great Black Men of world history!

    • @whatistruth1155
      @whatistruth1155 4 года назад

      God gave Bishop Mason COGIC. I know what it was then, but I don’t know what it is now.

  • @bornest1
    @bornest1 15 лет назад

    19 once

  • @bornest1
    @bornest1 15 лет назад

    1st Dude I dont fight with little Kids and fighting is not might concern Theology is. Very Not Christ- Like! But I can pick them up and put them down anytime. PLEASE! I come from FightTown.(AKA LEAN ON ME!) Stay in a Child's Place and keep it Holy. For Paul said when I was a child I spoke as a Child and thought as a Child and understood as a Child. I teach children I dont Fight then. Nonsense! But again respect to Bishop Mason and Bishop Lawson. And Stay real to Christ! PEACE!

  • @MrBvwilson
    @MrBvwilson 13 лет назад

    As a proud C.O.G.I.C. member I find it disheartening to hear "Christians" say "what the Church of God in Christ has become", Ex:23:1: Thou shalt not raise a false report: put not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness. I implore you to read your bible and do some soul searching of your own organization. If you look long enough and hard enough you'll find that noone is perfect and the actions of a few does not represent the whole!!!!

  • @HaliB75
    @HaliB75 15 лет назад

    I don't know what you are talking about R U saying Mason didn't preach the Bible? What does baptism have to do with salvation and a change of ones heart? The gospel has nothing to do with baptism or holiness. The gospel is the life, death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ and his unconditional love for humanity if we believe in Him. Afterward the Holy Spirit does the sanctifying work and aids the believer to walk in power. Baptism is simply the old man going down and the new man coming up

  • @cherylshiner4500
    @cherylshiner4500 12 лет назад +2

    You really need to be delivered from that type of spirit and get in your Bible. Jesus prayer was that we would be one, what have you been reading? His followers lived and died for that Name! If the Bible says there is no other Name, whereby we MUST be saved, why you hating on folks that believe in His Name for Salvation?

  • @antical79
    @antical79 15 лет назад

    Are you inferring that Bishop Patterson wasn't anointed? You're waaaaaaayyyyy off about that. Bishop Charles Harrison Mason is one of the greatest spiritual giants of the 20th century, and this is coming from someone with roots in COOLJC.

  • @bornest1
    @bornest1 16 лет назад

    How do you know? And all because Mason called it anti-christ does not make it right and scriptural. I gave you 5 scriptures to your one and this did not come from Lawson but from revelation from the Holy Spirit and his Word. Jesus only is what the Apostles taught . By the way I want to get this Book by Bishop Mason and I recommend you check out books from Bishop Lawson and Bishop G T Hayward. Paul siad other Foundation can no man lay which has already been laid.

  • @bornest1
    @bornest1 16 лет назад

    Thats your opinion! I have no problem with that. But something against truth! I have a problem with. Now Truth. Bishop Lawson would blow Bishop Mason out the Water with Bible anytime of day. I cant wait to get my hands on In the Defense of the Gospel, by Bishop R.C. Lawson. Lawson Theology was on point and according to the teachings of Jesus and his Apostles. Mason prayer Life was powerful. But Preaching he gets a C- or D+. Listen to the Two. Lawson gets the W. PEACE!

  • @brown547
    @brown547 12 лет назад

    No, you should actually study your Bible for a doctrinal understanding of the trinity which is what Bishop Mason affirmed. No one is hating on anybody that believes in His name for salvation, but when someone who denies the trinity on the low is allowed to speak at our convocation, I have issues with that. Since were issuing directives you really need to be delivered from a Spirit of error and deceit.

  • @antical79
    @antical79 14 лет назад

    Who said anything about the church being built on Peter? And if Peter wasn't talking about pronouncing Jesus' name, what makes you think Jesus was talking about pronouncing anything in Matt. 28:19? Both Peter and Jesus were referring to authority, not a verbal formula. Baptismal formula isn't a biblical concept, it's an invention of the Catholic church and has more in common with magic and witchcraft then genuine Christianity. God isn't hung up on a precise wording like man is.

  • @Brooklyn_NY7
    @Brooklyn_NY7 15 лет назад

    they have dad mason hm gin on audio

  • @myGodis1lord
    @myGodis1lord 15 лет назад

    Does it matter what denomination one is. The fact of the matter is, if you got a preacher that aint preaching what Peter and the other Apostles preached, you Got problems,,,,,, my opinion, not that it is worth much.

  • @antical79
    @antical79 14 лет назад

    So you're saying that the Bible contradicts itself? You believe that Peter was blatantly disobeying Jesus in Acts 2:38? This position of yours is very, very dangerous as it concerns the harmony of scripture. Then we can just pick and choose which parts of the Bible to believe if they SEEM to be contradictory. Jesus and Peter did not contradict each other. Neither verse constitutes a "formula." That's man-made doctrine.

  • @bornest1
    @bornest1 16 лет назад

    But the Bible says if we deny or believe not that Jesus is he. You have not the Father also. So Mason was mixed up. This Father(Jehovah) had a name, not yet reveal unto the appointed time. Jesus, the Son in redemption the 2nd manifestation of the one God. Question if Jesus was conceived of the Holy Ghost & there are 3 persons coequal. Who is Jesus Father? The Father or Holy Ghost? Or is the Father, Son, & Holy ghost the same Person. dont think 2 hard. maybe u should read Col 2:9. LOL!

  • @dallaskenn
    @dallaskenn 12 лет назад

    @tomhagin Whew, I smell a "too-deep-for-the-room" apostolic up in here, up in here!

  • @bornest1
    @bornest1 16 лет назад

    there are three manifestations not three persons. I am a father, a son,and have a spirit. but Im one person. Im not three persons but one. Just as God is One read Deut. 6:4

  • @myGodis1lord
    @myGodis1lord 15 лет назад

    Well... I actually thing you have got it wrong. I was never saying anything personal about the rev. mason. And if i did launch a personal attack on him.SHOW ME where i said it. WHAT I WAS saying was this. If you got a preacher that aint preaching what the apostles preached, there is a problem. Why cnt preachers preach the bible. why do they feel the need to preach baptism differently than peter or holiness than paul why cant preachers just let the bible be their guideline and thats it.