New World Entirely BROKEN!? Bugs, Glitches, Exploits, What is Next?

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2021
  • Amazon Game Studio had their hands full with this games development and it shows that their new MMORPG was a little bit too much for them to handle at least so far but if the game can be fixed up and add more content maybe there is hope what do you think? NEW WORLD.
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Комментарии • 36

  • @Camelotsmoon
    @Camelotsmoon 2 года назад +1

    "Treat it like early access".. The problem is, I bought the game being marketed towards me as "Released"... I can't play this game anymore, I gave it nearly a month now and I've been in endgame 2/3rds of that time; all of it is completely broken.
    My last war lastnight everybody was still lagging (after they supposedly patched the lag to help stop it), there were naked player models just standing everywhere in certain instances, then halfway through I attack one of the models with a cannon ball smacking the ground next to me and my client lags out the entire rest of the war.. I then get a message that says "Login Blocked: Suspicious software or corrupted install detected" after 10 minutes of waiting, I assure you, for this game if I wanted to cheat, I certainly wouldn't need "suspicious software", I then check my logs under users, and it says "Reason: 50 BannedUntilEpochMS: 0d".. so I was flagged for ban??? It makes absolutely no sense at all. I have yet to enjoy a legitimate war since the first week or so..

  • @Jerson_Go
    @Jerson_Go 2 года назад +3

    You can tell that AGS developers are a bunch of plebs in the industry. The foundation of the game is really broken atm, the best thing they can do right now is to burn this game down. No patch can fix the client side abused for this game.

    • @chookitypok2316
      @chookitypok2316 2 года назад


    • @A5tr0101
      @A5tr0101 2 года назад

      You are wrong though, all issues are fixable with that amount of resources, shame its buggy on release though

    • @chookitypok2316
      @chookitypok2316 2 года назад

      @@A5tr0101 Client side is not fixable whether you like it or not.

  • @friedbones8227
    @friedbones8227 2 года назад +1

    My own guild entered this game en mass because they thought it would be fun. It seemed so at the beginning, then all the exploits, bugs, and lack of Dev involvement to address/fix these in a timely manner has my guild now talking about leaving...also en mass. What I read at the beginning sounded way too good and I always am suspicious of "way too good" because I've seen things like this go south really fast. What's worse are the exploiters to gain advantage to steamroll other player groups off the map to take over territory. So unless Amazon Devs get their rears in gear and fix all this mess, they are going to lose a major contingent of players all from one guild. I won't name the guild as its not important as this type of activity affects everyone. Just glad I decided to wait before seeing if I truly wanted to join in. Obviously, I am not. I don't tolerate cheaters/exploiters no matter who they are or why they choose to do it, just not something I can see being fun to be a part of.

  • @cocaroto9650
    @cocaroto9650 2 года назад +1

    This is the smartest comparison I have seen about new world. As some who played Albion I can see it. I always felt pvp focus was always the developers way of saying "I have no original ideas so just kill each other for land". I feel new world will be a down the road mmo because it does have a solid pve focus that also has meaningful pvp. With the grind session they did from alpha to now, I think they can fix the game from 8 to 12 months. In other words, they should have released lost ark first.

    • @southpaw4713
      @southpaw4713 2 года назад

      i posted something like you said on a forum and was flamed big time and was told to GTFO of new world.....very helpful community.

    • @cocaroto9650
      @cocaroto9650 2 года назад

      @@southpaw4713 if you think that is bad try the swords of legend or ashes of cultists communities

    • @fatslapper49
      @fatslapper49 2 года назад

      @@southpaw4713 This game has a very small but vocal minority of mindless cult followers. The copium and sunk cost fallacy being displayed atm is hilarious.

  • @MrVad3r
    @MrVad3r 2 года назад +1

    yeah this video didnt age well at all xD
    devs went complete tone deaf and every new patch is just bunch of nerfs to existing content for people who didnt cheat which they create more artificial problems to hide lack of content .
    i did enjoy the game till i got to lev 60 and then all the flaws wil be so obvious. i do play grindy games like bdo but this shit is so unrewarding buggy mess and every bug they try to fix they create even more bugs. i feel like fresh out of college devs would have made a better foundation for these games than the current people working.
    devs straight up lie in patch notes and they do bunch on stealth nerfs to only end game content that people stuck are doing right now. no merges or extra tokens for people stuck in dead servers.. problems goes on and on with little to no update.

  • @gengen-art
    @gengen-art 2 года назад +1

    My god, your rant put my frustration into words. I have been in the beta months ago and from there until release they have not fixed a single glitch or bug until release, leaving me wondering what they have done at all. AFTER release they fixed ONE bug that I have encountered (the popup of leaving the corruption event bug). The balancing is awful, areas as just copy paste laziness, the quests are snooze mode, and as someone who loves gathering and crafting, I feel absolutely unrewarded and stuck. Let me add that the character customization is the saddest in any of the currently available MMOs. And I do not have any hope for that to get better - my bet it that there will only be more skins for pay, because Amazon always prioritizes money. Always.

    • @gengen-art
      @gengen-art 2 года назад

      PS: the 2 good things about the game: The graphics... the sound effect design (not the music tho). Done.

  • @marzatplay
    @marzatplay 2 года назад +1

    I have no faith in their amateur developers. Game should have never been released in this state. 😒 I don't think they even know how to fix it

  • @snailedlt
    @snailedlt 2 года назад

    Day 5 of asking Skylent to make videos about local multiplayer games again

    • @SkylentShoreqwert
      @SkylentShoreqwert  2 года назад +1

      Lol. I am trying to figure how to do it really good

    • @Nostromo2144
      @Nostromo2144 2 года назад

      @@SkylentShoreqwert You could have reviewed D2:R, except, oh wait, they ripped out all the LAN/local co-op code... 8-/

    • @snailedlt
      @snailedlt 2 года назад

      Just some suggestions, but I'm sure you'll come up with something great either way 👌

  • @giorgilezhava1877
    @giorgilezhava1877 2 года назад +2

    cyberpunk was auful on start but after few weeks i bought it and completed whole story and every mission and i liked it almost as much as witcher 3 so if new world has bugs at the moment it doesnt mean it will be like that always it will get fixed and game actually is still fun for me

    • @itouchbuttons
      @itouchbuttons 2 года назад +1

      I feel you don't quite understand the issues laid out the client side problem is more than a fix of the game. It's a whole rehaul and rebuild. It's not gonna get fixed.

  • @lord_5aled
    @lord_5aled 2 года назад

    hi skylent ... i am an old follower for u and i just wanted to ask If u need a video editor with u in channel team
    if u want i can introduce myself via email and show u some of my work for big channels on youtube
    and wish u the best

  • @VorpalTiger
    @VorpalTiger 2 года назад +1

    saying amazon has infinite money isnt really the case, thats not how a business works, they wont just give unlimited funds to a game studio that has previous works ending in canceled games, as any company they want to earn money, if new world dosnt give them a profit they are looking for, then amazon could just pull the plug, they done it before.

    • @Camelotsmoon
      @Camelotsmoon 2 года назад

      They have infinite money. If Amazon wanted to get into the MMO sphere, they could've used their infinite gold dupping trick to hire competent people who have designed MMORPGs before; those people exist. You give a mobile game studio a momentous challenge like this, of course they're going to fail.
      Maybe in the whole mobile phone gaming industry, you don't need to worry about making so many important game checks clientside since phones are so locked down.. but on PC, are you joking? Giving so many client side checks to someone talented in game manipulation is handing them the keys to exploitation.

  • @fatslapper49
    @fatslapper49 2 года назад +1

    You are crazy if you think this game is going to rebound. Amazon doesn't have patience when it comes to losing money. I guarantee this game isn't going to turn into anything other than the piece of crap it is today. There are fundamental problems with this game that can't be fixed with added content and bug fixes. This game needs a complete redesign from the ground up.

    • @coldisthevoid6605
      @coldisthevoid6605 2 года назад

      The game will slowly fade , as you also said , amazon is a business company that looks only at money , as soon as a product starts losing money or it doesn't hit the target sum they are expecting , they pull the plug. I still think the game will also go free to play , milking as much money as they can but atm their cashshop doesn't allow a free to play model until they add the exp boosters and all that crap

    • @Camelotsmoon
      @Camelotsmoon 2 года назад +1

      It's true, it needs a complete redesign. The code is clearly a mess (or the devs are incompetent, take your pick) seeing as fixing the "drag your window" invulnerability is what broke the marketplace, and too many checks come from the client side of things... you never code your game to control things inside of it from client side, or you get shit like this happening.

  • @chookitypok2316
    @chookitypok2316 2 года назад

    People don't realize, this game is fucked, everything, absolutely everything about it is fucked.

  • @orders69pizzas30
    @orders69pizzas30 2 года назад +1

    The game is a lot of fun for me and I’m not having any issues making money. I have faith in NW. even if nobody in the comment section does. Just giving it time and not rushing to max out everything.

  • @macoveivlad5641
    @macoveivlad5641 2 года назад

    As an og Albion player. The current game is very fun but due to the fucked up politics and fucking POE RMTing, the game is unplayable in terms of hard core PvP. 40,45% server split in a great Holy-war of 2 factions is not fun.

  • @jeremyboughtono2
    @jeremyboughtono2 2 года назад

    The Amazon haters really want this game to fail who knows maybe it will only time will tell.

    • @nilin-o2
      @nilin-o2 2 года назад +1

      'haters'? people just call what they see. Look at CDProject, they were beloved but when you create crap you will be called out on it.

    • @jeremyboughtono2
      @jeremyboughtono2 2 года назад

      @@nilin-o2 I agree the terrible design problems should be called out. What I was alluding to can be found by reading through some of the comments on the internet and there are people who have a deranged hatred towards Amazon.

    • @nilin-o2
      @nilin-o2 2 года назад

      @@jeremyboughtono2 true