🚗多倫多週末自駕好去處!尋味 Stratford甜蜜朱古力之旅👍🏼

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024

Комментарии • 16

  • @mabel6046
    @mabel6046 Месяц назад +1

    Awesome video, it’s been years that I have heard of Stratford 😅 your music background is perfect , great choice as always 👍🏻💕 Another big thank you, Anna! 😊

    • @annalui
      @annalui  Месяц назад

      哈哈Thank you😘❤️
      Mabel你好細心呀~ 其實次次揀音樂都頭痛,我有選擇困難症🤪有時隻隻都覺得好;或者有時又覺得隻隻都唔好😣
      所以我通常剪完片,配埋VO之後,就會諗…究竟呢個主題應該配合邊類型嘅音樂🤔 圓舞曲、Jazz、純鋼琴,揀定係countryside? 定咗類型,先至再慢慢啱速度嘅音樂😊😊😊

  • @user-wi8wp3yu8b
    @user-wi8wp3yu8b Месяц назад +1


    • @annalui
      @annalui  Месяц назад

      我都諗咗一陣,想盡量簡單講但又清楚地講多少少細節… 所以聽到你咁講好開心呀🥰🥰🥰

  • @chanl9111
    @chanl9111 Месяц назад +1

    週末好去處. 正!

    • @annalui
      @annalui  Месяц назад


  • @mikejiang7916
    @mikejiang7916 Месяц назад +1

    Great information and thanks for sharing

    • @annalui
      @annalui  Месяц назад

      多謝你呀❤️ 開心開心🥰

  • @ShikLam666
    @ShikLam666 Месяц назад +1

    To be, or not to be, that is the question. Ahem, Shakespeare anyone?
    I love your video, enjoy every minute of it, so relaxing and inspiring, so thank you very much. BTW, I went to The Well last weekend, feels like Galleria Vittorio Emanuelle II in Milan Italy, kind of. So what’s next on your schedule, can’t wait to see. 🥰

    • @annalui
      @annalui  Месяц назад

      啊係呀米蘭~ 都似啊!我都幾鍾意意大利,我記得之前第一次去佛羅倫斯,剛剛睇唔到大衛像(休館),覺得有啲可惜… 後尾再過咗唔記得幾多年後,再去佛羅倫斯呢~ 嗰次就睇到喇👍🏼

    • @laughingkor8643
      @laughingkor8643 Месяц назад +1

      To be, or not to be, that is the question,
      Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
      The slings and arrows of outragious fortune,
      Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
      And by opposing, end them, to die to sleep
      No more, and by a sleep, to say we end
      The heart-ache, and the thousand natural shocks
      That flesh is heir too; tis a consumation
      Devoutly to be wish'd to die to sleep,
      To sleep, perhance to dream, ay, there's the rub,
      For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
      When we haue shuffled off this mortal coil
      Muſt giue vs pauſe, there's the reſpect
      That makes calamitie of ſo long life:
      For who would beare the whips and ſcorns of time,
      Th'oppreſſors wrong, the proude mans contumly,
      The pangs of deſpiz'd loue, the lawes delay,
      The inſolence of office, and the ſpurnes
      That patient merrit of the'vnworthy takes,
      When he himſelfe might his quietas make
      With a bare bodkin; who would fardels beare,
      To grunt and ſweat vnder a wearie life,
      But that the dread of ſomething after death,
      The vndiſcouer'd country, from whose borne
      No trauiler returnes, puzzels the will,
      And makes vs rather beare thoſe ills we haue,
      Then flie to others we know not of.
      Thus conſcience dooes make cowards,
      And thus the natiue hiew of reſolution
      Is ſickled ore with the pale caſt of thought,
      And enterpriſes of great pitch and moment,
      With this regard theyr currents turne awry,
      And loose the name of action. Soft you now,
      The faire Ophelia, Nimph in thy orizons
      Be all my ſinnes remembred.

    • @ShikLam666
      @ShikLam666 Месяц назад +1

      @@laughingkor8643 Applaud 👏

  • @Chan95647
    @Chan95647 Месяц назад +1


    • @annalui
      @annalui  Месяц назад


  • @heman20101
    @heman20101 Месяц назад +1


    • @annalui
      @annalui  Месяц назад

      如果唔想太走馬看花,我幾建議真係早少少過去,如果11點零鐘就去到,行到五點,都應該可以行到好多間舖頭👍🏼 如果係星期六或者星期日,最好盡量揀星期六過去👌🏼